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3 1833 01745 6440
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Since the coniuieiiceinent of the present Publication, and of
the former series of similar papers entitled Collectanea Toro-
(JRAPIIICA ET Genealogica, a change has come over the form
of literature of this description, whicii on the whole must be
regarded with regret. For the first time within more than living
\j memory, there is no work of English County History now
^ actually in progress. Many of our best Topographers have
? terminated their mortal career, some of them leaving their works
Vv,A unfinished : and it would seem as if the very abundance of
material, provided by the publication of some of our national
records and the freedom of access to others, had overwhelmed our
historical ardour and deterred us from any new undertaking of
the kind. It is true that the topographical history of un entire
county is a colossal task, and almost too great for any single
hand. The age of ponderous and costly folios is also passed
away : but that need not prevent the production of portable and
useful quartos.
Whilst, however, the magnificent County History is a literary
product now perfectly in abeyance, we have recejitly witnessed
another vehicle of Topography and Genealogy which has been
prosecuted with considerable success. In the memoirs periodi-
cally published by some of the County Societies are combined
the researches of many intelligent labourers ; and in these collec-
tions will gradually be assembled a store of very useful materials
for future County Histories of a more systematic and complete
character. The Counties which have been most fortunate in
obtainiufT sucli receptacles of antiquarian lore are — especially
Sussex, Cheshire and Lancashire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Somerset-
shire, and (to a partial extent) Devonshire,
To other parts of the country The Topographer and Genealo-
gist still opens its pages for the like object. It has now been
determined to proceed with the printing and publication of a
Tliird Volume, in which any fugitive essays of this character will
receive a welcome reception and the iitmost editorial care : and it
is further intended that the work shall include such articles of
general application as will be acceptable to the genealogical in-
quirer in every part of the country.
J. G. N.
25, Parliament Street,
June, 1853.
genealogy niysiologically considered, with a " tail
female" pedigree of d'oyly, by marston, by KIRBY,
To the Editor of the Topographer and Genealogist.
Much has been said and written on the indigenous nobiUty
of character, and general superiority, of persons of blood and
birth. Playfair compiled liis stupendous Peei*age and Baronetage
to prove, that the great mass of all that is excellent springs
from the class usually denominated the ^* Aristocracy." And
he was undoubtedly right; provided his proposition be
viewed in a correct light. It is preposterous to suppose that
mere wealth can confer nobility of blood ; and, without quoting
any of our ancient authorities for definitions of " Nobleman "
and " Gentleman," it may suffice to state that none have ever
involved riches in its requisites. Though it is true, that opu-
lence may place families in the situation of matching with
superior houses, and thus " improving their breed ; " yet in itself
it can no more alter a man's nature, than a bequest of a million
would whiten a nefjro. Nothino; save an educated and well-
bred ancestry can engender that refinement and genius, which
constitute the essence of true aristocracism (by which I mean
to signify, intellectual superiority in its extended sense), and
without which, indeed, all other pretensions to superiority are
vague and empty. It would be quite as rational to style all our
farmers and tradesmen " aristocracy," as to consider bankers
and country 'squires such, merely because they are wealthy.
Many of both, indeed, but especially of the latter, are intellec-
tually not two removes from the labourers upon their estates.
Possibly they are fully worthy of the Norman ancestor from
whom they chiim descent: — but what is there in that? The day
is passed when rapacity and shedding blood were esteemed the
most noble properties : and though such doctrines hold in every
nation in a semi-barbarous state, now, every one, who truly
comprehends the respective claims and merits of the different
descriptions of genealogies, would much rather boast a descent
from a house of Generosi than from the most renowned of
Armigeri ; and it is very well known, that, while military knights
were probably able neither to read or write, a Knight of the
Carpet might be a man of education. For my part, I would
rather descend from a Baron's jester, or from his chaplain's
bastard, than from the Baron himself.
The reason, however, that the great mass of talent has ema-
nated, of late centuries, from the "Aristocracy," in the usual
acceptation of that word, is unquestionably because, by the long
superior education and breeding of that class, they have become
a superior race of persons. Truly they may retrograde; and,
according to physiologists, retrogradation invariably takes place
after perfection is once attained, (if indeed an absolute annihila-
tion of the race does not occur,) and this in both the animal and
vegetable creation : but it is long before this perfection is at-
tained. That certain marriages, however, produce certain re-
sults in the issue, no one can or will doubt, who has paid any
attention to the subject ; ^ and if an instance were required to
prove its truth, let " Lord Brougham" be referred to, as a double
illustration : first, in him are concentrated the talents of several
gifted individuals, both paternally and maternally ; secondly, it
would appear, the " perfection," of which physiologists speak,
has been attained in him ; and that his posterity, if any, will
Nor does the descent of properties pertain solely to the mind.
We hear of a certain cast of countenance and feature being
assigned to the Stuarts, the Bourbons, the Caesars, &c. ; and
undoubtedly the same might be said of a family of lesser note.
» The works of Mr. Alexander Walker may be advantageously perused upon this
Mrs. Trollope tells us, tiiat the Willoughbys are a house re-
markable for the regulaiity of their features; ^^ and I myself
could adduce several other fiimilies, of whom like remarks may
be made. And as to the preservation of family likenesses, there
are instances almost incredible. I know of individuals, not
nearer relations than sixth cousins, between whom an extra-
ordinary resemblance prevails. Doubtless in many old county
families the long preservation of a similar cast of features, and
countenance, may be attributed to the matches, generation after
generation, into the same families, or into families who inherit
much the same blood : e. g. in Staifordshire and the adjacent
district, it would be difficult to say how often such families as
the Kynnersleys, Adderleys, Sneyds, and Hortons have con-
nected themselves, directly, or through the medium of other
houses : and thus a family marrying its own kindred, generation
after generation, how is it wonderful that it should remain the
same, and retain much the same properties ? Indeed, whenever
a striking dissimilarity exists between parent and child, the
father being certain, it will always be found that the mother
derives from a very different race (or perhaps nation) from her
husband. That, however, such cross matches greatly improve
the race, is well known to agriculturists, and that the long
" breeding in and in" produces effects equally detrimental. Of
the latter, indeed, I could adduce a frightful instance in a very
noble family. And while touching on this point, I may suggest,
that it is probably to the very cross " alliance " which usually
occurs between the parents of bastards, where one of the two is
a person of birth, breeding, and talent, that we are to attribute
the eminence that several persons born out of wedlock have
attained : for, inheriting the genius consequent on a long course /
of education and refinement of the progenitors of one parent,
strengthened and refreshed by a cross blood from the other, such
illegitimate persons, thrown upon their own resources for their
worldly fame and success, soon prove, when the high and noble,
the intellectual and refined properties, deposited in them from
their progenitors, are stimulated to exertion, by necessity or
otherwise, how highly they are entitled to, and how completely
they do, tower above the vulgar herd, and their plodding labours.
'' " Widow Barnaby."
B 2
Mr. Samuel Warren may insinuate that tlie absence of a mar-
riage ceremonial can alter the results in the issue ; ^ but it is
contrary to fact, and preposterous to a reasonable mind. In-
deed I would tell him, that tlie loophole of illegitimacy is, in
1 the majority of cases, the only mode of accounting for superior
qualities in persons of lowly station. Truly there is hardly an
English family now extant which is not, more or less, mongrel:
an evil which is inseparable from a commercial nation. Still,
view the question of die " heritability of properties " in what
light one will, it resolves itself into assigning the " aristocracy"
(in the ordinary meaning of the word) the great mass of talent.
Genius or natural ability must have an origin, and that origin
must rest in the parents or more remote progenitors of its pos-
sessor. And allowing that occasionally persons of lowly birth
have attained eminence, (though I should much like to inves-
tigate their real and not reputed origin, and the conjugal fidelity
of their maternal progenitors,) their properties have almost
always been merged in and amalgamated with the aristocracy's,
by the matches of their children. Not that I have any desire to
overturn the principle, that a family may, by a long superior
course of breeding, station, and education alone be improved ;
for it is only in accordance with the general maxim of the muta-
bility of every thing.
Mrs. Gore, contrary to Mrs. Trollope, may fly into opposite
extremes, and insinuate that a very short time passed in the
society of superior persons, " copying their manners," &c. is
sufficient to level all differences, and to qualify the most indi-
genous blackguard for ranking himself with patricians; and, as
far as external observances extend, Mrs. Gore may be right :
indeed, a perusal and digestion of one of the numerous editions
of " Hints on Etiquette," would answer the same ends. But to
assert that such a course can confer the mind of a gentleman ;
and that there is no class indigenously superior; no class in
whom that " sensitive refinement," which is the distinctive mark
of true gentility ; that sensitive refinement, which stands so far
above, so far aloof from, and is so entirely beyond tlie compre-
hension and appreciation of persons engaged in trade and busi-
ness, or at least those who devote their whole life to the accumu-
lation of wealth and worldly influence, is equally false and
'■ " Ten Tliousand a Year."
preposterous. It is, indeed, this trading, utilitarian, and
mercenary, or, in one word, which will combine much, this
truly " American " body, w'ho are the class to found their
"gentility" on the study of " Hints on Etiquette," &.c. But
the mi7id of a gentleman is never theirs. It is the invariable
concomitant, and the accompaniment only, of genius and refine-
ment; and it has as little concern with wealth as with trade and
business. ^
That there are, however, many sceptics upon my propositions
there can be no doubt : and to those who have only a super-
ficial and general acquaintance with genealogy, it is by no means
wonderful that specimens, apparently contradictory, should occa-
sionally present themselves. But the great error, in all these
matters, arises from placing a higher credit to paternal descents,
and deeming such as of greater consequence than they are en-
titled to. In Germany no one is considered a gentleman, till
lie can prove his sixteen great-gi-eat-grand-parents were all of
noble blood. And this is undoubtedly infinitely more rational
than the modern system of ratino* genealogies in England. I
say " modern," because the English system was formerly the
same as the continental : for in the edition of Bailey's Dic-
tionary of 1728, we find the word " Gentleman" thus defined.
And it is needless to tell you, that, til! Johnson's appeared,
Bailey's Dictionary had the first reputation, (though the defini-
tions of our old lawyers on the subject were as contradictory and
unsatisfactory, as they were indefinite and incomprehensible) : but
this system is unquestionably the most correct and satisfactory,
for it presents, at once, the great mass of the blood of which the
claimant is most probably composed ; or at least displays the
most important, and all his nearest, progenitors. A modern
English pedigree is nothing more than a cloak for the real blood
of its representatives ; it details nothing save a mere male line
of progenitors, the ancestors in tail male ; and, though it ascend
to remote antiquity, what is there in that? Antiquity of fomily
is an absurd boast, (patej'nal descents considered solely are
alluded to ;) for a man now living does not possess— admitting
his pedigree to be proved— in his whole frame one 1,0 18, 51 6th
* Sir Egerton Brydges' novel of "The Hall of Hellingsley" contains many of
the above, and similar sentiments and opinions.
of his blood, that of a lineal ancestor, of his own name, living in
the time of Richard I. ; unless, indeed, he perchance descends
from him through other than his paternal channel of pedigree ;
and in calling such a man his ancestor, there would be as mucli
reason as in acknowledging 274,877,906,944 collateral kindred :
, in short, persons who boast the antiquity of their family had
better place Adam at the top of their pedigrees, and claim re-
lationship with the whole world. For though this will sound
marvellous to those unconversant with the subject, it is a mere
point of arithmetic, and foUov.s as naturally as upon a man's
acknowledging brothers and sisters because they proceed from a
conmion parent with him. This may illucidate the absurdity of
English genealogical rights, as they are now usually supposed
to be held. It is nonsense: a man's nearest progenitors are his
most important : and seven generations of good blood, imme-
diately preceding him, are worth all the more remote preten-
sions ; especially if the latter are to be only reached through a
chain of inferior persons.
But paternal pedigrees, considered solely, are altogether ab-
surd and delusive, and that in every respect. If not of higher
importance, the maternal descent of mother and daughter, or
what our lawyers would call the " tail-female" line, is certainly
of equal consequence.
I shall now give some cogent reasons for this ; and then pro-
ceed to record, with your permission, in the pages of the Topo-
grapher and Genealogist, seven generations of a pedigree of
this description, both to illustrate my proposition, and to pre-
serve its subject matter henceforth.
r First. Under the law of nature, the offspring follow the mo-
ther, not the father. Partus sequitur ventretn. Their assigna-
tion to the father is an ordinance of man, (and perhaps, indeed,
merely of the Law,) not of God.
Secondly. In the majority of cases, the husband after mar-
riage cleaves to his wife, and her connexions, rather than his
own. 'I he wife, moreover, usually gives the station and social
/ connexion ; and it is almost a proverb, that her relations and
friends are always found in her husband's house, rather than are
his own.
Thirdly. Though the father of the children can never be
I regarded as a matter of absolute certainty, being never known
save to the mother, the mother is and must always be a matter '
of notoriety, and most unquestionable in every respect.
Fourthly. According to physiologists, the issue inherit more [^< ,,■
properties from the mother than the father : which alone shows
how absurd it is to estimate the paternal pedigree as the most
Fifthly. In addition to the last reason, it is well known that
the issue receive their early " education " from their mother
in almost every case ; while they seldom imbibe any properties
whatever from their father, through that medium, at least.
Sixthly. From the second and fifth reasons, it follows, that
the issue are usually associated with their maternal connexions
rather than their paternal, and consequently imbibe their pro-
perties proportionately.
Seventhly, and lastly. The fallacy of founding genealogical
pretensions on the mere paternal line, cannot be more completely
illustrated than by the consequence which naturally follows ^ • .
thereupon ; viz. that it renders it impossible for a plebeian ^ '^ '^
family to become patrician : for the inale line never alters, at least -^'"6
ostensibly; and the only genealogical alteration, which can take ^ ^^ '
place, must result from its marriages.) and the fresh supplies of it ,'./■-•
blood, which it receives from other families through its wives and
mothers. Thus the same set of fomilies may remain aristocratic, li^', •
SO long as they last ; yet as soon as tliey expire, their places are*-)/. <
not to be supplied, but aristocracy itself disappears ! This is ,
ridiculous enough ; and at once abstracts from paternal pedi-
grees the very foundations on which they rest their pretensions
to consideration. No : a pedigree is and must be made up of
the matches between different families. Take away its matches
into other houses, and, if it does not cease to deserve the name
of a pedigree, it loses all its value, at any rate. Thus that
pedigree, or line of ancestry, which developes the descendants'
blood most perfectly is the most important; and none can do
this more completely than a tail female, or a mother and daugh-
ter descent. For the name and family changes every generation ;
and, though I admit that it enters no greater number of families
than a paternal pedigree would, yet it passes through what it does
enter ; and, instead of drawing one female out of the new family
touched upon, it discusses it at length, and gives a whole gene-
ration ; thus exhibiting much more honestly and fully the real
pedigree of the existing descendiints, than any other system of
genealogy could do. I can only add, that, after long obser-
vation on the subject, my certain conviction is the series of pro-
positions contaiiied in this letter. Undoubtedly, we may, and
constantly do, find several brothers and sisters very different
from, and unlike each other ; but this is no argument against
what I have written. I do not pretend to lay down the pro-
portions in which persons inherit from their several procreating
ancestors : but I do maintain that in one or other of our pro-
genitors all our properties will be found to exist, provided we
have the means of ascertaining what their properties were. It
is well known to Physiologists that no child ever took entirely,
and solely, after one parent ; though I have already stated the
mother is generally supposed to give the greater share. It is
also notorious that where one certain line of properties are de-
rived from the father's family, another set assuredly come from
the mother's. Walker has given minute information on the
rules which guide the transmission of properties from the respec-
tive parents; which, however, it is unnecessary to enter upon
here. I am fully aware that one child may be more like its
mother than its grandfather, while another is an opposite illus-
tration. But there can be no doubt that in one or other pro-
genitor the properties of all will be found.
I will now proceed to the tail-female pedigree that I have pro-
Mary Holman, f daughter of Philip Holman, Esq. of
Warkworth, CO. Northampton, nephew of Richard Holman,
Esq. of Goodeston, co. Surrey, (sister of Sir John Holman, of
Banbury, co. Oxon. Bart., M.P. for Banbury, and created a
Baronet 1663; and also sister of George Holman, Esq. of Wark-
wordi, who married the Honourable Anastatia Howard, daugh-
ter of Sir William Howard, Viscount Stafford, uncle of Thomas
5th Duke of Norfolk,) became the wife of George Clerke,
Esq. S of Watford, CO. Northampton, eldest son and heir of
f Vide Holman pedigree in Le Neve's Baronets ; pedigrees in Coll. Arm. ; in
Berry's Surrey Genealogies ; and notices of the family in Beesley's Banbury,
and Bridges's Northamptonshire.
ff Vide Clarke's jiedigree in Bridges's Northamptonshire ; Burke's Extinct Baro-
netage ; Wotton's Baronetage, 1741.
Sir George Gierke, of Watford, Knt. which George Gierke,
Esq. was also elder brother of Sir Glement Gierke, of Launde
Abbey, co. Leic. created a Baronet 1661, and brother-in-law of
Sir Wadham Wyndhani, Justice of the King's Bench, and of
Sir Robert Atkyns, K.B., Baron of the Exchequer, &.c. By the
said George Gierke, who was M.P. for Northamptonshire 13th
Gar. II. intended for a Knight of the Royal Oak 1660, and died
in 1689, Mary Holman had, to survive, only five daughters ;
coheiresses at law to their parents.
I. Mary Gierke, who was married to the celebrated Sir
William Graven, of Winwick, in Northamptonshire, Knt., of
the family of Lord Graven. He died 18th March 1707, £Et.
73 ; and an inscription remains to his memory at Winwick ;
which, as well as a long account of himself and his family,
appears in Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. i. pp. 604 6. •*
He is not recorded to luive left issue ; but he left the said
Mary, his wife, surviving liim, and, moreover, a " weakhy
widow," as she owned nearly the whole of Winwick.
H. Bakbara Glerke, of whom presently.
III. Dorothy Gierke, who became the second wife of Sir
John Francklin, of Bolnhurst, co. Bedford, Knt. a Master in
Ghancery, i (whose brother. Sir William Francklin, married
the Gountess of Donegal;) but had no issue by him ; who
died in August 1707.
IV. Jane Gierke, married to W^illiam Becher, Esq. of How-
bury, in Renhold parish, in Bedfordshire, of an ancient and
eminent family there; and his heir and representative a cen-
tury after, another William Becher, Esq. of Howbury, mar-
ried Martha, sister of Sir Francis Ford, of Ember Gourt, co.
Surrey, Bart. But the Becher family, of Howbury, is now
extinct, k and their estates wei'e sold about 1780.
V. Elizabeth Gierke, married to Thomas Hanbury, Esq.
of Kelmarsh, co. Northampton, Serjeant at Law, who was
the representative of an excellent family, and by him, who
died 1721-2, was great-grandmother of William Hanbury?
first Lord Bateman, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Lord
^ Vide also pedigree of Lord Craven in Collins' Peerage, and the earlier editions.
' Vide pedigree of Francklin in Le Neve's Knights' Pedigrees, in Brit, Mus., and
in Burke's new edition of Commoners.
'' Vide notice of the family in Lysons' Bedfordshire.
Spencer Stanley Chichester, and sister of Arthur Lord Tem-
plemore, and had issue. ^
Barbara Clerke, the second daughter and coheir, was
married, by licence granted at the Vicar General's office, Doctors'
Commons, London, 31 May 1671, to Sir Gilbert Clarke, of
Chilcote and Somersall, in Derbyshire, Knt. ; •" son and heir of
Godfrey Clarke, Esq. of the same places, by Elizabeth his wife,
daughter of Sir Thomas Milward, of Eton, co. Derby, Chief
Justice of Chester. By this gentleman, who inherited the best
blood in Derbyshire, Lancashire, and Staffordshire, (being
lineally descended from the Fleetwoods, Dethicks, Savages,
Knivetons, &c.) Barbara Clerke had issue,
L Godfrey Clarke, Esq. of Chilcote and Somersall, who
espoused Lady Katharine Stanhope, daughter of Philip 2nd
Earl, and aunt of Philip Dormer Stanhope, fourth and cele-
brated Earl of Chesterfield. This family of Clarke is now
extinct, Anne Clarke, heiress and descendant of the above
Godfrey, and inheritrix of his estates, having married in 1805
Walter first Marquess and eighteenth Earl of Ormond."
IL Gilbert Clarke, unmarried 1708.
L Barbara Clarke, of whom presently.
IL Mary Clarke, married first to William Ives, of Brad-
den, CO. Northampton, Esq. ; and secondly, to Sir Thomas
Samwell, Bart. " by which last she was ancestrix of the Wat-
son-Sam wells, now of Upton Hall, co. Northampton.
Barbara Clarke, elder daughter of Sir Gilbert, became
the wife of the heir of one of the best families in Staffordshire,
viz. Thomas Kynnersley, Esq. P of Loxley Park ; who was
her half-cousin, being the grandson of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq.
of the same place, by his wife Sarah, daughter of Sir George
Clerke, of Watford. Thomas Kynnersley, Esq. inherited
the blood of the first families in the kingdom, and sprang im-
mediately from the Bagots, Astons, and Gyffords, &c. which de-
scents, it is well known to genealogists, would confer the blood
of almost all the feudal Barons of the thirteenth century upon
' Vide Courthope's Debrett's Peerage ; title Lord Bateman.
'" Vide pedigree of Clarke of Chilcote, in Le Neve's Knights' Fed. in Brit. Mus.
n Vide Clarke of Chilcote, in Burke's Armory.
" See Samwell's pedigree in Wotton's Baronetage, and in Burke's Commoners.
r Vide Kynnersley's pedigree in Burke's Comm. and in Shaw's Staffordshire.
liim. Barbara liis wife died in 1717, having had only four
children who married, viz.
I. Craven Kynnersley, Esq. of Loxley Park, so christened
after his wealthy grand-aunt, Lady Craven, of Winwick. This
gentleman espoused Jane^ daughter of Sir Edward Bagot, of
Blithfield, co. Stafford, Bart, aunt of William first Lord
Baron Bagot; but being killed, by the accidental discharge
of his fowling-piece in Loxley Park, 1735, s. p. his estates
devolved on his brother,
IL Thomas Kynnersley, Esq. of Loxley Park, heir to his
brother Craven. He married Penelope, only daughter of
John Wheeler, Esq. of Wooton, co. Stafford, and died in
1755, leaving her surviving, who, in 1771, recorded the Kyn-
nersley pedigree in Coll. Arm. They had issue one son,
Clement Kynnersley, Esq. of Loxley Park, (who married
Rosamond, daughter of Sir W^olstan Dixie, of Bosworth, co.
Leicester, Bart., but dying s. p. in 1815, devised Loxley to
his nephew, Thomas Sneyd, on condition of his taking the
name and arms of Kynnersley:) and three daughters: I.
Penelope Kynnersley, the first wife of John Sneyd, Esq. <i of
Belmont, co. Stafford, by whom she had, inter alia, William
Sneyd, Esq. now of Ash comb Park, near Leek, Clement
Sneyd, Esq. of Huntley Hall, co. Stafford, and Thomas
Sneyd-Kynnersley, Esq. of Loxley Park; and two daughters,
of whom Rosamond married, as hereafter mentioned, first,
William Mills, of Barlaston Hall, Esq.; and secondly, her
cousin William Molyneux Marston, Esq. H. Dorothy Kyn-
nersley, married first to Thomas Byrche Savage, Esq. of Elm-
ley Castle, in Worcestershire; and secondly to Ralph Adder-
ley, Esq. >■ of Coton, her distant relative, by the latter of
whom she had issue, 1st. Charles Clement Adderley, Esq.
who, by Anna Maria his wife, daughter of Sir Edmund Cra-
dock Hartopp, Bart, had issue Charles Bowyer Adderley,
Esq. of Hams Hall, co. Stafford, M.P. for North Stafford-
shire, who married Julia, daughter of Lord Leigh, of Stone-
leigh; 2nd. Ralph Adderley, who married his relative Rosa-
mond, daughter and coheir of William Mills, Esq of Barlas-
ton Hall ; and a daughter, Mary Adderley, wife of the
1 Vide Sneyd's pedigree in Burke's Commoners.
■■ See Adderley's pedigree in Burke's Commoners.
Honourable Berkeley Noel, son of Sir Gerard Noel Noel,
Bart, by the Baroness Barham. III. Mary Kynnersley,
married to Charles Baron de Bode, and niodier by him of
Clement Baron de Bode, s
1. Barbara Kynnersley, married to Sir John Frederick,
Bart, of Hampton, co. Middlesex ; '- and mother by him of,
first. Sir John Frederick, Bart, who died unmarried 1757; and
secondly, Sir Thomas Frederick, Bart, who married Eliza-
beth, daughter of Peter Bathurst, of Clarendon Park, co.
Wilts, and, dying 1770, left two daughters only, his coheir-
esses : Elizabeth Frederick, married to Sir John Moreshead,
Bart. " from which match the present Baronet Moreshead
descends; and Selina Frederick, wife of Robert Thistle-
thwaite, Esq. '^ of Southwick Park, co. Hants, M.P. for
I Hants, by whom she was mother of the present Thomas
Thistlethwaite, Esq. of that place, M.P. for Hants 1807,
J. P., D. L., and in 1806 High Sheriff for the same county.
H. Mary Kynnersley, of whom we treat. This
Mary Kynnersley (daughter of Thomas and Barbara), was
married to Thomas Kirby, y (or Kirkby,) Esq. of ,z (.q.
Leicester, and Barnbrough Grange, near Doncaster, co. York ;
but afterwards of Doveridge Hall, co. Derby, a gentleman of
good family and county consequence, and descended out of
Yorkshire.^ By him she had issue one son and five daughters,
who married ; viz.
I. Francklin Kirby, Capt. H.M.S., who received his Chris-
tian name from his great-grand-aunt. Lady Francklin, of Boln-
^ I am not positive of the baptismal names of the de Body's. But I have no rea-
son to doubt the above.
' "Vide Frederick's pedigree in Baronetages.
" Moreshead's pedigree in Baronetages.
^ See Thistlethwaite pedigree in Hoare's Hundred of Alderbury.
y Kirby pedigree in the writer's possession, drawn up by Clement T. Kyn-
nersley (heir ajiparent to Loxley Park). Inf. of Col. T. C. Kirby, of Cheltenham,
and Kynnersley pedigree recorded in Coll. Arm. 1771.
^ Query, Lutterworth, co. Leicester ; and if so, he was the Thomas Kirby who,
on the 23rd Aug. 17-';), obtained a grant of " Argent, two bars gemels engrailed
guies; on a canton of the second a greyhound's head couped of the first, collared
or." Crest: " A like greyhound's head encircled within a chaplet vert, adorned
with four roses gules." Since tlie above was written, the identity of Kirby of Lut-
terworth and Doveridge has been ascertained from Col. Kirby of Cheltenham.
• William Kirkby and Martha Hoyland were married at Doncaster 19 May 1G84 ;
as were Thomas Booth and Esther Kirkby 21 Aug. 1743 by licence. (Query, the
parents and sister of Thomas K. mentioned above ?)
hurst, already mentioned. He resided in Ireland, and es-
poused Susanna Cox, daughter of (?John) Cox, Esq.
brother of Sir Richard Cox, Bart, of Dunmanway, co. Cork,
and nephew of tlie Most Reverend Michael Cox, Lord Arch-
bishop of Cashel.^ By her he had surviving issue, 1. Clement
Kirby, Esq. of Bandon, co. Cork, late a captain in the army ;
2. John-Kynnersley Kirby, Lieutenant lOih foot, drowned in
a hurricane 1794-5. 3. Thomas Cox Kirby, Lieut.-Colonel
H.M.S. and of 64th Reg. (He, who was many years abroad,
in Egypt and elsewhere, is now of Cheltenham, co. Glouc.
and has been twice married; first, in 1817, to Miss Maxwell,
of Bolton, CO. Lane, descended out of Scotland ; but s. p. s. ;
secondly, to Mary Anne, dau. of John Knight, Esq. of Dod-
dington, co. Salop, by whom he has Franklin Knight Kirby,
Mary-Susanna Kirby, and Caroline-Georgiana Kirby); and one
daughter, Mary Kirby, married to Baldwin, Esq. of Kin-
sale, CO. Cork. She is now resident at Bandon, and has issue.
L Barbara Kirby, of whom presently.
n. Anne Kirby, niarried to AVilliam Archer, Esq. l^ of
Warwickshire, and of Stafford (lineally descended from John
Archer, next brother of Andrew Archer, Esq. and uncle of
the celebrated Sir Simon Archer, progenitor of the Barons
Archer, of Umberslade, co. Warwick). By this gentleman
Anne Kirby had issue, who married, two sons and one daugh-
ter, 1. William Archer (who married Miss Anne Goodhew,
and had by her William Archer, who died unmarried, and
four daughters) ; 2. Clement Archer (who married
daughter of Wright, of Wimbledon, in Surrey, (a most
respectable family,) and was father by her of Clement Robert
Archer, Esq. now of 4th Dragoon Guards; William Henry
Archer, both unmarried ; and Marianne- Lucy, married in
1843 to the Hon. Walter Wrottesley, fifth son of John first
Lord Wrottesley.) The daughter was Anne Archer, who wed-
ded, about 1782, Roger Comberbach, afterwards Swetenham/
Esq. of Somerford Booths, in Cheshire, and had issue by
him, inter alia, Clement Swetenham, Esq. now of Somerford
» Ibid.
b Pedigree of Archer compiled by the writer ex inform. Clem. Swetenham, Esq.
of Somerford Booths, and Capt. C. R. Archer of 4th Dragoon Guards.
--• Vide pedigree of Swetenham, of Somerford Booths, in Burke's Commoners.
Booths, J. P., D. L. &,c., and Helen Svvetenlmm, wife of her
relative Clement Sneyd, Esq. of Huntley Hall, co. Stafford,
already mentioned.
HI. Dorothy Kirby, who became the second wife of John
Sneyd, ^ Esq. of Bishton and Belmont, co. Stafford, (who to
his first wife had wedded her cousin Penelope Kynnersley, as
already mentioned,) but the said Dorothy died s. p.
IV. Frances Kirby, who became the second wife of Met-
calfe Procter, Esq. ^ of Thorpe on the Hill, in Rothwell
Parish, co. York, and survived him. This lady, who was
greatly revered by the lower orders, and was always spoken of
by them as " Madam" Procter, bai'e her husband a daugh-
ter, Elizabeth Procter, of Byard's Lodge and Bond End,
Knaresborough, co. York, coheir with her elder and half
sisters, Catharine, wife of Thomas Howard, third Earl of
Effingham, and Martha, wife of Ralph Hanson, Esq. of Ford
House, Devon, (mother by him of Catharine, wife of Benja-
min Dealtry, Esq. of Lofthouse, co. York, her sole heiress ;)
which Elizabeth Procter was born 23rd May 1769, and dying
unmarried, was buried, Nov. 1821, at Knaresborough, co.
V. Kirby, married to .John Hunt, ^ Esq. of Han-
bury, CO. Stafford, of an eminent family in that county, and
mother by him of John Hunt, Esq. of the same place, since
Barbara Kirby, eldest daughter, was married, circa 1759,
to Richard Marston, s Esq. of Willenhall and of the Stew-
^ See Sneyd pedigree in Burke's Commoners.
* See an imperfect pedigree of the Procters in Burke's Comm. and also a notice
of the family in the first volume of the present work, p. 327-8.
' Pedigree by C. T. Kynnersley, Esq.
s Ibid, and family inform. ; also pedigree of Marston by Sir William Betham, in
the writer's possession.
Thomas Marston, Esq. who was related to several of the old Salop and Wor-
cestershire families about Kinfare, rebuilt the family mansion at Willenhall, and
married as above Hannah, sister and heiress of William and Daniel Molyneux, of
Dublin, iron merchants, and flourished during the early half of the eighteenth cen-
tury. He had issue by her,
I. Richard Marston, who and his posterity are treated of in the text.
II. Daniel Marston, of Leixlip, co. Dublin, merchant, who carried on an ex-
tensive iron business there, owned large property at Leixlip, and built the best
pony, Stourton and Dunsley near Kinver, all in Staffordshire,
eldest son and heir of Thomas Marston, Esq. of Willenhall, and
of the city of Dublin, by Hannah his wife, daughter, and at last
heiress, of Daniel Molyneux, of Dublin, merchant, (son of John
Molyneux, of the same place,) and which Thomas Marston was
descended from the old Leicestershire, Shropshire, and Wor-
cestershire family of Marston, which recorded at the visitations.^
This Barbara, like her sisier Frances, was greatly respected by
the poor, and had the title amongst them of '^ Madam" Marston.
She died about 1778, and was buried in Willenhall church.
By her husband, who survived her, but was dead in 1790, she
had issue four sons, and four daughters.
I. William Molyneux Marston, Esq. of the East India
Company's service, who went to India a cadet ; but who after
his return to England resided at Uttoxeter, co. Stafford,
and was twice married. His first wife was Eliza-Douce,
daughter of Dr. Hancock, of Salisbury, in Wilts ; and his
second, his cousin Rosamond Sneyd, sister of the present
William Sneyd, Esq. of Ashcomb, and of Thomas Sneyd
Kynnersley, Esq. of Loxley Park, and daughter of John
Sneyd, Esq. of Belmont, co. Stafford (by his first wife Pene-
lope Kynnersley), and widow of William Mills, Esq. of Bar-
laston Hall, co. Stafford ; but he died without issue by either,
before 1819. The said W^. M. Marston was also nephew of
house in that parish ; but his posterity have ceased to be concerned there. He
made his will 18th May 1787 ; proved 1st May 1790, at Dublin ; and had issue
by his wife, whose name is unascertained, 1. Colonel Molyneux Marston, of the
48th Foot. 2. Edward Marston. 3. Thomas M. 4. Charles M. 1. Hannah
M. 2. Joanna M. 3. Harriet M. — This branch of the family is not extinct;
there was a Molyneux Charles Marston, Lieut. R.A. 1837.
III. Molyneux Marston, destiny unknown.
IV. Edward Marston, destiny unknown,
I. Anne Marston.
II. Sarah Marston, wife of Mark Smith, of Dublin. See a monumental in-
scription dated 27 July 1772, in St. Mark's, Dublin.
III. Phoebe Marston.
IV. Priscilla Marston.
These IMarston details were compiled by Sir William Betham and the writer.
^ The intermediate generations, beyond the above Thomas Marston, are at pre-
sent unknown in detail ; but not only the traditions of continuous respectability,
but the locale of connections and residence, establish this point. It is most pro-
bable the family sprang from the Cleobury Mortimer Marstons ; but it is singular
that Everard Marston, third son of Gilbert Marston, of Slawston, co. Leicester,
settled in Ireland. The writer possesses voluminous collections on the Marston
llic stepmother (Dorothy Kirhy) of his said wife, and cousin
Rosamond Sneyd.
II. Richard Murston, born 1763, who became a Midship-
man R. N. ; but died young, off 8t. Lucia.
III. Thomas Marston, born 1768, who resided in Ireland.
He passed his Viie in lawsuits for family estates, and died in
Ireland ; s. p. it is believed.
l\\ Daniel Marston, Major 86th Infantry, who was born
1772 ; was many years in India, but returned to England
1819. He is now living: is married, and has issue two sons:
1. Edward Marston, officer in the East India Company's ser-
vice, 25th N. I. stationed at Bombay, 1841. He was born
1821. 2. William Marston, officer in the East India Navy,
born 1822. Stationed up the Persian Gulph 18il.
I. Barbara Marston, born 1764, afterwards married to
Bates. But nothing is known of her or her posterity,^'
if any. She was of poor intellect.
II. Frances Marston, born 1766, and married to the Rev.
Henry Caye Adams, of Shrewsbury and Fainswick, co. Glouc.
A.M.i and of Christ Church, Oxon. nephew of the Venerable
and Rev. William Adams, D.D. Master of Pembroke Coll.
Oxon. and Archdeacon of Llandaff, &.c. and descended from
the old Salop house of Adams of Longdon. By this gentle-
man, who died about 1807, Frances Marston had two sons
and two daughters, and survived him many years, residing at
Gloucester. Their issue were, 1. William Henry Adams,
who, under the will of his paternal connection Benjamin
Hyett, Esq. of Painswick House, co. Glouc, succeeding to his
estates, took the name and arms of Hyett. He is now seated
at Painswick House, is a Justice of the Peace and Deputy
Lieutenant for Gloucestershire, and was formerly M.P. for
Stroud. He is married, and has issue. 2. Rev. John Adams,
who died s. p. 1. Sarah Adams, married to J. W. Walters,
Esq. and died 16th Sept. 1824, 2. Mary Clementina Adams,
who became the first wife of Samuel M. Barrett, Esq. of
Carlton Hall, near Richmond, co. York, M.P. for Richmond,
and died s. p. 3 June 183Lk
'' This Bates is said to have been a low person ; at least, much beneath his wife
and her family. She eloped with him.
' Pedigree of Kirby and Marston by C. T. Kynnersley, Esq. and Fam. Inform.
^ Vide pedigrees of Hyett and Adams of Painswick House, co. Glouc. in Burke's
Commoners, new edition, principally communicated by the writer of this article.
III. Hannah Marston, of whom presently.
IV. Dorothy JNIarston, born 177 J, who wedded Edward
Charles Windsor, Esq. of Harnage Grange, Aldenhani, and
Preen, co. Salop, High Sheriff of Salop in 1781, and mater-
nally a coheir, in common with Corbet, of Moreton Corbet,
of the old Shropshire house of Thornes, of Shelvoeke. Mr.
Windsor made his will 2nd July 1810, and divers subsequent
codicils; and dying at Shrewsbury, aet. 65, 19 January 1813,
it was proved on the 4th ]May 1813, in the Prerogative Court
of Canterbury, by Dorothy his widow. They had issue:
1. Edward Charles Windsor, Captain 1st Dragoon Guards,
who bravely fell, 18 June 1815, at Waterloo, in his 2'Uh year,
s. p. and a monumental inscription remains to his memory in
St. Mary's, Shrewsbury. 2. John Windsor, Esq. of Highwood,
CO. Stafford, who inherited his brother's wealth. He married,
2nd Aug. 1820, Ellen, daughter of William Webster, Esq.
of Ashbourne, co. Derby, and has issue. 1. Sarah Frances
Windsor, married v. p. to Dr. William Tayleur, of Teign-
mouth, CO. Devon (brother of John Tayleur, of Buntingsale,
CO. Salop, Esq.) but s. p. 2. Eliza Windsor, married in 1815
to the Rev. G. P. Lowther, of Overington, co. Hants, a mem-
ber of the noble house of his name, and they have issue. '
Hannah Mauston, the third daughter of Richard and Bar-
bara, was born 1769-70, and was married at the age of nineteen
from Thorpe on the Hill, the seat of her aunt Procter, (witii
whom she was then staying,) at Rothwell, co. York, 17th May
1789, to Edward D'Oyly, '"^ Esq. then of Newton Lodge, near
Wakefield, co. York, but afterwards of Sion Hill, near Thirsk,
in the same shire, lord of the manor of Kirby Wiske, and a
Justice of Peace for the North Riding. This gentleman was
a member of the family of D'Oyly, of Shottisham, in Norfolk,
and closely related to the late Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, Bart.,
' The above particulars may be a useful addition to the notice of the Windsor
family, in Blakeway's Sheriffs of Shropshire, p. 210 : and with the date of 1730 for
John Windsor (father of E. C. Windsor), being a practising attorney and solicitor
(he appears in the very useful list published that year), and that he had a daughter,
Elizabeth Windsor, dead in 1810, as well as his said son, may complete the essen-
tial points in the pedigree of these Windsors. They were probably a branch of the
noble house of Windsor ; but I have not seen a pedigree carrying them beyond the
•» Pedigree by C. T. Kynnersley, Esq. Norf. 12 B. in Coll. Arm., Fam. Inf. &o.
VOL. ir, c
who greatly patronised and promoted his sons hi India.a Behig
on only child, lie was educated at Westminster School, and
till his modier's death resided with her at Westminster; but
° Edward D'Oyly, Esq., it must not, however, be concealed, was born under
circumstances so singular and extraordinary, that, though little immorality can at-
tach, it is extremely doubtful Avhether he and his posterity could inherit the Baro-
netcy. His connection with the Baronets was thus : At least, it is acknowledged
on both sides that he was the nearest male D'Oyly, cousin to Sir John : and thus
it has always been detailed by the family ; while there is no reason to doubt its
Thomas D'Oyly, of Gray's Inn, attorney at law and solicitor, youngest son of
Hadley D'Oyly, of Castle-yard, Holborn, London, solicitor, by Elizabeth Yalloppe
his wife, and next brother of the Rev. Sir Hadley D'Oyly, Bart. A.M. (who, from
a poor clergyman, became a Baronet on the decease of his cousin, Sir Edmund
D'Oyly, in 1763, and died the following year,) married Jane, daughter of Richard
Walker, Esq. of Petworth, in Sussex, and died in 17(^1, before the family honours
devolved on his elder brother Hadley ; having had issue, by his said wife, four sons,
and as many daughters :
I, Edward D'Oyly, of whom presently.
II. John D'Oyly. III. Thomas D'Oyly. Both of whom died s. p. or un-
married, before 1770.
IV. Hadley D'Oyly, who died young.
I. Elizabeth D'Oyly, living unmarried 1768. She is believed to have em-
barked for India, but to have been lost at sea.
II. Jane D'Oyly, who died an infant,
III. Mary D'Oyly, who died s, p. before 1768.
IV. Jane D'Oyly, second so christened, who is believed to have accompanied
her sister to India, and to have shared her fate.
Edward D'Oy'ly, only surviving son, entered the East India Company's Mer-
chants' service; and was sometime Purser of an East Indiaman. This gentleman,
however, in the spring of 1767, was paying his addresses to one Anna Maria Blacky
the daughter and at last heiress of Jonathan Black, of Westminster, gent, a i-ich
brewer in the metropolis, (by Elizabeth his wife, daughter, and at last sole heiress,
of George Burnell, Esq. of Lofthouse, near Wakefield, in Yorkshire,) and, un-
known to her parents, succeeded in inducing her to elope with him, and was mar-
ried to her at Gretna Green. They returned, hoping for the usual forgiveness ; but,
instead of this, her rich, purse-proud parents tore her from him, and forced her
home, permitting no intercourse ; he soon after sailed for India, and deter-
mined, it would seem, to take no further trouble about the matter. But her parents
had soon cause to repent their rashness : their daughter had proved pregnant ; and
Mr. D'Oyly was now beyond recall for a legal marriage to be solemnized before the
birth of his child. Every attempt, however, was made to apprise him of the state
of affairs; and though he, poor young man, made every haste to return, he only
arrived in England Sept. 1768. But his child was born in the preceding March or
April. Nevertheless, he was, immediately after his return, legally married to Miss
Black ; viz. on the 5th Oct. 1768, by licence granted the preceding day at the
Vicar General's Office, Doctors' Commons : for privacy sake, the marriage was
solemnized at St. Mary's Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey ; and the whole was pre-
served a profound secret. His child so born, and christened after himself, was
verging on twenty-one when that event occurred, he came down
to Yorkshire to his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Black, of Loft-
house, who by the death, s, p. of her brothers, James Burnell,
Esq. of Lofthouse, (who had greatly increased the wealth of his
family by the profession of solicitor, having practised from an-
terior to r/29 till his death in 1780,) and William Burnell, Esq.
of Newton Lodge, near Wakefield, had succeeded to all the
property of her family, while he Edward D^Oyly, her grandson,
had already acquired that of the Blacks from his mother, who
had become sole heiress of her only brother Jonathan Black,
Esq. Barrister at Law, and of her sister Frances Black, who
died unmarried. Thus, when at Lofthouse, Mr. D'Oyly be-
came acquainted with Hannah Marston, then resident with
her aunt Procter, of Thorpe on the Hill in the same parish
(Roth well) ; to whom he was married, after a very short ac-
quaintance, as already mentioned, and he then became seated
at Newton Lodge, the residence of his grand-uncle, William
Burnell ; where he remained till the decease, in 1T95, of his
grandmother, Mrs. Black, who leaving him all her property,
he was admitted to the copyholds held of the manor of Wake-
field, as her grandson and heir at law, 20 March 1795 ; and he
then began the world with a property of 4,000/. to 5,000/. per
Edward D'Oyly, Esq. mentioned in the text. Edward D'Oyly, sen. made his will
4th Feb. 1769, leaving all the little property he had, to his wife, sailed for India not
long after, and died at Beucoolen, in Sumatra. Anna Maria, his wife, survived
him many years, and lived for some time in Marylebone, but latterly, and princi-
pally, in Palace-yard, Westminster. She made her will, 11 Oct. 1783, leaving all
her property to her only son the said Edward D'Oyly, and appointing him sole
executor. She died at her residence in Palace-yard, Westminster, 10th July 1788,
of a cancer ; and her son being not quite of age, he proved her will in no court,
but being principally a devise of lands, it was registered 31 Oct. 1783, at the Wake-
field Registry for instruments affecting real property in the West Riding, Book
C. Y. page 354, No. 449. By her Edward D'Oyly, sen., whose death occurred
about 1770, but was not heard of in England before Feb. 1772, had only the said
I. Edward D'Oyly : the singular circumstances of whose nativity were such
as to have always been kept a family secret ; and he appears on the court roll of
the manor of Wakefield as " heir at law." Still it is presumed that his legiti-
macy, though unquestionable in Scotland, is doubtful in England. However, on
the return to England of his cousin. Sir J. H. D'Oyly, after the long separation
of the two branches of the family (both of them, Edward and Sir John, having
been brought up by maternal relations), they made out their relationship, and it
has ever since then been perpetuated, aad a friendly acquaintance kept up, ia
India and elsewhere.
annum, principally consisting of real estates at Rothwell, Wake-
field, Lofthouse, and Stanley, in the West Riding ; all " Bur-
nell " property, they being a respectable old family, who had
been settled at Lofthouse and Rothwell from the year 1570,
claimed descent from those in Notts, bore their arms, and were
among the claimants for their estates after the death of D'Arcy
Burnell, Esq. in 177- : while the Blacks claimed from Black of
Temple, in Scotland. For some time after this, Mr. D'Oyly
resided at Adwick Hall (Adwick le Street), in Yorkshire: and
in June 1797 made a settlement on his wife and children, his
brother-in-law the Rev. Henry Caye Adams being a trustee
therein. On the 17th May 1799, Mr. D'Oyly contracted for
the purchase, of Metcalfe Graham Steele, Esq. of the manor of
Kirby Wiske, near Thirsk, in the North Riding, the manor of
" Sion Hill," or " Kirby Lodge," and an estate at Bracken-
burgh, for 1 1,500/., which was absolutely conveyed to him in
1801. Here Mr. D'Oyly then settled, and greatly improved
and beautified that estate, and mansion : he became a magistrate
for the North Riding, and lived for long, highly popular in the
district. He built Scipton bridge, near Topcliffe, entirely at his
own expense, and was quite celebrated for his munificence, pub-
lic spirit, and liberahty. Both he and his wife were very chari-
table to the poor, and most estimable persons in every respect;
while they held the first rank amongst the North Riding aristo-
cracy ; and Sion Hill was celebrated for its hospitality. Few
could discharge their duty as a magistrate better than Mr.
D'Oyly : while the constant employment which he afforded to
labourers and work-people, caused him to be liked by that class.
Both Mr. and Mrs. D'Oyly were persons of great scientific capa-
city. Mr. D'Oyly was a most beautiful draftsman, an ingenious
mechanic, and possessed of great taste for music. Lie was also
a great wit ; and, though perfectly free from every vice, a most
convivial, though extremely gentlemanly man : his mind and man-
ners being equally refined. He was always sincere, yet most kind :
and while adhering to the forms and ceremonies of good breed-
ing, no one could ever doubt but that the sentiment was there.
Mrs. D'Oyly, though extremely rigid in her religious obser-
vances, was less popular than her husband. She was a proud
and aristocratic gentlewoman; who, while her husband was fond
of society, preferred a strict though most refined seclusion from
the world. Siie was, moreover, more satirical than witt}', more
proud than vail) : but she passed almost her whole life in the
bosom of her family, devoting herself to her children and the
pursuits to which her taste led her; and of these, botany was
one of the most prominent. She was a woman, however, of no
ordinary scientific capacity, having been presented with divers
medals by learned societies ; and two, which she received from
the " Society for promoting and encouraging the Arts and
Sciences," are possessed by the writer of this article.
Mr. D'Oyly died at Fontainebleau, in France, 30 Sept. 1823,
set. 55.° By his will, dated 19th January 1802, appointing his
brother in law, the Rev. H. C. Adams, and his friend Godfrey
Higgins, Esq. of Skellow Grange, co. York, trustees ; and leav-
ing his property equally among his children. Hannah, his wife,
died at St. Andrew's, Scotland, in the autumn of 1818, having
borne him in all thirteen children. P
I. James Burnell D'Oyly, in the East India Company's ser-
vice, their heir apparent; who was born 24 June 1790, and re-
ceived his baptismal name from his paternal grand-maternal
great-grandmother, at the Wakefield font, 2nd Sept. 1T90,
having been born at Newton Lodge. This young man pos-
sessed great musical genius, and became no ordinary amateur
performer on the flute and violin. He died in India un-
married, V. p.
II. Edward William D'Oyly, born at Newton 26th Aug.
1792, and baptized at Wakefield 28 December 1792; but
died young.
III. Edward D'Oyly, born 12th July 1794, also at New-
ton Lodge, and baptized at Wakefield, 7th Aug. 1794. This
youth, a midshipman R.N. sailed on board the ill-fated ship
the Jane Duchess of Gordon, about 1806-7, for India. But
the ship was wrecked on her passage, off the Marisius ; and
Edward D'Oyly, then not more than fourteen, with all
on board, perished.
IV. Thomas D'Oyly, twin with Edward, and heir to his
father. He was born 12th July 1794, and baptized on the
° Gentleman's Magazine for 1824, says "o3rd" year. This is erroneous". It
would place his birth after the second marriage of his parents.
f Fam. Inform. Fam. Muniments. The writer has compiled voluminous col«
lections for a history of the P'Oyly family,
7tli August following, at Wakefield. Tliis gentleman, who
was an excellent draftsman, also entered the East India Com-
pany's service, and became a Captain in the Bengal Artillery.
He married, circa 1819, in India, his paternal relative, Char-
lotte Williams, elder daughter and coheiress^ of Henry Wil-
liams, Esq. of the East India Company's Civil service, by
Agnes Anne Berington, liis wife, daughter of Captain George
Berington, of die East India Company's service, Madras esta-
blishment, aunt (through her sister Hawkins) of Louisa Coun-
tess of Kintore ; and the mother of which Agnes Anne Ber-
ington was Helen, sister of George Dempster, Esq. M.P. for
Forfar, in Scotland. The said Heiny Williams was the only
son who left issue, of Stephen Williams, Esq. of Russell
Place, St. Pancras, an East India Director (next brother of
Robert Williams, Esq. of Moor Park, Herts, &c. M.P. and
High Sheriff for Dorsetshire, and uncle of Robert Williams,
Esq. of Bridehead, ten times M.P. for Dorchester), by Char-
lotte his wife, daughter of Sir Hadley D'Oyly, Bart, nurse to
the Princess Amelia, and ever after her bosom friend. And
which Williamses were immediately descended from the ancient
house of W^illiams, of Herringston, co. Dorset. ^ Captain
D'Oyly, who long resided in the usual East Indian splendour
at Dumdum, near Calcutta, and held several lucrative ap-
pointments, sent his two elder boys to his brother in law, Mr.
Bayley, 1828-9, to be brought up in England; and subse-
quently suffering from the heat of the climate, repaired with
his wife and younger sons to Sydney, in New South Wales,
for change of air. Hearing, however, that the Delhi Maga-
zine appointment had been conferred upon him, he hastened
to return to India : and lucklessly in his haste sailed with his
wife and younger children in the ill-fated ship " Charles
Eaton." But it never reached its destination ; it was wrecked
on a coral reef in Torres Straits, and the crew and passengers,
^ Henry Williams had illeijitimate sons and daughters. One of the latter mar-
ried one of Capt. D'Oyly's relatives, a Swetenham, in the East India Company's
' A pedigree of this ancient family appears in Ilutchins' Dorsetshire ; and there
is a more recent edition in Burke's Commoners, and in Burke's Peerage and Baron-
etage, tit. D'Oyly. Frances Williams, sister of Mrs. D'Oyly, and the only other
legitimate child of Henry Williams, married Currie, Esq. of Calcutta, and had
issue by him,
including himself, wife, and third son, were ruthlessly massacred
by the savages which inhabit the islands there. This fri<'lilful
occurrence took place iu August 1834. For lono- their fate
was unknown ; and might to this hour have remained so, had
it not been for the exertions of Captain D'Oyly's brother in
law, Mr. Bayley, whose incessant importunities at length
caused Government to send out a frigate of war in quest of
the crew and passengers of the Charles Eaton ; which resulted
in the above discovery, and also in that of Captain D'Oyly's
youngest boy alive on Murray's Island in the Straits, after two
years' captivity among the savages. He was of course ran-
somed and brought to England, being a mere infant. ^
Captain and Mrs. D'Oyly had only four children, all sons ;
1. Thomas Charles Henry D'Oyly, Lieut. 45 N. I. to whom
his kinsman. Sir Charles D'Oyly, Bart, stood sponsor. He
was born in India 18 Oct. 1821, was brought up by the Bay-
leys, and sailed for India, an Ensign in the East India Com-
pany's service, 1838 ; but died at Benares unmarried, ast. 20,
24th April 1842. He was ardently devoted to his profession;
and was considered at Addiscombe one of the first draftsmen
of his term ; one of his pieces now decorating the hall there.
2. Edward Armstrong Currie D'Oyly, born September 1823,
brought up by the Bayleys, now an officer in the East India
Company's service in India, and unmarried. 3. George
D'Oyly, murdered by the savages of Torres Straits, a boy.
4. William Robert D'Oyly, born 1831, wrecked amongst and
ransomed from the savages of Torres Straits, and now with
his uncle and godfather Mr. Bayley. *
V. Frederick Charles D'Oyly, born at Newton Lodge 12th
Dec. 1795; baptized at Wakefield, 9th Jan. 1796. This
youth died at school at Woolwich, v. p.
VI. D'Oyly, a son, who died young.
VII. Robert D'Oyly, for some time of Morton in the
Marsh, Gloucestershire, solicitor. He was baptized at Ad-
wick le Street, in Yorkshire ( his father then residing at
* Four narratives of this event have been published. One by the Rev. Thomas
Wemyss ; another by Capt. Lewis : a third by Mr. Brockett of Newcastle : the
fourth by John Ireland. It created a great sensation at the time, and various no-
tices of it appeared in the coatenoporary newspapers,
' Fam. Inform,
Adwick Hall), 5tli May 1799, and was broiiglit up a lawyer in
the office of his brother in law, Mr. Bayley; but he is more
celebrated in the sporting- than in the legal world : and such
is his fame as a sportsman, that liis likeness on horseback
adorns a number of one of the Sporting Magazines. He has
been twice married, and has latterly established himself as a
solicitor at Auckland, New Zealand. His first wife (marriage
settlement dated 12 January 1826) was Anne, daughter of the
Rev. William James, M.A. Rector of Evenlode, co. Wore.
and of Pitchcombe and Harescombe, co. Glouc. She died in
1829. By her he has an only son, 1. Robert William Charles
D^Oyly, born 1828. He married secondly, in 1833, Emily,
daughter of the late Robert Ross, of Edinburgh, Writer to
the Signet, by whom he has, 2. Nigel Shottisham Hocknorton
D'Oyly, born 1835; and four daughters, Emily- Pauline born
15 Dec. 1833, Matilda- Walingford 1837, Kathline-Petronel-
Burnel 1839, and Anna born 1842.
VHI. John Francis D'Oyly, who was educated for the law
in the office of Mr. Bayley, but eventually became an Indigo
planter in the East Indies. He was born at Sion Hill, near
Thirsk, co. York, 13th June 1803, and baptized 14th June at
Kirby Wiske, and married, in India, 1833, Charlotte Anne
Brownlow Page, daughter of Henry Edwin Page, Esq. Cap-
tain of Infantry in the East India Company's service, by Jane
his wife, daughter of Colonel Morgan, of the same service,
of which Captain Page some memoir may be found in a book
published by the Tract Society, entitled " The Church in the
Army." John F. D'Oyly died April 1836, near Monghyr,
in the East Indies, leaving his wife surviving, with two infant
sons and a posthumous daughter : 1. Henry Edwin Page
D'Oyly, born June 1834. 2. John Francis D'Oyly, born
Aug.* 1835. 1. Hannah Jane D'Oyly, born Sept. 1836.x
IX. Josephus D'Oyly, born 13th Oct. 1808, at Sion Hill,
baptized 15th Oct. 1808, at Kirby Wiske, who died a minor,
V. p. s. p.
X. D'Oyly, a still-born son, whom it was intended
to christen " Cameron," after an intimate friend of the family.
" Inform, of Robert D'Oyly.
» Inform, of Rev. Mr. Leslie, a friend of the Page family.
I. Eliziibeth Frances D'Oyly, born at Newton Lodge SOtli
August 1791, who received her baptismal names from her
paternal great-grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth Black, and her
grand-aunt, ex parte inatentd, Mrs. Frances Procter; and
being so baptized, was registered with her brother Edward-
William at Wakefield, 28th Dec. 1792. She was married,
27th May 1819, at North Allerton, co. York, to William
Bayley, Esq. of Stockton upon Tees, in Durham, a (convey-
ancing) solicitor of provincial eminence and extensive practice,
late president of the Mechanics' Institution in that town, and
an Anti-Slavery delegate circa 1839, and of Easino-vvold, co.
York ; next brother of the Rev. John Bayley, A.M. Fellow
and Lecturer of Emanuel College, Camb. and a Wrano-ler in
1809, an eminent mathematician and preacher; of North
Allerton and Wakefield, co. York, and joint lord of Ellerbeck
in the same shire; and second son of W^illiam Batchelor
Bayley, Esq. of North Allerton, Easingwold, and Ellerbeck,
CO. York, M.D. and banker, in his day the leading physician
of the North Riding and South Durham, and of great pro-
vincial eminence in his profession ; heir general of Burren,
Hodilow, and Pycheford, of Middlesex, and paternally de-
scended from the great house of Barry, but who took the name
of Bayley in 1785, to acquire the estates of his mother's family
at and near Easingwold, in Yorkshire, y The said Elizabeth
Frances, who was a woman of the greatest superiority, lived
honoured and esteemed by her friends, respected by her ene-
mies, and beloved by the poor, and died deeply lamented
1st January 1832, in her 41st year, and was interred 9th
January at Norton in Durham, where a beautiful monument,
with an appropriate inscription, remains to her memory. She
is styled " a perfect Christian and Gentlewoman." ^
By Mr. Bayley, who is still her widower, and resident at
Stockton on Tees, she left issue,'* 1. William D'Oyly Bayley,
born 24th Feb. 1821, a solicitor, so admitted Hilary Term
T Fam. Inform. See pedigree of Bayley in vol, i. p. 529.
« Her high breeding and accomplishments were only equalled by her domestic
Virtues and benevolence. She held the highest station, character and reputation
till the last.
• Fam. Inform^
1843, married at Gretna, in Scotland, Mth December 1844,
Frances, daugliter of the late Mr. John Christopher, cousin
of Caj)tain William Christopher, of Stockton on Tees, who
in ITGl discovering the passage through Chesterfield Inlet,
Hudson's Bay, that family obtained a symbolical grant of
arms. Her mother was a coheiress of Anderson, of New-
castle on Tyne, by a coheir of Shadforth, of Houghton le
Spring. 2. John Matthew Bayley, an officer in the East
India Company's service, born 11th May 1829; now a cadet
at the Military College, Addiscombe. 3. Edward D'Oyly
Bayley, born 5th Feb. 1831. 1. Louisa Emma D'Oyly Bay-
ley, born 3rd Feb. 1825; married 8th Sept. 1842 (aet. 17) at
Stockton, to John Malcolm, Esq. of Kirkleatham, in Cleve-
land, medical appointee to Lady Turner's Hospital there,
nephew of Lady Fettes, of Whamfrey, in Dumfrieshire, and
second son of John Malcolm, Esq. of Haughton le Skerne,
near Darlington, in Durham, Major in the East India Com-
pany's service, by Eleanor his wife, sister of Sir William
D'Arcy Todd, K.G.L. ^ The name of Mrs. John Malcolm,
formerly Miss Bayley, has become known as an amateur
pianiste and musical composer. She has no issue. 2. Eliza-
beth Frances D'Oyly Bayley, born 18th October 1826; un-
married 1844.
II. Anna Maria Hannah D'Oyly, born at Sion Hill 21st
July 1801, and baptized at Kirby Wiske 22nd July 180 J. She
married in India George Twemlow, Esq. Major in the East
India Company's service, Bombay Presidency, son of John
Twemlow, who was second son of John Twemlow, Esq. of
Arclyd Hall in Cheshire. Mrs. Major Twemlow has recently
returned to England, and has a very large family by her said
husband. Of them, the seven eldest children are, 1 . George ;
2. Frederick, and 3. Arthur Twemlow, her sons; her daugh-
'• Mr, John Malcolm (Iiusband of L. E. D, Bayley) is also first cousin to the
ladies of General Sir David Foulis and General Bethune, of Blebo ; likewise half
cousin to Sir William Colebrooke, Governor of New Brunswick ; grandson of Dr.
John Malcolm, of Ayr; and brother in law of David Nesham, Esq. of Portrack
Lodge, in Durham. (Vide their pedigree in Surteea's Durham.) Mr. Malcolm's
grandmother Malcolm was a daughter of Capt. Goold, first regiment of Infantry
(Royals). His great-grandfather the Rev. John Malcolm, the theological writer
and Incumbent of Duddingstone, near Edinburgh, His grandmother Todd, an
beiress of the Bowes family of co. Durham.
ters, 1. Emily; 2. Charlotte; 3. Anna, and 4. Eliza Twem-
low. c
III. Emma D'Oyly, born 2Tth Feb. 1805, at Sion Hill,
baptized at Kirby Wiske 28th Feb. 1805. She became the
wife of William Geddes, Esq. Major in the East India Com-
pany's service, member of a good Scotch family, and nephew,
maternally, of Colonel Loraine, of Edinburgh. By him, who
has lately distinguished himself at Gwalior, and been raised to
the rank of Colonel, she has had several children ; of whom,
in 1840, only two daughters survived; 1. Wilhelmina Geddes;
2. Hannah Margaret Loraine Geddes. '^
I have now concluded the pedigree 1 proposed ; and, though
its form is an unusual one, it may (especially when the addi-
tions in the notes are considered) become valuable to those whom
it concerns, hereafter. It contains, of several families, just as
much matter as the entries in a " Visitation " of old would do.
It comprises large pedigrees of D'Oyly and Marston ; good
ones of Kirby, Archer, and Windsor ; all complete in them-
selves, with miscellaneous matter on other families, which it was
highly desirable should be brought together. Beyond my own
labours in books, manuscripts, and records, wherever it was
necessary for proof, confirmation, or otherwise, I have made
inquiries of the existing representatives of the several families
touched upon, and my thanks are due to all of them.
I remain. Sir, yours obediently,
W. D. B.
Beaton Careiv, Jan. 1845.
"= Inform. Mrs. Twemlow. Vide Twemlow pedigree in Ormerod's Cheshire and
Burke's Commoners.
"* Inform. Mrs. Geddes.
* * Since the above article was written, the writer has received a pedigree cer-
tified by Robert D'Oyly, of Auckland, New Zealand.— Edward D'Oyly, Esq. of
.Sion Hall, is stated to have been born on St. Swithin's Day (15thJuly) 1770 ; and to
have been' married very early (to prevent his going to sea, which he contemplated),
while a Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge, to Hannah Marston ; who was
born 28th Nov. 17G9. (If this date of his birth be correct, it would place it after
the legal marriage of his parents; but, though the day may be right, it is almost
certain the year is wrong.)
Of the patronymic of this ancient and truly respectable
family, no certain derivation can be given. The name, which
was, three centuries ago, written " Hodylowe," " Hoddelow,"
" HoudiJovv," " Hodelow," &.c. was undoubtedly foreign, and,
if the statement in the will of an early member of the family can
be relied on, or rather the inference from it, — " that the family
came from Holland,"— of course Dutch ; and that the Hodilows
settled in England in the reign of Henry VH. It must not,
however, be concealed that there was a family of " Hovvndes-
lowe," (sometimes softened to " Hodeslow,") resident in Eng-
land in the time of Edward IV. ; but again, every endeavour to
connect these persons with the family of which it is now intended
to treat, has been used, unsuccessfully.
Thomas a Hodilow, who must have been born before or
about 14-59 (38 Hen. VI.) founded the family; and is believed
to have been a Dutchman by birth. Whether he came to Eng-
land or not, is unknown ; yet, were he or were his sons the set-
tlers in this country, it seems probable that the family came over
with Henry VII. A.D. 1485. Sure it is that he married, and
this probably about 1480 ; though his wife's name is unrecorded ;
and had issue, three sons, who all resided in Cambridgeshire :
I. Robert Hodilow, of whom presently.
II. John Hodilow, of Histon, co. Cambridge, living 1520
(11 Hen. VIII.) who was progenitor of the Hodilows of Im-
pington, in that county ; whose history see post.
III. Peter Hodilow, who settled in the city of Ely, in Cam-
bridgeshire, and lived there temp. Hen. VIII. He made his
will (a very short one) on his death-bed, 4th Jan. 1546, leav-
ing all his estate to Margaret his wife, and appointing her
» Vincent commences his pedigree of the family with a Thomas Hodilow : but as
it is very incorrect, especially in baptismal names, and we have no corroborative
evidence of this point, it may be safer to call him '• — — Hodilow."
sole executrix. Proved in the Consistory Court of Ely. He
died s. p. Margaret his wife survived him, and, being of
Trinity parish Ely, made her will 21 Dec. 1551 ; desires
burial at Trinity church Ely, and makes a charitable bequest
thereto, as well as one to the poor of Ely, leaving to the
" poor man's chest in Trinity church." The residue of her
pi'operty she likewise leaves to the poor of Ely, and to the
repairs of the highways, at the discretion and oversight of one
John Levette ; whom she appoints sole executor. She died
s. p. ; and her will was soon after registered and proved in
Ely Consistory Court.
Robert Hodilow, eldest of the three sons, lived temp.
Hen. Vlir. at Chettisham, in Cambridgeshire, near the city of
Ely, and followed the vocation of agriculture ; owning an estate
at Chettisham, which he appears to have farmed himself.^ This
gentleman was married, before 1522, to a lady named Alice ;
but of what family is unrecorded. Being possessed of consider-
able property, he made his will, " hole of mind and memory,^'
January 1540-1. He desires burial at St. Mary's,'^ Ely, leaves
to Thomas, his son, his books, and " all his debts oiving to him
in Holland:" and all his lands and houses in Chettisham and
Ely, to Alice, his wife, for life (she keeping a widow), and, after
her death, to Thomas, his son. He leaves his debts in Cam-
bridge to his said wife Alice also ; and makes bequests to his
two brothers, and leaves to the four daughters of his brother
" that dvvelleth in Hyston," (John,) the amount of a debt owed
to him by their father. Testator also makes several bequests to
his servants (to one of them, Robert Gill, a cow) and others ; to
St. Mary's church at Ely, and to the poor of that city. He ap-
points Alice his wife and Thomas his son executors, and Ed-
mund Heynesworth supervisor. As in most wills of the period,
many of the bequests are of cattle. He appoints his wife and
son residuary legatees. He died soon after; and his will was
proved by the executors, 14 Dec. 1543, in the Consistory Court
of Ely. Alice his wife survived him ; made her will, " sick in
body," Dec. 1545, being of Ely, widow. She desires burial with-
in the Trinity church of Ely; leaves twelve bullocks on her
farm at Chettisham between her sons Edmund Heynesworth
*> Chettisham has now no parish registers so early as 1 600.
<^ The parish registers of St. Mary's, Ely, now commence in the year 16*0 only.
and Thomas Hoclilow; a mattrass to the above Robert Gill, her
servant, and brass-pots, pans, platters, one feather-bed, one mat-
trass, three pair of sheets and one coverlet to Jone Basset. To
the " Charnell," a small legacy ; and an altar cloth, surplice,
and two towels, to Trinity church, Ely. She appoints Edmund
Heynesworth executor, and residuary legatee, and Thomas Hodi-
low, her son, supervisor ; and speaks of herself and two children
having then each a separate establishment. She died soon
after, and her will was proved in the Consistory Court of Ely,
12 Feb. 1545-6. By her, Robert Hodilow had two children,
I. Thomas Hodilow, his heir.
II. Alice Hodilow, who was married before 1540 v. p. to one
Edmund Heynesworth (" Gules, a fret ermine.") And both
of them were alive in 1545.
Thomas Hodilow, of Chettisham and Ely, afterwards of
Cambridge, only son and heir, was born in or before 1522,
being of age 1543, though then unmarried. This gentleman
seems to have lived at Chettisham in 1545, but afterwards re-
moved to Cambridge, where he carried on a most extensive
brewing business, during the early part of Elizabeth's reign,
which vocation was at that time reputed one of high respecta-
bility ; t' and sure it is, that Thomas Hodilow maintained a most
sumptuous establishment in Castle End, Cambridge, during the
latter part of his life. He was twice married : first, to Joan, ^
daughter of John Dale, of Bury St. Edmund's, in Suffolk ; un-
doubtedly, however, a member of the Dale family of Essex and
Northamptonshire, which bore " Gules, on a mount vert a swan
argent, chained, collared, and membered or." By this lady, who
was living in 1555 (1st and 2nd Ph. & Mary), he had issue
three sons and six daughters, of all of whom presently. He
married, secondly, Mary, daughter of , supposed, how-
ever, to have been widow of Mr. Mellis, of Maldon, in Essex,
and mother of the wife of Joseph Hodilow, presently mentioned.
By her, however, he is not recorded to have had any issue. She
was his wife in 1585, and 1594. Thomas Hodilow made his
will, styling himself of Cambridge, brewer, Uth April, 36ih
^ Robert Cromwell, of Huntingdon, father of Oliver the Protector, and eon of
Sir Henry Cromwell, Knt., was a brewer at Huntingdon. Many other instances
might be adduced.
« The baptismal aames of Joan and John rest solely on Viacent'e testimony.
Eliz. (1594) ; and a prodigious will it is for that period, being
nearly one hundred folios in length. The testator's first and
great object was to provide amply for INIary his second wife,
leaving her lands, houses, rents, money, furniture, the most
costly plate, trinkets, and, in fact, articles of every description,
and without number. He states that he then dwelt in Castle
End, in the town of Cambridge, and clearly possessed a splendid
establishment. He speaks of lands he held by lease of Caius
College and Clare Hall, as well as divers houses of his own (free-
hold) in Cambridge ; amongst others, his house next the " Dol-
phin Inn," which he leaves to Mary his wife. He leaves pecu-
niary legacies to his children, and to certain of his grandchildren,
to the poor of Cambridge and die parishes of St. Mary and
Trinity at Ely, and to divers friends, servants, and dependents.
To Mr. Chaderton, preacher of St. Clement's f church, 40^.
yearly, so long as he continues preacher thereof; 5/. to his friend
John Bettis, LL.D. He leaves to Abraham, son of Mary his
wife, and Katharine, wife of the said Abraham, He leaves the
guardianship of his grandson, William Hodilow, with all his
estate, to Mary, his wife, and directs that no one interfere with her
in the management thereof. He appoints Thomas, his son,
executor, under certain restrictions ; which, if unattended to,
Mary, his (testator's) wife, was to be executrix ; and if she took
not the executorship upon her, his beloved son in law, Jeremy
Chace, was to be executor. He appoints his friend John Bettis,
LL.D. supervisor. Testator made an unimportant codicil 26tli
April, 37th Eliz. (1595), chiefly benefiting Mary, his second
wife, with a few legacies to friends ; and very soon after, " Tho-
mas Hodilow, the wealthy brewer of Cambridge," who from the
contents of his will appears to have been a curious old gentle-
man, died, having attained a fine old age, and outlived both
his eldest and youngest sons. Thomas, his second son, proved
his long will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 22 Dec.
1595 ; and it may be remarked, that an abstract of it (though
a very concise one) is also to be met with in Harl. MS. 7030,
fol. 335, for it was also registered in the University Court of
Cambridge. By Joane Dale, Thomas Hodilow had issue,
' The parish register of St. Clement's, Cambriilge, has been searched unsuccess-
fully for record of the family. Vide }>ust.
I. Edmund Hodilow, his lieir apparent ; who, though
he predeceased his father, yet, as he was a gendenian of con-
sequence, and continued the family pedigree, sliall be treated
of at large hereafter.
II. 1'honias Hodilow, of London, citizen and Salter, after-
wards of Burton Latimer, in Northamptonshire, Esq. This
gentleman was living in 1585, 1586, and 1589; and in 1595
proved his father's will. In 1603 (1st Jac. I.) he had a Chan-
cery suit with John Davies a haberdasher of London ; {his
bill being filed 12 May 1603, Davies' answer sworn 24 May
1603, but the subject is unimportant;) but had retired from
business to reside at Burton Latimer, in Northamptonshire,
before 1615. Before 1595 he married Katharine, daughter
of Earle, of Boston, in Lincolnshire, Esq. relict of
Lodge. Earle of Boston bore, " Gules, an annulet or, between
three escallops argent, all within a bordure engrailed of the
last ; " and was a branch of the old house of Earle or Erie of
Dorsetshire, it seems; another branch of which was seated at
Craglethorpe in Lincolnshire, and Topsfield in Essex, and
after obtaining a new grant of arms in 1558, was raised to
the rank of Baronet in 1629, though now extinct. By Katha-
rine Earle, Thomas Hodilow had an only daughter and heiress,
I. Sarah Hodilow, who, before 1615, became the first wife
of that " great loyalist and true son of the Church," Dr. John
Owen, S.T.D., Lord Bishop of St. Asaph's, in Wales. This
" loyal prelate and modest man," says Fuller, " who would
not own the worth he had in himself," was eldest son of the
Rev. Owen Owen, " the worthy " and "grave" minister of
Burton Latimer, co. Northampton, and Archdeacon of
Anglesey, in Wales, by Jane, his second wife, the daughter of
Robert GriffiU), Esq. Constable of Carnarvon; and which
Owen Owen was uncle of Sir John Owen, of Clenneney, Knt.
Colonel in the Army, and Vice- Admiral of North Wales, to
whose memory there is a splendid monument in Penmorva
church, CO. Carnarvon, (see Burke's Commoners, vol. i, p.
84), and second son of Owen ap Robert, of Bodsilen, in Car-
narvonshire, by Ankaret his wife, daughter and coheir of
David ap William, of the family of Williams of Cych-
Willan, and was in fact, without ascending to the fabulous
and remote generations of Welsh pedigrees, well connected
on all sides; though his family genealogy did derive him from
the chief of one of tiie fifteen tribes of North Wales. Bishop
Owen was also, moreover, first cousin maternally of the re-
nowned Humphry Henchman, Bishop of London, and Priw
Councillor to Ciiarles U. ; of whom notice will hereafter be
made, Bishop Heachman's sister having married Arthur
Hodilow, first cousin to Sarah Hodilow, Bishop Owen's wife.
Dr. John Owen, who was born at Burton Latimer, and was,
like his father, Rector thereof, had received his education at
Jesus College, Cambridge, of whicii, before his marriage, he
was a fellow, and was promoted to the see of St. Asaph's, Sep-
tember 1629, by the patronage of Laud, then Bishop of Lon-
don ; who had ever been one of his best friends ; but, as
Fuller says, " he (Owen) deserved a far better preferment."
Thereupon Dr. Owen returned to his native country, and
lived at his palace at Perthkinsey till his death, highly re-
spected and beloved in his diocese. He outlived his vote in
Parliament, however, and survived to see every species of con-
tempt cast upon his order; all which he bore with his habi-
tual tranquillity and amiability. He died at Perthkinsey, loth
Oct. 1651 ; and his funeral was solemnized with heraldic
pomp, in St. Asaph's cathedral, 21st Oct. 1651. Bishop
Owen sealed with an oval, containing his paternal coat im-
paled with that of his see, as appears by an impression of it in
wax in Harl. MS. 1974. His paternal arms were, " Gules, a
chevron between three lions rampant or;" but he was also
entitled to quarter \\"illiaius of Cych-Willen, " Gules, a
chevron ermine between three men's heads couped at the neck,
in profile, proper, hair and beard sable. He liad married^
secondly, EUzabeth, daughter of Vernon, of Cambridge-
shire, widow of Gray, (and by her had a daughter Eli-
zabeth, living 1651 ;) and thirdly, Ellen, daughter of Robert
Wynne, of Conway, in Wales, Esq. and by her had issue
who died young, or s. p. But his only issue, of whom further
record is preserved, were by the heiress of Hodilow, his first
wife, viz.
1. Robert Owen, of Wepper, or Weppra, co. Flint,
LL.B. who was appointed Chancellor of the diocese of St.
Asaph after the Restoration in 1660; but died soon after,
viz. on the 29th July ]661 ; having married Frances,
daughter of Edwnrcl Pennant, Esq. of Bagylt, in Wales,
(" Per bend sinister ermine and ermines, a lion rampant
or,") who surviving liim, married, secondly, John Mostyn,
Esq. second son of John Moystyn, Esq. of Talacre, and
brother of Sir Edward Mostyn, Bart, (same arms as Pen-
nant) ; by which Frances, the said Robert Owen left
I. Elizabeth Owen, his sole heiress, and heiress also
of her great-grandfather, Thomas Hodilow, junior. This
lady was ajt. two years and a half in 1661, at her
father's death, and v/edded, at the age of twenty, in 1679,
WilHam Fitzherbert, Esq. lord of Norbury, in Derby-
shire, and Swinnerton, in Staflbrdshii-e, the head of one
of the very first families in the kingdom; who had, in
fact, owned Norbury from the period of the Conquest,
and bore for arms, " Argent, a chief vairee or and
gules, a bend sable." By him she had, with younger
I. Thomas Fitzherbert, Lsq. lord of Norbury and
Swinnerton, who marrying Constance, daughter of Sir
George Southcote, Bart, was ancestor of the present
Thomas Fitzherbert, Esq. of Norbury and Swinnerton;
whose pedigree may be seen in Burke's Commoners,
vol. i. 79.
II. Mary Owen (daughter of the Bishop), born about 1614,
who became the wife of Dr. William Griffith, of New Coll.
Oxon. LL.D., one of the Masters of the High Court of
Chancei'v, and Chancellor of St. Asaph's, brother of Dr.
George Griffith, who became Bishop of St. Asaph's after the
death of Dr. John Owen, and first son of Robert Griffith, of
Caveglwyd, in Llanfaethlen, in Anglesey, by Anne his wife,
daughter of Owen ap Hugh, of Guenynoe, in the same county.
Dr. William Griffith was also Vicar General and Chancellor
of the diocese of Bangor, and died, having enjoyed his different
offices but a few years, 17 Oct. 1648, and was buried in Llan-
faethlen church. Mary Owen, his wife, predeceased him 9th
April 1645, act. 31, having borne him six children, of whom
five were alive in 1645. Of them, John Griffith, of Llan-
faethlen, the eldest, was High Sheriff' of Anglesey in 1690.
III. Joseph Hodilow, of Cambridge, gent, who married Anne,
daughter of Abraham Mellis, or INIellowes, of JMaldon, in
Essex, sister of another Abraham Mellis, gent. ; and had bv her
who predeceased him, an only son, of whom presently. Joseph
Hodilow made his will 30 July, 2rth Eliz. (1585), and left
many bequests to his brothers in law and to his sisters, to his
only son \V^illiam, and to his brother Thomas Hodilow ; to his
father Thomas Hodilow, and to Mary his mother in law, wife
of the said Thomas his father. The testator was evidently a
gentleman of considerable property about Cambridge, and men-
tions having purchased lands at Impington, near that place ; and
leaves charitable legacies to that parish, and to the parishes of
St. Peter, St. Giles, and St. Clement, s in Cambridge. He
leaves to his sisters a great many dresses, girdles, stomachers,
trinkets, &;c. belonging to his late wife ; mentioning her " first
best ring," her "second best ring," and her " third best ring,"
&c. He moreover seems to have been quite a fashionable young
man of his time, for he mentions his " lute," his " rapier," and
his " dagger ; " all of which he bequeaths to one or other of his
brothers in law. He speaks of his cousins, John Lynge and
John Webb, of Risbye, and appoints his father, ]\Ir, Thomas
Hodilow, and Mary his wife, executors, and constitutes them
guardians of his son William. He also leaves to his own and
to his father's servants, and to the old women of Mary his mo-
ther in law. He made a dateless codicil, making bequests to his
brother in law Abraham INlellis, and to a servant of his cousin
Hodilow of Impington. Testator died soon after, his will being
proved 19th July 1586, in the Prerogative Couit of Canterbury,
by the executors. By Anne Mellis he left an only son and
I. William Hodilow, a minor in 1585 and 1595, who was
brought up at Cambridge by his grandfather, Thomas Hodi-
low, and subsequently by Mary his widow, but afterwards
settled at Hailweston, in Huntingdonshire, where he possessed
property, part of which is still known as " Hodilow^s Close."
Here, during the seventeenth century, he for long lived in
e These being the parishes with which the Hodilows were concerned, when
resident at Cambridge, the registries of all of them have been searched for record of
the family ; but unfortunately, in each case, quite unsuccessfully ; which is some-
what unaccountable.
great reputation, in a mansion situate within or near Ho-
dilow's Close, but since demolishetl; and married Dorothy,
widow of Richard Weaver, Esq. of Ilailweston, in Hunting-
donshire. By licr, however, though she had divers children
by Mr. Weaver, he had no issue ; and dying at a very ad-
vanced age, his burial occurs in Hailweston parish register,
5th April 1G7G, as " William Hodilow, gent." Dorothy liis
wife survived him, and made her will 30 January 1679, men-
tioning her daughter Beatrice Jackson, her grandchildren
John and Dorothy Jackson, her son William Weaver, and
her grandchild Richard Weaver, appointing her son in law,
John Jackson, I' his guardian, and constituting her son, Wil-
liam Weaver, her executor. She leaves a legacy to the poor
of Hailweston ; and a variety of furniture and household goods,
and a great deal of plate^ (specifying the " silver spoons with
nobs at the ends,") to her grandchildren. She died soon
after, and was buried at Hailweston 10th Oct. 1680. Her
will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 27th
January 1680-1.
I. (? Elizabeth ') Hodilow, who, before 1585, was mar-
ried to the Rev. Anthony Kingsmill, A.M. Vicar of Milton
next Sittingbourne, in Kent, who was pi'esented to that living,
8th Sept. 1585, by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and
which he held till his death in 1616. This oentleman was no
doubt descended from a common ancestor with the ancient house
of Kingsmill in the adjoining county of Hants, who were created
Baronets in 1800, and bore for arms, ''• Argent, crusily fitchee
sable, a chevron ermine between three fers de moline sable, a
chief ermines." The above marriage produced, with four younger
children, baptized at Milton between 1589 and 1604, a son,
L Anthony Kingsmill, who has a legacy in the will of his
uncle Joseph Hodilow 1585.
H. Alice Hodilow, married before 1585 to the Rev. Robert
Thexton, Clerk, A.B. of Elendon hall, Cambridge, Rector of
Trunch, in Norfolk, (son of the Rev, Lancelot Thexton, A.M.,
•> This Jolm Jackson, who had married her daughter Beatrice Weaver, resided
at St. Neot's ; and recorded his pedigree and arms at the Huntingdonshire Visita-
tion 1G84.
' Vincent says " Catharine; " but he is known to be wrong. Milton parish
register has been searched for a casual mention of her, but unsuccessfully.
S.T.B. Ileclor of Triinch fioni 15T2 to 1588, and a Prebendary
of Norwich, wlio had been chaplain to King Edward VI., and
who dying, Feb. 1588-9, was buried in 'IVunch churcii, where
a monumental inscription, with his arms of, " Quarterly, 1st and
4th, Argent, a cross between four lion's heads erased gules; and
2nd and 3rd, Ermine, fretty azure," remains to his memory;
and descended from an old house of Churchmen), by whom she
had divers children, and dying, November 1615, was interred at
Trunch. And it is a curious fact, that, though the advowson
of Trunch was not in the Thexton family, they were neverthe-
less successively rectors of IVunch for nearly a hundred and fifty
years, without any break or intermission ; viz. from 1572 to
1709. The family was one of the highest respectability.''
^ The following notes on the Thexton family may not be altogether too unini-
portant to print, though there is no copious pedigree in existence ; at least, none
has occurred to tlie writer.
The Rev. Thomas Thexton, or Thaxton, evidently one of the early " Re-
formers," was presented to the Rectory of Great Bircham, in Norfolk, by King
Henry VIII. A. D. 1543, and was succeeded there, in 1551, by another of his
name (no doubt his son),
The Rev. Lancelot Thexton, A.M., S.T.B., who, after becoming Rector
of Great Bircham 1551, by presentation of King Edward VI. to whom he was
chaplain, was promoted, in 1552, being then A.M., by Elizabeth, widow of Sir
Henry Parker, of Erwarton in Sufifolk, (the daughter and heir of Sir Philip Cal-
thorpe,) to the Rectory of Anmere, in Norfolk. He was also Rector of Hartest
and Boxted, in Suffolk ; and in 1572, Queen Elizabeth made him Rector of Trunch,
in Norfolk, where he then settled, and subsequently resided till he died, being then
S.T.B. On the 8th Feb. 157G-7, he was installed first Prebendary of Norwich
Cathedral; and dying 25th Feb. 1588-9, was buried 28th Feb. in his church of
Trunch, where a monumental inscription, with his arms, as above described, re-
main to his memory. The inscription is very concise, and runs thus :
" Lancelotus Thexton, Capellanus Regis Edw. VI. sacrse theologite bacca-
laureus, et rector de Trunch, obt. 25° Febr. 1588."
It seems probable that as " Ermine, fretty azure " was the old coat of Thexton,
his first and fourth quarterings of "Argent, a cross between four lion's heads erased
gules," was an augmentation allusive to his being chaplain to royalty.
To Lancelot succeeded,
The Rev. Robert Thexton, A.B. of Elendon hall, Camb. in 1578; whoevi-
dently became acquainted with Alice Hodilow through being a Cambridge student.
He had married Alice Hodilow before 1585, and seems to have resided at Cambridge
till his father died. We find him living there in the summer of 1589 ; but his fa-
ther deceasing the following February, he being appointed his successor in the Rec-
tory of Trunch, immediately settled there, and held the Rectory till 1619, when he
resigned it in favour of his son Robert, who was appointed to it by the Assigns of
the Master, &c. of Catharine Hall, Cambridge. Alice dying, was buried at Trunch,
III. Mercy Hodilow, married, in or before 1585, to Jeremy
Cliace, Esq. mayor, alderman, and draper of Cambridge, and ol
Millon, ill Bedfordshire, where he owned an estate (whose father
or uncle, John Chace, was mayor of Cambridge in 1577) ; the
arms of whose family were, " Gules, four crosses pattce argent,
on a canton or a lion passant azure." This Jeremy Chace was
a man remarkable for his virtues and prudence ; and not only
was he most beloved by his father in law, Thomas Hodilow (who
calls him in his will his " well-beloved son in law"); but even the
Chancellor Sir Robert Cecil, in a letter to the corporation of
Cambridge, dated at the " Courte at Richmond 13th Oct. 1601,"
writes with great respect of him, speaking of his " temperate
carriage," Sec. The said Jeremy Chace was mayor of Cambridge
in 1600 and 1607, and made his will, styling himself '* Alderman
of Cambridge," 2nd Oct. 1626. He mentions his lands in Mil-
ton, CO. Bedford, and his several children ; and dying soon after,
it was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury by Mercy
his wife, the executrix; who surviving, made her will, styling
herself of London, widow, (probably resident with the Coles,)
and in good heakh, 27th July 1629, appoints her son in law
29th Nov. 1615 ; Robert, her husband, on the 22nd Jan. 1G24. They appear to
have had issue,
I. Rev. RoBKRT Thexton. who succeeded his father at Trunch.
II. Thomas Thexton, baptized at Trunch, 30 Aug. 1590.
I. Hannah Thexton, baptized at Trunch, 4 Nov. 1593.
II. Agnes Thexton, baptized there, 4 March 1598.
The Rev. Robert Thexton, being born before his father settled at Trunch,
was probably baptized at Cambridge. He was presented to the said Rectory of
Trunch in 1G19 by the Assigns of the Master, «Scc. of Catharine Hall, Cambridge,
and died about 16G0. His successor (and no doubt his son) was another
Rev. Robert Thexton, who, like his progenitors, was Rector of Trunch*
being presented thither in 1660 on the death of the last incumbent. He had been
of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, and took his A. B. degree in 1642. He remained
incumbent of Trunch down to 1709 : thus the family had filled that living for 13?
years. He appears to have had issue,
I. Andrew Thexton.
II. Robert Thexton of Pet. Coll. Camb. who took his A.B. degree 1686.
III. Edward Thexton, of Norwich, who died tet. 70, in 1740, and was buried
in St. Laurence's church, Norwich ; where Sarah, his widow, dying in 1743, at the
age of 82, was likewise interred.
Andrew Thexton was, like his predecessors, a student and graduate of Cath.
Hall, Camb. and took his A.B. degree 1678, and that of A.M. 1682.
Robert Thexton, of Caius Coll. Camb. A.B. 1724, was not improbably the
Bon of him, or of Robert of 1686.
George Cole, executor; ami made a codicil 4tli Sept. 1629.
She died very soon after, in Sept. 1G29, as it was proved in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury 11th Sept. 1629 by the exe-
cutor ; to whom, and his wife, administration, de bonis 7ion, of
the will of Jeremy Ciiace was granted at the same time. The
said Mercy Hodilow, by Jeremy Chace, had three sons and two
1. John Chace ;i 2. Thomas Chace; 3. Jeremy Chace; all
living 1626.
1. Mercy Chace, married v. p. to — — Savage; by whom
she had issue, 1626.
2. Anne Chace, wife of George Cole, of London, gent.
1626 and 1629.
IV. Anne '" Hodilow, married to the Rev. Christopher Pas-
ley, Paslew, or Pashley, A.^I. of Linksteed, in Kent, Vicar of
Linksteed and Tenham, in that county, and descended from an
ancient and noble Kentish familj'. " Robert de Pasley, or Pas-
lew, was Treasurer of England, with others, temp. Henry HI. ;
and the family were benefactors to Darsington Priory ; and their
arms, a lion rampant crowned, are on the roof of the cloisters at
Canterbury," says Hasted, This Christopher Pasley, like his
brother in law, Robert Thexton, was a student and graduate of
Elendon hall, Cambridge, and took his A.B. degree like him
in 1572; and having taken his A.M. degree, was presented, 28
April 1589, by the Archdeacon of Canterbury, to the vicarage
of Linksteed; and on the 18tii Dec. 1602, had the neiglibouring
vicarage of Tenham conferred upon him by the same patron-
age ; and he held both the remainder of his life ; but resided at
Linksteed till his death ; which occurred in 1612. He appears
to have left issue, by his wife Hodilow ; and persons, no doubt
his posterity, received university educations at Cambridge for
half a century after his decease. The arms of his ancient family
were, " Purpure, a lion rampant or, crowned argent." "
> A John Chace, of Syd. Coll. Camb. took his A.B. degree in 1624.
™ Vincent. But, though there is no contradictory evidence as to her baptismal
name, there is hardly a corroboration that it was Anne. Linsted has no register
anterior to 16.53.
° Christopher Pasley, (no doubt a son of the above marriage,) was a gra»
duate, and took his A.B. degree, at Trinity Coll. Camb. 1615 ; and the will of a
Thomas Pasley, of Kent, was proved in C. P. C. 1638. While another CHRisTOi
PHER Pasley, of St. John's Coll. Camb. became A,B. in 16r>8,
V. Catharine o Ilodilow, niarricd, beforo 1585, lo a Mr.
James Broniwell, of the Isle of Thanet, in Kent; but further
information of whom has been searciied for in vain.
VI. (? Margaret P) Ilodilow, wiio was married before
1594 to Mr. John Prance, or Praunce, of Marche, in the Isle of
Ely, by whom she had issue. This gentleman was a member of
the family (and probably a son) of Miles Praunce, Esq. mayor of
Cambridge in 1569 and 1576,1 and a descendant of which most
respectable house was Miles Praunce, a citizen and goldsmith of
London, goldsmith to her Majesty Catharine, consort of
Charles II., the famous witness against Hill, Green, and Berry,
in the Popish Plot, A.D. 1678. (Vide llapin's Hist, of P:ngland,
vol. xi. p. 508, et seq.) But it is said the family enjoyed a high
antiquity in Salop, and on the borders of Wales (? a Welsh
name), before their location in Cambridgeshire. And there are
still branches of it in existence.
Edmund Hodilow, gent, of Kelvedon and Wilham, in
Essex, described by Vincent as also of " Wenham, in Suffolk,"
eldest son and heir apparent of Thomas Ilodilow, of Cambridge,
resided at those places (latterly, however, at Kelvedon) during
his flither's lifetime, whom he predeceased, as already mentioned.
This gentleman was married about 1572, to Barbara Marche, one
of the seven daiightei'S of Robert Marche, Esq. of Haddenham
and Ely in Cambridgeshire, sister of Thomas Marche, Esq. of
Ely (who married Anne Steward, one of the maternal aunts
of Oliver Cromwell, the Protector of the Commonwealth),
and of Robert March, Esq. of Haddenham, ancestor of the
Marches of Haddenham, now extinct in the male line, and next
sister to Mary, wife of Richard Drury, Esq. of Reach, in Swaff'-
ham parish in Cambridgeshire, (son of Thomas Drury, Esq. of
Talbot's Hall, in Fincham, co. Norfolk,) whose grandson, Francis
Drury, recorded his pedigree at the Cambridgeshire Visitation
1619. The said Barbara's mother was Agnes, daughter of John
Castell, of Somersham, in Huntingdonshire, whose family re-
corded their pedigree and arms at the Visitation of Cambridge
° Vincent says " Mary," but Joseph Hodilow's will proves him wrong.
P Vincent says " Cecily," but there is no other record of such a daughter ; and
it is almost certain he is in error.
1 Robert Prance, another member of this family, was a graduate at Cambridge,
Wheatlie hall, temp. Elizabeth, and took his A.B. degree in 1582. He was pro-
bably brother of Joha Praunce, or Prance, above mentioned.
1619, luiving afterwards settled in that county; \\\n\e his pater-
nal relatives, the Marches, were of first-rate consequence in
Cambridgeshire, and recorded their pedigree in 1575, 1619, and
1684-; bearing for arms, "Or, three pales azure, on a chief
gules three talbot's heads erased or;'^ and, thougli now extinct,
the two main branches of the f:miily merged as follows : — March
of Ely and Stuntney in Norton of Rotlierfield, in Hants ;
March of Haddenham in Wollaston of Loseley, in Leicester-
After his marriage Edmond Hodilow resided continuously at
Kelvedon, though he kept up his house at Witham, and owned
also divers lands in Essex ; and he is proved, and recorded, to
have borne his arms of " Gules, a cross patee fitchee at foot
argent within a bordure engrailed or," and his crest of *' Out
of a coronet or, a dragon's head sable, collared or ; " for, when
the celebrated Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, was compiling
his Ordinary of Arms, temp. Elizabeth, the original manuscript
of which is now preserved in the Heralds' College, and highly /
valued, he entered therein, as " Hodilow of Essex," the arms <^
and crest as above described ; which not only gives a very good K
title to the bearings, but goes further, and assigns them to the ,'■
family on prescriptive right, as they never obtained a grant of
either from the Heralds' College ; and as they continued to use
them down to 1698, despite the severe ordinances of the Heralds
then in force, there can be no doubt they were borne with a
good and sufficient title ; and it is by no means improbable that
they were brought over from Holland.
Edmond Hodilow, however, did not enjoy a long life : for
" being sicke," he made his will, styling himself of Kelvedon, in
Essex, "gentleman," (an addition infinitely of greater dignity
in those days than "Esquire" of our times,) 16th December,
29th Eliz. (1586). He leaves the enjoyment of his lands to
Barbara his wife, during the minority of his two sons, to pay his
legacies, perform his will, and bring up his children ; and he
shows himself to have been a good man, for he directs that, if she
marry again, he that she marries be bound in the sum of 1,000/.
before marriage to his father, if living, and if dead, to his brother
Thomas Hodilow, "to bring up my children," says he, '^ in "the
feare of God and in good Icarninge." He leaves to his father
10/. per annum for life, chargeable on all his lands, in considera-
tioiv of 200/. his father had given him not long before : anil de-
sires burial in Kelvedon church, leaving to the repairs thereof,
and of the " well " in it; as well as two legacies to the Rev. Mr.
Simpson, Vicar of Kelvedon, one for writing his will for him,
and another to preach certain sermons after his death. He leaves
to his children, as hereafter mentioned, and to each of his sisters,
and his brod)er Thomas, a mourning ring; and to his father, one
of superior workmanship. He makes bequests to divers friends,
dependents, poor persons, and servants ; and appoints Barbara,
his wife, executrix, and Thomas Hodilow, his brother, overseer ;
and dying a day or two afterwards, (probably aged not more
than 40,) his funeral was solemnized in Kelvedon church, 22
Dec. 158G. r Barbara, his wife, survived him, and proved his
will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 27 June 1587; and
it is proper to observe that, thirty-three years afterwards, an
administration de bonis non was granted, by the same Court, 3rd
July 1620, to Brampton Gurdon, Esq. of Ashlington, in Suffolk;
though, unless he happened to have married a daughter of Ed-
mond Hodilow, it is not known how his concern with the flimily
After Edmond Hodilow's death, Barbara, his widow, returned
with their young flimily into Cambridgeshire, and lived her few
remaining years at Cambridge, but only survived her husband a
short time. She made her will there, " being sicke," (her bro-
ther in law, the Rev. Robert Thexton, attests it, attending her
doubtless, in a spiritual capacity,) and in sure hopes of salvation,
6vc. styling herself " of Cambridge, widow," 21st Sept. 1589;
appoints her brother in law Mr. Thomas Hodilow, and her bro-
ther Mr. William Marche, executors. She speaks of her chil-
dren, all then minors, with great affection. She died very soon
after, for her will was proved, 4.th May 1590, in the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury, by Thomas Redman, notary public, pro-
curator of Thomas Hodilow, one of the executors. By her Ed-
mond Hodilow had issue three sons and four daughters,
I. Arthur Hodilow, of whom hereafter, as heir to his
father, and grandfather.
' It is very probable there was, at one time, a brass, with an inscription and arms,
to his memory in Kelvedon church ; as there are now many hollows there, where
such have formerly existed; and which were no doubt torn away, to satisfy the ra-
pacity of Cromwell's soldiers, sixty years afterwards,
II. Thomas Hodilow, baptized at Kelvedon, in Essex, 5th
April 1580; who died rot. 6, however, and was buried there
20th May 1586.
III. John Hodilow, of Witham, in Essex, who was bap-
tized at Kelvedon, 1st March 1583-4; and was a minor in
1586, when his fadier, by his will, dated Dec. 1586, leaves
him his house at Witham, and his lands called Segmier's, or
Sedmarsh, lying in Lutchingdon, Lawland, and Mayland, all
in Essex. This gentleman lived temp. James I. and Charles I.
but apparently on bad terms with his brother Arthur, as the
latter, in recording his pedigree in 1618, omits both him, John
Hodilow, and also his sisters, from the record. They were,
however, reconciled before death ; for Arthur lying sick at
Grafton Underwood in 1635, this John, his brother, not only
wrote his will for him, but was appointed executor therein ;
which executorship, however, he renounced in IGil, after his
brother Arthur died. Further record of John Hodilow has
not been discovered; but it seems very certain that he died
I. Anne Hodilow, baptized at Kelvedon 27th June 1574,
who, by her father's will, has a legacy of 100/. A. D. 1586.
II. Katharine Hodilow, baptized at Kelvedon, 18 Nov. 1575.
She has a legacy of 10/. by her father's will; and was living
also in 1594, when her grandfather Thomas Hodilow makes
her a bequest.
III. INIarche Hodilow, (a daughter so christened, it is
needless to notice, after her mother's family.) She v/as bap-
tized at Keldon 30th Dec. 1576, and has 100 marks by her
father's will.
IV. Susanna Hodilow, born a few days before her father's
death, Dec. 1586, and in his will styled, " my daughter, the
child new born, but not clu'istened." She was baptized, how-
ever, on the day of her father's funeral, 22 Dec. 1586, at Kel-
vedon. Her father left her also a legacy of 100 marks, s
• From their brother omitting all these ladies from the pedigree he recorded,
their marriages are unknown. One of them, however, seems to have married a
"William Horsnell, or Horsenaile, of a respectable family settled chiefly in Berks and
Surrey, which bore, "Argent, a cross dovetailed between four mullets azure," under
a modern grant, or confirmation, from the Heralds' College, and had by him two
sons ; John Horsenell, and George Horsenell, mentioned as cousins in the will of
Akthuii IIodilow, Esq. of Grafton Underwood, ^^ in Norlli-
iuiij)tonslure, for there was liis seat, eldest son and heir, was
baptized at Kclvedon, in Essex, 24 Feb. 1577-8, and succeeded
his father in 1586, and his grandfather in 1595, in all the dif-
ferent entailed estates at Cambridge, Ely, Sec. in that county,
as well as at Kelvedon and elsewhere in Essex ; but being only
young at his flilher's death, was brought up by his uncle, Tho-
mas Hodilow, of London, and Burton Latimer, in Northamp-
tonshire, and marrying a lady of that county himself, moreover,
became permanently seated at Grafton Underwood, co. North-
ampton ; and being not only a man of considerable pro-
perty, but of very good connections, both paternally and mater-
nally, recorded his pedigree in the private manuscripts of the
celebrate Augustin Vincent, Rouge Croix, A. D. 1618, (Vincent,
112, in Coll. Arm.) and which pedigree, there can be no doubt,
it was intended to enter in the regular Visitation of Northamp-
tonshire made that year by Vincent; the omission of which evi-
dently resulted from a discovery that Mr. Hodilow had com-
mitted several mistakes in the baptismal names of his ancestors
and relatives, — a species of blunder by no means uncommon in
many of the pedigrees which actually do stand on record in the
Visitations ; and which are evidence in a court of laic notwith-
standing all their errors.^ Arthur Hodilow's recorded pedigree
John Hodilow. See -post. Still it is not impossible that these Horsenells might
descend from a previous marriage of Mr. Thomas Henchman, of London, hereafter
noticed. It is extremely probable, however, that there was some marriage with the
Gurdons of Ashlington, in Suffolk . though their pedigree displays no Hodilow
connection. That worshipful house bore, "Sable, three leopard's faces jessant de
lis or.''
• There is no parish register at Grafton Underwood anterior to 1G80.
" To substantiate this charge against the Visitations, let no less than two different
entries be referred to, relating to the D'Oyly family. See pedigree ofD'Oylyof
Turville in the Bucks Visitation 1634, where a sister of the then representative of
the family is said to be " Mary," wife of Richard Willmott. Her name was
" IMargaret ; " as appears by both her mother's will and her baptismal register.
But refer also to the James pedigree in the Durham Visitation Itilo, where a son
of the very man recording the genealogy is said to marry Anne, daughter of John
D'Oyly, of Overbury, in Suffolk. There was never a John D'Oyly in that family.
Her father was Edward D'Oyly. This instance is particularly referred to, as the
original of that Visitation is in the British Museum. In Hodilow's record of his
pedigree, three of his aunts, the husband of one of them, his maternal grandfather,
and his great-grandfather Hodilow, have all incorrect baptismal names, as has been
proved by wills, &c. And it is more than probable the same errors e-xist with
descends to his five eldest sons and his daughter Jane; com-
mencing with a " Thomas Hodilow," probably intended for his
great-great-grandfadier, but substituted for Robert Hodilow his
great-grandfather. Tiie said Arthur Hodilow was twice married.
First, about IGOO, to Jane Henchman, only sister of the cele-
brated and Right Rev. Dr. Humphry Henchman, D.D. Lord
Bishop of London, and Privy Councillor, and High Almoner
to King Charles 11., whose life that prelate is famous for
having saved, after the battle of Worcester in 1651; and
daughter of Thomas Henchman, Esq. of Wellingborough, in
Northamptonshire, and of London, citizen and skinner, by Anne
Griffith his wife, aunt of Dr. John Owen, before mentioned as
husband of Sarah Hodilow, (first cousin to Arthur,) and daugh-
ter of Robert Griffith, Esq. Constable of Carnarvon in Wales ;
and thus two first-cousins married two first-cousins.
The Henchmans were a family of great antiquity and respect-
ability in Northamptonshire, having been seated at Great
Dodington, in that county, at a very distant period ; and the
family pedigree, and arms, of "Argent, a chevron between three
horns sable, strung gules, on a chief sable three lions rampant of
the first," were recorded at the London Visitation 1634, by Mrs.
Hodilow's father, the said Thomas Henchman. She had divers
brothers beside the Bishop ; and an imperfect pedigree of the
family, deduced to a late date, is extant in one of our county
histories. Of the Bishop, the best biography is in Cassan's
Lives of the Bishops of Salisbury; and portraits of him are in
existence. Bishop Henchman was undoubtedly one of the most
eminent prelates that England has ever produced .
By Jane Henchman, who died before 1635, but was living in
1618, Arthur Hodilow had six sons and two daughters;
L Thomas Hodilow, of Dantzic, in Germany, an eminent
merchant there. He was born about 1603; aged 15 at the
recording of the pedigree, A. D. 1618, and, by reason of his
regard to his grandmother Hodilow. As to the baptismal names of the grand
and great-grand parents of the party recording, it is no exaggeration to state, that
they are as often wrong as right. It is absurd to suppose that men of a neces-
sity must possess flCCMra^e genealogical information up to their great-grand parents.
On the contrary, they very seldom possess perfect, and hardly ever correct in-
telligence thereon, certainly not on baptismal names, unless they are " more or
less" genealogists.
father's large family, brought up a merchant in London, under
one Matthew Cradock, a Staffordshire gentleman of good fa-
mily, but a merchant of the city of London, like many other
persons of good pedigree, at that time. Such was the reputa-
tion of the " trades of London " in those days ; and so well
did master and apprentice agree, that, about 1635, Matthew
Cradock, Esq. took Thomas Hodilow into partnership with
him. What was their branch of merchandize does not ap-
pear : but, sure it is, Thomas Hodilow became soon afterwards
located at Danlzic, in Germany ; and made his will there,
May 1611 (17th Car. L), styling himself "Thomas Hodilow,
merchant." He enters into long details of his affairs, and,
with a high sense of honour, makes various arrangements,
and gives several directions regarding his property, for the
express purpose of preventing his partner, Mr. Cradock,
losing anything by him ; and shows himself to have been a
young man of the highest principles. His only relation named
in his will is his youngest sister Cecily Hodilow, to whom he
leaves all he was able, no doubt in consequence of her having
received the affliction of a stepmother shortly before. He
died very soon after v. p., May 1611, unmarried, and aged
about 38 : and his will not being known of at his death, ad-
ministration was granted by the Prerogative Court of Canter-
bury in 1611, to liis brother John Hodilow, and his brother
in law James Fishe. The will, however, having at length
been brought to England, v.-as proved in both the Consistory
Court of London, and the Prerogative Court of Canterbury,
April 1645, when administration annexed thereto was granted
to Thomas Jorden, his principal assignee.
II. Rev. Arthur Hodilow, of whom presently, as heir
to his father.
III. Edmond Hodilow, a minor in 1618, who was alive in
1635, but dead, it seems, in 1611, (and certainly soon after,)
having married a lady unrecorded, by whom he left one son,
I. Edmond Hodilow, of whom hereafter, as heir male
to Arthur, his uncle.
1\\ John Hodilow, of Lubbenham, in Leicestershire, gent,
a minor in 1618. He made his will 3rd Jan. 1618-9, and a
nuncupative codicil about five weeks before his death, viz. on
the 14th Feb. 1648-9. lie mentions all his brothers and sis-
ters of the whole blood then alive, and his nephew Edmond
Hodilow, Sec. as well as his sister in law Ermine Hodilow (of
whom hereafter), and her house in Cambridge ; John, son of
his uncle Owen Henchman: and John and George Horsnell,
sons of his uncle William Horsnell. He makes a charitable
bequest to the poor of Grafton Underwood, in Northampton-
shire, and appoints his brother Richard Hodilow, of London,
goldsmith, his executor ; who proved the same v.-iil in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury 8 March 1648-9: John
Hodilow, the testator, having died soon after his codicil was
made, s. p. and a3t. about 40.
V. Philip Hodilow, of Radwell, in Herts, vintner, a minor
in 1618. He made his will 23 March 1641-2, mentionino- all
his brothers and sisters of the whole blood then livino-, and his
nephew, Edmond Hodilow. He died s. p. set. about 30, soon
after, and his will was proved in the Prerogative Court of
Canterbury 1642.
VI. Richard Hodilow, of whom hereafter, as eventually
heir male of the family.
I. Jane Hodilow, a minor 1618; married first before 1641,
(and probably before 1635,) to Janies Fishe, Esq. of the emi-
nent old Hertfordshire and Suffolk family of the name, who
bore, " Chequ}', or and gules, on a pale sable three mullets
or;" but she is not recorded to have had issue by him, who
died before 1648-9. She espoused, secondly, Constable,
Esq. before 1683; and both she and he were alive, at a fine
old age, in 1696. This Mr. Constable was no doubt a mem-
ber of the populous Yorkshire family of the name, which bears,
'^ Barry of six or and azure," and who had assumed their
patronymic at a very early period from being Constables of
of Chester. See an elaborate account of this family in Poul-
son's Holderness.
H. Cecily Hodilow, who was the favourite sister, and legatee,
of her brother Thomas. She was born subsequent to 1618,
and was married between 1610 and 1648-9 to one Francis
Collins, Esq. ; but of what family is not positively knov/n ;
though, probably, he was a member of the populous house of
the name settled in Northamptonshire, Suffolk, Essex, Staf-
fordshire, and Kent, which bore, " Vert, a griffin segreant
or." Both he and slie were living in 1GG3 and 1696; but
are not recorded to have liad issue.
Arthur Hodilow, Esq. of Grafton Underwood, having thus
eight children by his first wife, Jane Henchman, survived her,
and married secondly, between 1G24. and 1635, the Lady Susan-
nah Humfrey, widow of Sir Thomas Humfrey, of Swebston, in
Leicestershire, Knt. (who received that dignity from James L in
1603, having served the office of High Sheriff of Leicestershire
in 1602,) and daughter of George Pilkington, Esq. of Barston,
in Leicestershire, and Staunton le Dale, in Derbyshire, and
great-granddaughter of Edmund Pilkington, Esq. by Katharine
liis wife, sister of William Basset, Esq. of Blore, co. Stafford, (a
lineal descendant of royalty,) which last Edmund was son of an-
other Edmund Pilkington, Esq. of Staunton le Dale, in Derby-
shire, by Margaret, his second wife, daughter of John Babing-
ton, Esq. of Dethick, in Derbyshire, (see Collectanea Topogra-
phica et Genealogica, vol. viii. p. 327,) great-great-grand-aunt
of Andiony Babington, of Dethick, the celebrated conspirator of
1586, in favour of Mary Queen of Scots.
The Pilkingtons were one of the very best families in Derby-
shire, beino- descended from a common ancestor with the noble
house of Pilkington, of Chevet, in Yorkshire, Nova Scotia Baro-
nets. And George Pilkington, Esq., the only bi-other of the
said Lady Susan, recorded their pedigree in 1619 at the Leices-
tershire Visitation, with their arms of " Argent, a cross-potence
voided gules;" the said Susanna having in that year married Sir
Thomas Humfrey, who also had recorded his pedigree and arms
at the same visitation ; his arms being being, "Quarterly, 1st
and 4Ui, Azure, a bend between four leopard's faces or; 2nd and
3rd, Gules, a cross-potence argent, pierced gules, charged with
twelve escallops sable." The Pilkingtons, it may be noticed,
were entided to quarter, 1st, "... fretty ... ( ? Oi\fretty yules)
a canton ermine;^' and 2nd, " on a fesse , three
mullets .... pierced;" (?for Noel and Wyverston.)
In 1635, Arthur Hodilow and Dame Susan Humfrey, his
wife, had a Chancery suit, versus Sir .John Monson, Knt. re-
garding the affairs of her deceased husband. Sir Thomas Hum-
frey. He had also another in 1625, against one Richard
Norton, an innholder at Bedford, arising out of a debt owing to
him, Arthur Hodilovv, by one John Dover, of Cranford, in
Northamptonshire, deceased. His bill in that suit was filed 20th
June 1625. In his suit with Sir John Monson, his bill dates
10th Oct. 1635; Sir John Monson's answer was sworn, 14th
May 1636. Neither, however, materially illustrate the Hodilow
Arthur Hodilow, of Grafton Underwood, made his will 27th
February 1635, being very sick. He leaves 50/. apiece to his
sons Thomas, Arthur, and Edmond ; to the first named, only on
condition that he (Thomas) frees the testator's executors from
his master's (Matthew Cradock's) claims. He leaves his daugh-
ter Jane ten shillings for a ring ; and all his other, though nu-
merous children, lOOl. each. He appoints his brother John
Hodilow his executor, who wrote his will for him ; and con-
stitutes his (testator's) wife residuary legatee. He lived, how-
ever, till the month of May 1641, when dying eet. 63, he was
succeeded in the lands and houses at Cambridge and elsewhere,
and in all the entailed property, by his second but eldest sur-
viving son, Arthur. Dame Susan, his wife, survived him ; and
John Hodilow, her brother in law, renouncing the executorship
of his will, letters of administration, with will annexed, were
granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury to Dame Susan,
his relict, 2nd June 1641.
This lady survived him many years, and latterly resided at
Swebston, in Leicestershire, the seat of her former husband, Sir
Thomas Humfrey;'' and made her Avill there 11 Jan. 1663-4,
desiring burial in Swebston church. She leaves to her son
Thomas Humfrey, and her daughter Frances, now wife of John
Moseley; to her, Frances, one shilling, in lieu of all claims.
She also leaves to her daughter Grace Moseley, of whom she
^ Lady Humfrey had several children by Sir Thomas Humfrey, of Swebston,
(who died 1624, intestate, she, Lady Susan, administering to his effects), viz.
I. John, and II. Edward Humfrey : both of whom died young, or s. p.
III. Thomas Humfrey, of Swebston, bapt. 1623, heir to his father 1624, and
living 1663-4.
I. Elizabeth Humfrey, bapt. 26 August 1621 ; married to Henry Bedell, of
Great Catworth, in Huntingdonshire, gent, and, dying in 1650, was buried at
Swebston, leaving issue.
II. Mary Humfrey, married to Mallory.
III. Lydia Humfrey, bapt. 1 Oct. 1624.
See further particulars of this family in Nichols's Leicestershire,
VOL, n, E
speaks with great kindness ; and desires that her son, Anthony
Hodilow, " see to all her wants." She leaves to her grand-
daughter Bedell, and to her sons George Hodilow and William
Hodilow, and to her son in law Mr. Richard Hodilow, and to
her daughters in law, Constable and Collings. She says that the
said Cecily Collings had always claimed against her the legacy
of 50/. left by her late husband, Mr. Arthur Hodilow, to his son
Thomas Hodilow, under the will of her brother Thomas Hodi-
low : but that the said Thomas died before his father, and that
it had therefore lapsed ; yet, nevertheless, " from the love I bear
to her, Cecily," says old Lady Humfrey, " I will that she has
the same legacy of 50/., upon her giving my executor a receipt
thereof." She appoints her " beloved son, Anthony Hodilow,"
sole executor and residuary legatee ; and dying, she was buried
at Swebston 12th Sept. 1664. Her will was proved in the Pre-
rogative Court of Canterbury 27th Sept. 1664, by the executor.
By her, Arthur Hodilow had further issue, four sons and two
VII. George Hodilow, of London, a tobacconist and
citizen of London, in the time of Charles II. ; who married,
by licence granted at the Faculty Office, Doctors' Commons,
26th Oct. 1663, Abigail, daughter of Mr. Henry Barker,
of London, and Elizabeth his wife; but of what family
of Barkers is not positively ascertained. This George Hodi-
low had a Chancery suit in 1667-8, with one Watson, which,
being of a curious nature, shall be briefly related. George
Hodilow having bought of a Mr. William Antleby, of Lon-
don, merchant, about August 1666, a parcel of tobacco,
lying in the ship "Bartelott," of Rapahanhock, newly arrived
from Virginia, and then sailing in the Thames, the said
tobacco, upon being taken out of the ship, was found to be
greatly injured and damaged, through the carelessness of John
Watson, the master of the vessel. Whereupon George Hodi-
low protested that some allowance ought to be made in con-
sequence of its condition ; and moreover would not permit it
to be taken into his warehouses, till such allowance was made,
and till the transaction was satisfactorily concluded. To this
Watson would not accede; so the tobacco remained lying on
the wharf, till the Great Fire of London broke out, Sept.
1666, and all the tobacco was consumed upon the wharf.
Therefore, in Feb. 1667-8, George Hodilow filed a bill in
Chancery, praying that Watson, and others, therein men-
tioned, might be compelled to appear and answer, (&c. &c.)
as it was entirely through their carelessness and obstinacy
that the tobacco was not warehoused in the first instance.
But the suit was never concluded; Watson had decamped
abroad ; and George Hodilow died very soon after, and that
intestate; letters of administration being granted in Oct. 1670
by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, to Abigail his widow ;
who surviving, had a Chancery suit in 1672 with one Moss, a
London tobacconist, and a person of the name of Church,
concerning matters of trade between them and her late hus-
band. She made her will, 9th Nov. 1675, appointing her
father and mother. Barker, executors, and her brothers in law,
Richard Hodilow and John Stepheyne, supervisors, and leaves
the bulk of her property to her only son George Hodilow,
then a minor : but sundries thei'ein mentioned, to her sister
Stepheyne : and speaks of her other brothers and sisters. She
died in the same month and year, and her will was proved 18
Nov. 1675, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, by her
father, Henry Barker. By her, George Hodilow left an only
I. George Hodilow, of London, a minor at the death of
his parents, having been born about 1666. He was brought
up by his maternal relations, the Barkers, his guardians,
and made his will, 4th .June 1692, styling himself citizen
and leatherseller of London, but then belonging to iheii-
Majesties' ship " Play Prize." He speaks of prize money
due to him, under the Royal Declaration of 1689. Appoints
Joseph Barker, of London, gent., executor; and leaves all
his property to his maternal relations, and mentions none of
the Hodilows. He died s. p. a young man, and aet. about
30, soon after; and the said Joseph Barker proved his will
in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 20 Feb. 1695-6.
VHI. William Hodilow, mentioned in the will of his mo-
ther, 1663-4, as then living. He married, and had a son
christened after himself,
L William Hodilow, mentioned as "nephew" in the
will of his uncle Richard, A. D. 1696. Of him, however,
there is no fiu-ther record ; and it seems certain he died s. p.
IX. Henry Hodilovv, of the city of Chester, gentleman ;
who appears to have been the roue, of the family, and was
latterly dependent upon Richard Hodilow, his elder and
wealthy half-brother. Henry died unmarried, and intestate,
about 1696 ; and administration to such effects as he possessed
was granted 1696-7, by the Prerogative Court of Canter-
bury, to his brother, Anthony Hodilow.
X. Anthony Hodii-ow, of whom hereafter, as male repre-
sentative of the family, after the death of Richard Hodilow.
IH. Grace Hodilow, married to Moseley, and alive
1663; and then apparently in a careworn, broken down, and
declining state.
IV. Frances Hodilow, married to another of that name,
viz. John Moseley, before 1664. This lady was cut out
with a legacy of one shilling by the will of her mother Lady
Susan Humfrey. Moseley, of Leicestershire, was a good
family, and bore " Sable, a chevron between thi-ee millpecks
argent." But a strange mystery hangs over the marriages of
Grace and Frances Hodilow ; and, it is strongly suspected,
that the above John Moseley was first married to Grace Ho-
dilow; and after ill-using her, and obtaining a divorce against
her, married to her sister Frances. But this is conjecture,
rather than otherwise.
Now however to
The Rev. Arthur Hodilow, of Stansty, in Wrexham parish,
in Denbighshire in Wales, second but eldest surviving son and
heir of Arthur Hodilow, Esq. of Grafton Underwood. This
gentleman was a minor in 1618, and being brought up to holy
orders, was probably educated at Cambridge ; but his name has
in vain been searched for among the A. B. graduates of that
University, y However this was, it is certain that he received
promotion from his relative Bishop Owen, through whose in-
ducement he settled at Stansty, in Wrexham parish aforesaid,
Wrexham living being in the patronage of the see of St. Asaph's.
Here he resided, and, though the entailed property at Cambritige
descended to him at his father's death, he remained at Stansty,
having married a lady of that neighbourliood. His wife was
Ermine Meredith, fifth of the six daughters of Hugh Meredith,
Esq. of London, but afterwards of Wrexham and Pentrebychan,
r Add. MSS. No. 5885, ia Brit. Mus.
in Wales, (uncle of Sir William Meredith, of Stansty aforesaid,
Baronet, so created in 1622; though the title is now extinct,)
by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Trott, of Colney
Heath, co. Middlesex. The said Ermine was sister also of Ellis
Meredith, of Pentrebychan, Esq. ancestor of the present Henry
W'^arter Meredith, Esq. of that place ; and her eldest sister,
Susanna, became the second wife of Robert Pulleston, Esq. of
Havod-y-werne in Wrexham parish, brother and heir of Sir
Edward Pulleston, Knt. The arms of this very ancient and
eminent Welsh house of Meredith were, " Azure, a lion ram-
pant or; " and they were moreover entitled to quarter the coats
of seven families,^ viz. (1st. Meredith, as above) ; 2nd. Azure, a
fesse or between three nag's heads erased argent ; 3rd. Azure,
a lion) statant guardant or; 4th. Sable, a chevron between
(? stag's) heads erased or ; 5th. Azure, a lion rampant ermine ;
6th. Gules, three chevronels argent ; 7th. Argent, a cross en-
grailed and couped, flory at the ends, between four birds sable ;
(8th. As first.)
By his marriage, Mr. Hodilow became allied to almost all the
notable families in Denbighshire, and the adjoining counties ;
these Merediths having matched, generation after generation,
with one or other of them ; and, according to Welsh genealogy,
that family itself was founded by Eunyd Gwernewy, a chieftain
of North Whales, and head of one of the fifteen tribes.
Arthur Hodilow, who appears to have been a man of feeble
constitution and delicate health, made his will " with his own
weake hand," he tells us, 15 July 1644; styling himself "of
Stansty, Clerk ;" he leaves to his wife and daughter, and appoints
his brother John executor. He mentions his aunt (in law),
Mrs. Elizabeth Meredith, of Stansty, from whom he had received
much kindness, and his cousin (in law), (her son) Edward Me-
redith, of Stansty ; also his sister (in law), Mrs. Susan Pulles-
ton, of Havod-y-werne, and his cousins (by marriage) Jane and
Katharine Pulleston.^ He declined very gradually; deceased
* Avery indistinct sketch in Harl. MS. 1972, fol. 266, is quoted. The Tth is
* The following scrap may improve the Meredith pedigree in Burke's Common,
vol. iii. p. 426, and at the same time illustrate Hodilow's connection with the
Hugh Meredith, of London, Wrexham, and Pentrebychan, co. Denbigh (se-
cond of the four sons of Richard Meredith, of Pentrebychan, and brother of Sir
about 1617, aged circa 42; and his will was proved in the C.
P. C. 29 Nov. 1647. By the said Ermine Meredith, who
survived him, and held his house and estate at Cambridge
during her widowhood, (which he must have settled upon her
soon after he succeeded to it;) but continued to reside at Stiinsty,
and was living his widow in 1648 and 1652, he had issue an
only child,
I. Jane Hodilow, liis sole heiress at law, a minor 1644.
She was living unmarried in 1648 and 1652, when legacies are
left her by her relatives : in the former year by her uncle
John Hodilow ; in the latter by her aunt, Mrs. Susan Pulles-
ton. But no further recortl has been discovered regarding
her, or her mother ; though they carried the Cambridge pro-
perty out of the family.
Edmond Hodilow, gent, son of Edmond, and nephew of
the Rev. Arthur Hodilow, became heir male of the family on
the death of the latter, circa 1647. Very little, however, is
known of him. He was a minor in 1641, and had a legacy in
the will of his uncle John Hodilow 1648; but it is clear that he
died s. p. quite a young man, not long after ; and thus the repre-
sentation of the family devolved on his uncle,
Richard Hodilow, Esq. of Hampstead, in Middlesex, and
of London, citizen, and a goldsmith of great eminence in the
time of Charles H. (sixth son of Arthur Hodilow, Esq. of Graf-
ton Underwood, co. Northampton, by Jane his first wife, sister
of Dr. Humfrey Henchman, Bishop of London.) This Richard
Hodilow was born about 1620, and was apprenticed as " Rich-
ard, son of Arthur Hodilow, of Grafton Underwood, co. North-
ampton, gent." to John Wilding, of London, goldsmith, 1 De-
cember 1637 : where he then became settled, and eventually
William Meredith, of London, Leeds Abbey in Kent, and Wrexham, Knt. the
father of Sir William Meredith, Bart.) made his will 26 Oct. 1624, (proved in C.
P. C. 16 May 1625,) and dying in 1624-5, left issue one son, Ellis Meredith of W.
and P. (who married, as in Burke's Commoners, and had, 1. Hugh, who continued
the family : 2. William ; 1. Anne ; 2. Elizabeth ;) and six daughters, I. Susan M.
second wife, before 162.5, of Robert Pulleston, Esq. of Havod-y-werne, whom she
survived ; made her will 3 April 1652, died 25 May 1652 ; will proved in C. P. C.
16 July 1652. (She left issue.) IL Jane M. alive 1624. III. Rose M. alive 1624.
IV. Prudence M. alive 1624 and 1652. "V, Ermine M. wife, as above, of Rev.
Arthur Hodilow, but living unmarried 1624. VI. Elizabeth M. living 1624 and
rose to be one of the first goldsmiths in London ; no doubt, de-
riving much of his importance, and connexion in business, from
being nephew to Bishop Henchman, then one of the Privy
Council to King Charles II. He receives mention in the will
of his brother Philip, 164-1 : and, 1648-9, was executor to his
brother John Hodilow ; and a legatee in the will of his step-
mother, Lady Susan Humfrey, 1663-4. But ere this, he had
married. Richard Hodilow espoused, pursuant to licence granted
16 Jan. 1650-L at the Faculty Office, Doctors' Commons, Lon-
don, Susanna, second of the three daughtei's, and coheiresses, of
William Pycheford, or Pitchford, gent, of Lee Brockhurst, co.
Salop, and of St. Mary's Colechurch, London, citizen and
haberdasher, son of Thomas Pycheford, Esq. of Lee Brockhurst,
in Salop, and uncle of Thomas Pycheford, Esq. of Lee Brock-
hurst, who married Jane Hill, of Hawkstone, co. Salop, ances-
trix of the Lord Berwick, and of the Baronets Hill of Hawk-
stone; nephew also of William Pycheford, of London, grocer,
■whose wife and widow Elizabeth Aldersey, niece of Randle Al-
dersey, Esq. of Aldersey, in Cheshire, married secondly, Thomas
first Lord Baron Coventry; and likewise nephew of Robert
Pycheford, Esq. of St. Alban's, in Herts, who, at the Hertford-
shire Visitation, in 1634, recorded his pedigree from his grand-
father, John Pycheford, Esq. of Lee Brockhurst, and the arms
of the family (which had been allowed to be legally and right-
fully borne by them, by Robert Cooke Clarenceux, temp.
Eliz.) of " Azure, a cinquefoil between six martlets or :" — and
which ancient house of Pycheford, or de Pycheford, was lineally
descended from Sir John de Pycheford, who died seised of
the manor of Lee Brockhurst 13th Edw. I. (1284-5), whose
progenitor Ralph de Pycheford was, for his valiant conduct at
Bridgenorth Castle, in the reign of Henry I. enfeoffed by that
monarch of Littlebrug in that neighbourhood, to be held by the
service of finding dry wood for the fires in Bridgenorth Castle
when the King came thither. The two other daughters, and co-
heiresses, of William Pycheford, were, 1st. Elizabeth Pycheford,
married to Thomas Steane, or Stayne, of London, citizen and
waxchandler ; and 3rd, Rebeccah Pycheford, married to Isaac
Honywood, of Hampstead, in Middlesex, (son of Edward Hony-
wood, of Islington, who was son of Sir Thomas Honywood, of
Evington, in Kent, and brother of Sir John, the ftither of Sir
Edward Ilonywood, Bart.), and both had issue.''
By his said wife, Richard Hodilow acquired a considerable
real estate, both in possession and remainder, situate in London
and Hampstead, as well as a larger amount of personal property,
in the lifetime of her father ; being married nine years before
that gentleman's decease, who, however, at his death in 1659,
left the mass of his property undisposed of to the youngest and
favourite of his three daughters, Rebeccah, who was then in her
minority, but afterwards married Mr. Honywood. Remainder,
however, to his daughters Steane and Hodilow, and their heirs.
Part of this property consisted of houses in Coleman Street,
London, which were burnt down by the Great Fire in Sept.
J 666, as appears from No. 5079, of the Add. MSS. in the Brit.
Mus., Decree No. 69 : the said Rebeccah Pycheford being then
wife of Isaac Honywood, and possessed of the property, which in
" default of issue was to descend, pursuant to William Pych-
ford's will, dated 4 Feb. 1658-9, to the said Elizabeth Steane
and Susanna Hodilow." In 1676, Richard Hodilow had a Chan-
cery suit, as executor of his brother in law, Thomas Steane,
versus John, son of Sir Charles Doe, of London, Knt. ; Richard
Hodilow being then of London, goldsmith. He latterly, how-
' An article containing the genealogy of the Honywoods allied to, and descended
from, Rebecca Pycheford, may appear in the pages of this work. The following
notes on Steane, or Stayne, will complete the destinies of these three coheiresses.
Thomas Steane, or Stayne, of London, citizen and waxchandler, was mar-
ried to Elizabeth Pycheford, the eldest of the three coheiresses, in her father's life-
time, and obtained a pretty fortune by her. He was without doubt a son of the
old Yorkshire and Lincolnshire family of the name, who bore " Argent, two bars
engrailed sable," and took their name from Stayne in the latter shire, at which
place they had their chief seat. This Thomas Staines (for he spelt his name in
every way) made his will 26 June 1674, appointing his brother in law, Richard Ho-
dilow, executor; and dying about August 1675, it was proved in C. P. C. by the
executor in or before June 1676, who had subsequently a vexatious Chancery suit
against John, son of Sir Charles Doe, Knt. arising out of the executorship ; Steane
having been executor to John Lane, a London grocer, (partner with one Jeremy
Gough,) which Lane had been a great friend of Sir Charles Doe. Richard Hodi-
low's bill was filed 20 June 167G. John Doe's answer sworn 8 May 1677. And
from the proceedings therein, we find that, by Elizabeth his said wife, who survived
him, Thomas Staines had left only two daughters his coheiresses, I. Anne S. mar-
ried 1676-7 to Robert Hill, gent.; and IL Elizabeth S. a minor, and unmarried
1677. Who with their mother, Robert Hill, Jeremy Gough, Benjamin Lane, gent,
being parties to the said suit, put in their answers, swora 36th June 1677 ; Eliza-
beth, the daughter, by her mother, her guardian.
ever, resided al Hampstead, in Middlesex. His wife, who pre-
deceased him, was buried in St. John's church, Hampstead (the
old edifice ') ; and record proves Richard Hodilow to be living
there in 1684, and in 1687. Nevertheless he made his last will
23rd Feb. 1696-7, styling himself of London, goldsmith ; which
will is sealed with a beautiful little seal containing the Hodilow
arms and crest, as before described, with a great deal of mantling
and ornament; but without any impalement or quartering; and
thus engraved, in every probability, before his marriage, as his
wife was not only a coheiress, but well entitled to coat armour.
He desires burial in Hampstead church, near his deceased
wife, if there be room, and if not under his pew. He leaves
his personal property, which was the chief part of his estate,
between his two sons in law ; and devises his Hampstead
copyhold messuage and lands to his son in law, Dawes, while to
Susan Burren, his other daughter, wife of Anthony Burren, he
leaves his leasehold estate, viz. five houses in Cinnamon Street,
London, parish of St. John's, Wapping, which he had purchased
of John Wellbourn. He mentions having advanced money to
his nephew William Hodilow, which he foregoes, and also men-
tions that he had lent money to the husbands of his sisters Con-
stable and Collins. He speaks of having allowed his brother
Henry Hodilow, a certain sum per annum, for some years : and
appears, in fact, to have done a great deal for his family. He
alludes to his brother John Hodilow, as being dead ; but never
once mentions his half-brother Anthony. He appoints his sons
in law, Dawes and Burren, residuary legatees, but neglects to
appoint executors. He died about sixteen months afterwards
aged about 78, and was interred in Hampstead church 18th May
1698. Before*^ his funeral, however, administration, with will
annexed, was granted 12th May 1698, by the Prerogative Court
of Canterbury, to his two sons in law, Dawes and Burren. Rich-
ard Hodilow, the goldsmith, was very rich, so much so, that
the traditions of his wealth have ever been fostered, and kept
up most tenaciously, by his descendants : and with him un-
questionably fell the fortunes of the Hodilow family; though, as
* Old Hampstead church stood East of the Tower, and is now part of the church-
yard. By an extraordinarj^ expedient, the present edifice was erected West of the
old steeple ; which still remains.
'' This is singular, and difficult to give a reason for.
we shall presently show, the male line did not entirely terminate
at his death ; for he left a surviving bi'other of the half-blood.
By Susan Pycheford, Richard Hodilow, however, had only
daughters ; coheiresses to him ; and to their maternal grand-
father, William Pycheford, in common with their cousins the
Steanes and Honywoods. They were,
I. Elizabeth Hodilow, eldest coheiress, born about 1657,
married at Hampstead 1684, by licence granted at the Vicar
General's office. Doctors' Commons, London, 24 Nov. 1684,
to Samuel Dawes, then of St. Michael's, Cornhill, London,
citizen, and a member of the Fishmonger?' Company. The
licence describes each as of twenty-seven years of age, and
respectively a bachelor and spinster. The said Samuel Dawes
lived at Hampstead on his father in law's property, and ap-
pears to have had issue in 1696. But it has been fruitless at-
tempting to trace his possible posterity ; and there is strong
reason to believe, that he, his wife, and children were all dead
s. p. in 1726. Of what family of Dawes he was a member is
unknown ; though most probably of a younger branch of
Dawes of Putney, in Surrey, which family bore, " Argent, on
a bend azure, cotised gules, between six poleaxes sable, three
swans or ; " and the eldest branch of which was raised to the
rank of Baronet in 1663, though now extinct.
II. Susanna Hodilow, (the second coheiress and daughter
of Richard Hodilow,) born about 1664, became (pursuant to
licence granted 10th March 1687-8, at the Vicar General's
Office, Doctors' Commons,) the second wife of Anthony Bur-
ren, of St. Dunstan's in the East, London, merchant, he being
then a widower ast. 36, and she spinster set. 23 : which An-
thony Burren had recorded his arms and pedigree at the
London Visitation 1687; the former, however, being respited
for want of proof ^ By Susan Hodilow Anthony Burren
• Burren, of Reading, co. Berks, living temp. Elizabeth, appears to hare
had issue two sons,
I. Richard, of whom presently.
II. Edward, of Reading, maltster, sometime churchwarden of St. Laurence's
church there, who died in 1657.
Richard Bdrren, Gent, of Reading, born temp. Elizabeth, owned considerable
property at Reading, and was mayor of that borough in 1638 (14th Car. I.) being
so appointed in the corporation charter granted that year. He married before
acquired considerable personal property, and the leasehold
estate in St. John's, Wapping, London. He lived till 1698
in St. Dunstan's in the East, but removed elsewhere after the
1612 Avice, daughter of : aud made his will i?9th May 1643. He died soon
after, and it was proved 27th Jan. 1644-5, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
By his said wife, who survived him, he had issue,
I. Richard, his heir.
I. Avice, bapt. at St. Laurence's, Reading, Feb. 1616, and married v. p. to
Anthony Philpe, of London, merchant, by whom she had issue. He died before
1672, or in that year. She surviving him made her will 8th Feb. 1672-3 (25 Car.
II.), and, djang liis widow in 1687, was buried with heraldic honours. The arms
used being" Or, semue of cross-crosslets gules, a wolf rampant sable," for Philpe,
impaled with Burren, as hereafter described, in a lozenge. Her will was proved
20th April 1687 in C. P. C. They had issue : 1. Anthony Philpe, living 1643 and
1687. 2. Thomas Philpe, his mother's executor in 1687; and Elizabeth Philpe,
living 1643, married in or before 1672 to Lenton.
II. Elizabeth, baptized at St. Laurence's, Reading, in 1620, living unmarried
III. Anne, living a spinster 1643 and 1651 ; who *' died a maid,'' says the
pedigree of 1687.
RicHAKD Burren, only son and heir, was baptized at St. Laurence's, Read-
ing, in 1612, and removed up to London, where he became a merchant, and
married Mary, sister of Michael Biddulph, ancestor of Biddulph of Ledbury, co.
Heref. and dau. of Anthony Biddulph, of Wood Street, London, merchant, citizen
and haberdasher, uncle of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, of Westcombe, co. Kent, and
Elmhurst, co. Stafford, Bart, and third sou of Simon Biddulph, Esq. of Elmhurst, co.
Stafford, by Joyce his wife, daughter of Richard Floyer, Esq. of Uttoxeter, co.
Stafford, and directly descended from tlie ancient house of Biddulph, of Biddulph,
CO. Stafford, where the family had been seated from the time of the Conquest. Her
arms were " Vert, an eagle displayed argent," for Biddulph, quartering Overton,
" Argent, a cross formee gules," and Greenway," Argent, a chevron debruised be-
tween three cross-crosslets fitchee sable." Her mother was Elizabeth, daughter of
Robert Palmer, Esq. an alderman of Loudon, by his wife Mary, daughter of -^— -
Cradock of Staffordshire. Anthony Biddulph, her father, though he had six
children, two sons, Robert and Michael, and four daughters, Elizabeth wife of
Henry Crispe, Joyce wife of Richard Wynne, Mary wife of Richard Burren,
and Sarah, gave each of his daughters 1 ,600/. on her marriage, (a considerable for-
tune, two centuries ago, for ladies with surviving brothers) ; as appears by the will
of Anthony Biddulph dated 11 Aug. 1651, and proved in C. P. C. 28th Oct. 1651.
Richard Burren made his will 14th Oct. 1651, " by reason," says he, " of the
dangerous times in which I live ; " he died soon after aet, about 40, and Mary his
widow proved his will, 30th Dec. 1651, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
His issue by her were,
I. Richard, who died young, v. p.
II. Anthony, heir to his father.
I. Mary, married to Mr. Thomas Spencer, of London, linen-draper, arid living
his widow in 1687.
Anthony Burren, merchant and citizen of London, only surviving son, was
death of liis lather in law Hodilow, and lived latterly at
Hampstead. In 1726 his wife's maternal cousin, Edward
Honywood, Esq. of Hampstead, leaves him a mourning ring.
Anthony Burren attended meetings of the Mercers' Company
(of which he was free) down to 1728, and in 1731 was a
member of the Court of Assistants of the Russia Company.
In this last year he died, within a few days of the 80th anni-
versary of his birthday, and was buried at Hampstead 1 6th
Sept. 1731. By Susan Hodilow this gentleman had issue two
sons and nine daughters :
1. Richard Burren, of St. Catharine Cree's, London^
baptized 12 Aug. 1690 at St. Dunstan's in the East, Lon-
don. This gentleman, however, died unmarried, intestate,
and embarrassed, about 1739, ast. 49, and letters of admi-
nistration to his effects were granted by C. P. C. to Nicho-
las Newton, one of his creditors, in 1739.
By his death his six surviving sisters then became co-
heiresses of the Burren, Hodilow, and Pycheford families.
2. x\nthony Burren, baptized 12 Feb. 1694 at St. Dun-
stan's in the East ; but he died early s. p.
born about Sept. 1651, and receives mention in his father's will, though then
quite an infant. He was brought up by his mother, and was apprenticed to William
Nutt, of London, merchant and citizen, and a member of the Mercers' Company ;
the freedom of which was conferred upon Anthony Burren 5th March 1679-80.
At the London Visitation made in 1687, Anthony Burren, then resident in Great
Tower Ward, St. Dunstan's in the East, recorded his pedigree, and arms of " Paly
of six, argent and gules, on a chief sable three lozenges or." He was then a
widower, s. p. s. and of the age of 35 years ; but had had to wife Anne, daughter of
Richard Cleaver, of Norton, co. Herts, granddaughter and coheir it seems (with
her sister Philadelphia, wife of John Sayer, Esq. of the Inner Temple) of Richard
Cleaver, Esq. senior, lord of the manor of Norton aforesaid, and widow of
Courteen, Esq. of London ; which lady had died 6 June 1684, and been buried
with heraldic honours under the superintendence of Russell the undertaker ; the
arms of Burren being used, as already described. Her arms are doubtful ; but her
only child was named
I. Anne, and died an infant in or before August 1687.
The record of Anthony Burren's pedigree bears date at Bakers' Hall, Harp Lane,
Wednesday 3rd Aug. 1687. In the following March he married, as mentioned in
the text, Susanna Hodilow, and had a numerous family by her ; the majority of
which children were baptized at St. Dunstan's in the East. In consequence, how-
ever, of this connection, he subsequently removed to Hampstead, and he, and his
immediate progeny, lived, died, and were buried there, as noticed above.
1. Elizabeth Burren, bapt. 1 Feb. 1688 at St. Dunstan's
in the East. Of her there is no further record.
2. Mary Barren, baptized at tiie said church 8tli Sept.
1691 ; who dying young was buried there 31st October
3. Susanna Burren, senior of the coheiresses in 1739.
This lady was baptized at St. Dunstan's in the East 20th
Oct. 1692, and was the only child who married. On the
26th Sept. 1728, she was married at Hampstead, (by licence
granted 24th September at the Bishop of London's Office,
Doctors' Commons,) to Mr. William Barry, of the sign of
the Golden Fleece, Fleet Street, St. Dunstan's in the West,
London, woollen draper, citizen, and a member of the
Haberdashers' Company of London, by purchase, dated
17th March 1709. This William Barry was born in 1685,
settled in London about 1708, purchased freehold property
in the metropolis, and was a widower at the time of his
marriage with Susan Burren ; though his first wife's name
is unrecorded. He was connected with a family of Saint
John ; and on very strong presumptive evidence was di-
rectly descended from the attainted family of Barry feudal
Baron of Rincorran, co. Cork, in the kingdom of Ireland,
which forfeited its estates in the time of the Irish Rebel-
lion, 1641-2. f By this gentleman (who died intestate, set.
f Philip Barry, Feudal Baron of Ri.vcorran, near Kinsale, co. Cork,
(directly descended from Philip Barry of Rincorran, who was summoned to Parlia-
ment as a Baron in 1302, SOth Edw. I.) forfeited his estates in the Irish Rebellion
1641-2, -which were conferred on the Southwell family after the Restoration. Philip
Barry was alive, however, in 1656, though greatly reduced ; and had issue a son
William Barry, who also lived in reduced circumstances, but married and
had issue. His wife was no doubt Barnet ; grand-aunt or aunt of Mary,
Joane, and Margaret Bamet, who are mentioned as cousins in the will of Elinor
Barry hereafter mentioned in 1712-13. His son
Philip Barry, grandson of the attainted Lord of Rincorran, became a follower
of Mac Carty of Carbery it appears, and thus succeeded in marrying into that noble
house. He espoused Elinor, daughter of Charles Mac Carty Reagh of Kilbritten,
CO. Cork, Colonel in the Army, sister not only of Ellen, wife of John de Courcy,
21st Lord Kinsale (and thus aunt of Almerick Lord Kinsale), but likewise sister of
Catharine, wife of Piercy Saint John, Esq. of Culedonnell, co. Cork, and aunt of
her children, Piercy, Charles, and Ellen Saint John ; in consequence of which re-
lationship it seems, " Saint John'' remained a baptismal name in the family de-
scended from WilliaiQ Barry, of Fleet Street, who married Susan Burren.
about 58, 27th May 1743, and was buried at Hampstead)
Susanna Burren, who administered to his effects June 1743,
in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and dying his
widow 19th March 1745-6, was buried beside him at
Hampstead, had issue,
1. William Barry, eventually heir general of the
Burrens, Hodilows, and Pychefords. He was born 13th
Aug. 1739, and baptized 27th Aug. 1729, at St. Dun-
stan's in the West, London. He was brought up to the
Philip Barry is known to have had issue by his said wife ; but with him all re-
corded pedigrees of his family terminate : which is supposed to have been caused by
the consequences of the declining fortunes of his family. It is, however, almost
certain that he is identifiable with one Philip Barry who was living very aged, and
pursuing the humble occupation of a cooper in the south suburbs of Cork in 1712.
This person had issue,
I, John Barry, who was latterly of Blarney Lane, St. Mary's Shandon parish,
Cork city, and died v. p. in or before December 1704; when Grace his widow
administered to his effects in the Consistory Court of Cork. He had issue
1. William Barry, of whom presently.
2. Philip Barry, living 1712,
1. Mary Barry, baptized at St. Mary's Shandon, Cork, 30 Jan. 1687.
I. Elinor Barry, of the south suburbs of Cork, who made her will 5th February
1712-3, mentioning, inter alios, her cousins Barnet ; and dying unmarried soon
after, it was proved 1712-3 in the Consistory Court of Cork.
IL Juliana Barry, wife of Walsh 1712-3.
IIL Margaret Barry, married to Thomas Sullivan, of Blarney Lane, Cork.
brogue maker. Both of them were alive in 1712-3.
William Barry (son of John and grandson of Philip) is proved to have been
living in 1712; and on the following strong presumptive evidence was William
Barry of Fleet Street, London, who married the coheiress of Burren : 1st. The said
William Barry, of Fleet Street, was born in 1685, and by the baptismal register of
Mary Barry, it is clear that John Barry's other children were born about that year ;
but her's is the only one recorded at St. Mary's Shandon, Cork, which makes it
probable that the baptismal register of one William, son of John and Dorothy
Barry, which occurs at St. Bride's, Dublin, 14th Aug. 1685, refers to the said
William, as it is known not to relate to the Dublin Barrys. If this be the case,
John Barry must have been twice married.
2ndly. Though William Barry, of Fleet Street is known by unquestionable tra-
ditions to have descended from a noble house, after investigation of an unusually
laborious and extensive nature, Barry of Rincorran alone affords a person identifi-
able with him.
3rdly. William Barry, of Fleet Street, was connected with a family of St. John,
and the relationship of the Barrys of Rincorran with a family of that name has
already been shown. This fact, and their marrying into a "Barnet" family,
which surname was afterwards assumed by William, son of him of Fleet Street,
almost stamp this presumption with proof.
Barry of Rincorran bore, " Barry of six, argent and gules.''
medical profession, and went abroad, for the purpose
(it is believed) of taking his degree of M.D. in a con-
tinental university, which, however, he never prose-
cuted ; but returned to England, assumed the name of
"Barnet," and was twice married: first, on the 3rd Oc-
tober 1760, by licence, at Easingwold, co. York, to Anne,
only daughter of Richard Bayley, of Easingwold, sister
and sole heiress of John Bayley, of Easingwold, who
by his will, dated 27th March 1780, devised the mass of
his estate there to the senior issue of the above marriage
on condition of taking the name of " Bayley." This mar-
riage produced only two surviving children : 1st. William
Batchelor Baknet, afterwards Bayley, Esq. of Eller-
beck and Easingwold, M.D. and banker at North Allerton,
CO. York, a Deputy Lieut, for the North Riding, born 16
July 1762, (whose pedigree is detailed in vol. I. p. 331-2) :
and 2nd. Saint John Barnet, who married, as mentioned
in that pedigree, and had two sons and three daughters ;
viz. 1st. William Barnet, who died a minor and unmar-
ried; 2nd. Henry Barnet, now a surgeon in extensive
practice at Blackheath, Kent, (who married Eliza, daugh-
ter of the Rev. Jonathan Dixon, ^^icar of Garton and
Humbleton, in Holderness, by his wife Jane Raines, of
Flinton, co. York, grand-aunt of the Rev. F. R. Raines,
F.S.A. ofMilnrow, near Rochdale; by whom he has a
numerous family) ; 1st. Marianne Barnet, now living un-
married ; 2nd. Charlotte Barnet, who died unmarried ;
3rd. Susanna Barnet, the second wife of Benjamin Moo-
die, Esq. now of the Cape of Good Hope, and late Laird
of Malsetter in the Orkneys ; grand-nephew maternally
of Benjamin the last Lord Duffus, and paternally direct
descendant and representative of Captain James Moodie,
to whom Queen Anne granted an armorial augmentation
for his naval exploits, as mentioned in Nisbett's Heraldry.
— William Barnet (previously Barry) married secondly,
as mentioned in vol. L 531, and died aet. 73, April 1803.
2. Saint John Barry, born 26th June 1734, and bap-
tized 1 1 th July following, at St. Dunstan's in the West,
London. He was a goldsmith (and citizen of London)
in the Minories ; being enrolled a Goldsmith of London
Oct. 1756 ; in July which year he had taken out a second
administration to his father's effects in the Prerog. Court
of Canterbury. He married, but died s. p. aet. 75, and was
buried, 7th Aug. 1809, at 8t. Mary's, Lambeth, Surrey.
His wife predeceased him and was interred elsewhere.
1. Susanna Barry, of Queen Square, afterwards of
Gloucester Street, St. George the Martyr's, London.
She was born 23rd March, and baptized 5th April 1732
at her father's house in Fleet Street. She made her will
28th Feb. 1797, leaving the bulk of her property to her
friends Mr. John Tubb, of Gray's Inn, and Mrs. Eliza-
beth Williams, of Southampton Row, subject only to
two small legacies to her brother William, and her neice
in law Mrs. Bayley of North Allerton, co. York. She
died unmarried, set. 68, 7th Jan. ] 800, and was interred
beside her parents at Hampstead, co. Middlesex, where a
grave-stone remains with inscriptions to their memory.
Her will (with a codicil dated 12th May 1797) was proved
11th Jan. 1800 in C. P. C.
4. Anne Burren, of Clerkenwell, baptized 12th Dec. 1693,
at St. Dunstan's in the East, London. She made her will 6th
Nov. 1770, a codicil 1775, and dying in her 88th year un-
married, 9th April 1781, was buried at Hampstead. Will
proved in C. P. C.
5. Jane Burren, of Hampstead, baptized at the said church
18th May 1697. She made her will 23 June 1749 ; died un-
married 13th Aug. following, and was buried at Hampstead.
Will proved 1st Sept. 1749 in C. P. C.
6. Sarah Biu'ren, baptized at the same church 15 Nov.
1698 ; she died young, and was buried there 21 Nov. 1698.
7. Mary Burren (second so christened), born circa 1700.
She resided in the parish of St. Sepulchre's, London, made
her will 1758, and dying unmarried 27th Jan. 1764, set. 64,
was buried at Hampstead.
8. Hannah Burren of East Street, St. George the Martyr's,
who made her will 10th July 1741 ; and dying soon after, was
buried 11 Aug. 1741, at St. George the Martyr's. Will
proved 1st Oct. 1741 in C. P. C.
9. Margaretta Burren, the last surviving coheiress of the
Burren family. This lady was born circa 1703, and resided
with her sister Anne at Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, and these
two ladies, on the decease, in 1764, of their maternal cousin
once removed, Frazer Honywood, Esq. of Hampstead, the
great London banker, put in claims for a share of the legacy
left by him to be divided amongst his relations ; and, proving
their kinship, obtained a part of that bequest 1764 — 1770. e
Margaretta Burren made her will 2nd Sept. 1776, desiring
burial at Hampstead ; and, inter alia, leaves to her nephew
William Barry, afterwards Barnet, " my grandfather Hodi-
low's ring with his coat of arms on it, and my old silver
watch ; " and to Anne, his wife, her gold watch, &c. She
also leaves to her niece Susanna Barry " her own family pic-
tures; " and to her nephew, Saint John Barry, her pair of sil-
ver salvers, &c. She appoints her said nephew, William Barry
or Barnet, then of Easingwold, co. York, sole executor and
residuary legatee, and after making a short codicil, 29th Oct.
1778, died unmarried 6th May 1784, in her 82nd year, and
was buried 1 6th May at Hampstead, where a horizontal tomb
remains with inscriptions to the memory of herself and her
sisters. William Barnet went up to London to attend the
funeral, and prove the will ; which last he transacted in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury; and the probate granted
to him on the occasion, as well as the seal-ring containing the
Hodilow arms, have ever since remained with his posterity,
and are now possessed by his great-grandsons. But the old
family portraits, bequeathed to Susanna Barry, passed with
the residue of her property to her personal friends in London ;
they were thus lost to the family, and have never since been
in. Jane Hodilow, living a minor 1674 ; but who died s. p. v. p.
Anthony Hodilow, of St. Martin's Ongar, London, citizen
and flaxman, however, became heir male of the family on the
death of Richard Hodilow, his half-brother, in 1 698 ; being
K After the death of Frazer Honywood, Esq. upwards of four hundred persons
put in claims for a share of this celebrated bequest ; not astonishing when it is
considered how very numerous were his paternal relatives. The subject was long
agitated in Chancery, and was not finally settled for many years after. The Miss
Burrens, however, obtained their share of the legacy under an interlocutory deeree
dated 1769, and .\ane Burren notices it in her will dated 1770. (Vide Ambler'i
tenth son of Arthur Hodilow, of Grafton Underwood ; and the
fourth and youngest by his second wife, Lady Susan Humfrey,
widow of Sir Thomas Humfrey, of Swebston, Knt. and daughter
of George Pilkington, Esq. of Stanton le Dale, in Derbyshire,
and Barston, in Leicestershire. This Anthony Hodilow was his
mother's favourite son, and is appointed her executor in her will
He had settled in London, in the flax trade, and married
widow of Waldoe, mother of James "Waldoe, gent.
and whose deceased husband was closely related to Sir Edward
Waldoe, of Pinner, in Middlesex, Knt. (whose daughter and
eldest coheiress Grace married first Sir Nicholas Wolslenholme,
Bart, and secondly William Lord Hunsdon,) and Timothy
Waldoe, brother of which Sir Edward, was grandfather of Sir
Timothy Waldoe, of Hever, in Kent, Knt. The Waldoes were
then a very good family, and were established in England temp.
Elizabeth by one of the name, who had migrated hither from
France, to escape the persecution of the Duke D' Alva ; and he
w.is descended from the renowned Peter Waldo, a merchant at
Lyons, who, applying himself to Theology, founded the sect
called the " Waldenses," in the twelfth century. The arms of
the Waldoes were, " Or, a bend azure between three leopard's
heads gules ; " but the writer has been quite unable to ascertain
the maiden name of Mrs. Anthony Hodilow.^' Anthony Hodi-
low, having administered to the effects of his brother Henry in
1696-7, made his will 11th May 1711, leaving his property
equally between his children ; speaks of his late wife, and leaves
her son James Waldoe one shilling. He appoints his two sons
^ Sir Edward Waldoe had another brother, who resided at Harrow, in Middlesex ;
and it is not impossible that he was the first husband of Mrs. Hodilow. A James
Waldoe, Esq. was buried at Harrow 1756, (? Mrs. Hodilow's son,) as was also Sir
Edward Waldoe 1707 ; and a Charles Waldoe, Esq. in 1790. Vide Lysons' London,
vol. ii. pp. 574 — 579. A Mr. Isaac Waldoe, before the year 1773, gave " a silver
chalice for the use of sick persons in private houses who should be desirous to re-
ceive the holy sacrament," to the church of AUhallows, Bread Street. Vide Mal-
colm's Lond. Rediv. vol. ii. p. 15.
See a brief and imperfect notice of the Waldoe family in Hasted's Kent, vol. i.
pp. 248, 397. The writer has used every endeavour to discover a pedigree of the
family; but it does not appear that anything save "scraps and patches" are in
existence, relative to the Waldoes. Of the celebrated Peter Waldo, of Lyons,
>vhom the family represent as their founder, and who died in 1179, see an account
in Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, vol. xxx. p. 489.
executors, and dying soon after, they proved the will in the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 8th June 1711. By his said
wife he left issue,
I. Thomas Hodilow, his heir.
II. John Hodilow, heir to his brother.
I. Elizabeth Hodilow, married first, v. p., to Mr. John
Crispe, or Cripps, a member of the numerous Middlesex and
Kentish family of the name, who bore, " Argent, on a chev-
ron sable five horseshoes or." He was her husband in 1711,
and had by her James Crispe and Frances Crispe, mentioned
in the will of Thomas Hodilow 1725. She married secondly,
in or before 1725, one Mr. John Seagood, (" Azure, two bars
wavy ermine between three hands erect argent; ") and they
were living, husband and wife, 1725 and 1727.
II. Katharine Hodilow, unmarried 1711, who wedded, be-
fore or in 1725, Mr. James Lumley. Lumley of Middlesex
bore, " Argent, a fesse gules between three parrots proper,
collared of the second ; " — the same coat as the great Northern
Lumleys, whose high nobility it is needless to notice here.
Thomas Hodilow, elder son and heir, was of age 1711, and
made his will 8th Dec. 1725, styling himself of " Thames Street,
London, yeoman." He leaves to his sister Elizabeth Seagood,
for life, his farm at Little Cornall, in Suffolk ; after her death,
the same to go to his nephews John and Thomas Hodilow, and
their heirs, in fee. To his sister Katharine Lumley he leaves
his lands at Sudbury, in Suffolk, for life ; after her death, the
same to descend to his niece Elizabeth Hodilow. He mentions
also his niece Frances Crispe, James Crispe, &c. and his cousin
Mr. Edwardes; as well as James Waldoe, gent, his (testator's)
brother ; and the wife of the said James Waldoe. He appoints his
sisters, Seagood and Lumley, executrixes ; and dying soon after,
s. p., they, by the respective descriptions of " Elizabeth, wife of
John Seagood," and •' Katharine, wife of James Lumley,"
proved his will in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 5th Jan.
John Hodilow, his brother, thereupon became his heir at
law. He was a citizen and girdler of London ; but only sur-
vived his brother about two years. He married a lady named
Hannah, but of what family is unknown; and made his will, 27
Nov. 1727, meniicning his three children, and bequeaths to them
F 2
divers articles, specifying his silver snuff-box, and tobacco-box ;
his silver buckles, and frold ring. He leaves his real property to
his wife, and appoints her sole executrix. Will attested by John
Seagood and others. Proved in C. P. C. by Hannah Hodilow,
widow, and executrix, 14th Feb. 1727-8. They had issue, two
sons and one daughter,
I. John Hodilow. II. Thomas Hodilow. Both living
1725 and 1727, when they had the remainder and reversion
of the Little Cornall estate, co. Suffolk, left them by their
uncle Thomas Hodilow.
I. Elizabeth Hodilow, who had the remainder and rever-
sion of the Sudbury estate, co. Suffolk, left her by her uncle
Thomas, in 1725, and was alive in 1727.
John Hodilow, the eldest son of John, became heir of the
family at his father's death. Every endeavour, however, to as-
certain the destinies of him, his brother, and sister, the last sur-
vivors of the house of Hodilow, has been made, but unsuccess-
fully. Nothing is known, or recollected of them, where their
estates were situate in Suffolk. The Prerogative Court of Can-
terbury has in vain been searched for their wills, &c. ; and it
is probable that the only clue to intelligence of them would be
through their existing representatives.
So much for the elder house of Hodilow. We now proceed
to the younger branch, who, though highly respectable, were
only substantial farmers and yeomen.
Hodilow of Histon and Impington, in Cambridgeshire.
John Hodilow, of Histon, in Cambridgeshire, second son
of the settler in England, and brother of Robert Hodilow, of
Chettisham, ancestor of the family we have just ceased treating
of, lived in the early part of Henry the Eighth's reign, and
held freehold and copyhold lands at Histon. He occurs as a
witness to the will of Margaret Raven, of Histon, dated 4th Feb.
1520, and also attests that of Richard Steward, of Histon, dated
Dec. 20, 1541. (These wills being both proved in the Regis-
try of the Bishop of Ely at Cambridge. Vide Cole's MSS. vol.
Ix. Add. MSS. Brit. Mus. No. 5861.) John Hodilow, of His-
ton, made his own will, 10th April 1542, " hole of mynde and
of good remembraunce/' but " seeke in bodye." Bequeaths his
soul to God ; and twelve pence to his ghostly father i'or his
paynes ; 3s. and id. to the reparation of Hislon church. To his
wife, the house he bought of Thomas Fowler, and the land per-
taining to the same, for the term of her life ; remainder to his
daughters, equally to be divided betwixt them. Also to his wife
his copyhold estate, held of the " other lordship^' for life, remain-
der to William his son. All his household stuff to his wife, his
best horse, one couple of oxen, and three '*' mylche beasts," ten
ewes, ten lambs, and six lamb hoggs, to his wife. To William,
his son, the house he (testator) dwelt in, and the land belonging
thereto ; as well as his freehold land in Chesterton Fields. \'ari-
ous cattle, and his implements of husbandry, to William his son.
Legacies, chiefly of cattle, to his four daughters and to his ser-
vants. His wife and William, his son, residuary legatees, and
the latter executor. Witnesses, Syr Robert Chykering, Vycar,
Henry Mounsey, John Stuard the elder, Thomas Sterne, and
William Hall ; whom the testator constituted supervisors. He
died soon after, and his will was proved at Cambridge, in the
Registry of the Bishop of Ely, 22 April 1542. He had married
before 1.520, though his wife's name is unrecorded, and left issue
by her, one son and four daughters,
I. William Hodilow, his heir, of whom presently.
I. Emma Hodilow.
II. Joane Hodilow.
III. Katharine Hodilow.
IV. Elizabeth Hodilow.
All of whom are legatees in their fathei^'s will 1542, and
also in that of their uncle Robert Hodilow, of Chettisham,
Jan. 1540-1 ; who also mentions their father to be his brother.
William Hodilow, of Histon, only son and heir, was born
in or before 1521, being of age 1542, when he proved his father's
will. This person is known to have married, and left issue;
but the parish register of Histon not extending to the period at
which he lived, details of his issue are not known. Nevertheless
he had one son (probably among others, but if so, they and their
progeny have long since passed away), viz.
I. John Hodilow. This
John Hodilow removed to Impington near Cambridge, and
receives mention, ivs " cousin,^' in the will of Joseph Hodilow, of
Cambridge, 1585. See ante. He, John, was twice married:
first, before 1576, to Anne , who dying, was buried at
Impington Sept. 1589. By her he had,
I. Robert Hodilow, heir to his father.
II. William Hodilow, baptized April 1581, at Impington;
and buried the same month and year also at Impington.
III. Thomas Hodilow, baptized Jan. 1585-6, buried there
Jan. 1586-7.
IV. William Hodilow, second so christened. He died
young, and was buried at Impington 1586.
I. Beatrice Hodilow, baptized Dec. 1578 at Impinijton,
married there, 5th May 1603, to Robert Matthew, or May-
thew: and both of them were living 1614.
' o
After the decease of his first wife, John Hodilow married se-
condly, at Impington, Jan. 1589-90, Margaret Stokes, alias
Scott, of Histon and Impington ; who was apparently sister to
John Scott, of Histon, and William Scott, of Sellson, co. Cam-
bridge. Attaining a good old age, John Hodilow made his will,
being sick, 20th Aug. in the 7th year of his " dread Sofrayne "
James I. (1609.) He leaves pecuniary legacies and household
furniture to his children then living, and appoints Margaret, his
wife, executrix. He republished his will 10th August 1614;
mentions his copyhold lands in Impington, and, among others, a
close called Burrow-field, the crop of all which lands, save Bur-
row-field, he leaves to Margaret his wife, leaving that crop to his
son Robert to pay the lord's fee on his admittance. He dying,
was buried at Impington, 3rd Oct. 1617 ; will proved 8th Nov.
1617, in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Ely. By Mar-
garet his second wife, who survived him, he had further issue,
sons and daughters,
V. Henry Hodilow, of whom hereafter, as successor at
Impington to Robert his half-brother,
VI. Edward Hodilow, baptized at Impington, March 1605;
living there 1614, and buried there 17th June 1622, unmarried^
II. Mary Hodilow, baptized at Impington, August 1598 ;
living unmarried 1614; but married there, 12th Jan. 1616, to
John Kn . . . (? Knapp,) of Alx . . . ton, in Essex.
III. Alice Hodilow, baptized at Impington, Dec. 1602,
livh)g unmarried 1614. She espoused, 24th Feb. 1626, John
Chaplin, of Impington, of a very respectable old Cambridge-
shire family, and had by him a very numerous posterity.
IV. Jane Hodilovv, baptized at Impington, Nov. 1608, liv-
ing unmarried 1614. Of her nothing further is known.
Robert Hodii.ow, of Impington, eldest son and heir of
John, by his first wife, was baptized at Impington, June 1576;
and succeeded to his father's copyhold lands there 1617 ; being
a legatee in his father's will 1614. He, however, died s. p. £et.
60, (and probably a bachelor,) and was buried at Impington,
3rd June 1636.
Henry Hodilow, of Impington, his half-brother, and son
of John Hodilow by his second wife, then became representative
of the family. He was baptized at Impington, Nov. 1595 ; living
1614, and was twice married. First, before 1619, to Elizabeth
, by whom he had several children ; of whom presently.
He wedded secondly at Impington, 25 March 1659, Mary
Spencer, of that place ; but by her, who dying, was buried there
26th July 1664, he, not surviving her a month, had no issue-
He was buried at Impington, 14th August 1G64.
Henry Hodilow made his will 4th Aug. 1664 (16th Car. II.)
on his deathbed. He names no children, all apparently being
deceased ; but leaves to his grandchildren. He appears to have
been a person of strong religious feelings; and, though a farmer,
evidently a man of worth. He appoints Rowland Pateman, of
Histon, in Cambridgeshire, his executor; and dying soon after-
wards, his will was proved, 30th August 1664, in the Registry
of the Bishop of Ely. He had had issue by his first wife,
I. John Hodilow, baptized at Impington 27th June 1619.
He died young, and was buried there 30th Aug. 1620.
II. John Hodilow (second so christened), baptized at Imp-
ington, 23rd Jan, 1624; who was married there, v. p. 24th
June 1650, to Elizabeth Chiseman, Cisseman, or Clieeseman,
of a numerous family at Impington. He died 23rd Dec. 1658,
V. p., leaving by her, who died 23rd Feb. 1660, only two
daughters, his coheiresses.
1. Alice Hodilow. 2. Elizabeth Hodilow, of whom
III. William Hodilow, bapt. at Impington, 30th Sept. 1627*
He died in his youth, and was interred there 21st April 1639.
IV. Thomas Hodilovv, baptized at the same place, 20th
Dec. 1629; but, dying young, was buried there 22nd Feb.
I. Anna Hodilow, baptized at Impington, 25th April 1621.
She was married to Pateman (? Rowland Pateman, of
Histon, in Cambridgeshire), by whom she had two daughters,
Alice and Anne Pateman, both minors in 1 664.
Alice Hodilow and Elizabeth Hodilow, sole daughters
and coheirs of Henry Hodilow, became co-representatives of the
family on the death of their grandfather John Hodilow in 1664,
who, however, leaves them a mere trifle by his will, bequeathing
the bulk of his property to the Patemans. Alice Hodilow was
baptized at Impington, 11th May 1651 : — Elizabeth Hodilow was
born 13th June 1656; and they are the last of this family of
Hodilow of whom there is any record. Whether they married
or not, is unknown ; but it is certain that they were not buried,
under the name of Hodilow, at Impington. This branch of the
Hodilows, though mere farmers, were highly respectable, and
constantly appear as churchwardens of Impington during the
period of their residence there.
Bernard Street, Russell Square, W. D. B.
London, June 1844.
There can be no doubt that it is as much the duty of the
historian of a town, as of a county, to detail the genealogy as
well as the topography of his district. The chief families in a
town are necessarily of as much importance there, as are in a
county its leading aristocracy, and sometimes of infinitely greater
weight and influence. Still how very few town historians enter
upon pedigrees. They think it no labour to narrate the most
trifling events, and describe the most insignificant estates and
edifices, while they scarcely ever trouble the reader with two
generations of a family together. If an eminent man be born
in the place, he is merely noticed as a native ; but as for informa-
tion on his ancestry or posterity, it must not be searched for
Brewster's History of Stockton upon Tees is an excellent
work, but falls within the above description; though perhaps
it contains more scattered genealogical intelligence than many
other works of the same pretensions. The following compila-
tions, however, may be found some addition to its genealogical
contents ; » for though imperfect they are original.
During the last three centuries the most noted families in
Stockton were
1st. The BuRDONs. This family was ascendant even in the
reign of Edward IV., and continued so during the 16th and
17th centuries. It furnished as many mayors, perhaps, as any
family in the borough ; and owned several spacious houses in the
place. Its pedigree is detailed in Surtees' Durham and Burke's
Commoners, the family having purchased Castle Eden in 1758,
and become seated there. The following points, however, may
• The writer of this article possesses an ancient MS. volume (formerly the pro-
perty of John Russell Rowntree, Esq. and previously of the Bunting family), on the
Antiquities and Topography of Stockton on Tees. Brewster's History does not in-
clude its contents ; nor is it known that any of the above matter appears in Brewster.
increase the information given regarding the younger branch,
which merged in Webster.
Henry Burdon of Stockton, mariner, (brother of the an-
cestor of the Castle Eden branch,) bought tenements in Stock-
ton of James Kitching 1692, by indenture of feoffment. He
married Elizabeth , made his will 1712, appointing his
nephew, the Rev. Rowland Burdon, his executor, and died the
same year it seems, as the probate of his will bears the same date.
By his said wife he left a son,
Rowland Burdon, who succeeded his father, and married
Mary, daughter of Lackenby. He made his will 1775,
proved 1778, and died leaving an only child,
Mary Burdon, his sole heiress, who married William Web-
ster, Esq. of Whitby, co. York, and had issue.
The ancient mansion of the Burdons was that old house in
the borough of Stockton, known as the " Blue Posts." They
subsequently owned a spacious house (afterwards, it is believed,
the property of W. Hylton Longstaff) with the date 164..
upon it. But the former had been in their family from the time
of Henry VII.
2nd. The Lamberts. This family obtained a grant of coat
armour of " Gules, a chevron ermine between three lambs pas-
sant argent," and flourished temp. Jac. I.
Thomas Lambert, to whom Ralph Bunting surrendered
copyholds within Stockton manor, 2nd April, 39 Eliz. was mayor
of Stockton 1616 and 1625. He was styled " Senior" in 10 Car. I.
and appears to have had issue five sons,
I who died v. p. leaving an only child.
1. Anne Lambert, grand-daughter and heiress to Tho-
mas, as appears by copy of Court Roll dated 17 July, 19
Car. I. She was a borough-holder of Stockton in 1647.
II. Thomas, a borough-holder in 1647.
III. Richard Lambert, living temp. Car. I,
IV. William Lambert, living temp. Car. I.
V. John Lambert, who kept a bakehouse in Stockton 1647.
One of these persons was no doubt father of that
Lambert, mariner, who married Isabel, widow of
John Bunting of S. before 1674. There was also a
Thomas Lambert, of Stockton, whitesmith, in 1830, no
doubt a descendant of the old stock.
3rd. The Wetherells.
Rowland Wetherell was mayor of Stockton 1619-20. He
appears to have been father of
I. Giles W. of whom presently.
I Wetherell (sister of Giles), wife of Mar-
wood, ancestor of Marwood of Busby. See that pedigree in
Graves's Cleveland.
Giles Wetherell was mayor of Stockton 1637. " The
widow Wetherell " (no doubt his relict) held a burgage in Stock-
ton 1647 ; and their son was probably
Thomas Wetherell, who held another burgage there at the
same period, 1647.
William Wetherell was also of Middleton St. Georse, co.
Durham, gent, in 1683. There was a
John Wetherell of Stockton in 1748. A
Nathan Wetherell of the same place in 1760. (Nathan
was the name of Sir Charles Wetherell's father.)
Wetherell, brought up by his aunt, a Miss Mary
Peacock, was of Stockton, wine merchant, about 1800. He mar-
ried .... daughter of ... . Ward, of the N. R. co. York, by
his wife, a sister of ... , Castell of London, and by her had
issue an only daughter and heiress, wife of Thomas Ayres, of
Stockton, surgeon, afterwards of the same place wine-merchant.
She died leaving issue now living.
4th, Bambriggs, or Bainbridges.
John Bambrigg, mayor of Stockton in 1559-61-62, founded
the family.
Robert Bambrigg, the next of them, was dead in 1647. He
married Mary , who, surviving him, married secondly
Thomas Goldsborough, alias Colsbrough, who, in her and
her son's right, held freehold lands in Stockton, as appears
by a " Livery sued out of the Chancery " by Robert Bambrigg,
12 Feb. 9 Car. I. Thomas Goldsborough was alive 1662j Ro-
bert Bambrigg and Mary had issue
I. Robert B., of whom presently. There was also a
L Margery Bambrigg of Stockton about 1647.
Robert Bambrigg was a borough-holder of Stockton in
1647, and living in 1660. He usually wrote his name " Bain-
bridge," and was probably father or grandfather of that
Joseph Bainbridge, of Stockton, who married Elizabeth
— — — , and ill her right held a burgage in the town at the
beginning of the 18th century.
5th. The Swainstons.
William Swainston, mayor of Stockton in 1622, conveyed
copyholds within Stockton manor, 13 March, 7 Car. I. to John
Swainston. He was alive in 1646, and had evidently two sons.
I. John, of whom presently.
II. Anthony, who acquired copyholds in S. 24 March, 7
Car. I. from "William S. and 31 July, 14 Car. I. from John
S. He was living in 1660-2; and there directly proceeded
from him
I. Nicholas S. living 1706 and 1718. He was a bene-
factor to the Blue Coat Charity School, but died s. p.
I wife of Richard Bowlby, of Stockton, by whom
she had a son, who succeeded his uncle Nicholas S. as ne-
phew and heir.
John Swainston, of Stockton, living 7 Car. I. appears to
have been also alive in 1658. With a daughter Elizabeth, wife
of Rowland Burdon, Esq. mayor temp. Car. I. he appears to
have had a son.
John Swainston, styled "Junior" in 1658, and living
1662. He had issue
Marmaduke Swainston, his son and heir in a burgage
in Stockton before 1743. This gentleman was not improbably
the Mr. Swainston who married the daughter and heiress of
John Allan of the Blackwell family ; and there was a
John Swainston in 1760 at Stockton, in all probability their
6th. The Kitchings.
William Kitching received a lease from Toby Bishop of
Durham 20 Sept. 2 Jac. I.
Thomas Kitching suiTendered copyholds within Stockton
manor (in which town he then resided) 28 Feb. 13 Car. I. to
Robert Burdon.
William Kitching was of Stockton 1647, and in 1658 of
Norton. William Kitching had issue a son
William Kitching, father of
Grace, who married and had issue
Elizabeth who married Anthony Smith of Har-
tlepool, merchant. He was dead 1729; and she, who
was aged 60 in 1744, died in 1762.
James Kitching, of the city of York, tinner, sold tenements
in Stockton by indenture of feoffment, 1692, to Henry Burdon
of Stockton, mariner, ancestor of the Websters.
Samuel and William Kitching held land at Carlton and
Faceby near Stockton, about the same time or not long after; and
there is a monumental inscription to one of the family in old
Chelsea churchyard of more modern date. The last of the family
at Stockton was a very respectable female who kept a school ;
but she left the neighbourhood some years ago, (about 1835.)
7th. The Fowlers or Fewlers. This was one of the most
numerous families in the town.
William Fowler, living temp. Jac. I. a copyholder at Stock-
ton, had a son,
I. jVI atthew, his heir ; also probably
II. Roger Fowler, who acquired copyholds in Stockton, by
surrender from Nicholas Fleatham, 20 Oct. 10 Jac. I. He
was also a borough-holder in 1647, and owned freeholds in the
parish by knight-service, which were detained from him by
Thomas Goldsborough. Rog. Fewler was alive in 1662.
III. John Fowler, who owned a burgage 1647. He is styled
" Senior." There was a
1. John Fowler "junior," 1647.
IV. Ralph, a borough-holder 1647.
V. William, a borough-holder 1647, and alive 1660-2.
Matthew Fowler was son and heir of William, 3rd June,
5 Car. I. as appears by copy of Court Roll of that date.
Robert Fowler, the next of them, had a son
I. Robert, his heir ; no doubt also
II. William Fowler of S. circa 1730.
There was also a
III. Francis Fewler, who died before 1740, devising part of
a burgage to Elizabeth Whorlton ; and
IV. John Fewler, who had a sister
I. Frances Coats living before 1743. There was an
II. Isabell Fewler before 1740; and an
III. Elizabeth F. who had a sister
IV. Anne Parkinson, about 1730,
Robert Fowler acquired, before 1743, a burgage in Stock-
ton, as son and heir of Robert. Tliere was a
Captain Jonathan Fowler of Stockton, mariner, in 1780,
or thereabouts, of whom Brewster's History contains a me-
The family subsequently lived in the great house in the High
Street, since that of John Barker, Esq. and it is now (it is be-
lieved) represented by
Marshall Fowler (late Robinson) Esq, of Preston upon
Tees, near Stockton, who took their name. He married a
daughter of the late .... Stapylton, Esq. of Norton.
8th. The Scurfields. This family, though rather of Crim-
don House, co. Durham, than of Stockton, was long concerned
in the parish.
William Scurfield, or Scirfield, together with George
and Katharine S. received from Richard, Bishop of Durham, a
lease dat. 10 October, 18 Jac. I.
Mr. William Scourfield had lands near Yarm Lane (a
street in Stockton) in 1683, which were afterwards John Dale's.
George Scurfield, of Crimdon House, living about 1728,
had a daughter Mary, married to Hutchinson of Whitton House
(see that family), and one or more sons; and from him it ap-
pears sprang the celebrated Scurfield of Newcastle on Tyne,
the chemist.
John Scurfield lived in No. 1, Paradise Row, Stockton, in
1760 : and either his wife or his mother was a near relative of
Capt. Reynolds who erected that house. The family also matched
with Marshall, it is stated, through which they became allied to
Lamb. At length
Joanna Scurfield, the heiress of the family (daughter of
Mr. Scurfield by his wife Miss Booker) married William Grey,
Esq. of Norton, formerly of Stockton, solicitor. Their second
L J. George Scurfield, Esq. took that name in lieu of
Grey. He is the present representative of the family ; he resided
sometime at Hardwick Hall, co. Durham, but afterwards at New-
bus ; and married Ann-Alice, daughter of the Rev. Rob. Hopper
Williamson, of Hurworth, co. Durham. (See that family in
Burke's Commoners.)
9th, The Wrights.
William Wright surrendered copyholds within Stockton
manor 43 Eliz. to
Robert Wright, who, if not identifiable with, was ances-
tor of
Robert Wright, of Stockton, in 1(»60.
Thomas Wright and Bathsheba his wife, of Stockton, were
living circa 1730 ; and about the same time lived
Thomas Wright of Stockton, who married Isabel, widow of
William Corney of that place, and acquired tenements there by
her. A Thomas Wright was also living there in 1760.
The first organist of Stockton old church was a Mr, Wright ;
and he was father of
Thomas Wright his successor in that appointment. This
gentleman was a good extempore organ-player, and an ingenious
mechanic ; he married a daughter of Foxton, of Stockton.
This lady wrote a novel entitled " A marvellous pleasant love
story," for the express purpose of satirizing the Stockton people
of that day. She also wrote an opera, for which her husband
composed music. With a daughter, they had issue a son,
Thomas Wright, Esq. of Wakefield, M.D. living in 1830.
10th. The Harperleys. This family was connected with the
last, temp. Jac. I. not only by marriage, but subsequently by the
crime of incest, for which penance was done at Norton church
(see Brewster), Stockton being then part of Norton parish.
Anthony Harperley, a copyholder within Stockton manor
temp. Jac. I. left as his successor in his tenements there,
John Harperley, admitted thereto as heir 1 April, 17 Jac. I.
He was living 1617 and 10 Car. I. being styled " Senior" in
both years. He appears to have had issue,
I. Thomas, of whom presently.
II. John, living 10 Car. I. and in 1660-2.
Thomas Harperley, to whom John Harperley surrendered
copyholds 16 Car. I. was living 1660. A Jane H. widow (no
doubt his relict) was living 1662, with a son named after himself,
Thomas Harperley, an infant in 1662, Mark Wapps be-
ing his guardian. He was no doubt the Harperley dead in 1743,
who left a widow named Magdalen, and by her a son
Thomas Harperley, who held a burgage in Stockton with
his mother about or before 1738.
11th. The Herrons.
Matthew Heron, or Heruon, held a burgage in Stockton
John Hereon had a son
William Herron, who, as William Herron " Senior,"
owned part of a burgage acquired h'om his father before 1T40 ;
probably also
Peter Herron, who was dead 1743, but left a son
William Herron, who as W. H. " Junr," inherited part
of a burgage from his father before 1743.
12th. The Hartes. The first of note was
William Harte, of Stockton, yeoman, mayor in 1624, 1627,
1628, and living for some years after, contemporary with a Tho-
mas Harte, probably his younger brother. William Harte had
only two daughters, his coheiresses,
I. Jane Harte, married before 1649, to John Atkinson of
Stockton, merchant. (See that family.)
II. Elizabeth Harte, married before 1649 to Leonard Cal-
vert of Stockton, clothworker, and living his widow 1675.
There was a Leonard Calvert living in 1662, and a William
Calvert in 1744. An agreement, dated 2nd Feb. 1649, occurs
between Leonard Calvert and John Atkinson.
13th. The Wapps^s.
John Wapps surrendered copyholds 14 Oct. 10 Car. 1, to
Richard Wapps, whose father was
James Wapps, probably brother to the said John. James
was dead in the 23 Car. I. and left issue two sons,
I. Richard Wapps, already mentioned.
II. Mark Wapps, to whom his brother Richard surrendered
copyholds 6th May, 13 Car. Land was living in 1660.
Richard Wapps, who succeeded his father, was admitted to
his copyholds, it appears, on the 6th May, 23 Car. I.
14th. The Coats's.
Brian Coats was a borough-holder in 1647; as was
Roger Coats in the same year. He had issue two sons
I. Anthony Coats, his heir.
II. Thomas Coats. Both were living anterior to 1739.
There was also a
in. William Coats living about the same time, and a
IV. John Coats, who left a daughter Elizabeth, wife of
Walter Marshall.
15th. The Watsons.
Thomas Watson, mayor in 1623-34-39- 46-7- 53-6, held
freehold lands in Stockton under a deed poll dated 26 April, 6
Car. I. from Thomas Burdon. He was alive in 1660, and ap-
pears to have had a daughter Alice, wife of the Rev. Thomas
Rudd, the first Vicar of Stockton, and a son,
John Watson, of Stockton, living in 1744. He had a daugh-
ter Mary, married to William Sutton (ancestor of Sutton of El-
ton), and also, it would seem, a son
Thomas Watson, of Stockton in 1729-32, and 1744. It
appears that there was a partnership between Sutton and Wat-
son, during the 18th century, but the nature of their business has
not been ascertained.
16th. TheCooKES; a very considerable family at Stockton.
They are said to have owned the mansion at the south end of
the town, near the site of Stockton Castle. Their house is
now divided into two tenements. They were merchants.
James Cooke, mayor of Stockton 1640-3, held a freehold
estate there, which he acquired by deed poll of 14 Dec. 13 Car. !•
from John Osborne. On the 19th May, 12 Car. I. Anthony
Stevenson surrendered copyholds near Stockton manor house to
him ; and at his death his property descended to another
James Cooke, no doubt his son. His name occurs as mayor
in 1669-74-5-85-6-93-98, 1703-1710. He m.ade his will 29
Dec. 1702, leaving 100/. to the almshouses; and died, having
had issue two sons and a daughter.
I. John Cooke, mayor in 1717-21, who died insolvent
about June 1725, without having paid the charitable bequest
of his father.
II. James Cooke, heir to his brother and father. He was
living 27 Nov. 1732, as appears by a deed of that date, and
also in 1744. From him it appeal's proceeded the heiress
of the family, who became the second wife of George Crowe of
Stockton, gent. (See that family.)
I. Lucy Cooke, mariied to Dalston, Esq. of Acorn-
bank, CO. Westmorland, and Jiving his widow in 1732.
17th. The Osbounes. Nothing is known of this family be-
yond the facts, that Cooke bought freehold lands of it in 13th
Car. I. and that there were two John Osbornes, a senior and
junior, in 164T.
I8th. The Jeckells. This was no doubt a branch of the
Essex family of the name.
John Jeckeli,, a borough-holder of Stockton in 1647, was
of Dillingham in 1642, and appears to have usually resided there.
He had a daughter, Elizabeth, married in 1681 to William
Maddison (see that family) : and a son,
William Jeckell, born in 1642, who married Margaret
Moon. (See that family.) By her he had four children.
I. John Jeckell, who suffered in Sir Cloudesley ShoveFs fleet.
III. Ehzabeth Jeckell, born 1688, married to Thomas
Smith, of Norton.
IV. (? The wife of Baker the Quaker ; as he is mentioned
by Brewster to have married a Jeckell.)
19th. The Buntings. With the exception of the Cookes and
Burdons, this was perhaps the most important family hitherto
mentioned. It had flourished in Stockton from the time of
Queen Elizabeth, but was probably most prosperous in the early
part of the eighteenth century. It owned a spacious house at
the east end of Dovecote Street, razed a few years ago to make
room for the " Exchange." Its genealogy is certainly worthy a
detailed narration.
Ralph Bunting, mayor of Stockton in 1564 founded the
family. He appears to have had two sons,
Ralph Bunting, mayor in 1599 (40th Eliz.), who surrendered
copyholds to Thomas Lambert 2nd April, 39 Eliz. ; and
John Bunting, living temp. Eliz. He married Elizabeth
'- ; who brought tenements in Stockton into the family.
They had issue
John Bunting, who succeeded, as appears by copy of Court
Roll, dat. 19 May, 12 Car. I. to the copyholds in Dovecote
Street, as heir to his mother. He was mayor of Stockton 1648-9,
a torough-holder the preceding year, and alive in 1653. He
married and had issue,
I. John, of whom presently ; also probably.
II. Ralph Bunting, of Seaton Carew, mariner, who
resided there 10th May 1666; but was afterwards, viz. 26
January 1697, of Stockton, wljen by deed of that date he
gave lands to his kinsman, Ralph Bunting junior. Deed
sealed with a bird. ( ? a bunting.)
John Bunting, of Stockton, is styled yeoman in 1653. He
was living 1658-60 and 62; but died intestate; whereupon Isa-
bel, his widow, enjoyed the copyholds for life by custom of the
manor. She soon after married Lambert, of Stockton,
mariner, survived him also, and was living his widow in 1675.
By Bunting she had issue, a son and a daughter :
I. Ralph Bunting; of whom presently.
I. Frances, married to Mailes ; but she dying in-
testate and s. p. was succeeded in a burgage, she owned, in
Stockton, by her brother Ralph, as heir at law.
Ralph Bunting was an alderman of Stockton, and mayor
in 1702, 1711, and 1734. He surrendered copyhold tenements
within Stockton manor 17 May 1709; and married Anne ,
who, with him, appears living (by deeds dated) in 1720 and 1734.
He died 31st Oct. 1743, eet. 86; she 29th May 1746, set. 84;
both were buried at Stockton. Their monumental inscription
states that they had eleven children, of whom only one survived
them, and infers that their marriage took place about 1680.
Divers of their children however left issue. The chief were
I. Edmund, the only surviving child ; of him presently.
II. Ralph, who acquired a burgage in Stockton from his
father, but pre-deceased him.
I. Margaret (the second daughter in reality). She married
Mr. Nicholas Bradley, of Greatham, co. Dui'ham, being his
first wife : and was mother by him of
I. Ralph Bradley, Esq, of Stockton, a counsellor at law
of eminence, who made a singular charitable bequest ;
which was set aside by Lord Chancellor Thurlow in favour
of testator's next of kin. Of Ralph Bradley a biographical
memoir appears in Brewster's Stockton. He died 1788,
and was buried in Greatham church.
II. Frances, m. to George Crowe, of Stockton, and had issue.
Edmund Bunting^ was a solicitor at Stockton upon Tees,
" This gentleman owned the MS. volume already mentioned as being in the
writer's possession.
G 2
and appears in a list of Attorneys A. D. 1730. He was heir
apparent to his father in 1720; succeeded him in 1743; and
made his will 29th May 1762, leaving 20/. to the charity school.
He died set. 68, 13th Dec. 1764, having been twice married.
His first wife was Mary, daughter and coheiress of George Jack-
son, of Stokesley, co. York, gent, (by Elizabeth his wife, daugh-
ter and coheiress of Gabriel Gibbon, of the same place, gent,
who owned an estate there.) Her marriage settlement bears
date 1720; in 1724 she took out letters of administration to the
effects of her sister Jane Jackson; and died 2nd Feb. 1730, set.
37. The only surviving child of this marriage was
I. Elizabeth, who was aet. 5 in 1734. She made her will
in 1765, a codicil 1767, and died unmarried 20th Oct. 1767,
set. 39, and was buried at Stockton. She left divers charities
to Stockton.
Edmund Bunting married secondly (settlement dated 9 Aug.
1734), Dorothy, daughter of John Tomlinson of the city of
York, gent. She survived him, and made her will 1783 ap-
pointing her daughter Mary executrix, and died 19th March
1789, in her 89th year. This marriage produced
I. ToMLiNSON, of whom presently, as heir to his father.
II. Dorothy, who married Thomas Harrison, Esq. attorney-
, genera] and advocate-general of Jamaica, (third son of Sir
Thomas Harrison, Knt. chamberlain of London and receiver-
general of land-tax in Middlesex,) and by him was mother of
1. Sir George Harrison, of whom hereafter.
2. William Harrison, a lawyer in London.
3. Thomas Harrison, who lived in the West Indies.
III. Mary, married in 1788 to Captain John Sutton, of
Stockton, in the East India Company's service. She proved
her mother's will in 1789, and died s. p. ^
ToMLiNSON Bunting, Esq. only son and heir, was a party to
articles of agreement with his father 22nd Nov. 1763, and in or
soon after that year, married his cousin Anne Tomlinson, daugh-
ter of the Rev. William Tomlinson, A.M. of Jesus Coll. CambI
and grand-daughter of the said John Tomlinson, of York, gent.
Tomlinson Bunting made his will 1767, and died 1768 ; leav-
ing his said wife surviving, who was living his widow 1773, and
'' See Sutton of Elton, in Burke's Commoners.
marrying, secondly, Hartley, was ancestrix of the Hartleys
of Middleton Tyas. By her Bunting had issue only two daugh-
ters, his coheiresses at law.
I. Elizabeth (another paper says Anne), ast. 7, 12th
Geo. III.; who marrying John Hunter, Esq. of the Hermit-
age in Northumberland, had issue by him only daughters,
her coheiresses, viz.
1 . wife of Brooksbank.
2. Elizabeth, the second wife of Robert Lancelot All-
good, Esq. of Nunwick, co. Northumberland ; by whom she
has issue. ^
II. Dorothy, set. 5, 12th Geo. III., who became the wife
of her cousin Sir George Harrison, Knt. (see Dodd's Peerage,
Baronetage and Knightage,) and had issue by him a son
1. Thomas Harrison.
So much for the Buntings. Contemporary with their earlier
generations were
20th. The Fleathams, who were several times mayor.
Nicholas Fleatham, mayor of Stockton in 1601-2-7-9,
surrendered copyholds within Stockton manor 20 Oct. 10 Jac. I.
to Roger Fowler, and was living in 1647. An Elenor Fleatham,
widow, surrendered copyholds 4 May, 18 Car. I. to her son
I. Thomas, of whom presently ; and
II. Anthony Fleatham, living 1647, was brother of the said
Thomas in every probability.
Thomas Fleatham, living, as already mentioned, 18 Car. I.,
married and had issue, and at his death devised a burgage in
Stockton to his grand-daughter, Fleatham, wife, afterwards
widow, of Corney. His issue, however, seem to have been
in all
I. Nicholas Fleatham, who owned a mill at or near Stock-
ton 1660, and was mayor 1672-3. From him probably pro-
William Fleatham, who made a bequest to the charity
school, and left a widow named Elizabeth, living before
II. Robert Fleatham, who, together with a Margery F.,
owned a burgage, which passed to Fleatham Corney.
* Vide Allgood of Nunwick, in Burke's new Commoners.
III. Christopher Fleatham, living 12 July, 29 Car. II.
I. a daughter, who married, and had a daughter,
Fleatham, who married Corney, and survived
him. She was living his widow before 1743.
The ftimily did not, however, expire here. It is believed that
not only one surviving branch merged subsequently in Grieve or
Grieves of near Stockton, (from which marriage proceeded, Wil-
liam Grieves, who was living in 1830 — 9, and his sisters ;
married to Strother of Darlington, and a sister unmar-
ried in 1838,) but one, which still exists in the male line, and of
which Fleatham of Ripon, chemist, (living circa 1836) was
21st. The Welfoots.
John Wei.foot, living 1647 (when he owned a burgage in
Stockton), and alive 1660-2, was probably father of
William Welfoot, living in 1718.
22nd. The Johnsons. Two members of this family were
borough-holders in 1647; a John Johnson and a William John-
23rd. The Rudds. The Rev. Thomas Rudd, last incumbent
of Stockton old chapel, and the first vicar of the church, was an-
cestor of the Rudds of Shincliffe, co. Durham, whose pedigree
appears in Surtees's Durham.
24th. The Jessops.
John Jessop, or Jeseb, mayor in 1632-3-5-6-8, was one of
those who received an Anchorage and Plankage lease from Tho-
mas Bishop of Durham, in 10 Car. I. To him succeeded
Thomas Jessop, mayor in 1658-9-66 and 1670.
25th. The Atkinsons.
John Atkinson, of Stockton, merchant, mayor in 1657 and
1663, married Jane, daughter and coheir of William Harte, of
Stockton, yeoman ; and by her had issue
William Atkinson, mayor of Stockton 1680-1-97. He
was dead in 1740, and left issue a son
William Harte Atkinson, mayor of Stockton in 1706;
who before 1740 inherited two burgages in the town as heir at
law of his father.
SBtli. The Edens.
Ralph Eden was mayor of Stockton in 1662; and a Mary
Eden, widow, no doubt his relict, devised tenements in Stockton
before 1T38 to the persons named below; the former two of
whom were her chddren.
I. Gascoigne Eden.
II. Mary Eden.
III. Ahce wife of \yilliam Forster.
27th. The Moons.
Ralph Moon, mayor of Stockton 1682-87-8, (or a near re-
lative of his name,) married daughter of Thomas Read-
man and Emmy his wife; and from that marriage issued,
I. Mr. George INIoon, living 1718.
II. Thomas Moon, to whom his grandmother Emmy Read-
man willed a bur2ja2;e in Stockton before 1743.
28th. The Wranghams.
Thomas Wrangham, Esq. mayor of Stockton 1689-90-99-
1700, appears to have married and left a widow living in 1718,
with three children,
I. Isabell Wrangham, ) whose trustees were Michael
II. Elizabeth Wrangham, > Hodgson and Peter Robin-
III. Mary Wrangham, j son.
The pedigree of Archdeacon Wrangham appears in Burke's
These were the principal Stockton families which flourished
prior to 1700. Undoubtedly there were others, whose names are
recorded under equally respectable circumstances; as Brown
temp. Hen. VIII., Laykey temp. Edw. VI., Tunstall temp»
Eliz. In 1634-5, Thomas Rowe occurs as one of those who re-
ceived an anchorage and plankage lease from Thomas Bishop of
Durham. William Peers, mayor in 1660-1, and William Lee,
who held the same office 1678-9, were wealthy inhabitants; but
one, if not both of them, were butchers. Contemporary with
them lived John Anson, but his family does not appear to have
remained permanently in the place. A John Jesson, Esq. lived
at Stockton in 1660-2; as did Mc;or John Jenkins during the
same reign (Charles II.); but they seem to have been solitary
members of their families resident there. The latter was of u
Welsh family ; and owned the mansion at the north end .ot
Stockton, afterwards Raisbeck's, and now Tennants; but thougJi
he devised it to Humphry Jenkins, of Yalton, in Flintshire, that
gentleman did not settle in the town, but sold it to the Raisbecks
in 1675. The Raisbecks were undoubtedly the principal Stock-
ton family during the eighteenth century, and to them I shall
now proceed.
W. D. B.
Seaton Carew.
(To be contitiued.)
When I composed the article commencing this volume I was two
years younger than I am now 5 these two years have tended much to soften
and modify some of the opinions advocated in it, and subsequent re-
searches have created some alterations in the continuous maternal pedi-
gree, which was there introduced for the purpose of showing that the
descent of position, &c. runs generally through the female lines, and
that families usually derive their best position from some maternal an-
Page 12. Thomas Kirby of Lutterworth, and he of Barnbro' Grange
were the same person ; but he died before his daughters went to live at
Doveridge Hall, viz. in 1745, set. 41, and was buried at Barnbro', in
which church an inscription remains to his memory. His daughters
lived at Doveridge Hall, co. Derby, and were mostly married thence.
Page 12. Clement T. Kynnersley had a deceased elder brother, whose
son seems to have succeeded to Loxley.
P. 14. Mr. and the second Mrs. Metcalfe Procter both died in 1792.
Page 15. Since this article was written the writer has compiled a
very good Marston pedigree, which on some future occasion may per-
haps be printed.
Page 18. The D'Oyly pedigree is here related as detailed to W. D. B.
by the late Mr. Haxby, a solicitor at Wakefield, co. York, who was
professionally employed by the late Mr. D'Oyly. But it must be re-
marked that at that time none of the D'Oyly family (save children)
• were resident in England. Since then, however, all three of the
Burvivors have visited England 3 and thus 1 have had the oppor-
tunity of obtaining more minute and correct intelligence on the subject.
There is not the least evidence in favour of Mr. Haxby's story which
may not be otherwise explained away : while his authority is the com-
mon fountain-head of the rumour or insinuation wherever it has existed.
The only authority as to the date of Mr. D'Oyly's birth (viz. his own
statement in writing) places it in 1769 ; and there is no authority for
identifying him with the child of which his mother was pregnant before
her English marriage in 1768. The supplementary statement already
printed, that his birth occurred in " 1770," seems to have been but
a calculation upon his age. His birthday, however, was the 15th
July. What the actual fact was, no one can know ; but it is very clear
that in a Court of Law his birth could be proved to have occurred after
the second marriage of his parents ; if, indeed, his admission on Wake-
field manor roll, as heir at law, does not alone establish this.
Page 21. "Newton Lodge," and " The Lodge," were, it appears,
different places. Mr. D'Oyly's elder children were born at " The
Lodge," (at Heath.) near Wakefield.
Page 25. Dr. Bayley, father of Mr. W. Bayley of Stockton on Tees,
was a deputy lieutenant for the North Riding of Yorkshire, being so ap-
pointed by the Duke of Leeds in 1803. The original commission is still
with that family. Mrs. W. Bayley is spoken of as a perfect Christian
and gentlewoman, not in her epitaph, but in a poetical lament, which
was published soon after her death, entitled " Reflections in Norton
Churchyard ; " in which her monumental inscription is introduced.
See, however, a better account of the whole of this D'Oyly family in
my " History of the House of D'Oyly."
W. D. B.
By the Rev. George Munford.
It is little more than two centuries since Weever in ihe epistle
to the readers of his " Funeral Monuments," laments that the
memorials " of the dead within these his Majesties dominions
are to the shame of our time barbarously broken downe, and
utterly almost all ruinated, their brazen inscriptions erased, torne
away, and pilfered, by which inhumane deformidable act the
honourable memory of many vertuous and noble persons de-
ceased, is extinguished, and the true understanding of divers
families in these realmes (who have descended of these worthy
persons aforesaid) is so darkened, as the true course of their in-
heritance is thereby partly interrupted." And it is grievous to
think how little the " studie and travels " of this laborious an-
tiquary availed in arresting the destructive progress of time, and
the sacrilegious hand of man.
The present state of the funeral monuments in many a sacred
edifice visited by Weever, when compared with what they were
in his time, will bear ample witness to the truth of this remark*
And an inquiry instituted with a view to this comparison would
be highly interesting, though not unaccompanied with painful
The number of churches that Weever described is not very
large, and it would be no difficult matter for the resident clergy-
man of the several parishes he visited to furnish the required
information, by barely describing the present state of the funeral
monuments in their respective churches.
It is with this view that the following account of the church
of East Winch, in the diocese of Norwich, is drawn up.
The village itself has no small degree of interest attached to it
as having been the original settlement, and long the residence, of
the noble family of Howard.
But, before entering upon a description of the monuments of
this family that formerly existed in the church, it may be well to
give the descent of the Howards during the time of their being
connected with East Winch, extracted and compiled from " Indi-
cations of Memorials, &c. of the Family," by Henry Howard, of
Corby Castle, Esq.
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The memorials that are described by Weever, but of which
no trace now remains, will be enumerated, and references made
to the first edition of the " Funeral Monuments," which was
published in 1631.
Page 842 — 849. " On the south side of the chancell of East
Winch church, is an ancient chappell, called Howard's Chappell,
ill which are these monuments following:
" In the south wall of the said chappell this monument, as it
is here set forth (see the plate in Weever), divers of the esco-
cheons being decaied (which are left blank) and only this in-
scription now remaining thereon .... animabus Domini
Roberti Howard militis et Margerie uxoris sue . . . "
This was the monument of Sir Robert Howard, son of the
second Sir John Howard, Admiral for the North Seas: he died
in 1388. On it were the arms of Sir Robert, of Margaret his
wife, daushter of Scales, of Newcells ; of Edward the Confessor,
and of others.
For bearing the arms of Edward the Confessor, Henry Earl
of Surrey was attainted and beheaded in 1546-7. The author
of the " Indications " of the Howard family says, '^ Lord Surrey
no doubt knew of the patent of 20th Richard II. which granted
to the Mowbrays, whom he represented, the right to bear the
arms of Edward the Confessor, and he had no doubt seen them
on the archway tomb, in the Howard chapel, in East Winch
church in Norfolk. It certainly appears to be a hardship that
a person should lose his head for quartering the arms of one wlio
had no arms at all, as was the case with Edward the Confessor."
The riirht of the Howards to bear the arms of Edward the
Confessor was derived from the marriage of the second Sir
Robert Howard, son of the third Sir John Howard, with Mar-
garet, the eldest daughter and coheir of Thomas de Mowbray,
first Duke of Norfolk, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-
heir of Richard Earl of Arundel. As this marriage took place
in 1417, this enarched monument could not have been erected
till thirty years after the death of Sir Robert Howard whom it
Weever next mentions, that ''on the pavement of the said
chappell, be these two stones as they are here defigured (see the
plate,) whose inscriptions through time are decayed, or rather
stolne away by some sacrilegious persons, a crime too frequent,
and too little punished ; but without doubt these monuments
were here placed for some of the ancestors of this most honor-
able family, this being their peculiar chappell and place of
" In the east window of the aforesaid chappell, this ancient
effigies (see the plate) of late was perfectly to be seene, the por-
traiture of the same being exactly taken by the learned Gent.
Sir Henry Spelman, the memory thereof (as of divers other mo-
numents, and by him preserved) in relation to which, this wor-
thy knight writ these verses : —
" ' Creditur has sacris candentem ardoribus aedes
(Quas dicat hie supplex) instituisse Deo.'
" This ancient chappell of the Howards hath of late veeres
beene most irreligiously defaced by uncovering the same ; takintr
off the lead, and committing it to sale, whereby diese ancient
monuments have layne open to ruine : but now in repairin<T by
the order of the most honourable preserver of antiquities (as well
in general as in his own particular) Thomas Earle of Arundell
and Surrey, Earle Marshall of England, and the chief of that
most honourable family.
" To this I also offer in observation, both that the posture (of
the figure in the east window), fashion of the armour, and coate
of arms (wherein it is habited) denotes great antiquitie, and it
should seem by the banner-fashioned shield, that this was the
porti'aiture of some Banneret, ancestor of this illustrious family ;
for that banners, and the manner of this bearing of amies, were
only proper to Bannerets, Knights of the Garter, Barons, and
higher nobility."
The author of the " Indications "' supposes this to have been
the portrait of Sir John Howard, son of Sir William Howard,
Chief Justice.
" In this church of East Winch is a very faire font of ancient
times, erected by some of this family, as appeareth by their
armes being disposed in divers places of the same ; the which for
the curiosity of the work, considering the antiquity, gives me
occasion here to present the true forme of one part thereof unto
your view." (See plate.)
This is Weever's account of the church of East Winch as it
appeared when he visited it early in the 17th cent.; and although
at that time many of the rich memorials of the noble family of
the Howards were spoiled and fallen to decay, yet its state was
splendid then, compared with that which it now presents.
The Earl of Arundel probably arrested the destruction of this
chapel for some time ; but it could not have been for long, as
Parkin, the continuator of Blomefield's History of Norfolk tells
us, that about a century afterwards things were in a worse state
than in Weever's time. The shields and inscriptions upon the
enarched monument were defaced, and great part of the monu-
ment itself destroyed ; the two grave-stones also, and the figure
in the east window, mentioned by Weever, had shared the same
fate. Many of the older inhabitants of the parish remember its
being a ruin in their boyhood ; and as such it was actually in-
habited by several successive paupers, who dwelt in the gloomy
abode till the mouldering walls were entirely removed. The last
inhabitant died about fifty years since, and was called by her
neighbours, " Old Church Betty."
At this time no memorial of the stately family of Howard ex-
ists in the church of East Winch, except two shields of arms
upon ihe font. Enarched tomb, monumental brass, and pic-
tured window have all disappeared, and " left not a wreck be-
The cover of the font, which was of wood, and is engraved by
Weever, is also gone ; but the font itself remains, and is of much
handsomer proportions than Weever has drawn it. It is octa-
o-onal in shape ; the compartment facing the east is plain, having
been probably so left to receive the shield of some future bene-
factor to the church ; on the right of this are the arms of Sir
John Howard, Knt. who erected the font, and on the left the
arms of Alice de Bosco, wife of Sir John : each of the remaining
five compartments is occupied by a rosette. Weever's plate of
this font could never have been quite correct, as he places the
Howard arms between two rosettes. Its cover of wood was very
handsome, having been richly painted and carved, and adorned
with the arms of Howard, Scales, UflPord, East Anglia, and the
shield of the crucifixion.
Not a particle of stained glass now remains in the windows,
but in Parkin's time there were several shields in the east win-
dow, among which was that of Vere Earl of Oxford ; John de
Vere, twelfth Earl of Oxford, having married Elizabeth, the
only child of the fourth Sir John Howard, Knt. and Joan,
daughter of Sir Richard Walton, his wife. This marriage took
place in 1428; and the Earl being then under age, and marry-
ing without the royal licence, had to pay to the King a fine of
The Countess of Oxford inherited East Winch with a great
part of the ancient Howard property, which thus passed into the
hands of the De Veres, and the connection of the Howard family
with this parish ceased altogether, having continued about 120
Tlie only memorials of any other ancient family now existin"-
in this church are two inscriptions to the memory of Owen and
W^illiam Barnes.
Against the north wall of the chancel is a mural monument of
marble, with the arms of Barnes, viz. Argent, two bars counter-
embattled sable, in chief three pellets.
" Here lyeth under the foote of this wall, the body of Owen
Barnes, Gent, third son of William Barnes the elder, of this
place, Esq. who, after he had Christianly lived the space of 52
years, changed this life for a better Anno D. 1670.
" Quis sim nosce cujus caro putrida nil nisi vermis,
Quisquis es hoc de me sit tibi scire satis."
Parkin says, that on the west wall of the Howard chapel there
was formerly a neat monument of marble with the arms of
Barnes impaling Shepherd : Argent, on a chief gules three Da-
nish hatchets or ; and Barnes impaling Hovell, Sable, a crescent
This monument is now on the outside of the south wall of
the chancel, but the arms are gone. The inscription which re-
mains is as follows : —
" Near unto this place lyeth the body of William Barnes,
Esq. son of Edward Barnes, of Soham, in Cambridgeshire, Esq.
who first married Thomasine, daughter of Richard Hovell, of
Hillington, Esq. by whom he had five daughters, after whose
death he took to wife Thomasine, the daughter of Owen Sheap-
erd, of Kirby, in this county, Esq. and (removed his seat to this
place) had by her five sons and eight daughters, and did for
many years with great prudence and fidelity serve his King and
countrey, in the office of justice of the peace; at length, such was
the iniquity of the times, that hiyalty was esteemed a crime,
when not alhirements, or threats, from him who usurped the
highest power, could seduce him from his constant adherence to
his abandoned prince, and the persecuted Church of England ;
he retired to a private life, devoting himself wholly to the service
of God and religion, and peacefully departed hence in the TTtli
year of his age 1657 expecting a joyful resurrection. To whose
memory Frances Stanton, his second daughter by his first wife,
out of her tender love and dutiful affection, erected this monu-
ment. Semper Idem."
The Barnes were lords of the manor of Grancourt in this
parish, by one of whom, Thomas, the grandson of William, the
manor was granted to his son-in-law William Langley, Esq.
grandson of Sir Robert Langley, Bart, of Sheriff Hutton, in
William Langley, Esq., second son, was succeeded in this
lordship by Thomas Langley, Esq. his youngest brother, who
upon the death of his elder brother, Sir Roger, in 1716, became
a Baronet. He married Anne, daughter of Captain Robert Edge-
worth, of Longwood, in the county of Meath, in L*eland, and
had issue two sons and five daughters, and was living in this
village in the year 1720, much reduced, and in a state of poverty.
See Parkin's continuation of Blomefield's History of Norfolk.
The Parish Register books are in a very imperfect state, not
commencing before 1678, and having no entries from 1750 to
There are several entries of the births, baptisms, and burials
of the Langley family, and among them, " Dame Anne, the
wife of Sir Thomas Langley, buried April 24, 1724.'* But the
death of Sir Thomas is not to be found in the register.
In Burke's " Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies," Sir Thomas
Langley, fourth Baronet, is said to have died 1st December
1762, aged 98 years. He was succeeded by his nephew Sir Hal-
danby Langley (of Shropshire ?) upon whose death the Baronetcy
( Continued from p. 88.)
29th. The Raisbecks.
James Raisbeck of Stockton, mariner, enfeoifed of the said
tenements by Humphrey Jenkins 1st February 1675, married
Frances, daughter of (? Bailey, and Margaret his
wife, who was a benefactress to the old almshouses at Stockton?)
By her, who married, secondly, Christopher Raine, of Stockton,
gent, before July 1692, Raisbeck had issue
William Raisbeck, Esq. of Stockton, merchant, of New-
castle on Tyne 1692, but of Stockton 1695. By indentures of
lease and release, 30th April and 1st May 1722, this gentleman
gave tenements (now the Black Lion Inn) at Stockton to Lance-
lot Hilton, in trust to pay the rents (subject to an annuity or
rent-charge of 3/. per annum to his son Thomas,) to himself for
life, and after his death to the said Thomas, and should he die
s. p., then to his daughter Alice. William Raisbeck married
Esther, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Rudd, first Vicar of
Stockton (by his wife Alice Watson), marriage settlement dated
Aug. 1695 ; and by her, he, the said William Raisbeck, who
was mayor of Stockton 1720, had issue
I. James of Stockton and Darlington, mayor of Stockton
1736, 1742, 1746, 1756, who espoused about 1725 Jane Col-
ling, of Hurworth, near Darlington (collateral ancestrix of
the present Capt. R. Colling of that place) and had issue by
her one son and two daughters :
1. Thomas, who died unmarried June 1793.
1. Anne, wife of Thomas Sheen, of Newcastle on Tyne,
and had issue only daughters.
2. Jane, married to Thomas Bone of the same place.
n. Thomas, of whom presently.
L Alice (only daughter) married in or before 1733 to Wil-
liam Tatham, of Stockton, merchant.
Thomas Raisbeck, Esq. of Stockton, and of the city of Dur-
ham, a solicitor at the former place, appears in the list of Attor-
neys 1730. Deeds prove him living in 1733, 1741, and 1748;
and it appears that " Thomas Raisbeck " was mayor of Stock-
ton in 1737, 1738, 1747, and 1757. He espoused Sarah, fourth
daughter of the Rev. Henry Stapylton, Rector of Thornton
Watlass and Marske, co. York, and grand-niece of the first Sir
Henry Stapylton, of Myton, co. York, Bart. ^ By her, who died
£et. 81, 29th Sept. 1783, Thomas Raisbeck dying Feb. 1765, set.
63, (his will is dated 1764,) had issue two sons
I. John- Stapylton, his heir,
n. William, living 1768.
John-Stapylton Raisbeck, Esq. of Stockton, solicitor, was
mayor in 1769, 1770, and 1788. He married Sarah, daughter
of Leonard Robinson, Esq. of Stockton, (sister of Frances, wife
of the Rev. John Brewster, A.M. Vicar of Greatham, subse-
quently of Egglescliffe, co. Durham, the historian of Stockton on
Tees,) and died set. 54, 4th Dec. 1794, having had by her, who
died, set. 72, 5th March 1813, two sons and one daughter.
I. Leonard, his heir.
n. Thomas, who died s. p., ast. 27, 14th Sept. 1802, and
was buried at Kedgero in Bengal.
L Sarah, who died unmarried.
Leonard Raisbeck, Esq. of Stockton, only surviving son,
and the last representative of his family, married his cousin Mary,
dautrhter and coheiress of Leonard Robinson, Esq. of Stockton
(brother of Mrs. J. S. Raisbeck), by his wife Priscil'a, second
daughter, and, surviving her brothers Warcop and Peter Con-
sett, Esquires, (now dead and issueless,) coheiress of Peter Con-
sett, Esq. of Brawith, co. Y'ork. ^ Mr. Leonard Raisbeck, after
long practising as a solicitor at Stockton with deserved distinction,
died s. p. in 1845, aet. about 74, having retired several years be-
* Vide Stapylton of Norton, in Burke's Commoners.
' The armorial ensigns of Leonard Raisbeck, Esq. are, " Quarterly, 1st and 4th,
Azure, a chevron argent between three fishes naiant ...... ; 2nd and 3rd, Gules,
three storks (or herons) ; " the former for Raisbeck, the latter for
(? Heron. — There was anciently a family of this name in Stockton.)
On an escutcheon of pretence, Quarterly, 1st and 4th, " Verc, on a chevron
between three stags trippant or, three quatrefoils gules," for Robinson; 2nd,
" Argent, three bear's heads erased sable, in chief three torteaux ;" 3rd, " Sable,
two hinds counter-trippant in fesse argent." The former for Barker, the latter
for Cottingham.
Crest : A hand erect in armour, grasping a fish.
Motto: " Benefico bene erit."
The above is taken from a book-plate in possession of the writer.
fore his death. On the day of his funeral the shops at Stockton
were closed by order of the mayoj-, and the old parish church
was hung in mourning. Mrs. Raisbeck survived him.
Contemporary with Raisbeck flourished,
30th. The Hyltons. This family, a branch of the great
house of Hylton de Hylton, probably sprang from a Lancelott
Hylton, gent, who soon after 1655 married Dorothy, daughter
of William Wright of Cumberland, widow of John Cradocke
of the Hartforth family; — but this is conjecture.
Robert Hylton, of Stockton, gent. 1704, styled "senior"
1725, held three freehold closes in West Row, Stockton, and
dying eet. 75, 17th May 1727, was buried at Stockton. He
married Esther, daughter of , who died 13th Aug. 1725,
aet. 64, and by her had three sons,
I. Lancelott, of whom presently.
II. Robert, of New Elvet, Durham, 1725.
III. David, of Durham, 1725.
Lancelott Hylton, was of age in 1725, and living 1741.
He died 16 Oct. 1757, set. 63 (having been born 16 Aug. 1694),
and left a son
Robert Hylton, of the city of Durham, who was of age
1741 : and selling their property in West Row, Stockton, about
or soon after 1742, the family entirely abandoned Stockton, and
appear to have settled at Durham.
There is an imperfect notice of a branch of the Hylton
family in Surtees's Durham, under Stranton parish. Those Hyl-
tons merged in Longstaft', now of Norton, and are repre-
sented by William Hylton Longstaff", Esq. a very able genealo-
gist, who recently furnished a paper on Sockburn church to the
Archaeological Institute.
3 1st. The Suttons. This family merged, through Sleigh, in
Hutchinson ; and George William Hutchinson, Esq. who took
the name and arms of Sutton, and succeeded to Elton, co. Dur-
ham, is the present representative of the family. This pedigree
appears in Burke's Commoners, but the following points do not
occur there.
Thomas Sutton, gent, of Stockton, (son of John of Thorn-
borough, CO. York,) was mayor of Stockton 1708-9, made his
will 29 April 1718, and dying set. 61, 23 May 1718, was buried
at Stockton. His wife, Rachel Jefferson, was sister of Mr. Jef-
H 2
ferson of Stockton, who devised tenements there to her son
George Sutton, and collateral ancestrix of Ann Jefferson, heiress
of that family, who married Thomas Hogg, Esq. of Norton
House. Rachel died Mr. Sutton's widow, having borne him
four sons and one daughter.
I. Thomas Sutton, who married Elizabeth ; made
\\\% first will in 1727; and by his said wife, who survived him
and married secondly Christopher Denton, had a daughter,
1. Elizabeth Sutton, wife of Ralph Whitley, mayor of
Stockton 1748-9 and 58.
II. George Sutton, dead 1746.
III. William Sutton of Elton, &c. mayor of Stockton
1729-30-41. He sealed with "two chevronels f " in 1746 ;
and married Mary Watson, by whom he was progenitor of
Sutton of Elton.
IV. John Sutton.
I. Elizabeth Sutton, wife of Lownsdale.
32nd. The Dunnings.
James Dunning had two sons,
I. Thomas, who died s. p. before 1743.
II. James, eventually heir. This
James Dunning, of Stockton, merchant, owned parts of two
burgages in Stockton under his father's will, and as heir to his
brother, before 1743. He appears to have been alive in 1760 ;
and certainly had a son,
I. Thomas Dunning, set. 20 in 1744.
33rd. The Bowlbys.
This family sprang from, or were concerned sometime at,
Helmsley, co. York.
Jordan Bowlby of Helmsley, was a trustee in 1699, for
Richard Bowlby; who espoused the sister (and in her son
heir) of Nicholas Swainston of Stockton. Richard Bowlby was
a merchant at Stockton; bought property there in 1698-9, and
was mayor of the town in 1707. By his said wife he left a son,
Thomas Bowlby, who married a lady named Mary, (she was
his wife in 1723), and is described as of the city of Durham, gent.
1710, when, as heir to his father, he was admitted to the said
property, a burgage, in Stockton ; but afterwards sold it to
Wayne, of Stockton, grocer.
' Chevronels were borne by Sutton of Norfolk.
34ih. The Raines.
Christopher Raine, of Stockton, gent, living temp. Will.
& Mary, married Frances, widow of James Raisbeck.
Nicholas Raine was of Stockton in 1724; as were
Robert Raine and Ann Raine in 1744.
John Raine was of Stockton about 1T59.
35th. The Porretts.
John Porrett, steward of the Borough Court of Stockton
1680, was probably father of
John Porrett, of Stockton, gent. 1729-32.
36th. The Burdetts.
John Burdett was mayor of Stockton 1715-16-26-27-33.
Camilla Burdett was living about the same time.
37th. The Wells's.
John Wells, mayor in 1713-4, and alive 1718, owned a
burgage in Stockton, and devised it by will to his son John; his
issue being two sons ; the said
John Wells, of Guisbrough in Cleveland, who died s. p. and
Francis Wells, heir to his brother in the said tenement.
38th. The Davisons.
Thomas Davison, Esq. of Stockton 1718-24, was not impos-
sibly father of
Jonathan Davison, mayor of Stockton 1778-9.
39th. The Woods.
.... Wood seems to have had divers children :
I. John Wood, of whom presently.
II. Robert Wood, and III. William Wood, both living
John Wood owned a burgage, which before 1740 he passed
to his two daughters.
I. Mary Wood.
II. Deborah Wood.
40th. The Douthwaites. See a pedigree of the main stock
of this family in Surtees's Durham.
William Douthwaite, who owned a burgage in Stockton,
appears to have left two sons,
I. David, of whom presently.
II. George, living 1724.
David Douthwaite inherited the said burgage as son and
heir before 1740, and was mayor of Stockton 1724-5-35. He
gave 201. to the charity-school, and left an only daughter and
heiress, who married Mr. Nesham ; from which match descended
the Nesham family. See their pedigree in Surtees's Durham.
4 1 St. The Browns. So early as 1638 an Edmund Brown
was bailiff of Stockton borough, and housekeeper of the Castle ;
but whether he was ancestor of the following family is doubtful.
Henry Brown, Esq. was mayor of Stockton 1732-45-55,
and alive in 1760.
George Brown, Esq. of Stockton, was also living in 1760.
He married and had issue a son, the late Mr. Brown of Thread-
needle Street, London, (by whose munificence Stockton alms-
houses were augmented,) and daughters, of whom Elizabeth mar-
ried Sir Robert Preston, Bart, but had no issue ; and another
was wife of the Rev. John Gilpin of Stockton, afterwards of Sed-
bury, near Richmond, co. York. The Browns owned and occu-
pied No. 8, Paradise Row, Stockton ; which was afterwards in-
habited by their relatives the Misses Welbank. After the deaths
of the latter it was purchased about 1818 by Mr. William Bay-
ley of Stockton, solicitor, (second son of W. B. Bayley, Esq. of
North Allerton, co. York, M.D. and banker, a D. L. for the
North Riding,) who now resides in it (1846), and is the senior
practising solicitor in the town.
42nd. The Maddisons.
William Maddison, supposed to have been the person so
named who was his contemporary, and a sixth son of the old
Maddison family of co. Durham, (see their pedigree in Hutchin-
son and Surtees,) married, 1681, Elizabeth, daughter of John
Jeckell, and was probably the W. M. who held a burgage in
Stockton temp. George H. Another
William Maddison, probably their son, was alive in 1760;
and no doubt he was father, or grandfather, of the late Colonel
Maddison, of Norton, who married and had issue.
43rd. The Sleighs. This family came from Ireland it is
believed. The elder branch married a coheiress of Bathurst of
Scutterskelf, and is now represented by George William Sutton,
Esq. of Elton : a younger one is now represented hy William
Sleigh, late an eminent silversmith at Stockton, who married a
Miss Campbell of Scotch extraction, sister of Mrs. Sampson
Langdale of Mandale, near Stockton. The pedigree of the
senior branch of the family appears under " Sutton of Elton " in
Burke's Commoners.
44th. The Robinsons.
Leonard Robinson, Esq. of Stockton, cornfactor, living in
1744, married and had issue a son and two daughters,
I. Leonard, of whom presently.
L Sarah, married to John-Stapylton Raisbeck, Esq. of
Stockton, solicitor.
IL Frances, wife of the Rev. John Brewster, A.M., Vicar
of Greatham, afterwards of EgglesclifFe, co. Durham, the his-
torian of Stockton, son of the Rev. Richard Brewster, A.M.,
Vicar of Heighington, co. Durham, Lecturer of a church
at Newcastle on Tyne, (where, in St. Nicholas's, he lies buried,)
by Isabel his wife.
Leonard Robinson, Esq. son and successor, resided in Nos.
3 and 4, Paradise Row, Stockton, then one house. He married
Priscilla, second daughter of Peter Consett, Esq. of Brawith, co.
York, and coheir in her issue to her brothers Warcop and Peter
Consett, Esqrs. of Brawith. By this lady Mr. Robinson left
issue four daughters his coheiresses.
I married to Robert Wilkinson, Esq. of Stockton,
banker, by whom she left an only child,
Sibella Wilkinson, wife of R. H. Keenlyside, Esq. of
Stockton, M.D.
II wife of Bartholomew Rudd, Esq. Major in the
Army, by whom she had issue.
Ill wife of Frederick Lumley, Esq. of Stockton,
banker. (See that family.)
IV. Mary, married to her cousin Leonard Raisbeck, Esq.
of Stockton.
This Robinson family was descended from one of those in
Yorkshire, in which " Leonard " was so commonly used as a
baptismal name. This was the case, not only in Robinson of
Rokeby ; but also in a family of Robinson of the East Riding,
whose pedigree appears in Poulson's History of Holderness. The
Robinsons of Stockton quartered the coats of Barker and Cot-
tingham ; and their arms are described under the pedigree of
Raisbeck. (Vide ante.)
45th. The Ferrands. A branch of Ferrand of Harden, was
located in Stockton during the eighteenth century, and was so
respectable as for its representative to marry a daughter and co-
heiress of the Rev. George Walker, the Vicar. Having subse-
quently, however, succeeded to the West Riding estates of its
family, it returned thither, and its pedigree now appears in
Burke's Landed Gentry ; but omitting the circumstance that
the present heir-male of the family is a chemist at Sedgefield, co.
46th. The Lumleys.
Benjamin Lumley, Esq. of Stockton, banker, a J. P. and
D. L. for CO. Durham, married Esther, daughter of Richardson
Ferrand, Esq. of Stockton. He was mayor of Stockton 1774-5-
89; made his will 1801, and died leaving issue, s
I. Rev. Benjamin Lumley, of Hartlepool, his heir.
II. Frederick Lumley, of whom presently.
I wife of George Snowdon, of Stockton, banker.
II wife of Mr. Stagg, of Stockton, merchant. She
died s. p.
Frederick Lumley, Esq. of Stockton, banker, married Miss
Robinson, daughter and coheiress of Leonard Robinson, Esq.
of Stockton, and by her had issue,
I. Frederick Lumley, who married his paternal cousin.
Miss Snowdon, and died early in 1844, leaving several children.
I. Maria Lumley, wife of Wrightson.
II. Elizabeth Lumley, who died unmarried.
III. Louisa Lumley, wife of Stuart Robson, Esq.
IV. Helen Lumley.
47th. The Wilkinsons. There were several Wilkinson
families in Stockton.
Henry Wilkinson, of Stockton, made his will 1712, devis-
ing his messuages in Stockton to his great-nephew Henry Wil-
kinson in tail; and dying soon after his will was proved, 17J4,
at York.
Henry Wilkinson, great-nephew and devisee, was son of
James Wilkinson of Bedale, co. York, gent, who was son of a
brother of the testator of 1712. As per marriage settlement
? One of his sons left a daughter and only child, named Anne Lumley, wife of
Henzell, of Stockton, chemist.
dated 23 Jan. 1729, this Henry Wilkinson married Eleanor
Astell, of Newcastle on Tyne. He was alive in 1758, and by
her had a son
Henry Wilkinson, of Newcastle, living in 1758.
John Wilkinson, Esq. mayor of Stockton 1766-7-85, had a
daughter Anne, wife of William Hoar, Esq. and
Robert Wilkinson, Esq. was mayor in 1799-1800. (See
Robinson pedigree.)
48th. TheWRAYS.
There was a family of this name at Yarm and Hartburne,
but this has been long at Stockton.
Christopher Wray, of Stockton, surgeon, living 1775-81,
married Anna-Maria, daughter of Richardson Ferrand, Esq. of
Stockton, sister of Mrs. Lumley, and by her had issue a son and
a daughter. The latter was wife of Charles Dixson, of Stockton,
surgeon, who survived her and died s. p. 1844. The former
George Wray, Esq. of Stockton, afterwards of Seaton Ca-
rew, M.D. He married Jane Catterick, spinster, and died about
1840, leaving only female issue unmarried.^
49th. The Dales.
.... Dale had issue a son and two daughters :
I the son of whom presently.
I. Alice, wife of William Bagwith.
II. Anne, wife of Robert Grundy.
.... Dale the son died, having had issue a son,
Robert Dale, who dying s. p. before 1740, Bagwith and
Grundy became his coheirs.
Daniel Dale, of Stockton, was living 1760 ; as also was
Edward Dale, > of Stockton, surveyor. He was descended,
it is stated, from Dale of Dalton leDale; and marrying a daugh-
ter of ... . Turner, gent, left issue an only child
Sarah Dale, married to John Ferrand, Esq. of the family of
St. Ive's, and Harden, West Riding, co. York.
50th. The Troys.
Jonathan Troy, of Stockton, mayor 1739-40 and 50, was
succeeded by
•> The Wrays have an old seal with the arms of Wray of Glentworth on it.
' Dale is said to have used, " Gules, on a mount a swan close ducally gorged and
chained or."
Thomas Troy, who lived in the house (now 5 and 6) Para-
dise Row, Stockton, since Christopher's.
51st. The Jacksons. A Robert Jackson was mayor in 1664,
and in several other years down to 1692. He appears to have
left two sons,
I. David, who died s. p.; and
II. Robert, heir to his brother, and styled " Esq." 1732.
There were also a William Jackson and a Richard Jackson his
52nd. The Readmans.
Thomas Readman married Emmy , and was mayor
of Stockton in 1704-5-12. He died in his 42nd year, 23 July
1715, leaving by Emmy his wife, who died 27 Jan. 1717, a son
Thomas Readman, living 1724, but who died s. p., and a
Readman, married to Mr. Moon, whose issue became
heirs-general of the Readman family, on her brother's death.
There was also about the same time one Easterby, who mar-
ried, it would seem, a Readman, and by her had a son John
Easterby. Probably this lady was another daughter.
53rd. The Rutters.
John Rutter, of Stockton 1744, a member of the Society of
Friends, had four daughters his coheiresses ; who tinged all the
families they married into with Quaker opinions. They were
I wife of ... . Airey, who left a daughter
Dorothy Airey. She married Bayley, Esq. of
Bath, and was mother of the present
William Rutter Bayley, Esq. of Bath.
II wife of ... . Reeve of Carlton, by whom she
had issue.
III. Margaret, married to Thomas Smith, ^ and had issue.
(See that family.)
IV wife of ... . Chipchase, and had issue. (See
that family.)
54th. The Cockes.
In recent times there was a Robert Cocke of Stockton, sur-
f A seal which belonged to the Rutters was found about 1839 in the Smiths'
house. It contained three stocks of trees eradicated.
geon; but he came from Easingwold, co. York. This family
was founded by an
Edmund Cocke, whose successor
John Cocke owned tenements in Stockton before 1739, which
had been his predecessor's. He left a daughter and heiress
Margaret Cocke, married before 1756 to Georse Lakinir
of Stockton ; and living a widow 1768.
55th. The Sparrows.
Thomas Sparrow died before 1740 it seems, leaving three
daughters, who succeeded to his property at Stockton. They
I. Anne, wife of Locky.
II. Mary, wife of Hall.
III. Alice, married to Raine.
56th. The Turners.
John Turner had a son born and named after himself
John Turner, before 1743. This family owned two bur-
gages in the town.
57th. The Hodgsons.
Thomas Hodgson owned tenements about 1700 ; and was
father of
Thomas Hodgson, his successor, before 1740 : probably also
Michael Hodgson, a trustee for Mrs. Wrangham about the
same time ; and of
William Hodgson, who married Katharine , and dying
in or before 1729, she, his widow, married secondly William
Hutchinson, of Stockton, before March 1729.
58th. The Corneys.
William Corney, dead in 1743, married Isabel .
George Corney was living 1760.
59th. The Ainsleys.
Toby Ainsley, dead in 1738, left tw^o daughters his co-
I. Hannah, wife of Thomas Swailes.
II. Diana, supposed to have married Richard Greathead,
60th. The Hendrys.
Hendry had two sons,
George Hendry, who owned a burgage in Stockton, and
willed it to his brother
John Hendry; all before 1739.
61st. The Weirs. In 1760 there were two persons of this
name in Stockton, James and George Weir, or Wear. One was
an apothecary.
62nd. The Wards.
Thomas Ward devised a burgage before 1744 in moieties
between his daughter
Margery, wife of Nicholas Cockfield, and
William Ward his brother.
63rd. The Coatsworths.
CoATSWORTH had a daughter Margaret, wife of Michael
Pax ton ; also, apparently, a son
Jacob Coatsworth, living before 1743.
64th. The Simsons.
George Simson, of Stockton, had a son,
George Simson, living before 1739.
In later times
Thomas Simpson, Esq. son of Mr. Simpson of Richmond,
by his wife the heiress of the Pinkneys of that place, (who had
maried a coheir of Pemberton of Aislaby by the heir of Killing-
hall), settled at Stockton, and was mayor in 1795-6.f He was
brother of Pinckney Simpson, Esq. ; and married Miss Cook-
son, by whom he had issue (not now at Stockton), and died,
aged, about 1842.
65th. The Gibsons.
The Rev. George Gibson, A.M., second Vicar of Stockton,
died June 1714, having had a daughter married to Mr. Ew-
banke (see that family); and probably a son; viz. that
William Gibson who was an alderman of Stockton 1732.
In recent times two other Gibson families have been resident
in the town ; a branch of that of Riccarton in North Britain ;
and another, a member of which was the late Rev. Jonathan
Gibson, minister of Billingham.
66th. The Woodmas's.
Richard Woodmas left a son
i Mr. Simpson had an old iron seal with the Pemberton arms on it.
Edward Woodmas his heir, who succeeded to a burgage in
Stockton before 1739 under his grandfather s will.
67th. The Peacocks. A
Captain Peacock, of Stockton, was living 1718.
John Peacock, of Stockton, occurs in 1724.
William Peacock, senior, owned part of a burgage in 1743;
when also
William Peacock, junior, was living. He was doubtless the
William Peacock who was buried at Norton about 1773, de-
scribed as of Stockton. That gentleman had divers children ;
inter alios
John Peacock, Esq. of Norton, who died about 1835. He
married Miss Shields, and had issue, with younger children,
John Shields Peacock, Esq. solicitor, who married a daugh-
ter of Francis Mewburn, Esq. of Darlington, solicitor, by his
wife a daughter of Francis Smales, Esq. of Durham.
68th. The Skellys were one of the best families in Stockton
during the latter part of the last century. They descend from
the marriage of the Rev. John Skelly, Vicar of Stockton from
1742 to 1772, with Lady Betty Gordon. Their pedigree appears
in Burke's Commoners, 1st edition, under Grey of Morwick. Of
the pi'esent generation, however, the following points do not
occur. Elizabeth, daughter of the late Col. Gordon Skelly,
married Capt. Robert Colling, of Hurworth, near Darlington ;
Dorothy, daughter of the said Col. Skelly, married the Rev.
Rowland Webster, of Stranton, co. Durham. Latterly the
Skellys lived in a house previously occupied by
69th. The Christophers. This name is evidently of Welsh
origin ; and in a neighbouring county to Wales, viz. Worcester-
shire, it first appears to have attained distinction. At Stoke Prior
in that county, a most respectable family of the name flourished
during the seventeenth century, and recorded its pedigree at the
Worcestershire visitation 1684.^ The first who resided at Nor-
ton, whence it went to Stockton, was
Richard Christopher, who died temp. Queen Anne, and
was buried at Norton 22 Dec. 1708. He was probably Richard
(aet. 40, and s. p. m. in 1682,) half and younger brother of
'' Its arms (respited for proof) were " Argent, a chevron sable between three
pine-cones vert, a chief of the second."
Thomas Christopher of Stoke Prior's. He appears to have been
twice married. His first family, born before he settled at Nor-
ton, were two sons and one daughter, viz.
I. Robert Christopher, who married at Norton the year
following Richard's (his father's) death, viz. 24 Nov. 1709,
Frances Cooke, and by her had issue a daughter, Mary, who
owned tenements at Norton, and died unmarried eet. 87, 21st
June 1799, and a son
1. William Christopher, of Norton parish, gent, who
owned a small estate there which he farmed himself. He
was born about 1714, and died 11th Jan. 1785; having
married Margaret, daughter of Pooley, of Eston in
Cleveland; by whom, who survived him, and died 15 April
1801, set. 84, he had issue not less than ten children, seven
of whom attained their full age. These were four sons and
three daughters.
1. William Christopher of Norton, his successor, who
died s. p. whereupon the patrimonial estate was sold.
2. Robert Christopher of Paradise Row, Stockton on
Tees, who was born 1749-50. This gentleman (who made
a large fortune by shipping and other speculations,) was
twice married : his first wife was Mary Wilson of the Tile
Shades, near Stockton, aunt of John Wilson, Esq. barris-
ler-at-law, Recorder of Carmarthen ; but by her he had
no issue. He married secondly ; and died wealthy, set.
69, 12 July 1819, leaving his property principally to his
second wife's children ; and thus the present possessor of
his houses, &c. at Stockton, is (his grandson, by her,)
James Christopher Davidson, Esq. of Stockton, soli-
citor. He owns Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Paradise Row,
Stockton (the best part of the town), in the last of
which Robert Christopher formerly resided.
3. Richard Christopher, who left Norton to reside in
another part of the county of Durham. He married a
Syssom of co. Durham or Westmoreland, and had issue.
4. John Christopher, who, being really the tenth child,
entered trade at Stockton, and was long the most respect-
able in his vocation there. He married Elizabeth Ander-
son, a remote relative of the late Lady Vane Tempest, of
Wynyard (who brought her up from her earliest infancy
as a dependent or retainer) ; and daughter (and with her
sister Grace, wife of Ralph Anderson, Esq. of Houghton
Hall, > Houghton le Spring, coheiress) of John Anderson,
gent, of the ancient civic family of Anderson of New-
castle on Tyne, ^ by his wife Elizabeth, daughter (and
only child who had grand-children) of Robert Shadforth
of Houghton le Spring. 1 Mr. John Christoplier died 11
July 1830, leaving by her a daughter,
Frances Christopher, married at Gretna in Scotland
14 Dec. 1844 to William-D'Oyly Bay ley, eldest son of
William Bayley, of No. 8, Paradise Row, Stockton,
Esq. solicitor; which Bayley pedigree is recorded in
Norfolk, 12 B.vol. viii. fol. 81. in Coll. Arm. Vide
Welbank family.
1. Margaret Christopher, married to John Wood, of
Billingham, co. Durham, gent. ; whose house there was
lately occupied by Mr. William Hutchinson, brother to
G. W. Sutton, Esq. of Elton.
2. Tamar Christopher, wife of Mr. George Marshall,
a printer.
3. Frances Christopher, who was married to Captain
James Clarke, and died his widow, s. p.
H. John Christopher, of whom presently.
1. Margaret Christopher, married 11 April 1721 to Archi-
bald Stobart, of co. Durham.
Richard Christopher's second family (whose mosher was pro-
bably a native of Norton) were all born and baptized at that
place ; being
HI. John Christopher, who died an infant 1705, having
been probably so christened after some very dear maternal
IV. Richard Christopher, baptized at Norton March
1708-9 (after his father's death).
' The Andersons purchased that seat and estate of the Buttons.
'' "Vide Anderson pedigree in Surtees's Durham ; who mentions that the family
was so numerous, that identifying; the individual members of it was too insecure and
unsafe to enable him to appropriate all his collections respecting it.
' Vide Shadforth pedigree in Surtees's Durham under Houghton le Spring pa-
rish. The family bore, "Vert, on a chevron argent three trefoils of the field ;':'
but never registered the coat in the College of Arms.
1. Jane Christopher, baptized Oct. II, 1702, niarried 1st
Aug. 1730, to John Moor.
John Christopher resided at Norton, and married about
172 1 a lady named Margaret, but of what family is not recorded.
By her, who was born about 1693, and dying was buried at Nor-
ton in 1780, he had issue four sons and two daughters.
I. Thomas, bapt. at Norton 7 Dec. 1725.
II. John, bapt. there 16 Jan. 1727-8.
III. Christopher, bapt. there 3 1 Dec. 1730.
IV. William, of whom presently,
I. Elizabeth. II. Jane. Both were baptized at Norton, the
former 19 March 1723-4, the latter 3 March 1736.
William Christopher, Esq. of Stockton on Tees, Captain
in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, the fourth and
youngest son, distinguished the family. He was baptized 4 May
1735 at Norton, went to sea, and became Captain of one of the
vessels belonging to the said company. His chief service to
Government was his discovery in 1761 of the passage through
Chesterfield Inlet, Hudson's Bay ; but he subsequently figured
in various honourable services, and especially in 1783, when he
was engaged in a gallant achievement, at or near Hudson's Bay.
After this, says Brewster in his memoir of him, " he left the
service of the Company with considerable fortune, and resided
at Stockton." His abode was the house in the High Street
already mentioned. He died November 1797, and was buried
at Norton ; in which church a marble tablet is placed to his
His issue removed to London ; they recorded their genea-
logy in the Heralds' College; having obtained a grant of arms,
symbolical of his services, viz. " Per chevron wavy azure and
erminois, in chief two estoiles argent, in base on a mount a
beaver, in fesse-point a chart of Chesterfield Inlet ; " ™ and the
representative of the family in 1820 was
George Christopher, Esq. of Great Coram Street, London,
an eminent wine merchant.
After the Christophers, and before the Skellys occupied that
•" See an engraving of the Christophers' arms, &c. in the plates of Berry's
70th. The Neshams inhabited it. Their pedigree appears in
Surtees's Durham : but the marriages of the children of the late
John-Douthwaite Nesham, Esq. do not appear. His daughter
Georgiana married the Rev. H. J. Duncombe, nephew of Lord
Feversham. Of his sons, John Nesham, Esq. is a barrister in
the Temple, and
David Nesham, Esq. of Portrack Lodge, co. Durham, mar-
ried Eleanor, daughter of Major John Malcolm of Haughton le
Skerne, co. Durham, (by Eleanor his wife, sister of William
D'Arcy Todd, Esq. K.G.L.) and has issue a daughter Eleanor-
Elizabeth Nesham. "
71st. The Websters, who occupied the house next door to
it; afterwards Mr. Thomas Hutchinson's.
William Webster, of Whitby, co. York, married Mary,
daughter and heiress of Rowland Burdon, Esq. of Stockton, (see
that family), and had issue by her,
L Rowland, of whom presently.
L Mary, married to William Money, Esq. (See that family
in Burke's Commoners.)
IL Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Thomas Davison, Vicar of
Hartburne, co. Durham, (See Burke's Comm. vol. iii. p. 328.)
Rowland W-^ebster, Esq. was mayor of Stockton 1780-1,
and married a lady of Aiselby, near Yarm. He made his will
1803; codicils in 1808-9, and was dead in 1810, leaving issue
L Rowland, of whom presently.
IL William, of Newcasde on Tyne, who married Katha-
rine, relict of Crathorne, Esq. of Crathorne in Cleve-
land, daughter of the Rev. Coats. (See Rowntree ped.)
L Fanny, married to General Hale, of Guisbrough in Cleve-
land, and died about 1840.
Rowland Webster, Esq. of The Grange, Bishop- Wear-
mouth, married Miss Maling, and had issue divers children;
inter alios,
The Rev. Rowland Webster, of Stranton, co. Durham, who
married Dorothy, daughter of Col. Gordon Skelly.
72nd. The Hutchinsons of Whitton House, co. Durham,
were bankers at Stockton, and occupied many of the best houses
" See the Nesham arms with quarteiings in the plates of Robson's British
in the town at the close of the last and commencement of the
present century. Their pedigree appears in Burke's Commoners;
but the yoimger branches are not recorded down to the present
time. George Hutchinson, Esq. now of Whitton House, (the
representative of the family,) lived in No. 1, Paradise Row, till
1825, when their bank stopped payment, and he then retired to
Whitton House.
TSrd. The Hoars (now Harlands of Sutton Hall, co.
York) were also concerned at Stockton. Their pedigree like-
wise is in Burke's Commoners.
74th. The Greys (of Norton). William Grey, Esq. late of
Stockton, solicitor, occupied the house in Paradise Row, for-
merly that of Leonard Robinson, Esq. since J. Christopher
Davidson's, who divided it into two tenements. The Grey pedi-
gree will of course appear in the Supplement to Burke's Landed
Gentry, new edition. It pertains more properly to Norton."
75th. The Barkers. The late John Barker, Esq. of Stock-
ton, who owned the house formerly Fowler's, was paternally de-
scended from a family of his name in the North. His mother
was a Wastell. He married Ann, sister of John Rocliffe, Esq.
of Asenby, near Topcliffe, co. York, but died s. p. about 1839,
advanced in years.
76th. The Allisons. This family occupied a house at the
corner of Cleveland Row and Smithfield, in recent times. It
owned however the mansion and property at the north end of
Stockton, anciently Jenkins's and Raisbeck's, which passed from
Allison to its representatives the Tennants. Of Christopher
Allison, Brewster's history contains a memoir.
77th. The Smiths. There were two respectable families of
this name in Stockton.
Christopher Smith, of Stockton, banker and draper, was
mayor of Stockton 1786-87-98. He married a daughter of Mr.
Pasman, steward to Crathorne, of Crathorne, and a relative of
the Consetts. By her he had issue to survive,
Anne, wife of Mr. Sanderson, of Stockton, solicitor.
" Grey of Norton bears the arms of Grey Earl Grey.
Elizabeth, unmarried 1838.
But there was another Smith family, which in recent times
has been equally, if not more wealthy. This family came from
Norton ; erected about 1760 the great house near the vicarage,
and has since then resided in it. It sprang from
Francis Smith, of Norton, living temp. Car. II.; he was
father of
Thomas Smith, of Norton and Durham, who married Eliza-
beth Jeckell (see that family), and had by her four sons.
I. Francis, who married Margaret Dodgson, and had issue
1. Thomas. 2. Francis. Both of whom died unmarried.
II. William, who married Anne Wolfe, of Shadforth, co.
Durham, and had by her,
William Smith, who married Dorothy, daughter of Ro-
bert Deighton of Stockton and Yarm ; by whom he left to
1. William, who married Frances Sykes, spinster, of
Fenton, near Newark, co. Notts, and left surviving issue
1. William.
1. Ann.
2. Robert.
1. Dorothy, succeeded to her cousin Elizabeth Starkey.
III. Thomas, of whom presently.
IV. John, who died vouna;.
Thomas Smith was of Stockton, married Margaret, daughter
of John Rutter, and erected the house in Stockton, where the
family afterwards lived. He died leaving by his said wife an
only surviving child, viz.
Elizabeth Smith, their sole heiress. She married the Rev.
John Starkey, A.M. of Cheshire, who then settled at Stockton.
He died s. p. however: and she, surviving him, devised her
Stockton, Seaton, Norton, and Darlington property to her cou-
sin Dorothy for life; after her death, the Norton to Anne Smith,
niece of the said Dorothy. She died s. p. and aged, about 1839,P
and was succeeded by her said cousin
Dorothy Smith, living in 1840.
P At Mrs. Starkey's death two seals were found in the house containing Smith's
arms. One (the more ancient) bore that of " a chevron charged with three cross-
crosslets fitch^e between three roundles ;" the other exhibited "a bend azure
charged with three lozenges, between two unicorn's heads."
I 2
78th. The Carrs. This family niatclied with Nesham.
John Carr, of Stockton, was living there 1744. Another
John Carr was mayor in 1803-4.
79th. The Crowes.
George Crowe, of Stockton, gent, descended from a family
near Elwick, was living 1744 and 1760. He was twice married :
by his first wife, Frances, daughter of Ralph Bunting, he was
great-grandfather of Miss Weems, w^ife of the late Francis Rich-
mond, Esq. of Stockton, merchant, elder brother of Thomas
Richmond, Esq. now a J. P. for co. Durham. The second lady
of George Crowe was the heiress of the Cookes, of Stockton.
From that marriage proceeded three brothers. The younger
two were James (who by marriage connected himself with the
Richmond family) and Robert. The eldest was
Matthew Crowe^ Esq. of Stockton, who succeeded to the
Cooke's property there. He married the daughter of Dr. Alex-
ander, a gentleman of Scotch descent, and a physician at Stock-
ton, and by her left issue three daughters his coheiresses.
I. wife of the Rev. Charge, of Copgrove,
CO. York.
II. Elizabeth.
III. Mary, married to the Rev. John Lawson, incumbent
of Seaton Carew, co. Durham, brother to Mr. Lavvson of Aid-
borough, CO. York. (See that family in Burke's Commoners.)
80th. The Welbanks. This family owned No. 8, Paradise
Row, and matched with Brown.
George Welbank, of Stockton, was living 1744; but the
male line expired, or left the place; and some aged maiden ladies
at length becossing possessed of that property, it was sold after
their death to William Bayley, Esq. of Stockton, solicitor, se-
cond son of William Batchelor Bayley, Esq- of North Allerton,
M.D. and banker. This was prior to 1819.
8lst. The Clarkes.
The late Robert Clarke, Esq. was an eminent solicitor at
Stockton. After the dissolution of Frank and Rowntree's part-
nership, he succeeded the latter; while Frank (who was the
nephew and biographer of Ritson), after long practising alone,
was succeeded by Jackson, a son of Jackson of Normanby.
(See art. Duckett in Baronetage.) Clarke became partner with
Grey : about 1821 the firm became Clarke, Grey, and Bayley;
then Clarke and Bayley ; now Bayley and Newby. q Mr.
Clarke died in the South, advanced in years, about 1843. His
personal representative in Stockton is Robert Rayson, Esq.
his nephew, who married Miss Phyllis Harbottle, of the North,
and has issue.
82nd. The Chipchases.
Thomas Chipchase lived at Norton in 1658. The family
subsequently settled in Stockton, and appears to have matched
with the Stocks of that place, a flimily of schoolmasters. At last
William Chipchase, living 1760 (or a near relative), mar-
ried one of the daughter-coheirs of John R utter the Quaker,
and thence the family adopted the doctrines of that sect. From
that marriage proceeded
I. James Chipchase.
II. John Chipchase, now of Cotherstone in Wensleydale.
He is married and has issue.
I. Hannah.
83rd. The Ewbankes. The late Rev. Thomas Ewbanke,
A.M. Incumbent of Elton, co. Durham, resided at Stockton, and
died advanced in years about 1840. His family came from
Yarm, (see Ewbanke pedigree in Surtees's Durham) ; his mo-
ther was the daughter of Dr. Johnson of Durham ; his grand-
mother, Ewbanke, a daughter of the Rev. George Gibson, Vicar
of Stockton. He had relations of his name at York and Dur-
ham, and was cousin of the Rev. Withers Ewbank, late of
Grindon, co. Durham. He married into the Shillito family of
Yorkshire, and had issue an only child, Margaretta Ewbanke, who
predeceased him unmarried. He bought No. 9, Paradise Row.r
84th. The Metcalfes.
John Metcalfe, living 1660, had a mill at Stockton. After
which there seem to have been two branches of the family there.
I. Lascells Metcalfe, of Stockton, 1724-7, whose succ. was
" Lew." s Metcalfe, of Stockton, " Esq." 1744 ; and his,
Lascells Metcalfe of the same place in 1760. And
■i Bayley and Newby dissolved partnership 1846.
■■ His father bore " Sable, three chevrons interlaced and a chief or, thereon three
' Qu. whether the recorder of his name had not ventured upon Lewis, from merely
knowing the initial letter to be " L. " ? It also was probably Lascelles.
11. William Metcalfe's. This
William Metcalfe was living in 1724^7. Another
William Metcalfe (as well as Sarah Metcalfe) was alive
in 1760.
Thomas Metcalfe, of Stockton, master mariner 1774, mar-
ried Anne, niece and devisee of John Wray, of East Hartburn,
CO. Durham, gent, whose will bears date 1774. They had issue
I. Thomas, eldest son in 1774.
II. George, of Stockton, who married and had issue,
George, who died unmarried ; Mary, wife of Robinson Wat-
son, of Stockton, draper, and Eliza.
III. Francis, a mariner, who built, it was stated, Norton
Grange. He married and had issue, Thomas Metcalfe, a sur-
geon, (who married Miss Cleghorn, daughter of a Scotch
clergyman, governess in Mr. Bayley's family of Paradise Row),
and Anne wife of George Hardcastle, master of Stockton
Grammar School ; as well as younger children.
I. Sarah, who died young.
II. . wife of Mr. Brown.
85th. The Wilsons. There have been two or more families
of this name located in the town. The one of which I treat, was
founded by a mariner of the name, who came from the North,
and marrying one of the Headlams, acquired by her the pro-
perty near Stockton called "The Tile Shades." Their chief issue
were Mary, wife of Robert Christopher (see that family), Wil-
liam, of whom presently, and
Robert Wilson, who had the Tile Shades estate, and
married Miss Kingston, by whom he had issue Robert of
Stockton, draper, (who died about 1842, having had issue,)
John of the Tile Shades, (who married Miss Hunter and had
issue,) and Jane married to Mr. Moss.
William Wilson, of Stockton, mariner, lived in Cleveland
Row, and was twice married. His first wife was related to a
family named Shortridge. By her he had issue an only child, a
daughter, wife of Henry Robert Eustatia Wright, Esq. of Stock-
ton, solicitor, formerly partner with Raisbeck. He married se-
condly the only child of Fowler, representative of the
Launces of Devon and Cornwall. Capt. Wilson died about
1840 at the advanced age of 90 or upwards, having had by his
second wife a very numerous family, viz.
I. John Wilson, Esq. barrister-at-law, recorder of Car-
II. Robert, a solicitor.
III. William Wilson, of Ripon, since of Canada, M.D. He
married Miss Jackson, and had issue.
IV. Fowler Wilson, formerly master of Stockton Grammar
School, drowned in the river Tees.
V. Charles, who married and had issue.
VI. Edwin, a mariner.
I. Maria, wife of Mr. Richmond of London, conveyancer,
brother of Thomas Richmond, Esq. a J. P. for co. Durham.
II. Catharine.
III. Helen,
IV. Lucy.
V. Fanny. *
86th. The Sandersons. This family matched with a co-
heiress of Thomas Dawson, Esq. of Tanfield, co. Durham ; and
from that marriage proceeded the late Mr. Sanderson of Stock-
ton, solicitor, who married a daughter of Christopher Smith,
mayor of Stockton, and died leaving issue.
87th. The Walkers. There have been several Walker fami-
lies in Stockton.
Mr. Peter Walker was living 1718; and was possibly the
person of that name who was dead 1728, leaving a widow, Anne,
and a son
William Walker, of Stockton, mariner, 1728.
John Walker had a son
Robert Walker, to whom he willed part of a burgage be-
fore 1743.
The Rev. George Walker, the Vicar," left coheiresses, of
whom one married Richardson Ferrand, Esq.
In later times another Walker family has attained distinction
in the town, and accumulated considerable wealth; but it is not
the purpose of this article to enter upon the pedigrees of families
which have risen into importance during the present century ;
' This Wilson family uses " Per pale argent and azure, three gambs erased fesse-
wise (sometimes two and one, sometimes in pale) counterchanged."
" Walker, the Vicar, is said to have borne " Argent, a chevron between three
crescents sable, on a canton of the second a dove with an olive branch,"
unless, indeed, they have since become extinct. Of that class,
however, may be named
88th. The Rovvntrees.
This name occurs in deeds of the seventeenth century ; and
Robert Rowntree was of Stockton parish 1726.
Thomas Rowntree resided at the same place in 1744.
The Rev. John Rowntree married daughter and
sole heiress of the Rev. William Russell, Incumbent of Elton,
CO. Durham, temp. George I. (stated to be related to the Dukes
of Bedford,) and succeeded his father in law in the living of
Elton 1758. He died about 1804, having had by his said wife
one son, and four daughters.
I. John Russell Rowntree, Esq. long a solicitor, and
afterwards a conveyancing barrister of eminence at Stockton.
He owned and resided in No. 2, Paradise Row, and married
Miss Loraine, but died s. p. 1831, wealthy, leaving his pro-
perty to his only unmarried sister Elizabeth.
I wife of ... . Russell, of Ascham, near York,
who died, leaving issue divers children.
II married to ... . Sheraton, and had a son who
died s. p.
Ill wife of the Rev Coates, a clergyman in
Craven, by whom she had issue (possibly with others)
1. Thomas Coates, who had issue a large family.
2. William Coates.
1. Catharine Coates, married first to ... . Crathorne,
Esq. of Crathorne, in Cleveland; and secondly, to William
Webster, Esq. of Stockton and Newcastle on Tyne (a de-
scendant from the Burdons) ; but died s, p.
2. Maria Coates, married to Colonel Thomas Robert
Swinburne, of Pontop and Old Acres, co. Durham, of the
house of Capheaton. By him she, his first wife, left issue
an only child
1, Thomas Swinburne, eventually devisee of his
grand-aunt Elizabeth Rowntree.
3. Alice Coates.
IV. Elizabeth Rowntree, heiress by will to the wealth
of her brother. She died unmarried 1843 at a very advanced
a"^e, leaving the bulk of her property to her grand-nephew
Thomas Swinburne.
John Russell Rowntree, Esq. obtained a grant of arms
from the Heralds' College, of « Argent, on a chevron azure
cotised gules between three sprigs of rowan-tree vert, berries
gules, as many crescents or." Where
89th. The Dicksons of Stockton and of Harpham, co-
York, likewise obtained a grant of coat armour at the same
time. Theirs was " Argent, three mullets gules within a bor-
dure engrailed azure bezantde, on a chief of the second three
palets or."
But I find myself encroaching on the land of the livino- ;
which is not the object of this article. Indeed, had it not been
haggling and garbling some of the pedigrees, I would have no-
ticed no individual living after the year 1800.
The above, however, are certainly the most respectable Stock-
ton families, of ancient date, located in the town any leno-th of
time. Various others have had a temporary residence in the place ;
and even members of the peerage and inferior aristocracy have
occasionally lived there in times passed away. In addition to
those mentioned, some other families have established themselves
there by commercial pursuits within the last thirty years : but in
respect of heraldic and ancestral pretensions, the above com-
prise the most important. Still other names occur under very
respectable aspects in ancient documents.
There was a William Barker of Stockton, merchant, 1732 ;
Mr. Thomas Ogle was living there 1718; Elizabeth Wrench in
1718-24; William Stringer 1718; Robert Catchside and Mar-
tha his wife owned tenements about the same time ; several of
the Headlams were at Stockton soon after; and John Finch
mayor 1728-9, devised a burgage to Anne, his widow. The
Stocks were schoolmasters; Mr. Thomas Smelt occurs 1718;
Stephen Wheelwright living 1718, was dead 1724; James Hope
dead 1744, left a widow named Jane ; and William Denton
living 1729, was no doubt predecessor of Christopher Denton,
who married Thomas Sutton's widow. John Benton acquired
part of a burgage from his brother Robert by deed before 1740 ;
and contemporary with him were four sisters, named Martha,
Anne, Mary, and Elizabeth Benton. The Claxtons, Cosers,
Falls, Grundys, and Whorl tons, &c. now or late in trade at
Stockton, have been settled there scarcely less than a century ;
there was a George Coser in 1760; Joseph Claxtons in 1724
and 1760; Thomas Fall was mayor 1764 ; Robert Grundy mar-
ried Anne, aunt and coheiress of Robert Dale ; there was also a
William Grundy about the same time; and William Barker
(already mentioned) was a borough-holder under a devise in his
grandfather Grundy's will. (This Barker was of a different
family from that which matched with Wastell.) Elizabeth
Whorlton owned tenements before 1743, by devise of one of the
Fewlers. Afterwards the names of Lawrence Jobson, Lawrence
Richardson, Isaac Todd, Sec. occur. The first owned No. 9,
Paradise Row, which passed thence to the Marshalls. Polly
Marshall married the Rev. Benjamin Evans, a Welshman, Uni-
tarian minister of Stockton ; but died very aged issueless after
1831. Her husband survived, but at his death the property
passed to her niece, wife of a Mr. Fisher, of London ; who sold
it to the Ewbankes. Richardson and Todd were living 1760.
Lamb and Colling;, of the " //wrz^or^/i" family (an estate pur-
chased by Robert Colling, of Haughton Field, co. Durham, gent,
of John Jennison, for 1000/. about 1711; Ralph Colling of Long
Newton, gent, being his trustee then), were wine merchants at
Stockton about 1760, and were connected by blood or marriage.
Lamb left three daughters, Dolly, Peggy, and Bessy, who owned
the house at the corner of Silver Street, now Braithwaite's, and
all of them died at advanced ages between 1830 and 1840,
unmarried. Colling matched with Raisbeck and Skelly, and was
related to Hartley of Middleton Tyas; but could scarcely be
called a Stockton family. About 1760 the following names also
occur : Ralph Vipond, John Jefferson, Christopher Heltass,
John Gowland, Robert Deighton, (see Smith), George Ware,
Charles Wharton, Samuel Nicholson, Thomas Percival, Dorothy
Reed, George Jolly, Edward Fawcett, Ralph Whitfield, John
Moubray, Thomas Pye, Isaac Guys, Ralph Clark, John Foster,
Ann Cradock, William Danby, Hugh Bird, Michael Heavisides,
John Beckwith, John Richmond, Michael Shields, Joseph Pres-
ton, Joseph Moss, John Cottingham, &c. &c. &c. Many dis-
tinguished families and persons have resided in the place. The
Consetts, late of Brawith, co. York, sometime lived there; so
did the Prestons ; and others, the majority of whom are noticed
in Brewster's Stockton. Joseph Ritson, the antiquary, occurs
in 1760 ; he was a native, and has been amply memorialized
by Surtees, Brewster, and others. Ralph Bradley, the coun-
sellor, is noticed under Bunting, to which family he was re-
lated. There are no doubt persons and families which have
been overlooked in this article, who desei've to be as much re-
corded as many I have mentioned ; but imperfections are inse-
parable from compilations of this description ; and, though the
foregoing details are all original, the writer is very sensible that
in their present state many are far from perfect. He would
venture, however, to assert, that were the contents of Norton
and Stockton parish registries added to these details, a tolerably
complete history would be formed of all the influential families
located in the place prior to 1800.
W. D. B.
Seaton Carew.
The following account of the Tregoze family, though far from
perfect, may, perhaps, supersede Sir William Dugdale's.
That the noble family of Tregoze is of Norman extraction is
highly probable ; and that
" Le Sire de Tregoz " was at Hastings in 1066, appears by
John Foxe's copy of Battle Abbey Roll ; or rather his " List of
noble Normans who settled in England at the Conquest." Le-
land's copy of the Roll of Battle Abbey (which indeed is the
best; for that eminent antiquary saw and transcribed the ori-
ginal), confirms John Foxe's, after its rhyming fashion; assuring
us that there were there, " Gurney et Greilly, Tregos et Trylly." »
The said '' Sire de Tregoz " was unquestionably father of
William de Tregoz, who flourished in the reign of
Hen. I. and of whom the great Pipe Roll of 31 Hen. I.
1130-1, makes much mention, which document Sir William
Dugdale, in his Baronage (1675), invariably refers to as of
5th Stephen, and this, because the roll was considered of
that date in his early life, though Frynne, and all antiquaries
of any talent, acuteness, or discrimination, had determined it
of Henry the First's reign in 1668, seven years before. The
said Pipe Roll of 31 Hen. I. proves William Tregoz to have
been a man of much consequence, and to have been concerned
in Norfolk, Essex, Berks, and Lincolnshire; and, moreover, that
he then had the lands of William Peverell, of London, in farm.
Tregoz married and had issue, and very probably that Agnes
Tregoz, who we find living in 9th Ric. L as concerned in Nor-
folk and Essex, was his widow. His issue were, apparently,
three sons and one daughter.
L Geoffry Tregoze, his heir, who espoused Annabella,
daughter of Robert Gresley, and, dying in or before 21 Hen.
H. 1175, the sheriff of Essex in that year accounted to the
Exchequer, for the amount of his lands, by the name of an
* See also the Roman du Rou, vol. ii. p. 255.
" Honour." He had issue, with four daughters, whose names
are unascertained, a son and heii\ His wife survived, and
was living his widow 32nd Hen. H. 1185-6, when she held
the manor of Dunstable, then valued at 12/. per ann. His
son and heir was
I. William Tregoze, who was a minor at his father's
death : for Robert de Lucy, of Norfolk, was then appointed
his guardian. This William Tregoze married Lucy,
daughter of his guardian, being but 17 years of age at the
time of his marriage. He obtained livery of his lands 34
Hen. H. 1187-8, and was living in 3rd John, 1201, being
then of Essex, Herts, Norfolk, and Suffolk. He died in
1208, leaving, with a daughter, a son and heir, both infants
under age at that time ; whereupon Stephen Harengot, in
consideration of 400 marks, obtained the wardship of both.
The son was
I. Robert Tregoze, a minor 1208, who married a lady
unrecorded. He died temp. Hen. HL seised of Billing-
ford manor, co. Norfolk, as appears by his Inquisitio
post mortem in the calendars; though the year of its
date is uncertain. With a younger son, Robert de
Tregoz, who was of Suffolk, 51st Hen. III. 1267, he had
a son and heir,
L Geoffry Tregoze, who held the manors of Rid-
dlesworth, &lc. in Norfolk, and died in or before 40
Hen. HI. (1255), seised of the manors of Billingford
and Riddlesworth, and the honour of Peveral in Nor-
folk, as appears by his Inquis. post mort. made that
year; to take which a writ of diem claus. extrem. was
issued 1255 ; and Robert de Tregoze was found to be
his heir, and eldest son. In all, Geoffry had issue
two sons and three daughters,
1. Sir Robert Tregoze his heir, who was of age
1256; for in that year he did homage, and had livery
of his father's lands. In 49 Hen. III. (1264-5), he
had a errant of free-warren in ToUeshunt and Blun-
teshall in Essex, Billingford in Norfolk, and Bales-
thorpe in Notts ; but dying s. p. was succeeded by
Nicholas his brother.
2. Nicholas Tregoze, heir to his brother. This
person married Eva (wlio survived him);
and before 3rd Edw. I. (1274), by the description
of " Nicholas, son and heir of Geoffry Tregoze,"
he enfeoffed one Robert Burnell, of Billingford
manor, co. Norfolk, and sold lands there to other
persons. He then however held one fee in Tolles-
hunte, in Essex, and had assize of bread and ale
there; but " the Hundredors (Inq. Rot. Hund.) knew
not by what warrant." Nicholas Tregoze died s. p.
before or in 7th Edw. I. (1278-9), for in that year
Richard de Holebrooke was commanded to seize for
the King the manors of Tolleshunte and Bluntes-
hall, which had been his (Nicholas's), and which he
had held in capite. Of this Nicholas Tregoze, we
also find the following mention in the Hundred Rolls
of Essex, 2nd Edw. I. " They (the Hundredors of
Witham) say, that Roger de Chaundeford took five
silver marks unjustly of Roger Fitz-.Tohn, whom
Nicholas Tregoz had unjustly imprisoned, nor could
he be liberated, even by the King's command, until
he had made the said satisfaction to the said Roger
de Chaundeford."
1. Lucy Tregoze, married to de Wood, and
had issue John de Wood.
2. Joan Tregoze, wife of de Burnham and
mother of James de Burnham, her son and heir.
3. Hawisia, wife of Gernoun, by whom she
had a son John Gernoun.
After Nicholas Tregoze's death, these three per-
sons, John Wood, James Burnham, and John
Gernoun, had a contest with one Hugh Crep-
pinge, for the manors of Tolleshunte-Tregoze and
Blunteshall in Essex, they claiming as coheirs at law
of the said Nicholas in right of their respective mo-
thers, his sisters, and he, of Nicholas' grant to him.
The contest was determined in favour of the coheirs,
and by inquisition taken before the escheator of
Essex in Trinity Term 21 Edw. I. they were ordered
to pay their relief, and do homage to the King for
the same. And it was declared that Hugh Crep-
ping was never seised of the said lands, because Eva
wife of Nicholas Tregoze survived her husband. —
Thus ended this branch of the family.
II. Sir Robert de Tregoze, of whom and his posterity pre-
III. John Tregoze, who was seated in Sussex 14th Hen. II.
(1167), and marrying, had issue, apparently, two sons; Henry,
evidently his heir ; and Thomas Tregoze, who removed into the
adjoining county of Kent, and was living there 1st John (1199).
1 . Henry Tregoze held lands in Goring, in Sussex, 3rd
John (1202), as appears by the Rot. Oblat. ; and that he was
then also living is confirmed by the Rot. Cane. In 4th John
(1202-3), William Mordant acknowledged that he ought to
render to Henry Tregoze the free tenement in Goring, in
Sussex; and in 1219, 3rd Hen. III., we find the said Henry
Tregoze giving the King half a mark to have a writ against
Emma fitz Ralph, and Rose and Avice her sisters, concerning
tenements in Goring ; this Henry had issue, it would appear,
two sons,
1. Sir Henry Tregoze, heir to Goring, &c. who, in 41st
Hen. III. (1256-7), had a grant of free warren in Gor-
ing, Deddisham, and Warburton, co. Sussex; but who ap-
pears to have died s. p.
2. John Tregoze, who married Matilda and ac-
quired (apparently by her) the manor of Denne, or Warn-
ham, in Sussex. John Tregoze and Matilda, his wife, had
a grant of free warren in Denne and Iham in Sussex 55th
Hen. III. (1270-1) ; and were clearly the parents of
1. Sir Henry Tregoze, Knt. who succeeded to both
Denne and to Goring, and the other Sussex estates of his
paternal ancestor Henry Tregoze. Of him hereafter : as
he became male representative of the Tregozes temp
Edw. I.
2. Tregoze, father of that 1. " Monsire de
Tregoz," who in the Roll of Arms of 1337—1350, is
mentioned as cousin of Monsieur Tregoz de Sussex, and
as bearing for arms, ^' D'Azure a deux gemeaux d'or,
une leopard d'or en le chef."
I. Albreda Tregoz, who became the wife of Richard de Bes-
ville ; and had lands in Aspull, co. Suffolk, given her, in frank-
marriage, by her brother GeofFry Tregoz. They had issue an
only daughter and heiress.
1. Maud Besville, married before 1195 (7th Ric. I.) to
Colville ; for in that year she had a suit with her cou-
sin WilHam Tregoze (son of Geoffry) for half a knight's fee
in Aspull, in Suffolk, which Geoffry Tregoze had given his
sister Albreda, her mother, in frank-marriage. This mairiage
1. William Colville, their son and heir; against whom
his kinsman, Robert Tregoze, renewed the suit for the
Aspull lands in the time of John ; and Colville appears to
have been worsted by his relative, in this contest. William
Colville married Rose ; and died before or in 1241,
25th Hen. III. ; for then was she living his widow, and
commenced legal proceedings against Geoffry Tregoze, for
40 acres of land, &c. in Aspull, as her dower ; which she
succeeded in recovering against him.
Sir Robert de Tregoze, second son, was, though such, the
great man of the family, and founded its most important branch ;
and this because he acquired immense wealth by his marriage.
He took to wife Sibilla, daughter and heiress of Robert de
Ewyas, Lord Ewyas, of Harold Ewyas, in Herefordshire;
and in 9th Ric. I. (Easter Term) had a suit with Hermenus de
Bra ton for the advowson of Braton church in Norfolk, part of
her vast inheritance. But it appears, that though duly mar-
ried, a strange contest arose in the 11th John regarding her;
when, in Easter Term, William de Newmarket was summoned
to show by what right he claimed to wife her who was Robert
Tregoz's wife ; for it appears that Richard I. had given her to
Tregoz in marriage. Whereupon Newmarket came and said
that he had married her in the time of Richard the First by gift
of Robert de Ewyas her father. It is very certain, however,
that Tregoz had sufficient power to retain the heiress ; for in
13th John, Michaelmas Term, we find " Robert de Tregoze and
Sibilla his wife" impleading Ralph de St. Maur for land in
Bren, in Somersetshire, the right of the said Sibilla ; " and in
Trin. Term, I4th John, they had recovered the said lands against
St. Maur. This Sibilla de Ewyas brought immense domains,
including the castle of Ewyas Harold in Herefordshire, into the
Tregoze family.
Meanwhile Sir Robert de Tregoze was High Sheriff of Wilts
3rd llic. I. ; and in three years after was engaged in the expe-
dition made into Normandy. In 1st John (1200), he gave the
King 200 marks in silver to have granted to him the wardship
of the heir and lands of Geolfry Hose; and in 7th John (1206),
on collecting the scutage of that King's reign, answered thirty-
eight marks for nineteen knight's fees belongine: to the honour
of Robert de Ewyas his father in law. He also held one knight's
fee in Irchingfield ; but died about the year 1212.
Sibilla, his wife, survived him, and in 1214 married, secondly,
Roger de Clifford, for which marriage that nobleman gave the
King 1000/. Roger de Clifford died 1231-2, In the lifetime of
his elder brother Walter de Clifford, having had by the said
Sibilla a son, Roger de Clifford, a Baron famous for his extraor-
dinary experience in military affairs, ancestor of the Lords de
Clifford. Sibilla herself was dead in 1236, and by Tregoze, her
former husband, had two sons and a daughter.
I. Sir Robert Tregoze, their heir.
II, John Tregoze, who was of Shortgrave, co. Wilts, and was
undoubtedly the person so named who had a grant to hold <a
market and fair at Bren, in Somersetshire in 1253 (37 and 38
Hen. III.) ; and in 54 Hen. III. (1269-70) had licence granted
by the King to inclose Shortgrave Wood in Bradene Forest and
to make a park there. His Inq. post mort. was made 54 Hen.
III. when he died seised of a wood at Shortgrave, in Wilts. But
he appears to have left no surviving posterity.
I. Alicia Tregoze, wife of Sir Robert Cecil, or Sitsilt, of
Haltrennis, Knt. and by him mother of James Cecil, ancestor
of Lord Burghley, and the Marquesses of Exeter and Salis-
Sir Robert Tregoze, Knt. eldest son and heir, succeeded
his father in his immense Wiltshire and Herefordshire posses-
sions, and was Baron Tregoze of Lydiard Tregoze, in the former
county, and Lord of Ewyas Harold in the latter, in right of his
mother. He did homage and had livery of his mother's estates
in Herefordshire, 20 Hen. III. (1236), paying 100/. for his re-
lief. He was living 40 Hen. Ill ; and two years after was sum-
moned to march against the Welsh ; but joining the rebellious
Barons of this reign, the same year, was slain at the battle of
Evesham, 4th Aug. 1265, 49th Hen. III. ; having had to wife
Juliana, daughter of William Lord Cantilupe (by Milicent his
wife, daughter of Hugh de Gournai, widow of Almeric Earl of
Evreux) ; which Juliana brought the manor of Great Doding-
ton, in Northamptonshire, into the Tregoze family, and bare her
husband two children. Sir Robert Tregoze's Inq. post mort.
was made 49th Hen. UI. where a list of his estates may be seen.
By the Roll of Arms, compiled between 1240 and 1245, we find
that this Sir Robert de Tregoze bore, " Gules, three bars gemels
or, a lion passant in chief of the same." His issue were
I. Sir John Tregoze, his heir.
I. Lucy Tregoze, married to John Lord L'Estrange, of
Knokyn, in Shropshire, sheriff of that county 21 Hen. IH.
and Governor of Montreuil, Bruges (Bridgnorth), and Elles-
mere castles. By him she was mother of John L'Estrange, who
perpetuated the line of the Barons L'Estrange, of Knokyn.
Sir John Tregoze, Lord Baron Tregoze, only son and
heir, did homage and obtained livery of his father's lands 52nd
Hen. in. (1268), and stood in such favour with royalty that,
notwithstanding his father's treason, he was acquitted of 50
marks of 100/. then due for his relief; after which he attended
Edward I. into Wales, in the expedition made thither in the
early part of his reign.
By the Plac. de quo warranto, we find John Tregoze, in 8th
Edw. I. summoned to show by what title he claimed wrecks,
waifs, and estrays, in his manor of Burneham in Somersetshire ;
when he showed that it was the right of his ancestors and no
usurpation of the royal prerogative. In the following year he
was summoned to show why he claimed free warren in Lydyard
Tregoze, in Wilts, without the King's licence; and in 20th
Edw. I. he received a like summons regarding the manor of
Retby in Irchingfield, in Herefordshire, when he answered he
held it with Mabelia his wife, and would not show his title with-
out her. In the 20th Edw, I. he was also summoned to prove
his title to divers other prerogatives, viz. the correcting the in-
fringement of the assize of bread and ale, and the holding Ci'own
Pleas within his manor of Mathuenleye and Eton; when he
showed they had been his ancestors' rights immemorially.
In 13 Edw. I. (1284-5) he obtained licence to hold either a
fair, or had free warren granted, at the following places, Eton
in Herefordshire, Burneham and Cheleworth in Somersetshire,
Lydiard and Alinton in Wilts; and in 22nd Edw. I. benig in
the campaign of Gascony, he had permission for his wife and
family to reside in Devizes castle, and to have fires there.
This Baron, during the latter part of his life was summoned
to Parliament by writ as one of the Majores Barones ; viz. on
26 Jan. 1296, 25th Edw. I. and on 6 Feb. 1299, 27th Edw. I.;
and in the year 1300 was summoned to perform military service
gainst the Scotch; but his death prevented it; for he died 21
Aug. 28th Edw. I. (1300), and was buried 12 kal. Sept. 28th
Edw. I. in the Priory of St. Augustin at Bristol.
By the two Inq. post mort. made after that event, one in 28th,
and the other 29th Edw. I., we find that he died seised of an
immense inheritance, viz. the castle and honour of Ewyas Harold
with its members in the Marches of Wales, which he held by
barony, the manor of Eton Tregoze in Herefordshire, and nu-
merous estates in Wilts, Northamptonshire, and Salop, &c. ; a
mandate to seize for the King the lands of John Tre-
goze defunct, being issued to Walter de Gloucester in 28th
Edw. I.
Long before this John Tregoze had married Mabel, daughter
of Foulk Lord Fitzwarren ; and this lady owned the manor of
Weston in Bedfordshire, and the hamlet of Sturden, in Glou-
cestershire, as appears by her Inq. post mortem, made 25th
Edw. I. (1296-7) she being described in the record as his wife.^
By her John Lord Tregoze had only two daughters,
I. Clarissa Tregoze, who had been married v. p. to Roger
la Warre, and predeceased her father, leaving by her husband
a son and heir
1. John la Warre, who on his maternal grandfather's
death, being 23 years of age, succeeded eventually to Harold
Ewyas castle and lordship, &c. with a right to quarter the
Tregoze arms, as borne by his ancestors.
II. Sibilla Tregoze, who was living at her father's death
28 Edw. X. and then 28 years of age, being wile of William
de Grandison (or as it was then latinized " de Grandi Bono,")
*" See also Rot= Orig. Abbr. vol. i. p, 99.
K 2
some time of Exon Hill, co. Glouc. to whom she was mmTied
about or before 13th Edw, I. when her father settled upon her
and her husband lands at Lydiard Trcgoze in Wilts, in frank
marriage. From this marriage descended the
Scudamores of Holm-Lacy, in Herefordshire.
But on the decease of Sir John dc Tregozc, contention arose
between his coheirs regarding the division of his lands ; and
in 31st Edw. I. the escheator of Herefordshire and Wales was
commanded to inform William de Grandison and Sibil his
wife, that John la Warre, cousin {i. c. grandson) and one of
the heirs of John Tregoze, refuses to take the knight's fees,
which had been assigned to him in the division made of the
estates between the heirs ; because, as he alleges, the greater
part of the said fees pertained to his castle of Ewyas Harold ;
and soon after, we find William de Grandison placing himself
under the King's protection ; which probably decided the con-
test in Grandison 's favour. However this may be, the male
representation of the Tregoze family descended, on Sir John's
death, to his half-cousin.
Sir Henry Tregoze, of Goring, in Sussex, who, or his pro-
genitors, had differenced the family armorial charges of gemel
bars and the passant lion, by placing them on a blue, instead of
a red shield ; and the Roll of Arms compiled between 2nd and
7th Edw. II. proves the coat borne by Sir Henry Tregoze to
have been " de Azure, a ii barres gimyles de or, en le chef un
lupard passaunt de or;" but it is a curious fact, that soon after
the final extinction of the above senior branch of the family. Sir
Henry handed over this coat to the younger branches of his own
family, and he, or his son and heir, resumed the old colours of
red and gold, but bore them reversed ; viz. a golden shield with
the charges gules. This was possibly intended to mark, that,
thouo'h chief of his house, he was not lineally descended from its
originally elder line, which bore the field gules and the bearings
or, and which the la Warres and Grandisons would be entitled
to claim.
Sir Henry Tregoze had succeeded his parents and ancestors in
their Sussex estates, before he became head of his family ; and
about 1271 he sold his manor of Denne or Warnham, co. Sus-
sex, to Rosa de Oyly of Raunton, in Staffordshire. In 3rd
Edw, I. it was found that Henry Tregozc claimed wrecks in
Palynge hundred, and assize of bread and ale in the vill of Go-
ring ; and, moreover, that he had appropriated to himself free
warren there.
This Sir Henry Tregoze married Margaret, daughter and
heiress of his neighbour, John de Goring, of co. Sussex ; through
which match some represent the family as acquiring Goring
lordship ; but it has been shown that the Tregozes held property
there nearly a century before. Sir Henry was, however, also
. fard of Wykenholle, co. Sussex ; and in importance almost ex-
ceeded his great deceased kinsman John Baron Tregoze ; for
during the reigns of Edward I. and Edward H. 1294 and 1322,
Sir Henry Tregoze, having acquired nmch renown in the Scotch
wars, was summoned to Parliament as a Baron.
In 1296, 24th Edw. I. he was enrolled, pursuant to an ordi-
nance for the defence of the sea-coast of Sussex, as a knight
holding lands within the rape of Arundel, but not resident in the
county; and, in 1297, he was among those returned from Sus-
sex and Surrey, as holding lands or rents of 20/. yearly, and as
such summoned to perform military service in parts beyond the
seas. In 29 Edw. I. he obtained licence from the King to liold
a market and fair at Goring ; in 1301 we find him styled "Do-
minus de Garynnges ; " and in 33rd Edw. I, he had a grant of
free warren in Wykenholt, co. Sussex.
In 1307 he was a Conservator of Peace in Surrey, and in the
following year (1308) in Sussex; in which last year also he was
summoned to attend King Edward II.'s Coronation. In 1309
and in 1313, " Henry Tregoze" {sed (ju. he or his younger son?)
was summoned to Parliament as Knioht of the Shire for Sussex as
well as by special writ. By the said Margaret de Goring he had
I. Sir Thomas de Tregoze, his heir.
II. Henry Tregoze, living 1323, who died s. p.
I. Isabella de Tregoze, wife of John Boome, of Andeherste.
Sir Thomas de Tregoze, elder son and heir, Lord of Goring,
&c. &c. was a Knight of great note, and in 1316 (9 Edw. II.)
was certified, pursuant to the writ tested at Clipstone, to be lord
of Goring, Preston near Arundel, Burpham, and Gretham, co.
Sussex. In 1318 he was summoned against the Scotch. On
the 4th January that year, 11th Edw. II., he was summoned to
Parliament as a Major Baron, as bis father had been ; and in
1325 was summoned, with certain other knights, to pass over into
Guienne under the Earl of Warren's command. He liad a grant
of free warren in Goring, Preston, Deddisham, and several other
places in Sussex and Kent, 5 Edw. III. ; and was summoned to
Parh'ament once more as a Baron, from 20th Oct. 1332 to 9th
April 1335.
This Sir Thomas Tregoze married Joane, daughter of
Lord Poynings, of the county of Sussex, and was dead in 2Gth
Edw. Ill ; for then was the said Joane liis widow, and party to a
family settlement made by her son in law, Sir John D'Oyly, and
Margaret his wife, her daughter. Sir Thomas Tregoze had by
her two children, a son and a daughter,
I. Sir Henry de Tregoze, his heir.
I. Margaret de Tregoze married to Sir John D'Oyly, ma-
norial lord of Raunton, in Staffordshire, and of Stoke-D'Oyly,
in Northamptonshire, as well as of la Denne, in Warn-
ham parish, co. Sussex. By him she had issue a son and a
daughter. ^
1. Sir Thomas D'Oyly, who died s. p.
1. Joane D'Oyly, sole heiress to her brother. She was
twice married : first to Sir Thomas Lewknor, of Bradhurst,
CO. Sussex ; and secondly to John Deering alias de Cobham.
By her first husband she had issue two sons ;
1, Roger Lewknor, who married Margaret, daughter
of Sir John Carew, of Molesford, co. Berks, and had
issue by her at his death, 1400-1, a son and heir,
1. Sir Thomas Lewknor, who eventually, in 1403-4,
became heir of the Tregozes through his grandmother.
2. John Lewknor, on whom was settled the D'Oylys'
manor of la Denne, co. Sussex. He died leaving co-
heiresses ; from the only one of whom that married, de-
scend the Bartelotts of Stopham.
Sir Henry Tregoze, Knt. succeeded his father, but was
never summoned to Parliament as a Baron. He was lord of
Goring, however, and inherited the other extensive estates of his
family. This Sir Henry espoused Joane, daughter of Lord
Morley ; which lady surviving him married, secondly. Sir Edward
St. John, chevalier, who likewise predeceased her. She made
her will Sunday next after St. Martin's day, 12th Nov. 1385,
« See detail of this issue in W. D. Bayley's History of the House of D'Oyly.
desiring burial in the chapel of St. Mary , in the monastery of
Lewes, beside her late husband ; and makes bequests to Margery,
her daughter ; to John Tregoze ; to Dame Joane Tregoze
(widow of her son Sir Robert) ; to John her son ; to the Earl
of Arundel, an article marked with her father's arms ; to his
eldest son ; to Thomas Chamberlain, to Richard Chamberlain,
and a brown bay horse to John Pakenham, She held Goring
and all the Tregoze estates till her death, which occurring in or
before 10th Ric. II. an Inquis. post mortem being taken, it was
found that she died seised of lands in Goring, Haydon, Dades-
ham, Preston, &c. &c, and that Edward Tregoze was her grand-
son and heir, then a minor of the age of 8 years, and son of Sir
Robert Tregoze. Her issue by Sir Henry Tregoze were
I. Henry Tregoze, who had issue
1. Sir Henry Tregoze, who died s. p.
II. Thomas Tregoze, who died s. p.
III. Sir Robert Tregoze, of Goring, who married Joane,
daughter and heiress of Richard Combes, lord of the manors
of Applesham and Combes, and relict of Robert Hailsham, of
West Grinsted (whose second wife she had been) and died
about 3rd Ric. II. or soon after, leaving by her an only son
and heir
1. Edward Tregoze, of whom presently.
IV. Michael Tregoze, a monk at Lewes; who therefore
died unmarried.
V. John Tregoze, last heir male of the Tregozes ; uncle
and heir of Edward, Of him hereafter.
VL Richard Tregoze, who died s, p.
I. Joan Tregoze, wife of J . . . Lelbon ; but died s, p.
II. Margaret Tregoze, who died unmarried.
Edward Tregoze, heir to his father and grandmother, was
aged 8 in 10th Ric. II. and attained his majority in 22nd Ric. II.
(1398-9). He was married very early; first to Alice, daughter
of Ralph St. Leger, by whom he had
I. Edward Tregoze, who died s. p. v. p.
II. Tregoze (another son), who died an infant.
I. Joane Tregoze, said to have been married (though, as it
must have been before her 8th year, probably only contracted)
to Edward St. John. She seems, however, to have died s, p.
Edward Tregozc married secondly, Alice, daughter of Edward
St. Joiin, and had issue by her,
III. William Tregoze,
IV. Robert Tregoze. Both of whom died early s. p.
The said Edward Tregoze died in the flower of his age, hardly
more than 23, in the 1st Hen. IV. (1399-1400), s. p. s, ; as by
his Inquis. post mort. appears; and that he died seised of
Goring, Preston, ike. &c. (all the okl i'amily estates) in Sussex ;
and that John Tregoze (son of Sir Henry) was his cousin (uncle)
and heir, and then set. 30 years. This
John Tregoze (5th son of Sir Henry, by Lord Morley's
daughter,) was born about 1369, and succeeded his above ne-
phew in the various fiimily estates, 1499 (1st Hen. IV.) He did
not, however, long enjoy them ; but died seised of them in the
5th Hen. IV. (1403-4), and the jury empanelled at his Inquis.
post mort. found, that he died s. p., and that his heir was Tho-
mas Lewknor, then aged only 12 years, the son of Roger Lewk-
nor son of Joane Lewknor, the daughter of Margaret D'Oyle,
sister of Sir Henry Tregoze, father of the deceased John. Thus
all the estates of the Tregozes, viz. Bogelie in Kent, and Goring,
Preston, Burgham, Perham, Walderton, Wigenholt, Gretham,
and Codham, in Sussex, passed through the D'Oylys into the
Lewknor family ; among the various members of the latter of
which, they were eventually divided; and thus were founded the
several branches of the Lewknors, at Goring, Preston, Walder-
ton, &c. See.
The Tregoze family, (or to speak more strictly, its surname,)
did not expire with John Tregoze who died 5th Hen. IV. There
was long afterwards a family of the name of " Tregoz alias Tre-
goies," in Cornwall. If legitimate, it is probable that these
Tregozes sprang from a scion of the Sussex branch ; as they are
said to have borne the same charges with the tinctures of blue and
gold : but this is doubtful. It might merely be an assumption :
and it is certain that some of the Cornish Tregozes bore " Ar-
gent, three foxes in full course sable."
Seaton Carew. W. D. B,
In the Church of the Austin Nuns,
In the Letters of James Earl of Perth, published by the Camden Society in 1845,
pp. 42, 43, is one describing a visit which he and his Countess paid to this couveut
in 16y4. Lady Anna Howard, daughter of the Duke of Norfolk, and cousin to the
Lady Lucy Herbert (whose epitaph is below), was then a sister.
The four following inscriptions are placed on corresponding
lozenges of white marble, one at each corner of the church :
D. O. M.
Hie Jacet
Prsen^ D^^a Lucia Theresia Herbert de Powis,
Nobssmi Celsssmi ac Potssmi Gulielmi
Ducis de Powis, Marchionis de Montgomaryj»
Summi Regiee Aulae Praefecti,
Elizabethoe Somerset b [uxoris]
suae, Regise Celsitudinis Principis Wallise Gubernatricis,
nata fuit mdclxviiii,
Religionem Professa kaN'^ Junii mdcxciii,
obiit XIV kaH«s Februarii mdccxliv.
Postquam Prima inter pares
Annos fuerat xxxv.
R. I. P.
Above are the arms of Herbert impaling Somerset (without
the bordure) ; with a ducal coronet.
Manet depositum
Generosae dominae
» William Herbert, 1st Earl of Powis, Viscount Montgomery, on whom James II.
after his abdication, conferred the above titles, which were not allowed in England.
" Lady Lucy is a most excellent religieuse," says the Earl of Perth.
^ Daughter of Edward 2nd Marquess of "Worcester,
filiai Johannis Gifford, Equitis
Aurati, et illustrissimee
Domina} Catherinaa Midelton,
/Etatis suae 53, obiit
Die 23 Aprilis, An.
Dom. 1759.
R. I. P.
Above are the arms of Giffard of Chillingtoii.
Deo Opt. Maximo.
Hie prope jacet
Praenobilis puella,
Carolina Maria Talbot,
filia nobilissimi Domini Caroli Talbot,
ex antiqua et nobilissima Familia de
Et illustris Dominse Mariee
annos nata 16,
obiit ad hoc conventum
die 10 Januarii 1782.
Hoc marmor in testi-
monium sui amoris
afflicta mater
poni jussit.
R. I. P.
Above are the arms of Talbot, without the bordure, impaling
D. O. M.
Pise memories
D'nse MARiiE Augustin^e More,
Thomae, equitis, de Barnbrough,
•= She was daughter to John Giffard, Esq. of Madeley, co. Salop, second son of
John Giffard, Esq. of Black Ladies, co. Stafford, son of John Giffard, Esq. of the
same place, sou of Peter Giffard, Esq. of Chillington.
Catherinoe Gilford, ex Chillingstone in Staffordia ^i
8^0 gradu, linea recta, ortie ex iliustri Prosapia
Thomas Mori, Magni Angliae Cancellarii,
sub Henrico Rege, causa fldei, occisi.
Nata fuit Eboraci, kal'^'s Aprilis MDCCxxxir,
Professa Religionem pridie nonas Dec^"s mdccliii,
Obiit x» kal<'»s Aprilis mdcccviii,
Sacrae huic Domui annos PrsDfuit xLi,
R. I. P.
Above are the arms of More.
In the Church of Notre Dame.
On a white marble slab on the floor :
Arms : Quarterly gules and ermine, the first and fourth
quarters charged with a cross engrailed. Crest : a moon and
seven stars. On either side the coats of marriages: L Gules,
three covered cups . . . Butler ; 2, . . . six mullets, three, two,
and one, Welsh. Motto, Je suis imperceu.
Libera sepultura
Spectabilis viri D"> Joannis Ley,
Kilkeniensis, Hiberni,
Filii D'l* Nicolai Ley et D^x Annae Langton,
Qui, primis nuptiis ducta in uxorem D^
Margarita Butler filia D"» Jacobi Butler
et D« Xaveriee F'gerald Kilkenise, defuncta
xxviii Mail mdccxxii.
Secundis vero D^ Margareta Welsh
Filia D°' Joannis Welsh et D« Anastatise
Trehee, quae obiit . . « .
Relictisque ex utroque thoro sex prolibus
Scilicet ex priore D^ Catherina et Xaveria
ac D"o Nicolao
Et ex posteriore D^ Maris, Mariana, et Margareta, ^
Vivere desiit Brugis ix Julii ao mdccxlvii,
iEtatis suee lix.
R. L P.
■1 Eldest daughter of John Giffard, Esq. of Black Ladies, and niece to the lady
before noticed.
e In the churchyard of St. Peter (without the town) is a mural monument, placed
against the church, commemorating Margareta Ley alias Lee, who died 26"th July
1788, and her husband, Jos. Pieter De Wree, dit Veranneman, who died 1 October
1792. Arma of Ley alias Lee aa above.
On a white marble slab affixetl to the outer wall of the
same church, with these arms, Azure, a chevron between three
trefoils slipped or. Crest;, a nag trotting. Motto, Omne trinum
Hie jacet
Jacobus Lynch Armiger,
Henrici Lynch armigeri filius,
Stirpe antiqua ac fitlei Catholicae
semper annexa^
Oppitli cui nomen Galway in Hibernia ortus,
Morbo plurimis annis peractis
Quern maxima patientia ac pietate passus est,
Die Julii xii. mdcclxxxxiii. anno jBtatis lxxvii.
In cujus memoriani ponitur
hoc triste marmor
per viduam ejus Anastasiam Joyes,
Jasperis Joyes armigeri fi^"'
ejusdem oppidi civis.
R. I. P.
In the General Cemetery.
On a while marble slab with arms, crest, supporters, coronet,
and motto of his lordslup- Over the crest a second motto,
" Superba Frango.'' Two coats are impaled, I. Gules, four gorges,
two and two, Gorges : 2. Arg. two chevronels gules.
" This humble tribute is consecrated to the grateful affection
of a wife and daughter to the memory of the Right Hon^^»^ Cam-
den Grey M^Clellan, 9di Baron Kirkcudbright, of Kirk-
cudbright, in the kingdom of Scotland, late Captain in the Cold-
stream Guards, who departed this life at Bruges, on the 19th
April 1832, aged 59 years."
On a white marble slab, with arms incircled by a riband, in-
scribed '^ Nil temere neque temoreT Quarterly: 1. Quarterly
gules and azure, over all a cross engrailed ermine, Berney ; 2;
Aro'ent, three fleurs-de-lys vert, on a chief azure a pansy between
two fleurs-de-lys or, Woolball ; 3. Argent, three masclcs sable, on
a chief of the second as many lions rampant of the first, Hanson ;
4. Per pale vert and gules, a fleur-de-lys ermine, Folkes ; impal-
ing quarterly Ncvill and Buhner.
" Sacred to the memory of Sir John Berney, Bart, late of
Kirby Bedon, Norfolk, who died at Bruges 4th Sept. 1825,
aged 68, and of the Right Honi^ie Lady Henrietta Berney,
widow of the aforesaid Sir John Berney, and daughter of the late
Right HovM^ George Nevill, first Earl and fifteenth Baron of
Abergavenny, who died at Anderlecht, near Bruxells, 9th April
1833, aged 77 years."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Colonel
Sir George Jackson, Baronet, of Fork Hill, in the county of
Armagh, Ireland, who departed this life January the 1 ith 1840,
aged 64 years. This tribute is erected by an affectionate wife,
by whom, and by all who knew him, he will ever be regretted as
he was loved."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Henry
George St. John, youngest son of Sir George Edw^ Pocock,
Bart, and Augusta his wife, who died at Bruges August 20, 1844,
aged two years and two months.^*
On a like slab : " To the memory of John Francis Murray,
Esq, the only son of Sir John Murray, Baronet, of Stanhope,
Peebleshire, North Britain, who departed this life on the 13th
f July 1826, in the 24th (?) year of his age.''
On a like slab, with arms and crest of Palmer, and motto :
" In Deo est omnis mihi fides," " Sacred to the memory of
Thomas Roger Palmer, Esq. second son of Sir William
Henry Palmer, Bart, of Castle Lacken, in the county of Mayo,
Ireland, who departed this life at Bruges on the 21st day of
January 1825, aged 20 years. He was endowed with a mind
and abilities which promised to render him an ornament to
society and a blessing to his family, who must ever lament his
early loss, and all who knew him mourn his decease. R, I. P."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Gertrude Fran-
ces Myrton, third daughter of David Cunyngham, Esq.
Colonel H.'B. M. service, obiit l^* Augste 1827, aged nine years
and four months."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Alfred Forlaux
Myrton, seventh son of Sir David Cunyngham, of Milncraig,
Baronet, Colonel in His Britannic Majesty's service, obiit 5th
May 1828, aged 2 years and 4 months."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Robert South
Thurlow Cunyngham, Esq, second surviving son of Sir David
Cunyngham, of Milncraig, Baronet, in the kingdom of Scotland,
and Colonel in his Britannic Majesty's service, obiit 13ih April
1829, aged 22 years."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Frederick Ro-
bert George Myrton Cunyngham, sixth surviving son of
Sir David Cunyngham, of Milncraig, Baronet, in the kingdom of
Scotland, and Colonel in his Britannic Majesty's service, obiit
20 April 1830, 2 years and 8 months old."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Sally,
the beloved wife of the Rev^. Charles Leicester, of Whitton
Hall, in the county of Salop, only son of the late Henry Augus-
tus Leicester, next brother to the late Right Hon. John Fleming
Leicester, Baron de Tabley, of Tabley Park, in the county pa-
latine of Chester. She died at Ostend, September 1 0th 1843,
aged 45 years and 10 months. In the faithful and affectionate
discharge of every conjugal and maternal duty, and in a rare
gentleness of manners and kindness of heart, she exhibited a
bright example of Christian virtue."
On a grey marble slab : " To the memory of Colonel John
Ashley Sturt, 8th son of Humphrey Sturt, Esq. of Chrichill
House, Dorsetshire, who departed this life 29th December 1827,
aged 53 years. R. L P."
On the upper part of a grey marble Doric pillar : " Hoc loco
tumulum nactus, annum dum ageret xxiv*"'", Henricus Trol-
lope, Dec. xxiiiS mdcccxxxiv."
On a grey marble obelisk : " Hie conditum est quodcumque
mortale fuit Thom^ Anthonii Trollope, ^ armi. LL.B. in
univ. Oxon. et Coll. B. Mar. Winton. Soc. generosa in agio
Lincolniensi stirpe ortus ; vixit annos lxii, obiit xxvi die Octob.
On a black marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Diana
Mary Cuming, second daughter of Major-General James Cum-
ing, who departed this life at Bruges on the 28th day of Novem-
ber 1827, aged 12 years and one month."
On the railing which incloses a large piece of ground : " To
the memory of C. C. Garvett, died at Bruges April 3, 1841."
On a grey marble slab with arms: Quarterly,!, . . . three
' Of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at law, and husband of the celebrated author. He
was sou of the Rev. Anthony Trollope, fourth son of Sir Thomas, the fourth Baro-
net. Henry Trollope, commemorated in the preceding epitaph, was their son.
martlets, one and two ; 2. . . three bars wavy . . . ; crest, on a
mound a martlet : " Sacred to the memory of Sarah, the beloved
wife of George Sanford, Lieutenant of the Royal Navy of
England. She died on the 12th of June 1843, in their resi-
dence at Lophem, aged 44. years. This poor tribute is erected
to her worth by her afflicted husband. In the midst of life," &c.
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Samuel Hughes
Esq.M.D. of Herefordshire, in the kingdom of England, who died
at Bruges February 10 th 1843, aged 7 years. The Lord gave,
and the Lord," &c.
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Alfred Charles
Mayne, aged 23 and 5 months, who departed this life Novem-
ber 5th 1843."
On a grey marble head-stone : " Sacred to the memory of
Charlotte Sarah, the beloved wife of W. Wright, Esq. of
Bayswater, Middlesex, died at Bruges 27 Dec. 1843, aged 43
On one side a grey and white marble tomb, with arms at each
end. Argent, on a chevron engrailed sable between three crows
proper as many escallops or. Crest, an arm embowed in armour
holding an anchor, all proper : " Sacred to the memory of Sa-
rah, wife of Mr. William Crocker, deceased at Bruges the
18th of March 1844, aged 70 years and 7 months."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Rose
Emily, the beloved child of William and Elizabeth Stainforth,
who departed this life on the 11th of March 1844, aged three
years and six months.'*
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Theodosia Hen-
riette Egan, rehct of Michael Egan, Esq. formerly of Bath,
who departed this life June 18th 1844, aged 79, sincerely re-
gretted by an affectionate family and numerous circle of friends."
On a white marble slab : " H. S. E. Emma Kyd, daughter of
the Rev. Giles and Janet Pomeroy Pugh, who died at Bruges,
Oct. 13th 1844, aged 3 months."
On a grey marble slab : " This stone was erected by Mary
Ann Culcheth, as a tribute of respect and esteem to the memory
of her late husband John Culcheth, Esq. late of Liverpool,
who departed this life at Bruges the 29th January 1845, aged 44
On a white marble slab with crest on a wreath, a dexter arm
embowed, vested, and holding a banner, paly of six, on a canton
a cross : " Sacred to the memory of Charles, son of John and
Margaret Gould, who departed this life at Bruges, on the
twentv-second day of July one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-nine, aged eight years and six months/^
On a grey marble slab: " Sacred to the memory of Michael
Egan, Esq. who departed this hfe October 27th 1828, aged 61.
Beloved and regretted.'^
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah Mer-
COTE, who departed this life on the 17th of March 1825, in the
48th year of her age.'^
On a like slab: " Sacred to the memory of Charlotte
Frances Pattullo, 2nd daughter of Captain Robert Pattullo,
K.C.S. and Mary Erskine his wife, who died at Blenkenberghe
July 22nd 1845, aged seven years and two months."
On a like slab: " Sacred to the memory of Angus Mactag-
gart, Esq. who died at Bruges on the 20th day of November
1840, aged 73 years. This stone was erected by his affectionate
and disconsolate widow and his beloved children."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Eliza Catherine
McTaggart, daughter of Angus McTaggart, Esq., who died
11th October 1830, aged 12 years and 4 months.'^
On a similar slab adjoining : " Sacred to the memory of
William Angus McTaggart, late Lieut, in Her Majesty's
3^1 West India Regiment, who departed this life at Gosport, on
the 19th Sept. 1845, on his return from the West Indies, in the
26th year of his age. He was only son of the late Angus
McTaggart, Esq. and Eliza his wife. This tribute of affection is
erected by his widowed mother and disconsolate sisters.''
On a white marble slab : " This stone is erected by Captain
John Allen, M. [sic) B. M. Navy, over the remains of his
beloved wife Elizabeth, who departed this life July 8th 1820,
aged 25 years.
No mortal hand can ever raise
The broken pillar of my days,
Or Fate restore a form so dear,
As that which sleeps unconscious here."
On a grey marble slab : *' Sacred to the memory of Charles
TicE, M.D., seventeen years member of the Royal College of
Physicians, London, and fifteen years physician and deputy in-
spector of his Britannic Majesty's Hospitals, who departed this
life April 8th, 1819, aged 43 years. He served his country with
zeal and ability, and his merits received the public commenda-
tions of his Grace the Duke of Wellington. His premature death
is deeply lamented by his widow and six children, who, as a
token of affection, erect this memento on the spot where rest his
mortal remains."
On a like slab: " Sacred to the memory of Susan C. A.
Heyliger, daughter of John Heyliger, Esq. Died at Bruges,
June 1st, 1827, aged 14 months 14 days."
On a like slab: " Here lie the remains of Francis Kirk-
PATRicK, Esq. of Rathmore, in the county of Wicklow, Ireland,
who departed this life at Bruges, on the 15th July 1818, in the
60th year of his age, sincerely and deservedly regretted."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Charles, the
son of Myles and Mary Custance, who departed this life the
31st of August 1834, aged 19 years."
On a like stone: " Sacred to the memory of John Turner,
Esq. youngest son of William Turner, Esq. of Cottesford House,
in the county of Oxford, England, who departed this life the
28th of February 1842, aged 17 years and 5 months.'^
On a like slab : " To the memory of Frederick Coare, who
died March 6, 1829, aged three weeks."
On a grey marble headstone : " Sacred to the memory of
Mrs. Sarah Crofts, formerly of Margate, Kent, who died at
Bruges on the 4th of December 1834, aged 92 years and 6
On a grey marble slab, much broken : " Sacred to the memory
of Mrs. Sarah Barnes, widow of Peter Barnes, Esq. who de-
parted this life at Bruges, on the 18th of December, aged 6Q
years, 1827."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Peter Barnes
Esq. who departed this life at Bruges, on the 17th of August
1826, aged 66 years."
On a like slab: " Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Ann Max-
well, late Ann Boston, the mother of Mrs. Ann Agnes Barnes,
this tomb is erected. She died suddenly on the 21st of August
1833, in the 59th year of her age. Her son-in-law, Peter Barnes,
Esq. with her two grandchildren and Capt. Foster's family, with
whom she resided many years, the sincere, disinterested, and in-
valuable friend, will never cease to lament her loss, which is irre-
parable to them all."
On a like slab : " A la memoire de Dame Anne Agnes
Barnes, n6e Maxwell, decedee le 21 Decembre 1822, agee de
22 ans ; dont les restes mortels reposent ci-dessous ; ce tombeaii
lui est erige par son bien-aime epouse Pierre Barnes, Lieutenant
de la marine Royall Britannique. La courte carriere qu'elle a
parcourue en ce monde fut un modele de toutes les vertus Chre-
tiennes. Elle le quitta dans Pespoir que le Tres-haut lui accor-
deroit la recompense due a sa parfaite resignation : durant sa
vie elle fut aimee, respectee et veneree de tous ceux qui la con-
nurent. Elle laisse une mere, un epoux, deux enfants et des
amis inconsolables de sa perte prematuree.
" Peace to thine ashes, while upon thy grave
Soft recollection's tender tears we shed ;
Thy early death this thought of ours shall lave,
Nor will we mourn as without hope thee dead."
On a white marble headstone : " In memory of a most exem-
plary and affectionate wife and mother, Jane, wife of M. Hoper,
Esq. late of Old Burlington Street, London, who departed this
life at Bruges, 10 May 1837, aged 52 years. The above-named
Moses Hoper, Esquire, died at Bruxells, 11th June 1842, aged
80 years."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Edward
John Bruce, late Lieut, of the Royal Staff Corps, who died at
Bruges, 3rd Nov. 1834, aged 37 years, deeply regretted by his
widow and son. Also to the memory of his only son Henry
Alexander Bruce, late Ensign in Her Majesty's 96th reg*.
who died at Launceston, Van Diemen's Land, on the 3rd day of
October 1843, aged 21 years."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Edward Horton,
Esq. late of Baker Street, Porlman Square, who departed this
life at Bruges, the 31st day of March 1835, aged 63 years."
On a grey marble headstone : ^' To the memory of Eliza-
beth Adeline Ashton, third daughter of the late Ralph
Ashton, Esquire, of the island of Dominica, who died at Bruges,
1st July 1838, aged 13 years."
On a white marble tomb, railed in : " Sacred to the memory
of Gertrude Cecilia Abbott, died 16 June 1834, aged 9
years and 8 months; and of Adelaide Emily, died 2 May
183G, aged 1 year antl 10 months; daughters of Charles and
Elizabeth Abbott."
On a grey marble slab : « Mary, the wife of William
Spencer, died 3rd November 1836, aged 52 years 9 months."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Samuel
Taylor, second son of Samuel Taylor, Esq. and Jane Green,
born at Dublin the 7th April 1819, died far from his family at
the college of Ypres, the 24th of March 1835. His eminent
quahties and engaging manners will make him be for ever sin-
cerely regretted by his Professors and companions. His eldest
brother, before he returned to his native country, caused this
modest monument to be erected in remembrance of his virtues.'*
On a like slab : " Underneath are deposited the mortal re-
mains of Mary Martin, daughter of Captain J. Norman
Campbell, R.N., C.B., and of Mary Georgiana Elizabeth his
wife, who died at Bruges on the 27 April 1840, aged 13 months
and 2 days."
On a grey marble obelisk : " Here lies the body of Elizabeth
Lynam, who departed this life the 21st of July 1832, aged 24
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of George
Clarkson, who departed this life the 29th June 1837, aged 79
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Romaine Wil-
liam Clarkson, who departed this life the 29th May 1831, aged
68 years."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Mary
Roe, who departed this life at Bruges, March 7th, 1835, aged
45 years."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Eliza-
beth, wife of William Mayhew, Esq., who departed this life
December 20th, 1831, aged 42 years."
On a like slab : " Sacred to the memory of Ann Smith, a
dutiful daughter and a true friend, who departed this life July
the 9th, 1829."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Benja-
min Sydenham, Esq. who departed this life the 15th of March
1828, aged 50 years."
On a grey marble headstone : " Sacred to the memory of
Egide Simoens, son of Felix Xaverius and Rebecca Simoens,
who died on the 18th May 1834, aged 3 years and 9 months."
On a white veined marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of
Mr. John Barkland, of London, who died at Bruges, April
20th 1842, aged 54 years and 11 months, deeply regretted by his
wife and family."
On a white marble slab, railed in, with arms, ... a bend . . .
in an escucheon of pretence ... a chevron . . . between three
heads erased ... " Solomon Sawrey, Esquire, de-
parted this life June the 8th, 1836, aged 60 years."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Hariette,
daughter of the late William Wiggen, Esq. who departed this
life on the 31st day of July 1836, aged 22 years. She bore a
lingering illness with patience and resignation, and has left a dis-
consolate mother and sisters to mourn her loss, and friends who
will lonff cherish her worth and virtues."
On a like slab : " Died at Bruges, on the 17th day of January
1834, William Wiggen, Esq. aged 70 years, deeply lamented
by his family and sincerely regretted by his friends."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Lieut.
George Drury, late of the 33rd regiment of foot, who died
here, after a few hours^ illness, of cholera morbus, on the 5th
day of October 1832, in the 44th year of his age, deeply and sin-
cerely lamented by his family and friends."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of Major
John Longden, late of the 33rd regiment^ whose sudden death
by cholera morbus took place at Bruges on the 6th day of Oct.
1832, aged 50 years; deeply lamented by his family, and uni-
versally by his friends."
On a white veined marble slab, with arms affixed to the v/all :
... a pelican in her piety . . . . ; crest, a castle . . . ; motto,
HcEC Fortuna non mutat genus : " Sacred to the memory of Ro-
bert Chantrell, Esq. and of Diana his wife. The former born
at Oxford 2nd April 1734, died at Bruges 26th August 1811 :
the latter born in London 19th July 1735, died at Bruges
2nd August 1807."
On a like slab, with the same arms, &c. : " Sacred to the me-
mory of Robert Chantrell, Esq. who departed this life the
12th of May 1840, aged 75 years."
On a like slab, with the same arms, &c. " To the memory of
Mary Anne, wife of Robert Chantrell, Esq. who departed
this life the 2nd day of April 1829, aged 63 years."
On a like slab, similarly placed, with crest, a winged heart ;
above, the motto. Forward. " Here rest the mortal remains of
Eleanor, wife of Henry William Hardy, Esq. and youno-est
daughter of the late Erskine Douglas, Esq. who departed this
life the 23rd day of June 1825, aged 48 years.''
On a like slab, similarly placed, engraved with a cross stand-
ing on a flaming mount : " Sacred to the memory of G. B. Lee,
Esq. who departed this life 22nd December 1823. R. I. P."
On one side of a handsome raised white and black marble
tomb, inclosed by iron railings : " Sacred to the memory of
Francis Whyte, Esq. of Redhills, in the county of Cavan, Ire-
land, who departed this life at Bruges, on the 30th of December
in the year 1835, aged 78 years and 2 months. This tribute of
affection is erected by his afflicted widow Ehzabeth Whyte."
On the opposite side : " In this tomb also, repose the remains
of one of the best of women, Eliza, widow of Francis Whyte,
Esquire, who departed this life at Bruges, on the 27th day of
March 1843; and of Margaret their daughter, who died in the
same town on the 10th day of November 1839."
On one end of the tomb, sculptured in white marble, are these
arms : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Sable, on a chevron between three
crescents arg. as many cinquefoils gules (the centre one should
be a leopard's face) ; 2 and 3, Argent, a chevron engrailed be-
tween three roses gules, seeded or, barbed vert. White of Rath-
gonan, impaling, Per bend sinister sable and or, a lion rampant
counterchanged, Francis. Crest, on a wreath, a demi-lion ram-
pant gules, holding in its paws a white rose, seeded or, barbed
and leaved vert. Motto, " Ex candore decus." On the other
end, Quarterly of six, 1 and 6, Whyte ; 2. Argent, three mart-
lets in pale sable, between two flaunches of the second, on each
a lion passant guardant of the first, differenced by a crescent,
Browne ; 3. White of Rathgonan, as in the preceding shield ;
4. Arg. crusilly fitchee, three fleurs-de-lis sa. within a bordure
engrailed of the second, a crescent for difference, Beresford;
5. Per chevron argent and or, three pheons sable, a crescent for
difference, Hassell. Crests, 1. On a wreath, a demi-lion ram-
pant gules, holding in its paws a flag of St. George ; 2. on a
wreath, a demi-lion rampant gules, holding a white rose, seeded
or, barbed and leaved vert.
On a white marble slab affixed to the wall : " Millicente
Eliza Fraser, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel A. Fraser. Died at
Bruges, 14 Dec. 1845, aged 14 years 8 months."
On a white marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of the Right
Hon^e Lady Margaret Augusta Dillon, daughter of John
Smyth 10th Earl of Clanricarde, and relict of Luke Dillon, Esq.
brother of Robert 1st Lord Clonbrock ; died at Bruges, 27th
Oct. 1837, aged 82.
" Sacred to the memory of the ReV^ Henry Luke Dillon,*
formerly Rector of Ly tchett Matravers, co. Dorset, and of Cor-
hamton, co. Hants. Died at Bruges, 6th Oct. 1844, aged 58."
On a white marble slab : '^ Sacred to the memory of George
Lee, Esq. youngest son of the late Henry Lee, Esq. of London.
He departed this life at Bruges, 1st March 1845, aged 45 years."
The following Epitaphs are in that part of the Cemetery
appropriated to the Rofnan Catholic faith.
On a white veined marble slab, with arms, affixed to the wall :
Arms, . . . three greyhounds courant . . , Crest, a greyhound
courant . . . holding in his mouth a hare . . . : ^' Sacred to
the memory of Mary Anne, the wife of John Edwin Biscoe,
Esquire, of Limpsfield, in the county of Surrey, England, who
departed this life in Bruges, on the third of May 1820, in the
fiftieth year of her age, after long and painful illness, which she
sustained with resignation and fortitude. Her remains are de-
posited near this spot."
On a grey marble cross : " D. O. M. Sacred to the memory
of Elizabeth Greenwood, wife of Charles Woollets, Esq.
who departed this life the thirteenth of February 1837. Requi-
escat in pace."
* His son William Trenchard Dillon Trenchard, esq. who took the additional
name of Trenchard, died at Lychett Matravers, Sept. 1!), 18-lG, s. p. whereupon his
brother Henry Luke Smith DUloiJ, esq. succeeded to the Trenchard estates, and also
took that name.
On a wooden cross : " Ci git Mademoiselle Marie Shee, de-
cedee a Bruges le 5 Janvier 1835, agee de 32 ans."
On a grey marble slab : " Sacred to the memory of William
Joseph Arthur Berington, second son of William Berino-ton,
Esq. of Little Malvern, Worcestershire, who died at Bruges, on
the 2 kh of Nov. 1837, aged 5 years and 8 months. ' Suffer little
children,' &c. St. Matthew, c. xix., v, xiv."
On a white marble slab : " D. O. M. Sacred to the memory
of Maria, daughter of Capt. Robert and Polisena Martin,
of the 46th Regt of Foot, who died on the 26th Feb. 1833, aged
6 years and 8 months. O. S. L. D. * She is not lost,' &.c. Isa.
Ivii. 1."
On a grey marble cross : " In memory of Elizabeth, wife of
George Clarkson, who died 10th March 1831, aged 63 years."
On the side of a grey marble tomb surmounted ]jy a cross,
and railed in : " Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Matilda Dig-
gle, wife of Mr. Henry Wadham Diggle, late Judge and Ma-
gistrate of Kaira, in Bombay, East Indies. She departed tliis
life, in the confidence of a blessed eternity, on the 4th of March
1837, aged 49 years. This humble tribute of sincere affection
is erected by her surviving son and daughter. R.I. P."
Here is also a white marble tablet : " To the memory of
D'Heer Antonius Willaert and of Marie Anne Tate his
wife, born at Weston, Graefschap van Buckingham, in England,
18. 7bre 1761, died at Bruges 10 July 1808."
At the Church of St. Croix, near Bruges.
On a white marble slab, with arms, affixed to the outer wall of
the church : Arms ; Ermine, a chevron gules between three
garbs ; on an escocheon of pretence. Ermine, a fesse indented
azure between three mullets .... Crest, a lion rampant . . .
Motto, Deus nobis providit. " Nicolas Masterson, gent, born
at London, March 1, 1744, died at Bruges, December 7, 1806.
Truth and honour, benevolence and sensibility, were the sources
and guides of his actions, mildness and equality the characteris-
tics of his temper. Such he lived. He died with the calm in-
trepidity of virtue. In testimony of their irreparable loss, his
widow and children have caused this inscription. R. I, P."
In the Protestant Cemetery at Caen,
" Sacred to the memory of the Right Honourable John Tho-
mas FiTZMAURicE, Lord Muskerry, of Springfield Castle, in
the county of Limerick. A Major-General in the Army of his
Britannic Majesty. Born 1777, died at Caen, 25th December
On a grey marble slab, inserted into an upright circular-headed
gravestone, of Caen stone, placed upon a pedestal of the same, and
surrounded by handsome iron railings : " In memory of George
Brummell, Esq, who departed this life on the 29 March 1840,
aged 62 years." g
On a granite slab, under the representation of a cross : " John
Spencer Smith, late Ambassador at Constantinople. Born xi
Sept. 1769; died vi June 1845."!'
On a round granite column, supporting an urn, and railed in :
" Sacred to the memory of Rosina Dunlop Douglas, daughter
of Colonel Sir Niel Douglas, C.B., K.C.H., and A.D. C. to his
Brit. Majesty, who departed this life at Caen, on the 14th day
of July 1835, aged seven months.
" Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade,
Kind Providence, with tender care,
The opening bud to heaven convey'd,
And bade it blossom there."
8 The Life of " Beau Brummell" has been written by Mr. Jesse, and published
in two volumes 8vo.
^ This gentleman was the husband of Lord Byron's " Florence," and brother to
Adm. Sir Sidney Smith. He was a distinguished scholar, and had resided for some
years at Caen.
G. S. S.
Felixtow. Monuments. 1. In the chancel. A white marble
tablet, for Adam Wood, Esq. 1773, and Frances, his relict, 1822.
Also for Sir George Adam Wood, K.C.H. died 1831.
2. Square white marble, mural. In the chancel, for Mary,
the wife of Sir Samuel Fludyer, Bart, died 1818.
3. Mural. In the chancel. For Mary Ann, Lady Dickens,
wife of Lieut.-Gen. Sir S. T. Dickens, K.C.H. died 1843: and
others of the family.
4. Mural. For Sir Samuel Brudenell Fludyer, Bart. 17 Feb.
1833, aged 73.
Nacton. Brass,
" ©rate p* ai'a MicatlJi dFa^tolf auo'tr'm fiUt
Kftomt ^a0tolt UxnmtxU aui oliiit a« Wwi
iftt^ ttw* Ixxix^ ruiU0," &c.
Monuments. 1. In the nave, a small mural monument, for
Philip Bowes Broke, Esq. died 22 Aug. 1801, aged 52. Ehza-
beth, his wife, died 25 June 1822, aged 76.
2. Mural, white marble. For Philip Broke, Esq. died 18 Sept.
1762, aged 53.
In a mausoleum attached to the church, north side, the fol-
lowing :
3. A large plain slab, mural, for Sarah, wife of Admiral Ver-
non, died 9 May 1756, aged 57. Also for Edward Vernon,
Admiral, died 30 Oct. 1757, aged 73. A long inscription.
4. Mural black tablet, gold letters, for Right Hon. Francis
Vernon, Earl of Shipbrook, &c. died 15 Oct. 1783, aged 68.
5. Small mural, white marble, for Right Hon. Alice Vernon,
Countess of Shipbrook, &c. died 23 Sept. 1808, aged 78.
Walton. Brass. 1. Two small figures, for
'* 212liiirm'0 Catiartr, uli. xxiii) i^olj* 1459, anir ^gitr^^
1^i^ U)if^»" Height of the figures 6^ inches.
2. A small plate, on wl
him, "Born 1601; died
gible. Height 9i inches.
2. A small plate, on which is engraved a boy kneeling ; above
him, " Born 1601 ; died 1612." A copy of verses below, ille-
BiLDESTON. Brass. The figure of a woman ; that of her hus-
band is lost. For William Wade, one of the High Constables
of the hundred, died 19 Feb. 1599. Alice, his wife, and their
six children, 2 sons and 4 daughters, in two groupes below.
Height of the figures 1 foot 9i inches.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, white marble, for Bar-
tholomew Beale, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife. He died 6 Sept.
1724. She 12 July 1720.
2. Small mural, white marble. For Rev. Henry Beare, M.A.
Rector, and Mary his wife. He died 30 Oct. 1733, aged 34.
She 5 Feb. 1749, aged 60.
3. A table monument, stone, black marble slab : " Gulielmus
Revet, Armig. Justiciarius Pacis, ob. 1643. Elizabetha conjux,
filia Dom. Ant. Drury, Mil. ob. 1671."
4. A small mural tablet of marble, for Capt. Edw, Rotheram,
R.N. died 6 Nov. 1830, aged 77.
5. South aisle, a small mural tablet, for Richard Percy Wil-
son, Esq. died 23 Dec. 1837, aged 39.
6. Near the last, a neat mural tablet of marble, for Richard
Wilson, Esq. died 7 June 1834, aged 74, and Hannah his wife,
died 31 March 1831, aged 76.
7. On the same wall, an open book of white marble, for John
Parker, Esq. died 30 June 1833, aged 52.
Brettenham. Brass. No figure. For Thomas Wenifle,
eldest Sonne of George Weniff'e, gent, and Mary his wife. No
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, white marble, for Sir
George Wenyeve, Knt. died 26 May 1706, aged 80. Christian,
his second wife, died 13 April 1708, aged 60.
2. Mural, black and white marble, Edvai'dus Wenyeve, Arm.
db. 8 Sept. 1659.
3. Mural, white marble, Johannes Wenyeve, Arm. ob. 10
Dec. 1736, £ct. 64.
4. Mural, black marble, tor Elizabeth Camborne, wife of Edw;
Camborne, Clerk, died 24 Oct. 1692, set. 29.
Many stones in the floor for Wenyeves.
Chelsworth. Monuments. 1 . In the chancel, mural, small,
white marble, very neat, for Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Fowke, Esq.
died 22 March 1820, aged m.
2. In the north aisle, a very highly finished monument of
stone, against the wall, in the Decorated style, perhaps of the time
of Edw. Ill, John de St. Philibert was lord of Chelsworth, and
died 7 Edw. III. ; this may have been his monument.
Elmset. Monuments. 1. Mural, a white marble sarcophagus,
and beneath it a large tablet, for Rev. William Talbot, M.A.
Chancellor of Salisbury, Rector of this parish, died 25 November
1814, aged 91.
2. Small mural, of various marbles, containing a figure of a
man in a black gown, kneeling before a faldstool, whereon lies
an open book. For Edward Sherland, Esq. of Grayes Inne, died
13 May 1609.
Hadleigh, Brasses. 1. No figure. For Edward Alston, died
1628, £Et. 12.
2. No figure. For Nicholas Strutt, died 3 Feb. aged 51«
3. Framed and fixed to a pillar. For Rowland Tailor, the
martyr. Twenty lines. Ob. 1555. No figure,
4. No figure. Thomas Parkyns, clothier, buried 23 of June
157T, aged 50.
5. Half-length figures of a man and his wife, with their hands
joined. Ricardus Glanfield et Elizabetha uxor, 163*7. Height
of figures 1 foot b^ inches.
6. Half covered by seats.
7. No figure. William Foorthe, Esquier, died 14 Sept. 1599,
and Dorothy his wife, daughter and coheiress of Robert Harvey,
of Worlingworth, gent, died 14 Oct. 1581. Arms. Foorth,
Gwaringdee, Powell, and Vaughan, quarterly.
8. No figure. Bridget Champeneis and Thomas Champeneis,
wife and son of Richard Champeneis, of Bexley, Knt. She died
18 Sept. 1617.
9. A woman, under an arch, round which is an inscription,
for Anna Still, uxor Joh'is Ep'i Bathoniee, ob. 15 April 1593,
Height of the figure 1 ft, 11 inc.
10. A man at prayer. Thomas Alabaster, clothier, died 12th
Jan. 1592, aged 70. Height 1ft. 7 inc. Kneeling within a
frame with a circular head, and pillars.
11. A man. John Alabaster, clothier, died 21 April 1637.
Height 10 inc. ; kneeling at a faldstool, in a frame with a circu-
lar head, similar to the last.
12. No figure. Alice, the wife of Thomas Moswell, died on
Good Friday, 1605.
Monuments. I. In the nave, on a pillar. Johannes Gaell, gen.
primus hujus Burgi Praetor. No date.
2. On another pillar, Georgius Gaell, fil. Johannis G. Procu-
rator in Curia de Arcubus, ob. 1 Dec. 1667, eet. 63.
3. Below, on wood, Epitaphium Thomas Spenseri, S.T.D.
hujus Ecclesiee pastoris, sepult. Julii 10, 1571.
4. North aisle, mural. For Sarah, daughter of the Rev.
James Johnson, Rector of Long Melford, and sister of James
Bishop of Worcester. Died 9 June 1795, aged 80.
5. Mural. For Thomas Tanner, D.D. Rector, and Preben-
dary of Canterbury, died 11 March 1786, aged 68, and Mary,
his wife, died 30 April 1779, aged 56.
6. Below this, an ancient monument in a niche, with a canopy
over it ; the brasses which ornamented it are all gone.
7. A long inscription painted on the wall, for Sarah, second
wife of John Gaell, mayor of Hadleigh, died 15 Nov. 1630.
8. Against a pillar, Philippus Parsons, Coll. Reg. Cant. So-
cius, ob. 28 Dec. 1731, aet. 23.
9. On an altar-tomb. George Gaell, gent, and Mary his
wife. He died 5 Nov. 1694, aged 58. She died 17 April 1723,
aged 78.
10. In the south aisle, mural, Richard Buddie, gent, died 12
Dec. 1724, aged 68. Susanna, his wife, died 7 Sept. 1735,
aged 74.
11. Under one of the windows, in the wall, is a pointed orna-
mented arch ; this is called the tomb of Guthrum the Dane :
absurdly enough. See Weever's Fun. Mon. pp. 748-750, and
Gough's Sepul. Monuments.
12. Mural, a plain square tablet of white marble, for Abraham
Reeve, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife. He died 23 Dec. 1826,
aged 85. She 17 Jan. 1827, aged 79.
13. Mural, white marble, for Elizabeth, wife of Henry Of-
ford, attorney, and daughter of Wm. Mudd, died 28 Nov. 1826,
aged 20.
14. In the chancel, mural. Edvvardus Auriol Hay Drum-
mond, S.T.P., Bockingiaj Decs. Ehor. Prebend^ hujus Paroch.
Rector, ob. 30 Dec. 1829, aet. 72.
HiTCHAM. Monument. In the north aisle, a handsome mural
monument of various marbles painted and gilt, on a black tablet,
in gold letters. Sir George Waldegrave, Knt. died 15 Jan.
1 636, aged 68. Various coats of arms for Waldegrave, Jermy,
Coke, &c.
Kersey. Monuments. 1. In the aisle, mural, of dove-coloured
marble, and a white oval, handsome, for Katharine Thorrow-
good, Sp. only child of Sir Thomas Thorrowgood, Knt. She died
20 July 1802, aged 59.
2. Mural, a sarcophagus-shaped tablet of white marble on an
oval of grey marble. Dame Katharine Thorrowgood, relict of
Sir Thomas Thorrowgood, Knt. died 8 March 1797, aged 73.
3. Mural, consisting of a square tablet of white marble, sur-
mounted by a pyramid of grey marble, in the middle of which is
an urn. For Sir Thomas Thorrowgood, Knt. high sheriff of
Suffolk 1760; died 18 Dec. 1794, aged 75.
4. Mural, of coloured marbles, surmounted by a large demi-
urn of white marble, for John Thorrowgood, Arm. died 12 June
1734, aged 74.
Kettlebaston. Brass. No figure. For John Prick's wife ;
eight verses ; died Aug. 1599.
Monument. In the chancel, mural, stone. For Johan Lady
Jermy, daughter and heiress of Edward Sty ward, of Teversham,
CO. Camb. Esq. and wife of Sir Thomas Jermy, of Metfield,
Suffolk, K.B. She died 6 May 1649. Arms, Jermy impaling
Sty ward.
LiNDSEY. Monument. In the chancel, mural, of stone, and a
black tablet, in letters of gold, Nicolaus Hobart, Arm. duxit in
uxorem Eliz. fil. Richardi Clopton, Arm. et ob. 6 Mart. 1606.
Arms of Hobart and Clopton.
Semer. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of white mar-
ble and black tablet. Johannes Brunning, S. T. Mysta, hujus
Ecclesiae Rector, ob. in. cal. Apr. 1663, set. 66. Arms, Brun-
ning, Gules, two bends wavy or, impaling Brand.
2. Mural, small, of white marble, for the Rev. Thos. Cooke,
A.M. Rector, died 1 May 1793, aged 71. Jane, his wife, died
6 Aug. 1804, aged 77. Arms, Cooke, impaling Brand.
3. Mural, similar to the last, for Thomas Cooke, A.M. hujus
Ecclesiae Rector, ob. 28 Oct. 1749, set. 54. Arms, Cooke, im-
paling Marple, Sable, a griffin segreant and semee of cross-cros-
lets or,
4. Mural, of white marble. For Sarah Cooke, relict of Rev.
Thos. Cooke, died 5 Aug. 1752, aged 57. Arms, Marple.
Thorpe Morieux. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of
various marbles, large and handsome, for the Rev. John Fiske,
A.M. Rector, died 4 Oct. 1764, aged 72; and Elizabeth, his
wife, died 2 April 1749, aged 52. Also, Rev. John Fiske, Rec-
tor, died 10 April 1778, aged 53. Sarah, his wife, died 19 Aug.
1762, aged 20. Arms, Fiske, with Thomas on an inescucheon.
2. Mural, neat, of white marble. For Sarah Thomas, only
child of Rev. John Fiske, and wife of John Haynes Harrison, of
Coptford Hall, Essex, Esq. She died 12 Dec. 1825, aged 64.
Arms, Harrison, and on an escucheon of pretence Fiske.
3. In the nave, mural, a small tablet of white marble, for
Commander Hezekiah Cooke Harrison, R.N. Died at Fer-
nando Po, 9 Feb. 1829, aged 34.
Whatfield. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, a plain
tablet of white marble, for George Clubbe, clerk. Rector, and
Catherine, his wife. He died 2 March 1773, aged 70.
2. In the nave, mural, of marble. Gulielmus Vesey, gen, ob.
21 Julii 1699, set. 50. Arms, Vesey.
3. In the floor, a large blackish stone, on which is engraved
the figure of a woman standing under a canopy ; the face of the
figure is on a piece of white marble, of the shape of a shield re-
versed, and the hands, which are clasped, and erect, as well as
the feet, appear to have been likewise on white marble, but are
now gone. There seems to have been a border on the edge of
the stone, probably a circumscription.
4. At the end of the chancel, on the outside, mural, a white
tablet with a compass pediment, for Mary, the wife of John
Church, Rector of Boxford, second daughter of Mr. Thomas
Martin, of Barrard's Hall, died 7 June 1741.
5. Another, mural, on a black tablet, for Mr. Belteshazzar
Martin, of Hadleigh, died 30 July 1724, aged 70. Thos. Mar-
tin, his only son, died 9 June 1731, aged 49; and some of his
6. Against the north wall of the chancel, a white marble tablet,
for Thomas Ottey, clerk, A.M. ; died 20 Aug. 17G2, aged 42.
AsPALL, Monuments. 1 . Mural, small, of marble ; Rev. Tem-
ple Chevallier, clerk, and Mary, his wife. He died 24 Aug. 1804,
aged 73. She 7 Nov. 1807, aged 67.
2. In the chancel, mural. Temple Fiske Chevallier, clerk,
M.A. ob. 24 Oct. 1816, eet. 52. Sarah uxor, ob. 5 Dec. 1818,
aet. 52.
3. Mural, white marble tablet. For Rev. Clement Chevallier,
died 7 Nov. 1830, aged 65.
Bacton. Brass. In the nave, a plate, no figure, partly
covered by the pews, name hidden, but for one of the family of
Pretyman. Date 1593.
Monuments. 1. On a pillar in the nave, a neat monument of
white marble : " Jana Pretyman, vidua Georgii Pretyman, Arm.
fil. Rev. Johannis Pistor, ob. Aug. 6, 1738, set. 54." Arms,
Pretyman and Pistor.
2. On another pillar, similar to the last. " Georgius Prety-
man, Arm. ob. xv. kal. Martij 1732, aet. 48." Arms, Pretyman
and Pistor.
Braisvvokth. Brass. The figure of a man in armour, his
head bare, resting on his helmet. Alexander Newton, Esquyer,
dyed 30th of Aug. 1569. Arms, Newton and Wingfield. Height
of the figure 2 ft. 5 inc. (See Cotman's SufF. Brasses, No. 27.)
Brome. Monuments. 1. In the chapel. An altar-tomb of
stone, whereon lie the effigies of a man and woman, he in
armour, holding in his right hand an iron spear ? his head bare,
his feet resting on a greyhound. On her dress are the arms and
quarterings of Sulyard. " Johannes Cornwallis miles, Wil-l'mi
Cornwallis arm. filius, et Maria uxor ejus, filia Edowardi Suli-
arde, de Essex, armU Obiit ille 23 Apr. 1544." Arms of Corn-
wall is, with various impalements and quarterings. (Hon. Anne
Townshend, lithog. eng.)
2. Mural, of black and white marble, consisting of an oblong
tablet, supported by two Corinthian pillars. " Fredericus Dnus
Cornwallis, Bai'o de Eye, ob. G Jan. 16GI. Arms, Cornwallis,
with Ashburnham and Crofts. (Hon. A. Townshend, lithog.)
3. Altar form, much like the first. The man in armour, his
feet on a stag, the family crest. Sir Thomas Cornwallyjj, son of
Sir John, Comptroller of the Household to Queen Mary, Tre-
surer of Caleys, dyed 26 Dec. 1604, aged 86. Numerous coats
of arms. (Hon. A. Townshend, lithog.)
4. Mural. Two children appear withdrawing a curtain, and
disclosing a medallion, containing the half-length of a lady, all in
white marble. Rt. Hon. Elizabeth, late Lady Cornwallis, eldest
tlaughter of Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. and wife to Rt. Hon. Charles
Lord Cornwallis. She died 28 Feb. 1680, aged 25. Arms,
Cornwallis impaling Fox. (Hon. A. Townshend, lithog.)
5. Mural, of stone : in a circular-arched niche a man in ar-
mour is kneeling, his helmet lying before him, his head bare,
with this inscription only, below :
" Hac conditione intravi utexirem.
Cui nasci contigit, mori restat."
No other inscription. But the monument was erected for Henry
Cornwallis, Esq. of East Rudham, Norfolk. Numerous arms.
(Hon. A. Townshend, lithog.)
6. Mural, small, of white marble, for John Hutchinson, gent,
died 13 Aug. 1791, aged 61.
BuRGATE. Brass. On an altar-tomb in the chancel, a slab
richly inlaid with brasses, which consist of a knight in armour,
at his feet a lion, by his side his lady, her feet on a wolf; both
standing under canopies. Arms gone. On the edge an inscrip-
tion : " Will'us de Burgate, Miles, D'nus de Burgate, ob. in
vigilia Sti Jacobi Apostoli, a". 1409. Et Alianora uxor ejus,
filia Thome Vyzdelou, Mil^. qui ob (Gough's Sepulc.
Monts.) Height of fig. 4 ft. 7 inc.
Eye. Monuments. 1. \n the chancel, an altar-tomb of gra-
nite, on which stand two Ionic pillars supporting an entablature,
the frieze ornamented with quatrefoils, in the centre shields and
roses alternately ; a continuation of the pillars rises above the
cornice, and supports two wooden crests of Cutler. Eight Latin
lines. " Nicholaus Cutler, ob. 19 Dec. 1568.^ Elionora conjux,
ob. 12 Jan. 1549." The shields in the quatrefoils had brasses,
now lost.
2. In the north chapel, mural, of stone, for Edward Sadler,
of Parndon, Essex, Esq. buried 3 Sept. 1661, aged 94.
3. Mural, of stone, Mr. Chai-les Cunningham, died 19 Feb.
1788, aged 78. Arms, Cunningham.
4. In the north aisle, mural, of black and white marble, be-
low a clever basso-relievo of the Good Samaritan : " Johannes
Brown, in expeditione navali contra Hispanos, ao. 1702, archi-
chirurgus, ob. 19 Nov. 1732, aet. 74." Arms: Brown, Argent,
a chevron between three escallops or, in a bordure engrailed
5. In the south chapel, mural, of stone, similar to No. 1 above.
Eight Latin lines. " Gulielmus Honyngus, ob. 2 Nov. 1569.
Franc, ob {blank).
6. Small mural tablet of white marble. Capt. Samuel Denny,
died 13 Sept. 1804, aged 54.
7. On the east wall, a tablet of white marble, for Rear- Admiral
Sir Charles Cunningham, K.G.H. died Feb. 11, 1834, aged 79.
Charlotte, his daughter, died 15 May 1833, aged 33. Arms,
Cunningham, impaling Boycatt.
8. In the porch, a small brick altar, on the face of which is a
piece of stone on which is, " Henricus Cutler stabilem dedit
hancce trapezam, stat ubi tumulus cujus Patris in osde sacra,
1601." Nearly illegible.
9. In the chancel, a handsome tablet of white marble, for
the Rev. Thomas Wythe, Vicar, died Sept. 21, 1835, aged 86.
FiNNiNGHAM. Brasscs. 1. A large plate, in a marble frame
against the wall, for Mrs. Anne Frere, daughter of Ann and
John Frere, gent, who died May 19, 1728. Then follows a long
account of her charitable donations to the parish.
2. A small plate, no figure, for John Doby, clarke, who died
27 Dec. 1620.
Moimments. 1 . In the chancel, mural, a white marble tablet
in a stone frame, let into the wall, for " Ellenor, widow of Sir
John Fenn, who died 1st Nov. 1813, aged 78."
2. Mural, of white marble, consisting of a table, on the front
of which is a shield with the arms of Fenn, impaling Frere ; a
female figure is kneeling at the head of the table, and bending
VOL, n. M
over it, her head resting on her hands ; at the foot of the table
stands a helmet. In memory of Sir John Fenn, of East Dere-
liam, Norfolk, Knt. who died 14 Feb. 1794, aged 55.
3, Mural, large and handsome, of different marbles, for John
Williamson, Esq. of Great Tower Hill, London, died 7 June
J 781, aged 63. Arms of Williamson and Turton quartered.
GisLiNGHAM. Monuments. In the chancel, a large monument
against the noi-th wall, consisting of the figure of a man in a
black dress, kneeling under a canopy, supported by Corinthian
columns; a faldstool is before him; his glove in his right
hand, his left hand raised to his breast. Anthonius Bedingfield,
Thomas Bedingfield Armi. filius, mercator, &c. No date.
2. An altar-tomb of stone. Epitaphiu Nicolai Bedingfield,
Ar. cum Elizabetha uxore sua. No date.
3. Mural. For John Darby, who died 19 Sept. 1639, and
gave 11/. a year for the maintenance of a school here.
4. Mural, oval. For Mary Darby, late wife of the said John,
interred Feb. 16, 1646, and gave 5/. a year to the school.
Mellis. Monuments, 1. a table of marble and stone for-
merly standing in the nave ; on the slab was a fillet of brass run-
ning round the edge, for an inscription, and on the top were
figures of a man and woman ; on the front were shields of brass.
Martin says this was the monument of John Yaxley, serjeant at
law, who died 19 July 1505.
2. In the nave, north side, an inscription painted on board,
for Anthonius Yaxlee, Arm. fil^. et hseres Joh'is Yaxlee servien-
tis ad legem, &,c. obitus 28 Oct. 1559, eet. 75. N.B. It appears,
however, from the parish register, that Anth. Yaxlee was buried
9 March 1569.
3. On the wall, opposite, small, of wood ; a square architrave
supported by two pillars ; and on a worm-eaten tablet :
'' Antonii Yaxlee fuerat qui natus et heeres
Richardus Yaxlee conditur hoc tumulo," &c.
ten more lines: aged 42, 1558. It appears from the register
that he was buried here 28 Oct. 1569. The table monument on
which this is placed is of stone, on the front of which were three
lozenges, which had brass shields, now gone.
4. On the outside of the church, north side, on stone, under
one of the windows are memorials of the family of Bullock.
Mendlesham. Brasses. 1. In the south aisle. A man in
armour, his head on his helmet, which is surmounted by a crest,
a wolf's head couped, arms gone, except one shield, which ap-
pears to have, Weldon? impaling Basset? The inscription is
gone, but it was probably to commemorate John Knyvet, Esq.
the son of Joiin Knyvet, who married the coheiress of Botetourt.
He died in 1417. Height 4 ft. 7 inc.
2. No figure. For Barnaby Barker, who died 28th Aug.
1617, aged about 54.
3. No figure. For John Barker, sonne of Barnaby Barker,
born 10 Sept. 1594, died 9 Feb. 1629.
Monument, A neat sarcophagus of white marble, on the north
wall of the chancel, for Richard Corbould Chilton, A.B. Vicar,
died 25 Oct. 1816, aged 54. Arms, Chilton.
Oakley. Monument. In the chancel, an altar-tomb of black
and white marble. " Gulielmus Cornwallis Eques auratus, filius
lo genitus Thomse C. Militis," &c. a long inscription ; no date.
Arms, Cornwallis and quarterings.
OccoLD. Brass. On a large stone, are the figures of a man
and a woman ; he in a gown. Six Latin lines. For Wittus
Coi'bald, et Joanna uxor. No date.
Momment. On a board, a long inscription, for Stephen Hum-
frey, the sone and heire of John Humfrey, of Drinkston &,c. died,
26 Oct. 1598. Arms, Humfrey and Frere, Musket and Able,
Humfrey and Musket, Humphrey and Dandy.
Palgrave. Brass. In the churchyard, on a low tomb of
stone, a plate for Philip Joseph Harrison (younger son of Chas.
Harrison and Ann his wife). Died 24 Sept. 1830, aged 65.
Monuments. 1. In the porch, small, mural, an oval of black
on white marble, for Thomas Martin, antiquary, F.A.S. died 7
March 1771, aged 75. Arms, Martin and Fenn.
2. On the outside, at the east end, mural, for John Isaacson,
gent, who died 20th April 1800, aged 80.
Redgrave. Brass. A woman, and an inscription round the
edge, for Ann Butts, widow, died 21 Dec. 1609, daughter and
coheiress of Henry Bures, Esq. wife to Edmund Butts, Esq. &c.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, on the north wall, a costly
monument, consisting of three figures ; in the centre the Lord
Chief Justice himself, in his robes and collar of SS. sittino- in a
chair ; on his right hand stands the figure of Justice, and on his
M 2
left that of Wisdom. Johannes Holt, Eques auratus, &c. ob. 5
Martii 1719, natus 30 Dec. 1642. Arms, Holt impales Crop-
ley. On his right hand, at the extremity of the monument, a
cherub holds his helmet, and on his left hand another holds his
2. Mural, small, of white marble, with a black tablet, for Lady
Gawdye, second daughter of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Bart. ob. 20
Dec. 1621, set. 47. Arms.
3. Mural, a square tablet of black marble, for Mr. Francis,
Mr. Philip, Mrs. Jane, Mrs. Frances, Mrs. Sarah, sons and
daughters of Sir Edmond Bacon, Bart, and Lady Elizabeth, his
wife; erected 1683.
4. In the north aisle, a table monument of black marble, with
coins of white, whereon lie the figures in white marble of a man
and woman; he in complete armour, his visor up. For Sir
Nicholas Bacon, Knt. and Bart. Anne Butts, his wife. Erected
1616. She died 19th Sept. 1616. Arms, Bacon and Butts.
This monument was made by Bernard Janson, and the figures
by Nicholas Stone. (See Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting,
vol. ii. p. 44-5.)
5. Mural, small, for Robert Bacon, Esq. sonne and heir of
Sir Robert Bacon, Bart, died 15 (Martin says 25th) Aug. 1652.
Catherine, his wife, died 7 Jan. 1652.
6. Mural, of white marble, and on a black tablet. Sir Ed-
mund Bacon, Bart, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert
Crane, Bart. He died 12 Sept. 1685, aged 52. Arms, Bacon
impales Crane.
7. Mural, a square tablet. Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart, eldest
son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, Bart. April 10, 1649.
8. Another mural, for Lady Phillip Bacon, daughter of Edw.
Wotton, Baron of Marley, and wife of Sir Edmond Bacon^ Bt.
1 Oct. 1626.
9. Mural, of marble, for Elizabeth, relict of Sir Edmund
Bacon, died 6 Dec. 1690, aged 57. Arms, Bacon and Crane.
(These notes were taken in 1810 ; there may have been
others erected since that time.)
Redlingfield. Brass. Small, no figure:
" i^xAtt jj' ai'a nine (S^If uif'rie Uaiitprt."
RisHANGLES. Bvassfs. 1. No figure. For Edward Grimes-
ton, the father, of Risanglis, Esq. died 17 Marche 1599. Eight
verses. Arms, Grimston.
2. No figure. For Edward Grimeston, the sonne, of Brad-
field, Esquier, died 16 Aug. 1610. Eight verses. Arms.
Stoke Ash. Monuments. 1. Mural in the chancel, square,
of white marble, for Mrs. Frances Bedingfelde, eldest daughter
of John Bedingfelde, late of Wickmere, Norfolk, Esq. died at
Coulsey Wood, 19 March 1718. Arms, Bedingfield.
2. Similar to the last, for Mrs. Mary Bedingfelde, younger
and only remaining daughter of the said John Bedingfelde, Esq.
died 28 March 1719.
Several stones in the floor for Bedingfields.
Sturston. Monument. Mural, large, of various coloured
marbles, having the busts of a man and a woman ; he in a wig.
Over their heads are the busts of three children on medallions,
and over the children a compass pediment, surmounted by two
urns, and a shield of arms. " Dnus Johannes Castleton, Baro-
nettus, et D'na Bridgetta uxor ejus.^' Erected 1727. Arms,
Castleton impales Read.
TiiORNDON. Brass. A shield of the arms of Grimston.
Monument. Within the communion rails an altar-tomb, in a
nich; the slab had on its edge an inscription, now gone, and on
the top was the figure in brass of a man, part of which, the head
and breast, remained 1809 in the church chest. Arms, Grimston.
Thornham JMagna. Brass. 1. No figure. Edmundus
Bokenham, Armig. et Barbaria uxor ejus. Moriebantur, heec
1618, ille 1620."
Monuments. 1. Mural, white marble. Dame Anne Henniker,
eldest daughter of Sir John Major, Bart, died 18 July 1792.
Arms, Henniker, on an escutcheon Major.
2. Mural, small, of white marble. P. M. Roberti Killiirrew,
of Arwenak, co. Cornwall, Esq. killed at the batde of Almanza,
14 April 1707, eet. 47. Arms, Killigrew.
3. Mural, oval, of white marble, similar to No. 1. Dame
Elizabeth Major, died 4th Sept. 1780, and Sir John Major, Bt.
who died 16 Feb. 1781. They were buried at Worlingworth,
4. On the north wall of the chancel, large and handsome ; on
a basement, an urn on a pediment ; on one side a female figure
embracing the urn, on which are two medallions ; a stork at the
feet of the figure, who is looking downwards : on the other side,
is a figure of Hope, slantliiig erect, an anchor at her feet. Arms
of Major and ITenniker, witli crests, supporters, and motto. The
whole is placed against a panel of grey marble, inclosed within
a circular head, supported by pilasters; inclosed by palisades.
Right Hon. John Henniker Major, Lord Henniker, died 5th
Dec. 1821, aged 69. Also Emily Lady Henniker, died 19 Dec.
1819, aged 65.
Thrandeston. Brass. 1. Prudence Cuppledicke, daughter
of Edward Cuppledicke, gent, and wife of John Harvey, died in
childbed, 15 Aug. 1619, aged 30. Arms, Cuppledicke. No
2. A woman between two men. These figures in 1809 were
separated from the stone in the chancel, and were lying in the
vestry. Inscription gone.
Monument. Mural, a white marble tablet. Rev. Nathi D'Eye,
Rector, born 15 May 1771 ; died 19 Feb. 1844. Arms, D'Eye
impaling Green.
Westhorp. Brass. Mural, in a frame of wood. Mr. Richard
Elcock, Fell, of St. John's Coll. Camb. afterwards Pastor of this
church, died 21 July 1630. No figure.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, small, of alabaster gilt,
and black tablet. " Maria Dandy, filia D'ni Radulphi Shelton,
MiK natu minima, nupta Edraundo Dandy, gen. ob. 31 Julij
1615, aet. 35." Arms, Dandy impaling Shelton.
2. Mural, large, of various marbles. In a niche, a man in
armour, with his head bare, a ruff about his neck, is kneeling at
a faldstool : opposite to him kneel two women dressed in black,
with ruffs, with a singular kind of head-dress, consisting of
a black board, of an oblong square form, pointing forwards,
and rather upwards : behind him kneels one son, girt with a
sword, and behind the woman next the wall, one daughter:
" Gulielmus Barrow, Arm^. Francisca filia D'ni Roberti Wing-
field, Mils, prima uxor. Elizabetha, Thomae Dandy generosi
filia, uxor 2da ; ob. ille 24 Dec. J 613, aet. 64." Arms, Barrow
of eight coats. Barrow impaling Wingfield, and also Dandy.
3. In the nave, a tablet of black marble against one of the
pillars. Nathaniel Fox, gentleman, died 29 Mart. 1679, Arms,
Fox impaling Wright.
4. Mural, small, Mrs. Mary Fox, sister to Natli. Fox, gent.
died 21 April 1676.
5. In the chapel or dormitory, mural, very large, of while
marble, a table, on which reclines with his right arm resting on
a cushion, which is raised by part of the mat on which the figure
lies being rolled up, the figure of a man in a loose shirt-like
dress, looking upwards, his left hand raised to his breast ; behind
him, between two pillars, which support a circular pediment,
and covered with a festoon of drapery, is an oval tablet with an
inscription. Arms above, supported by two winged boys, Bar-
row impaling Smith. On each side, holding the capitals of the
pillar, are two other winged boys, with trumpets. Mauricius
Barrow, Armi". filius unicus Guliehni B. Arm^ ob. 11 Maij
1666. Maria uxor, D'na Poyntz, relicta Jacobi Poyntz, equitis
aur. et filia Ric'i Smith, de Leeds Castle in Agro Cant. ob. 30
Nov. prox. sequen.
6. Mural, small, of white marble. Maria Rebecca Reilly, re-
lict of John Reilly, Esq. and grand-daughter of Maurice Shel-
ton, Esq. died 8 April 1810, aged 81.
Wetheringset. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural,
black marble. Johannes Sheppard, clericus, A.M. ob. vi. cal.
Nov. 1689, eet. 78. Susanna uxor, ob. vi. non. Oct. 1689, ret.
70. Arms, Sheppard.
2. In the south aisle, mural, small, of white marble. Rev.
Rayner Bellman, M.A. Rector of Feltwell, Norfolk ; died 22
March 1816, aged 76. Elizabeth, his wife, died 17 Oct. 1809,
aged 69. Elizabeth Flower, their daughter, died 18 Dec. 1793,
aged 22.
3. In the north aisle, a table monument of brick, covered
by a very thick slab of black marble. Depositum Johannis
Sheppard, clerici, obiit 1707, eet. 57. Arms, Sheppard.
WiCKHAM Skeith. Brttss. A woman kneeling, her husband
gone : two groupes of children. Inscription lost. Height 13 inc.
Monument. On the outside of the church, north wall of the
chancel, a monument of stone, with a long inscription, become
hardly legible. Anthonius Braham, filius Johannis Braham,
gen. in sacrario sepulti, ob. 1713, eet. 41. Below, a table monu-
ment in the front of which are the arms and crest of Braham.
WoRTHAM. No monument. Several stones in the floor for
the family of Betts.
Wyverston. Monuments. 1. Mural, an oval of white mar-
ble. Anna et Maria filiec Gulielmi et Annas Steggall. Ilia ob.
15 Oct. 1779, £Bt. 36. Hcec ob. 5 Julij 1793, JEt. 39.
2. Mural, similar to the last, Carolus Steggall, A.M. Rector,
ob. 21 Martii 1819, at. 78. Maria uxor, ob. 16 Martii 1816,
set. 65.
Yaxley. Brasses. 1. No figure. Alicia qu^nd^m uxor Ri-
cardi Yaxle, ob. v Mali 1474.
2. A man in a gown. Andreas filius Johanis Felgate nuper
de Stonham Aspoll, generosus, ob. 8 Mali 1598, and Margareta
filia ejus unica, nuper uxor Roberti Felgate, ob. in puero partu,
17 Sept. 1596. Height 1 ft. 6f inc.
3. Small, no figure.
" (©rate pro ai'a 'Mitit pulbrrtoft txi)*
axiimt propitietur I3eu0* ^iin^n."
4. No figure.
" ^xsLtt p' ai'a IJot'e ¥axle . . .
mett0i0 ^prili^ ^"» Wni W.\s''*x\—»
Monuments. 1. In the aisle, mural, of wood, consisting of a
table, on which rest two Ionic pillars, supporting a straight en-
tablature. Gulielmus Yaxlee, Armiger, tarn Richardi Yaxlee
pronepotis et heredis Johannis Yaxlee, servientis ad legem ;
quam Margaretae uxoris dicti Richardi, alterius filiarum et heere-
dum Roberti Stokes de Bickerton in com. Ebor. Arm. filius et
heeres, ob. mense Martio, a°. 1588. Heva conjux, filia Henrici
Bedingfeld, Militis. Arms, Yaxlee impaling Bedingfield, of
twelve coats, &c.
2. Mural, small, of white marble, in the chancel, Francis Gil-
bert Yaxley Leake, Esq. died 30 Jan. 1836, aged 84. Also
Juliana, his infant daughter.
D. A. Y.
The reader is referred to vol. I. p. 568, for an account and descrip-
tion of the MS. containing these Evidences. The present article is a
transcription of such facts as Robert Honywood of Charing, the eldest
son of Mary Atwaters, has recorded relating to his family pedigree and
the title of his estates.
" A noate of the birth dayes of y^ children of Robart Hony-
wood and Mary at Waters, as they ar ffownd in y" church booke,
vtt. the dayes of ther christeninges :
1. Robart Honiwood, ther eldest child, was baptysed 18^
Septembris 1545.
2. Katherin Honiwood was baptized 19 Decembr 1546.
11. Elizabeth Honiwood was baptized 2 Dec. 1561.
12. Arthur Honiwood was baptized 19 Febr 1563.
13. Susan Honiwood was baptized 20 Martii 1564.
14. Bennet Honiwood was baptized 22 Junii 1567.
13. Dorothe Honiwood was baptized 30 Julii 1569.
16. Isaack Honiwood was baptized 30 Novembr 1570.
Mem. The rest of ye childrens byrth dayes are not knowne by
reason y'^ church book was hurt at Charing, when the church
ther was burnt 4 Augusti 1590.
Mem. I maried my first wife Dorothe Crooke y^ 3 of July
1569, and by her I had these children following: vtt.
1. Dorothe Honiwood, my first child, was borne at London
uppon Thursday y^ 25 of December 1572, between y*^ bowers of
xii ^ and one in y*^ morninge, and was baptized the Sonday fol-
lowing at y^ parish church of St. Gregoryes neere Powles in
* Query, " 28," inasmuch as he says of himself, in another place, (vide vol. i.
p. 569.) " I was borne at Royton uppon M's eve's eve . . . which was y<' 27 of
September 1545? " The error probably was in the church register from which
the dates were taken.
•• The indiscriminate use of the Roman and Arabic numerals in MSS, of this
period indicates the recent fashion of using the latter characters.
London, myne uncle Ilicharde Bourne, my molher Man wood,
and myne awnt Randolph, witnesses.
2. Robart Honywood, was borne uppon Monday y<^ sixt of
September 1574 at Great St. Barthelmewes, London, betweene
ye bowers of one and too of the same day in y^ after noone, and
was baptized on Thursday following at the parish church of
Great St. Barthelmewes, neere Smithfeeld, my father, Mr.
Alderman Barnham, and Mrs. Osborne, y^ wief of Mr. Peter
Osborne of y^' Excheq. witnesses.
+ <^ 3. Roger Honiwood was borne at y^ same St. Barthelm.
uppon Tewesday St. Mathies [Matthew] eve, y" 20 of Sept.
1575, betweene y'^ bowers of 4 and 5 in y^ foorenoon, and was
baptized ye Monday following. Mr. Justice Manwood, myne
uncle Barnard Randolph, and my lady Allington, being wit-
nesses; and he died y^ 29 of October 1580.
+ 4. Mary Honiwood, borne at St. Step, neere Cawnterbury,
uppon Thursday y*^ 20 of Sept. and St. Math, eve 1576, betweene
xi and xij in y^ night, and Avas baptized the Sonday following in
Hackington church, my mother Honiwood, my sister Leveson,
and Mr. Ashton Aileworth, witnesses.
5. Joice Honiwood was borne at the saied Great Saint Bar-
thelmewes on Friday y^x of January 1577[-8], betweene xij and
one in y^ day tyme, my Lady Clark, my Lady Hales, and Mr.
Martin Calthropp, witnesses.
+ 6. Elizabeth Honiwood was borne at Pett in Charing uppon
Friday y^ 26 of June 1579, and baptized ther, my lady Man-
wood, my sister Ann Manwood, and my brother Leveson, wit-
nesses. She died at Royton October 1599.
+ 7. Susan Honiwood was borne at Pett in Charinge, on Fri-
day ye xvj of December 1580 about too in y^ morning, my sister
Susan Honiwood, Mr. Yong and his wief being witnesses, and
then also my wief died about 4 bowers after her delyvery*
Mem. I tooke to wife Elizabeth Browne, orte of y^ doWghters
of S'^ Thomas Browne of Bechworth Castell, in Surrey, and of
Mabell fitz Williams, one of y^ dowghters and coheiers of S"^
William fitz Williams, knight, Lorde Dep. of Ireland. And I
= The cross evidently implies that the person was dead at the time of writing.
was maried unto her uppoii Thursday y^ ninth of July 1584, at
y*' Black friars, London, and by her had issue as followeth :
+ 1. Itm. My first child tliat 1 had by her was borne at Bech-
worth Castell, in Surrey, being a sonne, uppon Tewesday ye
of {sic) 1585, and died before baptisme.
2. Thomas Honiwood was borne ther also uppon Sonday y<^
XV of January 1586[-7] about 4 in y^ morning, and was baptized
in y^ chappell ther, S^ Tho. Browne, myne uncle Richard
Browne ofCrandiey, and his wife, wear witnesses.
3. Mathew Honiwood was also borne ther, and ther baptized ;
he was borne uppon Thursday y^ 21 of Dec. 1587, my brother
Mathew Browne, my brother Lee, and my lady Browne, beino-
witnesses at baptisme.
4. Anna Honiwood was borne at Pett in Charinge, uppon
Tewesday the 26 of November 1588, and ther baptized, my
brother Richard Browne, Mrs. Dorrell, of Calehill, and my
dowghter Thomson, being witnesses.
5. Peter Honiwood was borne ther also uppon Thursday the
xi of December 1589, about xi of y^ clock in the night, and was
baptized at Charing church, my brother Peter Manwood, Mr.
John Dorrell, of Calehill, and my sister Hales, of Thannyngton,
being witnesses.
6. Hester Honiwood was borne at Great St. Hellens in Lon-
don, uppon Thursday y^ xiij of January 1591 [-2], between 4
and 5 of y^ clock in the morning, and was baptized ther appon
Tewesday following ; my cossen Wotton the yonger, my sister
Heneage, and Mr. Martyn Barnham, of Hollingborne, being
7. Henry Honiwood was borne uppon Saturday the xiiij of
July 1593, at one of y^ clock in y^ morning at Pet, and chris-
tened at Charing church y*^ Sonday following ; my sonnes in law
Henry Thomson and John Moyle godfathers, and Mrs. An-
thony Deering, of Charing towne, godmother.
+ 8. Mabell Honiwood, borne at Pett uppon Saturday y^ xv
day of March 1594 [5] at xi of y^' clock in y^ night, and christened
at Charing church y^ next day, my brother and sister Moyle, of
Buckwell, and Mrs. Gilborne, of Charing, being witnesses. She
died at y^ moted howse in Hoxton [co. Middlesex,] and buried
at Shordich church.
9. Michaell Honiwood was borne at Great St, Hellens in
London, uppon Friday y^ first day of October 1596, between v
and vi of y^^ clock in y^ foornoone, and was baptised ther uppon
Monday following ; my brothers in lawe Mr. Michaell Heneage
and Mr. George Woodwarde, and my sister Morton, being wit-
1 0. Isaack Honiwood was borne at Hoxton in y<^ Lady Bond's
bowse, nppon Tewesday the xvij day of February 1600[-1], in
the xLiii year of her Ma^is Reigne, and was baptised y^ Son-
day following at Shordich church ; my brother Engeham, Mr.
Jeremy Bettenham, and my sister Leighe, being witnesses. He
was borne betweene xi and xii of y^ clock in y^ nighte. \_Fols.
2b, 6.]
Mem. My sonn Thomson dyd marry my dowghter Dorothe
uppon Shrovesonday, y- 27 of February 1586, in the parish
church of Dorking, in Surrey.
Mem. My dowghter Mary was maried to John Moyl in
Charing church, uppon Wenesdaye the xi of July 1593.
Mem. My good freend Mrs. Wotton died uppon Monday
the 8 of May 1592, about ij of y'^ clock in y*^ after noone, at
Pickering howse in London, and was buryed at Bocton Mal-
herbe, in Kent, ye Friday following.
Mem. My dowghter Thomson was delyvered of her first
child, being a sonne, uppon Shrove Sonday, about (sicj
of ye clock in ye night, ye second day of March 1594, at Roy-
ton Howse in Lenham, and was ther in the chappell baptised
by name of Robert y*' Sonday following; myself, my brother
and sister Henmarshe being witnesses. [Fol. 27.]
A noate of ye birthday es of my brother Michaell Heneage
his children, as I fownd them written in a booke under his
owne hand, 2 Apr. 1601, 43 Ehz. : vtt.
1577. Mem. He was married to my sister uppon Monday
ye 12 of August 1577 in Bowchurch, London.
1579. The x of October, being Saturday, betweene ye bowers
of 9 and 10 in ye forenoone, was borne Ann Heneage, my dowgh-
ter, in my howse w^hin ye parish of St. Katherin Colma[n]s, in
London, at whose baptisme weer witnesses, Mr. Skinn , of Ry-
gate, in Surrey, my lady Heneage and Mrs. Wotton ye elder,
of Kent.
1581[-2]. The 21 day of January, being Sonday, in my howse
aforesayde, was borne my sonn Thomas Heneag, at whose bap-
tisme wear witnesses my brother Ser Tho. Heneage, my cossen
Moyle Fynche, and Mrs. Barret of Essex. The tyme of whose
hearth was soone after ye hower of ij in y^ moi-ning.
1583[-4]. The 28 of Febr. soone after ye hower of 4 in ye
morning, was borne my sonn Robert Heneag, in my howse afore-
sayde, of whose baptism wear witnesses my brother Robart
Honiwood, my cossen Tho. Heneag of Grays Inn, and Mrs.
Poyntz of Reygat aforsayde. Obiit in feriis natahtiis pxime
sequen. et sepultus in ecclesia de Ultinge in Essex.
1585, die Martis 7 die Dec. nat^ e [est] fili^ mens Johannes
Heneag in eedib^ meis prsedictis circa horam sextam in aurora,
et die Dominica pxime sequeil susciperunt ipsii de sacro fonte
Georgius Heneag, Miles, Hen. Billinggesley aldermanus civita-
tis London, et neptis a fratre mihi dna Ehzati Finch, et obiit
6 Januarii anno 1587.
1586[-7], die Jovis 24 Febr. inter horas 3 et 4 post meridiem
nata est in tedit)^ meis pdict filia mea Lucia Heneag et die pos-
tera baptizata, suscepta est de fonte sacro p Walterii Cope,
Mariam Honiwood aviam suam, et Katharinam uxorem Fr.
1588. Ultimo die mensis Apr. ult" die Martis hora quinta
pomeridiana nata e in eedib^ meis predictis filia mea Katherina
Heneag, que die Jovis pxima sequen suscepta est de sacro fonte
p uxorem Johannis Spurling, Susan Honiwood vices agen (sic)
et Wilhelmi Gilbert, medicinee doctor.
1589, die Saturni 20 die mensis Septembr statim post horam
septimam vesptinam natus est in aedib^ meis sup"dictis filius mens
Michaell Heneage. et 28 die mensis predict de sacro susceptus
e fonte p Franciscu Barty, Wilhelmu Billesby, et Mariam ux-
orem Georgii Morton ametam suam.
1591, die Martis 3 die Aug. hora vi. pomeridiana, in sedib^
predictis natus est filius mens Robertus Heneag, et die Sabbati
pxime sequen e renatus et de sacro fonte susceptus p Drog
Drury, et Michaelem Blunt preefectu Turris, milites, et conju-
gem Henrici Billingesley pfati.
1594 [-5], die Lune 25 die Martii inter horas 4 et 5 pomeri-
diana natus est filius mens Johannes Heneag, et die lune pxime
sequen prima feria pasche renatus et de sacro fonte susceptus
est 5 Johannem Hickford consanguineu meu, Thomam Drayn
(Drmjner ?) et Annam uxorem Wilhelmi Twisden, mihi de fratre
pneptem : natus erat in eedib' meis predictis.
A noate of his leases left for y^ stay of lyving of his 3 yonger
1. The greanway lease is appoynted wholy to Michaell Hene-
age, Well lease is for 40 years from our Lady day 1609 ; and
Michaell wyl be of age 20 Sept. 1610.
2. The lease of Thornton howses is for 60 years from our
Lady day 1608, and geven equally betweene Robart and John
at the sevall ages of 21 years. Robert wyl be of age of 21
yeares the third of August 1612.
3. John Heneage wyl be of age of 21 years at y^ feast of y^
Ann 1615.
4. Luce Heneage was 14 years of age ye24 of Febr. 1600.
5. Katherin Heneage was 13 yeares of age ultimo Apr. 1601.
[Fol. 24i>.]
Mem. That my brother Anthony having jpchased of Mr.
RandoU a coppy howld tenancy at Waltham in Essex, howlden
of S'" Edward Denny, Knight, by fyne uncerteyne, did com-
pownd wtl' S'" Edward Denny for my sister's lief and his owne
for ye fyne of forty marks, whereof he paied in hand 10/. and
o-ave his bond for 16/. 13s. 4c?. more; and uppon tewesday in
Whitsonweeke 1599 [29 May], comynge to me to myne howse
in Hoxton, he made me acquaynted w^li ye same, and did then
offer me, that if I would paye y^ same 16/. 13*. 4d. unto S*"
Edw. Denny, then he would by his wyll geve ye same howse and
lands unto my sonne Henry Honiwood, after decease of my sis-
ter his wife, and for want of Henry, to Michaell, or any yonger
Sonne of myne, and to his heires, aflfirminge faithfully, that he
would pforme yt, if I would take his worde for yt, and trust him
in yt ; W^h mony I payed accordingly unto S»" Edwarde Denny,
and took back my brother's bond, ultimo Maii 1599. P'l by
Henrye Kynge.
Mem. My brother synce hath sowld away this coppyhowld
tenemt, and I am otherwise uppon new agrem* satisfyed, as in ye
lasle Icafe of this booke appeartl>, [Fol. 26'^.]
Mem. Brighte of Roytons liatli had issue ij dowghters, vtt.
Godley Bright and Katherin Bright. Godley was first maried
to Neme of Hith, and he after died wtl'out issue ; then she maried
Wood of Cavvnterbury, who had issue by her ij dowghters, vtt.
(sic) Wood, and Amy Wood. The eldest was first maried
to one Coppyn of Cawnterbury, and by him had issue one dowo-h-
ter. The father and mother died, and she was after maried to
Nedani of Herfordshire, and he by her had dy vrs sonnes and
dowghters lyving. The wife died and he is now maried agayne.
Amy Wood y^ other dowgliter of Godley Bright was maried to
Wainflet. Katherin Bright was maried to Robert at Waters
my grandfather, and by him had issue 12 sonnes, who all died
of ye plague, after w^h wear borne Joice, who afterwards was
first y6 wife of Humphry Hales, Esq., and after of Edward
Isack, Esq., and after that was wife of S'" Rowland Clark,
Knight, and Mary, who was maried to Robert Honywood my
father. [Fol. 27^.]
Mem. When I did pchase y^ mannor of Mylton, &c. of
Sir Tho. Browne, it was agreed that he showld take of me but
an obligation for saving my land in Essex free from incombrances
donne by me, because I had never entred into any other bond
for assurance of any land. And I showld have of him a recogni-
sance to save his land harmelesse, &c. for that he had seven
many y^ like before. And because his sonne Mathew was w^'^in
short tyme after to marry, at w^^^ tyme S'" Thomas ment to en-
tayle his land unto his sonne, I requested the acknowledgm*^ of
y^ recognizance of 2000/. according to agremt, wcl> was done
accordingly. And after (when I had my fyne and other assur-
ance) he did earnestly intreat me, that the recognisance mowght
be cancelled, and that I would take of him an obligation, w^''
I would not agree unto unlesse he would presently dischardg all
his debts, w^h I well knew wear many, and for w* he stoode
bownd in many both statuts and recognisances, and having also
but a lytle before taken into his hands 1000/. of y^ mony
wcl» was receaved uppon y^' sale of Tickells-hole in Surrey, and
stoode bownd in a statute of 2000/. unto Mr. Henry Warner
and one other for repay m* of y*' same at 3 years ende, at his
importunat and earnest request (he being sollycited by my
Lady and her freends, for y"^ Kingesnorth in Kent was ment
to be assured unto her sonne, my brother Richard Browne), I
dyd yeald yt if he would, wt^in y*' same 3 yeares, make full dis-
chardg and paymt of all his debts, and get all his statutes and
recognisances discharged, then I wowld be contented w^h ^
bare obligation also for my securyty. And to that end the noat
of y^ recognisance acknowledged was left in Seriant Cooper's
hand, as a man indiiFerent, to keep y^ same, to be cancelled
by him, if y^ debts wear accordingly dischardged w^I'in y<^ saied
3 yeares, or ells to be delyvered to me agayne to be inrolled.
2 Martii 1588. [Fo/. 21^]
Mem. The land cawlled Clavteigh lying in Elam parish in
ye county of Kent, conteyneth about 80 acr. and doth pay the
tythe ; but I have heard that ther is ther certayne land cawlled
Monck's land, p est [per estimation] 60 acr. that was somtyme
pcell of y^ possessions of y^ late dessolved Abbey of St. Rede-
gund, and geven to y^ saied Abbey by y^ church of Rochester,
paying yearly to y^ same church (as I have heard) 5/. 13s. 4c?.
w''^ he (qu. who ?) thinketh is still payde Tor fee farme. And
that land doth pay but 55. yearly to y^ parson of Eleham for all
manner of tythes. [Fol. 28.]
Mem. Ye parish church of Charing was hurt uppon tewesday
ye 4 of August 1590, and y^ bells in ye steeple melted w^l' ye ex-
tremy ty of ye fier. Nothing of ye church was left but ye bare
waulls, except ye flower [floor] over ye porch, and flower ov ye
turret wher the wethercock doth stand. The fier chanced by
meanes of a birdinge peece discharged by one Mr. Dios, which
fired in ye shingells,^ ye day being extreme hott and ye same
shingells very dry.
Mem. The earthquake was uppon Wenesday ye vi of Aprill
1580, and at Christes church, in St. Nicholas shambles, ther
wear a boy and a mayde killed w^h stones yt fell downe from ye
pillar wherunto y^ pulpet is fastened.
Another earthquake felt and scene by dyvrs in London uppon
Thursday, being Cristmas eve, and ye 24 of Dec. 1602, betweene
ye bowers of xi and xij at noonetyde. [_Fol. 27.]
<^ Oak or beechwood shingles are used at the present day in Kent, Surrey, Susse:r,
aTid Hants, for covering church spires.
Mem. I did see in a booke of my brother Charles Hales,
well was a booke of memorandums and noates taken by Baron
Hales, y* in assise before Justices of Eyer yt was presented yt
Miltoa mannor > ^^^ Owner of Thanington mannor, ye owner of
juxta Cantuar. J Hugefeld mannor, y^ owner of Milton mannor,
wear suriioned to appear and to shew cause why they claymed
severall piscary uppon y^ Ryver ther, excluding all other, who
ther shewed and pleaded ther tytles, and the Jury then fowned
that they had severall piscary in ther owne lands, and ther it is
thus intituled,
' Placita Corone apud Cantuar coram Johanne Reygate et
Sociis suis Justiciariis Itinerantib^ octabis Sci Hillarii
anno Regni Rege ^o.' [Edw. I.] [FoL 28.]
Prior de Leeds remisit et relaxavit totu jus, &,c. in coiiiun
pastur in Blene et Harboldowne Priori et conveh Xpi Cantf et
concedit etiam boscu suu et terram cu solo et pficuo in Blene et
Harboldowne et Aquilonar partem vie Regie que ducit ad Can-
tuariam. Et p hac consider dictus Prior Xpi Cantuar dat dicto
Priori de Leeds medietatem 300 acr. bosci jaceii ad australem
partem vie predicte cu solo ejusdem. Ac ad dividend dictas 300
acr. p equalem portionem. Ac habendu et tenendu unam medie-
tatem ppinquiorem manerio suo de Leeds dicto Priori de Leeds
et Ecclesie sue except tamen dicto Priori Xpi Cantuar vis. iid.
ob. redd quod dictus Prior de Leeds solebat solvere p dicta
comuni pastura, &c.
9 R. L Rex, &c. Concedim^ Deo et monacis in Ecclesia
Cantuar deo servientib^ totu boscu nostru de Blene in longo et
lato cu assertis omnib^ ejusdem bosci et omnib^ terr et redd
eidem bosco ptin Salvo tamen uno summario quem pater noster
in elemosinam concessit ecclesie et canonicis Sancti Gregorii in
eodem bosco et carta sua confirmavit, &,c. IFol. 29.]
Mem. 1 fownd in an owld written booke of Mr. John Parker,
ye Archb. sonne, y^ the Archb. did recov dyvrs lands in Ket-
tington wch wear after conveyed to Tho. Aldwyn, the noat
whereof doth follow verbatim. [FoL 3L]
Terre quondam Johannis de Kettington.
Terr que nup fuere Johannis Kethampton ibidem p dn'm
Thomam Cardin Cantuar Archiep ^ p breve de cessavit recupe-
rat anno, &c. et post modum concess fuerunt Thome Aldweyn K
Johannes Kettington . — xiiij acr. unu rod et xvj pticat terr
apud Ketington bushe jacen in longitudine inter comunem viam
versus west et terr. Thome Brewer v east.
Itm xiiij acr. di terr jacen in longitudine inter terf Jotiis
Westcliffe v north et terr Johannis Nott v south et east.
Itm 3 acr. jacen in longitudine inter terr Jotiis Chamberleyn
V north et terr Tho. Bremer {sic) v south.
Itm 2 acr. et 3 rode {sic) terre jacen in longitudine inter terr
Johnis Chamberlayne v east et comunem viam v west.
Itm xiij acr. 1 roode {sic) in messuag seu cu crofts et terr
pxime adjacen jaceii in longitudine inter comunem viam voc
Kettington street v north et terf Joftis Chamberleyne et Jotiis
Not V south.
Itm xij acr. in Crofts apud Tegti jacen in longitudine inter
terr Tho. Bremer {sic) v east et Johnis Not, west.
Itm xxvij acr. terf di apud Tye jacen in longitundine inter
terf Barram v east et terf Jotinis Mot {sic) south et west.
Itm ibidem Lxviij acr. xvi ptic terf jacen in longitudine inter
terf Barham v east et comunem viam a Kettington ad le Ty v*
Km Thomas Bremer {sic) Johannes Kettington at Johnes
Mott {sic) tenent 17 acr. terf 3 rod et x ptic jacen in longitu-
dine inter terf Johis Mot v south et comunem viam v* east
et west, s
Sum : 173 acr.
1 roode,
and ij pches. \Fol. 31^.]
* Cardinal Bourcbier, Archbishop 1454 — 1486.
' Mr. Honiwood here makes a mark of reference to the abstract of the deed of
lease which next follows.
i This is copied in extenso, inasmuch as, the tenure not being in capita, no ac-
count of this property would appear in any return to a king's writ among the public
Tho. Cantuar Archiep p indentur dat 6 Aug. 27 E. 4. [17
Edw, IV.] demisetli by Indentur to Tho. Alwyn one tofte et
IGl acr. and one rood and ij perches of land w^'i thapp in
T^'onington que idem Archiep in jure ecclesie sue sive ecclesie
Xpi Cant alias in Cur Dni Regis coram Justic suis apud West-
nioii recuper v Johannem Kettington, Johannam Kettington,
ei; Wilhelmu Derby p breve de cessavit p bienniu, HabendCi
for 99 years, rent 30s. 7d, at Easter and Michelmas by evyn
portions to be pd and to doe suit from 3 weeks to 3 weeks to y^
saied Archb. court of Wingham ; def ' by a nioneth distes [dis-
tress] for rent and suit ; def by a year (and no distresse can be
fownd) to re-enter the pticulars and bownds of y^ same lands
ar before in y^ last lease written wch all I tooke owte of ye same
booke. And synce that also I have seene a counterpt of a lease
very long remayning in y^ Tresury at Lambeth, wher all the
same lands ar very justly bownded.
Hec Indentura testatur qd nos reverendissim^ Tho. (misera-
tione divina) Sacrosancte Ecclesie et Sancti Siriac [Cyriaci] in
thermis Presbiter Cardinal Cantuar Arch, totius Anglie Primas
et Apostolice sedis legatus, concessim^ Johanni Ive unam pcella
terr infra dominiQ de Charing contin p est duas day wercks ^
et dim terr jacefi ad quandam venellam voc Parson's land V
south et terr Jacobi Fullar v west et ad terr dicti Dni Archiepi
v north et east, Habendu et tenendii predictam pcetl" teire
prefato Johanni Ive et heredib^ suis ad voluntatem Dni se-
cundii consuetudinem manerii, Redd inde nobis et success nris
ufi denariu ad festu natalis Dni tantu. In cujus, &c. datu apud
Lambeth 20 Apr. 1478.
This noat also I had in that booke [Mr. John Parker's.]
This very graunt yt self is to be seene amongest my cossen
Fleet's writynges under scale of y^ Arch, and confirmed by ye
Prior of Christe Church also under scale, and uppon y^ patent
it is thus indorsed, {the gardene heJiind Chapman's howse) ; ye
same confirmation is dat 5 Dec. anno supradicto, vit. 1478.
\Fol. 32.]
•» Dayswerc of land; as much plough land as could be ploughed in a day, See
the Glossaries.
N 2
Fines. Anno 5G Hen. III. m. 13.
Walterus de Honiwood dat diniidia marcam j) una assisa
capienda coram Roberto Fulton ; et mandatu est Vic. Sussex,
&c. \_Fol 28.]
Fines. Anno 1 Hen. IV. m. 4.
Priorissa et sorores Hospital is Sancti Jacobi de Wincheape in
suburbiis civit Cantuar dant 40 marcas solut in hanap p licencia
R. concedendi Jotii Baronn Pet Culpeper Ar et aliis 4d ipsi unu
messuagiu 155 acr. terr 12 acr. prati 32 acr. bosci 40s. redd et
redd vj gallon 20 gallina^ et 100 ovoru cu ptifi in Egerton et
Charing in com Kane que de aliis quam de R. tenentur, dare
possint, 8cc. prefat Poriss et Sor. Habendu ad manu mortua.
T. R. apud Wesm. lo die Martii. [_Fol 32.]
Noates of dyvs lands, being Gavelkind, in y*" cownty of Kent,
as appeareth amongest y^ Towar records.
Maneriu de Harboldoune ten de Archiep Cant p 20s. et 8
gallifi in gavelkind ut de mahio de Westgate et solvit p manio
pdo p ann. redd ad 10^. Sect cur. &c. Esch. 2 Edw. HI. no. 31.
Maneriu de Easthaull ten. de Prior Christi Cantuar ut de
tenura de gavelkind ^ servitiu mit. Esch. 49 Edw. HI. no. 62.
Maneriu de Orkesden tenetur de Archiep Cantuar in gavel-
M. de Chedington Cobham t de Archiep Cant in gavelkind,
&c. ut de M. de Otford.
M. de Brockland t de Abbate Westmonasteriu ut de M. suo
de Stangrave in gavelkind.
M. de Sharinden t in gavelkind, sed de quo vel de quib}, Sic.
[Sherenden in Horsemonden.]
M. de Capell t in gavelkind ut p offic. &c. 7 Edw. IV.
M. de Wilrington t in gavelkind de d'no Clinton ut de M.
suo de Esling. [Fol 34^. J
Divisio Ecclesie de Wingham 1282 in quatuor parochias p
Johannem Cantuar Archiep.
1. Ecclesia de Wineham.
2. Parochia de Eshe. [Ash near Sandwich.]
3. Ecclesia de Godneston cu hamletis de Bonini>ton, Offins-
ton, Rollings, Newenham, Underdowne, cu partibus de Twitham,
de Chillingden, que nh antiquo consueverunt ad eandeni de
Godneston ecclesiam pertinere.
4. Ecclesia de Nonington cum capella de Wimblingweld
ac hamlets de Ritchling, Fredfeeld, Easoll, Soutlmonington,
Achoult, Kethampton, Dane, Elfethe [Wolneth?] et Wike.
The same noat I had from Mr. Edw. Boys, sen.
WiNGiiAM. — Il'm inter recortt Turr London inter alia sic
prpositus de Wingham : ille sex prebende appellantur, Chilton,
Pedding, Twitham, Bonington, Retling, Wimlingweld ; quarQ
due prime sunt prebendales, due secunde diaconales, et due ulti-
me subdiaconales, sicut in predicta litera dni Pape continetur
Anno Dni 1286. \_FoL 31'\]
Indentur sive compositio inter dnu Archiep Cantuar et tenen-
tes suos apud Wingham.
The same deed doth recyte y* wher y^ tenants doe howld
ther lands by rents and services of dyvs sorts very burdensom
unto them, now for ther better and more ease yt is turned into
a yearly rent for \2 years from y'^ same dat, and y^ acr. in
every severall vill ar rated thus :
Le Acr
Wolneth, 3^1 oh q di. q.
Wike, p 25 acr 5^ 6'1 q.
Wimlingsvveld, "S*-^ oh q di. q et 4 ps q.
Oxenden, 4^'.
Dane, 3'1 oh.
Aclyold, p qualibet acr de gavelkind, 3*^ oh di. q.
Northnonington, 2'' oh q di. q et quarta ps q.
Soles, 3^1 oh q.
Soutlmonington, 1'' q di. q.
Kethampton, p qualibet acr de gavelkind, 2^ q di. q.
Chelinden, 3"^' di. q.
Rolling, 3^1 oh et quarta ps q.
Twitham, p qualibet acr illaru 18 acr de Crickelshaull de
gavelkind, 2^^ oh et p qualibet acr residu in eadem villa, 3^ q
di. q.
Brooke, 4**.
Hale of Underdown, 4'1 q.
Godneston, p qualibet acr de gavelkind, 1^ oh q.
Bonington, 3^^ oh q et quarta ps q.
Uvfington, 6<i.
Dene, p qualibel acr de 42 acr que fuerut nup Joh Crools 2"^,
et |) 18 acr in Lambersetdown 2^^, et p qualibet acr residu in
villata ilia, 3^ ofe.
Cropham, 5^.
Shaterling, 5<' di. q et 4 ps q.
Wenderton, p qualibet acr extra le Brokegavill, 4<1.
Wolmeston, 4^' q.
Hodon, 4«1 q.
Overland, p 54 acr de gavelkind t dc M. de Overland, 1 1^ 4'^,
et p qualibet acr residu in eadem villa de gavelk., 3*^ q di. q.
Ware, p qualib. acr de 42 acr que fuerunt de sup'* Crull
(supradicto Johanne Creole?) 4*^, et p qualibet in eadem vill.
residu, ^^ di. q.
Hella (or Helle), 4*^' q di. q et quarta ps q.
Gidentolbon, 8^^.
Pedding, 4^1 ofe.
Hellys, 2d ofe q.
Nashe, 3*^1 dh q di. q.
Chilton, 3^1 ofe q.
Molond, p qualibet acr quam tenent de gavelk. 4*^ ofe et qta
ps q.
Thus much I tooke ovvt of an owld written booke w'^'* Mr.
John Parker shewed me. [Fol. 35^^.]
M'^ The scite of y^ P'sonage of St. Sepulchers neer Cawnter-
bury, and lands, tenem^s, and hereditaments whatsoev to y^ same
belonging weare suppressed 28 Hen. VIII. And 38 Hen. VIII.
the King by his letters patents doth graunt the same to S^' James
Hales, Serjaunt at Lawe, and doth recite y^ late lands of y<^
Archb. and a leas made by the Archb. dat 9 Nov. 30 Hen. VIII.
to James Hales, Esq. (w* I take to be y^ leas by wch Mr. Pey-
ton claymeth), wch leas (if yt be of all lands generally belonging
to ye howse) then yt seemeth that Peyton can have no more
tythes in Kettington then he hath usually taken, unlesse he can
prove directly what is due unto him owt of Kettington.
Also it seemeth yt after yc suppression y*^ land was conveyed
to y^ buishopp [Archbishop ?] and he agayne conveyeth yt unto
y^ Kynge, and then y^ King graunteth yt unto S' James Hales :
q. V. in curia augmentation u.
M**. Ther is a close in Nonington that was held of St. Albons
court (the inheritance being to Mr. Boyes, and it being about 7
acres) w^h close was sowld to Mr. Hammon of St. Albons, and
so now become percell of y^ same mannor ; but yet alihowgh y^
mannor itself (ab antiquo) as is saied (but q^" how) be freed from
all tythe, yet this close is not freed by this unitye of possession ?
M<i. To walck ye bounds justly of Nonington parishe whilest
owld men be yet lyving.
M^. The tythes of Kettington did belong to the Priors of St.
Sepulchers neere Cawnterbury, but how much land that was y*
yelded them tythes, or wher it lyeth, certeynly is not yet knowen
for any thinge I can learne, for they that have byn farmers to y^
buishop of ye parsonage of Nonington have been also farmers of
ye tythes of Kettington being w^l'in ye parishe of Nonington,
untill of late Mr. Edw. Boys his leas of Kettington tythes ended,
and Mr. Payton having thenheritance therof did sue Mr. Boyes
for ye tythes of certeyne land, W^h he saied was w^'Mn ye vill ot
Kettington and so due to him ; so, the matter being componded,
Mr. Payton hath sence that pchased ye leas of Nonington Par-
sonage w'^h I niade to Edward Engeham, during wel» union of all
the tythes I can not learne which ar to Kettington and w^li not,
w^h otherwise would be manifested or ells suits would rise to trye
ye controvsyes. [Fol. 31.]
Saltwood M. p attincturam Archiep Cantuar » inter Record
turr London, vitt.
De Manerio de Saltwood et de lx acr terr ar xv^ p an. iij*^
le acr.
De vi acr uh verg prati x^ vi^^, 20'' le acr.
De pastura p 200 ovibus xvis viiid, I'' a sheep.
De vi acr bosci p an.
De 46 acr pastur^ infra clausuram vi^l le acr.
De xviiil xii^ iiij'l q di. q redd as.
• This was Thomas (Fitzalan) de Arundel, brother to Richard Earl of Arundel.
He was impeached by the Commons of high treason 20 Sept. 1397, (21 Ric. II.)
The above particulars were most probably taken from the returns in the Escheat
bundle of forisfactures 21 Ric. II. no. 7.
De uno molendino aquatico p an xx^.
De div'sis operib3 et servitiis ten oviis {sic) vomerib}, &c.
Ibidem ,p M. de Charing.
De manerio de Charing in quo sunt plures doni sed nil valent
p an. ultra repis. sed
Est ibidem un. gardiii p an. iij^ iiijd.
Et 134 acr terr ar vi^^ le acr.
Et in campo de Westfeeld 75 acr di. pastur p ovib}, price le
acr iij*^.
Et quedam pastur in bosco voc le Herst p grossis animalib3
p an. xxs. Sed quot acr ignorant.
Et quedam pastur in le Hooke p an. 7^. Sed quot acr ignorant.
Et pastur quedam in Eastbrooke 13^. Sed quot acr ign.
Et quedam pastur voc Chaunterellslond et Eastbrooke p an.
13s 4d. Sed quot acr, &c.
Pastur in bosco de Rushindre p an. vi^ viijf^. Sed quot, &c.
9 acr prati 2^ vi^ le acr.
Itm in bosco man de Rishindre et Downwood possunt succidi
[sic) quolibet anno, &c. 'b (sic) billets and fagots, &c.
Pannagiu in Herst, Hooke, Westbrooke, et Reywood, hoc
anno (quia plurime glandes) 20s.
XL^ xiis vitl q di. q redd as, &c.
Divsa opera tenentiu et redd ovo^ gallon gallina^ vomex, &c.
IFol. 28b.]
47 Hen. III. Eschet 34 inter feod. bis.
Hugo de Sanfoi'de ten duo feod mit in Pet, Checksell, Hors-
monden, et valent p an. xv'.
8 Edw. II. 68 Eschet inter feod.
Wilhelm de Ore ten de com Glocest et Herford un. feodu
militis in Checksell, Pet, et Ravencombe.
Doms Richardus de Rockesley ten in dicto com di. feodu mit
in Horsmonden, et quartam partem uniu feodi mit apud New-
court in com pdicto.
21 Edw. III. 59 Eschet.
Johannes de Vaux ten feodu mil in Pet, Checksell, et Reven-
4 Hen. IV. Eschet [No. 41.]
Her Wilhelmi Ore (ut supra) ten de Edwardo com Stafford.
[FoL 28b.]
B. W. G.
CTo be continued.)
CO. GLAMORGAN, 4 Edw. II. 1311.
From the original in the possession of George Grant Francis, Esq.
F.S.A., Hon. Librarian of the Royal Institution of South Wales.
Pateat universis per presentes quod Ego Madocus ap Rees tarn
pro me quam pro heredibus meis et assignatis sive executoribus
meis remisi relaxavi et omnino quiete clamavi inperpetuum Meur'
War ap Meur Vachan de Kylvey heredibus suis et assignatis totum
jus et clamium quod habui vel aliquo modo habere potui in ilia
terra que vocatur Tyrtangustel in Kylvey ratione quarundam
expensarum quas circa eandem terram quondam feci, quas quidem
dictas expensas predictus Meyr' War mihi plenarie restituit Ita
quod nee ego nee heredes mei neque assignati neque executores
mei nee aliquis alius per me vel pro me seu nomine meo versus
prefatum Meur' War heredes suos vel assignatos aliquam actio-
nem calumpniam sive demandam ratione dicte terre sive dictarum
expensarum instigare vel habere sive vendicare poterimus inper-
petuum In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigillum meum ap-
posui. Hiis testibus, Renewrico Vachan tunc senescallo de Kyl-
vey, Johanne Tuder clerico, Wylym ap Meyr' Vachan, Howel
ap Morgan et multis aliis. Datum apud Kylvey die dominica
proxime post festum sancti Georgii martyris anno regni regis
Edwardi filii regis Edwardi quarto. (^Seal lost.)
By this deed MadocapRees released to Meyrick War, son of Meyrick
Vachan, a claim which he had possessed on the land of Tyrtangustel in
Kylvey in consequence of certain expenses which he had laid out there-
on, probably as the tenant, or possibly as a mason employed in certain
buildings. The expenses had now been discharged, and his lien on the
property consequently ceased. Tiie form of the deed, as originating
from such circumstances^ is believed to be uuusual.
From the original in the possession of George Grant Francis, Esq.
F.S.A., Ho7iorary Librarian of the Institution of South Wales.
By this charter John Turbervile grants to David de la Beare and Joan
his wife, and Peter their son, the whole vill of Leysanteston, to be
held of the chief lords thereof by the annual payment of a pair of gilt
spurs, or sixpence, at Easter. The consideration given for the grant
was forty marks sterling.
The modern name or site of Leysanteston has not been ascertained.
It was, perhaps, derived from the Welsh surname Leyshun.
SciANT presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Turbervile dedi
concessi et hac present! carta mea confirraavi David de la Beare
et Johanne uxori sue ac Petro filio eorunidem et heredibus ipsius
David totam villam de Lejsantestone cum omnibus redditibus,
serviciis, homagiis, feodelitatibus, wardis, maritagiis, releviis,
herietis, eschaetis, ac proficuis omnium tenentium ejusdem ville,
et omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis, sine aliquo retenemento
mei vel heredum meorum Habendam et tenendam predictis
David et Johanne ac Petro et heredibus predicti David et assig-
natis suis totam predictam villam cum omnibus et singulis appen-
diciis suis ut predictum est de capitalibus dominis ville antedicte
libere, quiete, integre, bene et in pace, jure hereditario in per-
petuum Reddendo inde annuatim eisdem dominis unum par
calcarium deauratorum vel sex denarios ad pascha pro omnibus
serviciis secularibus exaccionibus et demandis. Pro hac autem
mea donacione concessione et presentis carte confirmacione de-
derunt mihi predicti David, Johanna, et Petrus quadraginta
marcas sterlingorum pre manibus. Et ut hec mea donacio con-
cessio et presentis carte mee confirmacio rata, stabilis, et incon-
cussa in perpetuum permaneat, banc presentem cartam sigilli
mei impressione roboravi. Et in testimonium veritatis sigilla
Robert! de Cantelow et Johannis de Wyncestre apponi procu-
ravi. Hiis testibus, Dominis Roberto de Penres, Willelmo de
Langetone militibus, Philippo Purbigges, Philippo Scurlagges,
Roberto Mansel, Willelmo Henry, Johanne Maunsel, Helya
Ace, Johanne Melewold et aliis. Data apud Leysantestone die
dominica proxima ante festum sancti Michaelis anno regni regis
Edward i tricesimo secundo.
On the labels for the seals, which are lost :
" Turbyrwilla Cantelou Wyncestr'. "
From the original in the possession of W. D. Bruce, Esq. F.S.A.
By this cirograph the lady Margaret de Ros, the lady of Kendale, re-
leased to William de Stirkeland, ancestor of the family of Strickland, of
Sizergh, various services to which his lands had hitherto been subject,
viz. all his lands in VVestmereland free from the pultura, or free-quar-
tering, of the land-serjeants, or border militia, both horsemen and foot-
men ; also all his lands in Kendale and those in Staynton, which he had
already given to his son William, free from the pultura of the land-
serjeants and foresters, both horsemen and footmen. Both parties to the
cirograph also agree that in future the proceedings in the court of the
lady Margaret should be conducted without the pi'oduction of a witness-
man on either side.
As respects the contents of this charter, it may be compared with
others contained in the History of Westmorland, by Nicolson and Burn.
By one of these (vol. i. p. 90.) Peter de Brus, the father of the lady
Margaret, granted to William de Stirkland freedom from pulture of her
foresters, as well horsemen as footmen, and also from Witnesman, in all
his lands of Hakethorp, Syresergh, Natland, and other places. Two
charters of John de Vipont, relative to the same customs, will be found
in the same volume, pp. 23, 24 .
Pulture was a right of demanding free entertainment (Nicolson and
Burn, i. p. 22.) Two etymologies have been suggested for the term,
but neither of them appear satisfactory. Cowell, in his Law Dictionary,
voce " Pultura, an examination," derives it from pulsare, as if from
knocking at the door. Sir Edward Coke, having found the word written
puture, thought it was derived hom jjotare, to drink. Several instances
of the word under the form putura will be found in the Law Dictionary
of Cowell, who, under that word, explains the custom as one " claimed
by keepers in forests, and sometimes by bailiffs in hundreds, to take
man's meat, horse meat, and dog's meat, of the tenants gratis, within
the perambulation of the forest, or liberty of the hundred :" after having
previously given Pultura as a distinct word, as above mentioned. It
may be suggested that the more probable otymology is to be drawn
from the Latin pids, a food made of meal, whence pulticula pottage,
and jmltarium the vessel in which it was made. It is well known that
the food of the labouring classes in ancient times was chiefly j)ulse.
Thus, in the book of Peterborough, all the villeins and sokemen
who had the cihum Domini, were fed on bread and beer, but not
flesh. Such was the food which ihe land-serjeants and foresters of
Kendale would have the right to claim.
Some notices of the Witnesman will be found in Nicolson and Burn
ubi supra. It is evidently a Saxon term similar Kofesterman, and equi-
valent to a mainpernor or surety-man.
Peter de Brus, the father of lady Margaret^ died in 7 Edw. I. Her
husband Robert dc Ros, who was a younger son of Robert Lord Ros of
Hamlake and Werke^ was previously deceased, in 2 Edw. I.
Sir William de Lyndesey, the first witness, was in 1281 the lord of
a moiety of the barony of Kendal. Sir Gilbert de Curwen was lord of
Workington in Cumberland,
WiUiam de Windeshover occurs, with Alan clericus, as a witness to a
charter of William de Stirkeland in 17 Edw. I. (Nicolson and Burn, i.
90) ; and again, with Thomas de Derlay, another of the witnesses to the
present document, to a charter of the same party (p. 210).
Anno ab Incarnacione domini Millesimo ducentesimo octoge-
simo primo ad festum sancti Martini in hieme, Ita convenit in-
ter dominara Margaretam de Ros ex una parte, et Willielmum
de Stirkeland ex altera, vidz. quod predicta domina Margareta
in pura viduitate sua concessit remisit et omnino inperpetuum
quietem clamavit de se et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis pre-
dicto Willielmo et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis omnes terras
quas habuit in die confeccionis presencium in feodo suo in West-
mer' quietas de pultura landseriantium tarn peditum quam equi-
tum ; et etiara omnes terras suas quas habuit in feodo suo in Ken-
dale, una cum terris suis in Stayntone quas prius dederat Williel-
mo filio suo quietas de pultura landseriandorum et forestariorum
tarn peditum quam equitum, et de Witnesman sibi et supradictis
landserlantibus et forestariis inveniendo. Ita quod nee predicta
domina Margareta nee heredes sui nee aliquis alius assignatorum
suorum aliquid jus vel clameum in predictis pultura sive Witnes-
man inveniendis per ipsos vel per servientes sen forestarios aut
aliquos tales ministros suos in locis prenominatis decetero inper-
petuum habere [vel] exigere poterint vel vendicare. Pro hoc
autem concessione, remissione, et quieta clamacione predictus
Willielmus obligat se et heredes suos et quoscunque predicte
terre tenentes annuatim in perpetuum soluturos predicte dominc
* The letters in Italics were cut away when the indenture was divided.
Margarete et heredibus suis quatuor marcas argenti scil} medie-
tatem ad Pentecostem et aliam medietatem ad festum Sancti
Martini in hieme. Preterea concessit predictus Willielmus pro
se et heredibus suis quod si contigeret ipsum vel ipsos aut quos-
cunque predicte terre tenentes in curia dicte domine Margarete
aut heredum suorum inplacitari, quod ad summoniciones et dis-
tricciones facturas per servientes aut forestarios predicte domine
Margarete aut heredum suorum in curia predicta juratos sine
produccione de Witnesman ad simplicem vocem servientium vel
forestariorum respondebunt sicut respondere consueverunt
quando Witnesman solebat produci in tempore suo et anteces-
sorum suorum. Et ut hec concessio remissio et quieta clamacio
necnon et predicta firma reddicio robur [et] firmitatem inperpe-
tuum obtineant, tarn predicta domina Margareta quam predictus
Willielmus presenti scripto in modum Cyrograffi confecto alter-
natim sigilla sua apposuerunt. Hiis testibus, Dominis Willielmo
de Lyndes', Gilberto de Corewenne, Roberto de Hjavenewrthe,
Henrico de Stavelay miliiibus, Willielmo de Wyndeshouer,
Thoma de Derley, Willielmo de Croft, Alano clerico et aliis.
A small oval seal, in greeii wax, representing Lady Margaret standing,
holding in her right hand a shield charged with three water-bougets for
Ros, and in her left a shield charged with a lion rampant for Brus j her
mantle lined with vaire. Legend : s. margarete de ros. Engraved
in Sharp's History of Hartlepool, and in Drnmraond's British Families.
To the Editor of the Topographer.
B. W. G.'s communication on the family of Honywood, has re-
minded me of my possessing some information pertinent to the subject
under discussion, which, if not occupying your valuable pages impro-
perly, I will now communicate.
In the year 1840, when, after the death of my grandfather's widow,Mrs.
.^ntonina Bayley, I compiled my family pedigree for record in the- Col-
lege of Arms, I found it necessary to pursue an inquiry respecting one
of the Honywoods with which my ancestors were nearly con-
nected a century ago, and from whom they expected to inherit consider*
able property; but from which they were excluded, in favour of rela-
tives two degrees more distant, (viz. the Baronets Honywood,) by the
last will of the possessor, Mr. Frazer Honywood.
This inquiry brought me acquainted with an old volume, evidently a
duplicate of that described by B. W. G., a then in the possession of
Mrs. Walters of Blackheath ; from whom, through the mediation
of her medical attendant (one of my relatives,) I had the satisfaction of
perusing it ; though, the Honywoods after whom I inquired, being rather
of the Baronetcy branch than the one to which it related, my investiga-
tion received no affirmative aid from the volume. Whether this book
was that particular duplicate mentioned by B. W. G., I cannot say ;
but I recollect seeing at Mrs. Walters's house several fine old por-
traits, which I understood to be members of the Cotton family. Mrs.
Walters is now dead, and the fate of the book no doubt might be learned
at Blackheath.
While touching upon the Honywood family, I would wish to draw
your attention to a very remarkable misstatement of the pedigree in
Wotton's Baronetage 1741, whereby their branch of the family is brought
a whole degree nearer than the truth to the rich banker Mr. Frazer
Honywood ; and this by omitting the very generations and marriages
which connected him with nearer relatives. After his death the truth
came out ; and Hasted was the first to put it in print, viz. in his elaborate
History of Kent ; but there can be no doubt, that it blinded Frazer
Honywood to the true state of his pedigree, and probably induced him
to leave the bulk of his immense property to the Baronets (there repre-
sented as being of as near kin to him as any one else, which was very
far from the truth,) and to cut out its more rightful expectants.
The way the true pedigree came out was this : Frazer Honywood, by
his last will, 1 763, while devising the Mailing Abbey and Hampstead
estates to Ins Jbi0'th cousin, the Baronet Honywood, left also a legacy of
20,000?, to be divided among his other relatives. After his death, in
17C4, more than four hundred persons put in claims for a share of this
celebrated bequest {vide Ambler's Reports) ; but the majority were of
course set aside. By, however, an interlocutory decree in Chancery,
17G9, a portion of it was assigned to the testator's second cousins, Anne
and Margaretta Burren, (the former of whom notices it in her will,
1770, as mentioned in page 65 of the present volume j) these ladies
being maternal aunts of the said William Barnet, previously Barry, to
whom, at the death of the latter, the sum went as her residuary legatee,
A.D, 1784. Wotton's pedigree stands thus :
°- See vol, I. page 568,
Sir Thomas Honywood,^Jane, dau. of Edward
knighted 1G04. | Hales of Tenter den.
knighted 1619.
Baker, of Withiam,
Sir Edward Honywood,
created Bart. 1660,
Sir William Honywood, Bart,
furnished the ped. to Wotton.
William, died v. p.
Isaac Honywood, of Hampstead, :
CO. Middlesex, died 8 Nov. 1740,
ffit. 71.
Mr. Honywood, banker=. . .. dau. to Abraham
in Lombard Street. Atkins, of Clapham,
According to Wotton's version of the pedigree, the Baronet was half
or second cousin to the rich banker ; and except his wife (who could
not be easily concealed), and the Bakers, who were no nearer than
themselves, they, the Baronets, were the most rightful successors to his
That Mr. Honywood was led to believe he had no nearer relatives is
probable from his last will ; but I shall now disclose the actual facts of
the case.
Sir Edv/ard,
1st Bart,
Sir Thomas Honywood, knighted 1604.=pJane Hales.
r -1 -■
Sir John. Edward Honywood, of Islington. ^Mary Baker ; had many
Will dat. 10 July 1667, proved poor relations 1667.
3 Oct. 1667, in C.P.C. |
, ^ . J
wife of Ro-
bert Spicer,
of London,
, . . . wife
of Mr.
IsaacHonywood,=pRebecca, 3d dau.and coh.
of Hampstead,
Will dat, 10 Sep.
1718, proved 3
Nov. 1720, in
of William Pycheford,
of London, haberdasher.
& Pycheford) 1697. Un-
mar. 1658 ; marr. 1667.
Sir Wil-
wife of
Rev. Za-
William. ^
Sir John Hony-
wood, Bart.
Anna, a
Mary, a
3. Wil-
liam, a
2, Isaac =
to his bro.
Will dat.
20 Feb.
1737, pr,
2 Dec,
1740, in
:Mary Edward Honywood,
Frazer, of Hampstead. Will
an dat. 1723 ; codicils
heiress. 1725 and 1726 ;
proved 21 February
1726-7 in C.P.C.
Died s. p.
Frazer Honywood, died s. p. s.=pJane, dau. of
1764. Will in C.P.C. Buried Abram Atkyns, of
with arms, <= | London, merch.
Isaac Honywood, living 1 737 ; died v. p.
Honywood, Pycheford, and Frazer, quarterly, impaled with Atkyns.
By tliis pedigree it will be seen that, excepting Mrs, Merrell's
issue (which I believe expired in his, Frazcr Honywood's, lifetime)
he had no relatives nearer than second cousins ; viz. the descendants
of brothers or sisters of his maternal grand-parents Frazer, the de-
scendants of the sisters of his grandfather Honywood, and the descend-
ants of the sisters of his grandmother Honywood, previously Pycheford j
with which last relatives (the Burrens d) his uncle Edward Honywood
had lived in intimate friendship, as his last will plainly proves. That
the great banker had Frazer relations is also certain, for he mentions
them in his will : but the Burrens, &c. were quite as near ; and, I may
add, were descended from that common ancestor with him, whence his
family obtained the foundation of all their wealth, viz, Wilham Pycheford,
in whom the two families were coheirs ; added to which, I very strongly
suspect that the Honywood's bank was only a continuation of the very
extensive goldsmith business of their uncle by marriage, Richard Hodi-
low, (maternal grandfather of the Misses Burren ;) Richard Hodilow
having no son of, his own to succeed him therein ; so that the Burrens
were fully entitled to look for as much as any other of the cousins, if not
more, seeing that the property (and that at Hampstead most especially)
was derived from their ancestors ; and, no doubt, had they been in a
position to have induced the rich banker to live like his uncle at
Hampstead, instead of spending half the year in Kent near the Baronets,
justice would have been done. As it was, however, they had only the
mortification of proving themselves far closer kindred than the principal
devisee, (they being second cousins and he s. fourth cousin,) viz. to
obtain a share of the charitable bequest to the testator's pauper rela-
tions— for otherwise they were not named in his will.
I presume that a full pedigree must have been compiled for the Court
of Chancery (and there deposited), after Mr. Honywood's decease. I
made a very extensive search in Chancery Lane, both personally and by
deputy, but was unable to find such a document ; indeed, in searching
the calendars, the Cause was soon lost sight of, so that I have reason to
suppose some of the parties must have died, and the suit been renewed
in other names. The facts, however, which I have here communicated,
are fully substantiated by the authorities I have mentioned; and my motive
for troubling you with this prolix history is, that the " four hundred "
relatives putting in claims for a share of the legacy, renders [the case a
not very inappropriate supplement to that of tlie extraordinary fecundity
of Mary Honywood, previously Waters. No doubt the Honywood vo-
lume, detailing her progeny, was brought into request at Frazer Hony-
wood's decease. I am. Sir, yours, &c.
W. D'Oyly Bayley.
'' See this kinship detailed in the present volume, pp. 56—65.
YouGHAL is a considerable sea-port town in the south of
Ireland, situate at the mouth of the river Blackwater and die
eastern extremity of the county of Cork. It was anciently
called Ochill, which signifies wood or forest, many remains of
which are constantly found beneath the surface of the neigh-
bourino- country.
The walls of this town still remain in tolerable preservation,
althoui^h we are informed it suffered much in various sieoes. ^
It was taken and sacked by the Earl of Desmond in the year 1579.
It was again assailed by Fitz-Gerald, Seneschal of Imokilly, in
the year 1582. It was again besieged by the Earl of Castle-
haven in 1641, and defended successfully by the great Earl of
Cork with much loss to the Irish army.
Youglml was fn-st incorporated in the second year of the reign
of King Edward the Fourth, through the interest of Thomas
Earl of Desmond, who, in 14G3, was made Lord Deput\' of
Ireland. It has charters from Richard III., Henry VII., Eliza-
beth, and James I.
The religious-houses founded in this town were two; one
situated at the north, the other at the south end. That on
the north was founded in 12G8 by Thomas Fitz-Maurice Fitz-
Gerald for Friars Preachers ; and after the dissolution of such
establishments was granted to Sir Walter Raleigh. The only
part of it now remaining is the western window, and very little
of the side walls. The south abbey has been completely removed.
It was founded by Maurice Fitz-Gerald in 1231, or according
to Holinshed in 1229, for friars of the Franciscan order. This
was first granted to George Isham, and afterwards purchased by
Sir Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork.
^ See " The ancient and present State of Youghall, containing a Natural, Civil,
Ecclesiastical, and Topographical History thereof; to which are added, a Desci-iption
of the Towns, Villages, Churches in the Baronies of Imokilly and Kinnatalloon,
with an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Blackwater, Gentlemen's Seats,
&c. Youghall, printed by Thomas Lord, 1784." 8vo. ; a very rare book.
VOL. II. Q '
But the most important object of antiquity in Youglial is the
collegiate church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The college was
founded by Thomas Fitz Gerald, Earl of Desmond, on 27th
December 1464, after which he rebuilt and beautified the church.
It is an interesting remnant of by-gone days, though much
disfigured by modern alterations. The nave is about forty-
five yards long and twenty-two broad, and is the only part
now used for the celebration of divine worship. The main
walls at each side of the centre aisle are cut into six lofty
pointed arches, behind which there are back aisles running
parallel. The chancel or choir is without a roof, but the walls
and windows are little injured by time. The east window (of
course without glass) is in other respects quite perfect, and pre-
sents a magnificent and most beautiful specimen of the architec-
ture of its period. On the north side of the church stands a
square tower about fifty feet high, overlooking the town walls,
which are very near, and evidently intended to answer as well for
a place of defence as for a belfry, to which purpose it is now
appropriated. There are two chapels attached to this church,
one north, the other south.
The latter was called the Chauntry of our Blessed Saviour.
Richard Boyle, the first Earl of Cork of that family, purchased it
from the mayor and corporation March 29th 1606, and in it
erected a splendid monument for himself and family. This is
composed of white, red, grey, and black marble of the most
expensive kinds; it is admirably sculptured and constructed,
and reaches nearly to the roof of the chapel, which is very lofty.
The effigy of the Earl (exceedingly well executed) is represented
in a splendid suit of engraved russet and gold armour of the
reign of James the First. It has double tassets, and is richly
ornamented throughout. His head is uncovered (the face being
probably a complete likeness), and he leans on his left hand
supported by a cushion. Over his shoulders, and the paldrons
of the armour, are capes or lappets of an earl's mantle of state,
which hangs down behind to his feet. Underneath, along the
ledge of the moiiument, are a number of small figures repre-
senting his children, with the dates of their births on their re-
spective pedestals, viz. : 1st. Roger Boyle, natus 1 August 1606.
2nd. Richard Boyle, natus 20 October 1612. 3rd. Galfridus
Boyle, natus 10 April 1616. (He was drowned in the college
well.) 4th. Lewis Boyle, natus 23 Martii 1619. 5th. Alicia
Boyle, nata 20 Martii 1607. 6th. Sarah Boyle, nata 29 Martii
1609. 7th. Letitia Boyle, nata 23 April IGIO. 8th. Joana
Boyle, nata 14 Junii 1611. 9th. Catharina Boyle, nata 22 Martii
1614. At the Earl's feet, kneeling, under a canopy supported
by rich pillars of costly red marble, is the figure of his first
wife, Joan, daughter and coheir of William Appesly, Esq.
Her dress represents the richest figured satin or velvet, of a
dark purple colour. She wears a ruff, and her hair quite erect
and off her face and forehead. At his head, is the effigy of
his second wife (the Countess of Cork), in the same posture, and
wearing a Countess' robe of state with a ruff. She was daughter
of Sir Geoffry Fenton.
The faces particularly of these figures are admirably sculp-
tured. Over each is an escucheon, of pure white marble, im-
paling Boyle, with their arms respectively, viz. Boyle, Party per
bend crenelle, argent and gules. For Appesly, Barry of six ar-
gent and gules, with a canton ermine in dexter corner. For
Fenton, Argent, a cross azure between four fleurs-de-lis sable.
At the top lies the effigy of the Earl's mother, ^ Joan, daughter
of Robert Naylor, Esq. of Canterbury, habited in the full dress
of Queen Elizabetii's day, with large straw hat, ruff, and far-
dingale. And over her again are the full arms of Boyle
alone, with the EarPs crest and supporters, as at present used by
the Earl of Cork and Orrery. There are also these lines :
" Precatio Viventis.
Quam patre, quam prole, et gemino quam conjuge faustam
Fecisti, O faustam fac faciendo tuam."
In the centre, over the effigy of the Earl, is a large surface
of black stone, on which are the following inscriptions :
" Richard Earl of Cork married two wives, the first
Joan, one of the two daughters and coheirs of William Appesly,
^ Her brother, Robert Naylor, was Dean of Limerick, and his daughter Margaret
was married to John Drew, Esq. of Kilwinny, co. Cork, and of Meanus, co. Kerry.
The Earl of Cork was a party to the marriage settlement, still preserved, and gave
his cousin an additional fortune. The Dean also had a son, who seems to have
been a military person, from his portrait in armour at Balliiiatray house, and anotlier
in possession of Rev. P. W. Drew, Strand House, Youghal. See Drew pedigree,
page 212. He never married. Margaret Naylor's costly and embroidered purse
is also still preserved in the Drew family.
o 2
who died in travail of her first son, which did not survived her.
The second wife was Katliarine, the only daughterof Sir Geoff'ry
Fenton, Knt. Secretary of State in Ireland, by wliom he had
issue 7 sons and 8 daughters."
Under this are three escucheons : first, Boyle and Appesly
impaled. 2nd. Boyle with Appesly and Fenton quartered ;
and 3rd. Boyle with Fenton impaled ; and this inscription :
" The Lady Margaret Boyle, eighth daughter of the
Earl of Cork, died, and lyeth here intombed."
On the right side, in the manner of a genealogical table, arc
the following inscriptions, with respective coats of arms :
" Sir Richard Boyle, Knt. son and heir apparent to Richard
Earl of Cork, married Elizabeth, eldest of the two daughters
and coheirs of Henry Lord Clifford Earl of Cumberland, and
hath issue."
" Sir Lem'is Boyle, Knt. Lord Boyle, Baron of Bandon-
bridge and Lord Viscount Boyle, Kinalmeaky, second son of
Richard Earl of Cork, married the Lady Elizabeth, daughter
of Sir William Fielding, Knt. Lord Baron of Newenham Padox,
Viscount Fielding and Earl of Denbigh. Slain in the battle of
Liscarrol, Sept. 3rd 1642."
" Sir Roger Boyle, Knt. Lord Boyle, Baron of Broghill,
third son of Richard Earl of Cork, married the Lady Margaret,
daughter of Theophilus Lord Howard of Walden, Earl of
" Francis Boyle, Esq., fourth son of Richard Earl of Cork,
married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Killigrew, Knt. late
Vice-Chamberlain to Mary Queen of England."
" Robert Boyle, Esq., fifdi son of Richard Earl of Cork."
" Roger Boyle, eldest son of Richard Earl of Cork, being
a scholar at Deptford, in Kent, died there the 10th of October
1615, and there lies intombed."
" Geoffry Boyle, third son of Richard Earl of Cork, died
young on die 20di Jan. 1616, and lieth here intombed."
To each of these are escucheons of Boyle impaling their re-
spective matches; and next, on the left hand, are die following-
inscriptions relative to the Earl's daughters, impaling Boyle, with
the arms of their respective husbands.
" David Lord Barry, Lord Viscount Buttevant, first
Earl of Barrymore, married the Lady Alice Boyle, first
daughter of Richard, Earl of Cork,"
" Robert Lord Digby, Baron of Geashil, married the
Lady Sarah Boyle, second daughter of Richard Earl of Cork,
being then the widow of Sir Thomas Moore, Knt., son and heir
to Garret Lord Moore, Lord Viscount of Droglieda."
" Colonel George Goring, son and heir to Sir George
Goring, Knt. Lord Baron Goring of Hurstpierpoint, married
the Lady Lettice Boyle, third daughter of Richard Earl of Cork."
" George Fitz-Gerald, Earl or Kildare, married the
Lady Joan Boyle, fourth daughter of Richard Earl of Cork."
" Arthur Jones, Esq. son and heir of Sir Roger Jones,
Knt. Lord Viscount Ranelagh, married the Lady Katherine
Boyle, the fifth daughter of Richard Earl of Cork."
" Sir Arthur Loftus, Knt. son and heir of Sir Adam Loftus,
Knt. Vice-Treasurer and Treasurer at Wars in Ireland, married
the Lady Dorodiy Boyle, the sixth dau. of Richard Earl of Cork."
" Charles Rich, Esq. second son of Robert Lord Rich
of Leize, Earl of Warwick, married the Lady Mary Boyle,
the seventh daughter of Richard Earl of Cork."
In the centre, between these inscriptions, is the following : —
" Richardus Boyle, miles, dominus Boyle baro de Youghal,
Vicecomes Dungarvan, Comes Corcagiensis, dominus sum-
mus hujus regni Hibernite thesaurarius, et de privato concilio
domini regis tani Anglite quam Hiberniee, ex aiitiquissima
Boylorum familia Herefordiensi oriundus, qui patrem habuit
Rogerum Boyle, armigerum, matrem ibidem generosam Joanam
Nayleram e solo Cantiano profectam, cum duas sibi inviceni
junxisset uxores, primam Joanam filiam et coheeredem Gulielmi
Appesly, armlgeri, nulla superstite prole ; alteram preclare
fecundam Catherinam natam domini Galfridi Fentoni equitis,
regii.e majestati hoc regno a secretis, postquam varies pro re-
publica cepisset labores, nee immeritos honores conscendisset,
ipse jam septuaginta septem annos natus, ac mortem indies
imminentem expectans, sibi et posteris suis hoc posuit monu-
mentum sacrum memoriae.
Ipse de se.
Sic posui tumulum, superest intendere votis,
Parce anima3, carnem solvito, Christe veni."
Beneath this are the following, viz.
" Hie jacet corpus reverendi patris Johannis Boyle, sacraj
theologice doctoris, episcopi Corcagiensis, Clonensis et Rossen-
sis, ac fratris inajoiis natu Richardi Comitis Corcagiae, qui obiit
decinio die Julii anno Dom. 1620, a3tatis suae 57."
" Hie ctiam jacent sepultse Elizabetha et Maria Boyle,
liJEe llicliardi Smith, militis, ilia Pierceii Power, arniigeri,
uxor, ambjfi sorores predicti Richardi domini Boyle Corcagise
" Hie jacet prjenobilis David dominus Barry, procomes
Buttevant, primus Comes Barrymore, commissione regia pro
gubernatione Momonias primo designatus, haeros princlpi et
coronae Anglieanae fidelissimus, de republica durante Hiber-
nicarum rebellione optime merens, vereeque Christianae religio-
nis cultor praecipuus, qui obiit 29 die Septembris 1642, annoque
astatis suae 38."
This monument is guarded by an iron railing painted red ; at
each end of which are escucheons formed of iron plates, and
painted with the arms of Boyle impaled with Appesly and Fen-
ton respectively, and in the centre a lozenge (doubtless) for his
mother, viz. Quarterly, 1st. Ermine, a cock gules and chief azure;
2nd, Argent, three horses passant sable.
This beautiful and superb monument, which had been rapidly
falling to decay, has been recently restored in the most perfect
manner by order of Francis E. Currey, Esq. the Duke of Devon-
shire's agent in Ireland, and under the superintendence of the
Rev. P. M. Drew. Since the restoration of this chancel, the
effigies of a nobleman and his wife, supposed to be the Earl and
Countess of Desmond, in the costume of the 13th century, have
been deposited within it. Where these originally lay, is not
On the next wall in this chapel is a beautiful tablet of white
Italian marble in the shape of an escucheon, to the memory of
the famous Lord Broghill, the first Earl of Orrery, third son of
the Earl of Cork :
" Memorise Sacrum
Rogeri Boyle, primi Comitis
de Orrery, et Baronis
de Brohill,
Qui dum vixit multis pariter et summis
Honoribus et Officiis fungebatur ;
Mortuus vero summo cum viventiuin luctu
obiit decimo sexto
die Octobris Anno Domini 1679,
annoque aetatis suae 59 ;
De quo non hie plura requirat lector,
quoniam omnia de ingenio et moribus
vel ex fama,
vel ex operibus, dignoscere possit."
Near the wall, immediately opposite to the Earl ot" Cork's
monument, is a plain flat stone with the following inscription :
" Here lies the body of Sir Edward Villieks, who dyed
Lord President of Munster, anno Dom. 16 — ."
Then follows this additional inscription, in a kind of running
hand, and most probably written at an after period :
" Munster may curse the time that Villiers came.
To make us worse, by leaving such a name
Of noble parts, as none can imitate,
But those whose hearts are married to the state ;
But if they press to imitate his fame his fame,
Munster may bless the time that Villiers came."
This Sir Edward Villiers was ancestor to the Earls of Gran-
dison of Dromana, co. Waterford ; which title is now extinct in
that family, who nevertheless are at present represented by Lord
Stuart de Decies of Dromana. He was also ancestor of the
Earls of Jersey.
In the same chapel there is also a large altar tomb, on which
lie the effigies of a man and his wife, cut rudely in limestone,
and apparently in the costume of the period of Queen Mary ;
the man wears a small ruff, and a civic gown. On the stone,
supporting their feet^ is the following inscription :
" Here lyeth the bodies of Richard Bennet and Ellis
Barry his wife, the first foundress of this chapel, which, being
demolished in time of rebellion and their tomb defaced, was
re-edified by Richard Lord Boyle, Baron of Youghal, who, for
reviving the memory of them, repaired this tomb, and had their
effigies cut in stone placed thereon, Anno Domini 16 J 9."
We next pass to the nave of the church, at the extreme end
of which, immediately before the communion table, on a plain
flat stone, is the following inscription :
" Here lieth the body of John Fitz-Gerald, of the Decies,
who departed this life the 1st of March, An. Dom. 1664. Also,
here lieth the body of Katherine his wife, daughter of the
Lord John Power, Baron of Curroghmore, who departed this
life 22ik1 of August, An. Dom. 1660, who were removed by the
Earl of Grandison, their grandson, to this vault, in the year
1736. And here also are interred his two daughters, the Ladies
Anne and Katherine Villiers. Also his son the Right Hon.
William Lord Villiers, who dyed the 16th day of December
The last Earl of Grandison of the Vilhers family and his
Countess were interred in this vault, thoutjh no inscription
mentions it. The vault was explored not long ago, the open-
ing of it having become necessary in consequence of alterations
in the church, and the Earl's coffin, with a richly gilt coronet at
its head, and all its other varied ornaments, were found in a per-
fect state.
On the wall, at the right-hand side of the communion table,
there is a very handsome monument of white Italian marble,
with this inscription :
" Sacred to the memory of
Grice Smyth, Esq.
of Ballinatre, in the county of Waterford,
who, after having endured
a most painful illness for ten years,
with perfect resignation to the will of God,
departed this life in the city of Limerick,
on the 1st day of January, An. Dom. 1816,
in the 51st year of his age.
His remains are deposited near this place,
in the same tomb
with those of his ancestors,^ the Earls of Cork and Burlington.
As a brother, husband, parent, friend,
he was most affectionate, generous, and sincere.
This monument is erected to his memory
by his widow,
Mary Broderick Smyth,
daughter to the late Henry Mitchell, Esq.
of Mitchell's fort,
in testimony of her esteem and love."
" As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten ; be zealous there-
fore and repent." Rev. iii chap. 19 ver.
'^ The Earls of Cork and Burlington can hardly be considered ancestors of the
Smyth family. See the relationship specified on Lord Cork's momimeiit.
On this monument there is the figure of a female weeping
over an urn, extremely well executed, and at the top, the armo-
rial bearings of the family, carved in marble and coloured, viz.
1 and 4, Argent, on a bend azure' three mascles or, between
two unicorn's heads erased sable, for Smyth. 2nd, Quar-
terly gules and azure, on a bend argent three boars courant
sable. 3rd, Argent, a chevron between three bucks passant
sable. On an escucheon of pretence, Sable, on a fess between
three mascles or three trefoils of the first. Crest : out of a ducal
coronet. Gules, a demi-bull salient argent, armed or. Motto,
" Cum plena magis."
On the wall immediately opposite is a tablet of white marble,
with the following inscription :
" Sacrum Memorise
JoHANNis SwAYNE, armigeri,
Regal is fisci Corcagia^
Obiit die nono Augt Anno Dom. 1813,
Anno a^tatis 70,
apud suum villam Lota Park,
in hac provincia.
Fide incorrupta in officiis omnibus
quibus functus erat,
summam laudem consecutus est ;
atque eximiaanimi charitate,
et benevolentia domestica,
familise ejus et amicorum
summum verissimumque
sibi paravit.
Salvatoris solius meritis confisus
Underneath an escucheon, a chevron between two pheons in
chief, and a lion passant in base. Crest : a coronet supporting a
pheon. Motto, " L'Amour et Loyaute."
On the same side of the church is another tablet of white
marble, and a female head in relief over it, with the following
inscription :
" In the fimiily vault
near this place, lie interred
the remains of Elizabeth Hayman,
daughter of the late Rev. Atkin Hayman,
who departed this Hfe
on the 29th day of January 1790.
Samuel Hayman erected this monument
as a last tribute of affection
to a sister
who was beloved and is regretted by all who knew her.
" Lo ! soft Remembrance drops a pious tear ;
And holy Friendship sits a mourner here."
A little further on, there is another large tablet of plain white
marble, with this inscription, viz.
" In the cemetery of Kilnerath,
among the ashes of her parents and relatives,
are deposited the remains of
Eliza, daughter of Henry White, Esq. of Newross,
and wife of Walter Atkin Hayman, Esq.
of Youghal.
She died at Carmarthen, South Wales,
on her return from the
Hot Wells,
August 22nd 1800, aged 34.
This tablet was erected to remind thee,
that, although neither filial piety,
conjugal affection, correct conduct, nor sincere religion,
can arrest the stroke of death ;
yet a life like hers,]
employed in every Christian excellence,
holds forth a bright example,
supplies fortitude,
confirms the hope of immortality,
and disarms death of its terror.'^
At the top, an escutcheon of white marble, bearing a chevron
charged with three cinquefoils between three martlets. (The
colours not defined.)
There are also two more tablets of white marble in this part
of the church, which have been very recently fixed there. One
to the memory of Thomas John, of Youghal, merchant, who
died 25th April 1837, in his 84th year; the other to the memory
of John Iiiwin, M.D. who died 4th July 1843, in his 38th year.
On the flag stones in the centre aisle may be read the follow-
ing inscriptions, viz.
*' Here lieth the body of Robert Benger, who departed this
life January 10th 1761, aged 51. Also the bodies of his father,
mother, and brother."
** Here lies the body of James Sprat, M.D., not more dis-
tinguished for his skill than probity in his profession ; a tender,
humane, honest physician, who departed this life 31st day of May,
in the year of our Lord 1766, and in the 51st year of his age."
" Here lieth the body of the Rev. Nathaniel France,
Chaunter of the Cathedral of Cloyne, and Curate assistant of
Youghal for nearly 10 years. Died July 1st 1770, aged 72."
" Here lieth the body of Peter Goodwin, Burgess of Youg-
hal, who died 28 Sept. 1660."
On a stone tablet near the font is this inscription : "^' Here
lie the remains of Alderman John Mills, and his children."
At the foot of the stairs leading to the north gallery, " Ro-
bert Ball, Alderman, departed this life 1 1th January 1724.
His son Henry, Alderman, died 2nd June 1741, aged 56."
In the centre of the great middle aisle are the following in-
scriptions :
" Elizabeth Giles, wife of John Luther, died the 4th day
of December 1661. Alderman Luther ^ died 18th of Decem-
ber 1697, aged 74."
" Richard Giles, ^ several times Mayor of the town, and
nephew of the above Elizabeth, departed this life in 1 727."
On some oak panels, which now form the back of a seat near
the passage leading to the north back aisle, is the following in-
scription :
" A burial for Christas
Hartford here is made.
Where he and his intend
For to be laid."
At the top are painted the royal arms, indicating that Hart-
ford was once Mayor of Youghal, which was the case in the
year 1618. Immediately under is an escucheon. Gules, on a
fess or, three trefoils sable. Crest, a leopard passant, armed,
<= According to the list of Mayors in the History of Youghal, by Thomas Lord,
John Luther was Mayor in the year 1666.
" Richard Giles was Mayor of Youghal in 1664, 1687, and in 1692.
chained, and collared, holding a trefoil in his dexter paw. This
is for Hartford. On the right with this coat is impaled, Azure,
a chevron or, between two fleurs-de-lis in chief, and a lion ram-
pant in base, argent. On the left is also impaled with Hartford,
Argent, three roses, two and one. These arms no doubt be-
longed to C. Hartford's wives.
On a wooden tablet on the wall of the north chapel, now
forming the vestry-room, is the following inscription :
" The Jones family.
" Near this spot lie the remains of Edward Jones, son of
the Rev. Matthew Jones, Archdeacon of Lismore, and grandson
of Edward Jones, Bishop of Cloyne. Also the remains of Mat-
thew Jones, collector of Youghal, son of the above Edward
Jones, father to Melina Hayman. The other relatives of Ed-
ward Jones are also interred in the same place."
Near this there are also other wooden tablets commemoratinfj
the charitable bequests of a few individuals to the poor of Youg-
hal, viz.
"John Perry, Esq. who died October 29, 1712, bequeathed
the interest of 300/. to be distributed to the poor at the church
door every 29 day of May." On this tablet there is an escucheon,
viz. Gules, three pears proper, on a chief argent a demi-leopard
Another benefactor to the poor was a Mr. Spencer, who
died in 1696; his armorial bearings are. Argent, a fess between
three lions rampant gules.
Also Mr. John Re a, who bequeathed the interest of 100/.
Two of his lineal descendants received some of it, together with
the other Protestant poor of the parish, at the last distribution.
" Thomas Cozens, Esq. of Young Grove, in the county of
Cork, left 17/. 3.9. Sd. to be distributed annually. He died 27
Nov. 1783.
" Alderman Thomas Croker, who died 4th of January 1718,
aged 66, left 4/. per ann. to the poor of the corporation, to be
distributed every St. Thomas's day.'^
On a flag stone, immediately near the baptismal font (which is
very ancient, of carved stone, with a curiously carved wooden
cover) there is this inscription : " Here lieth the bodies of Mary,
wife of Alderman Gregory Salter, who died 1.5 Sept. 1733,
aged 76 : also of her daughters Allice and Hannah, and Re-
BFXCA Croker. Also Alderman Gregory Salter, who died
Sth May 1750."
Near this, on another flag-stone :
« Sarah Giles, 1708."
We nov/ pass into the Vestry-room, formed out of part of the
north chapel, and which contains some monuments.
There is a large and rudely carved tombstone fastened in the
wall, with this date " 1557;" it formerly covered the tomb of
the Uniacke family near this spot ; the characters are illegible.
There is a large and rudely formed monument to the Mead
i'amily here. They seem to have been nearly connected with
the Uniackes, a very ancient family in this neighbourhood, ori-
ginally called Fitz-Gerald ; but one of them undertaking an
enterprise that no one else would dare, he was afterwards called
the Unus, or only one; and so the name Uniacke, as I have
been informed. Uniacke is the Irish formation of Unus, as I
have seen it spelled Uniagh.
The inscription on this tomb is,
" D. O. M.
Domino Petro Miagh,
Civi Consuli Praetori Yocholensi, justiciee cullori, pietatis
amatori, publicae ntilitatis zelatori, marito suo nnice dilecto uxor
Philisia Nagle mojsta posuit sumptibus viri, e
Petra tegit Petri cineres, animam Petra Christi,
Sic tibi divisit utraque Petra Petrum.
Yixit an. xliii. vita functus viii. cal. August, mdcxxxiii.'^
On the top is written,
" Underneath is the burying place of the family of Mount
Uniack. 1761."
On an escucheon of white marble, a chevron between three
trefoils. Crest, an eagle displayed, with two heads.
On a tablet of white marble there is this inscription :
" Sacred to the memory
of Helena Uniacke, wife of
Richard Uniacke,
who departed this life the 15th day of September 1779,-
in the 35th vear of her age.
Her husband has lost a faithful affectionate wife,
» So the original, but ou, suis .'—Edit,
her chiklren an attentive tender mother,
and by her friends she is sincerely lamented."
On another similar tablet :
" Sacred
to the memory of
John Uniacke, of Cottage, Esq. who
departed this life 9th September 1793,
aged 77.
He was a friend to the poor and the oppressed."
In a small chamber, inside the vestry-room, near the north
wall, is a large altar-tomb with this inscription round the margin :
" Here lieth the body of Thomas Houldshipp, sometimes
Mayor of Youghal, who dyed 23rd of March 1642."
On the centre of the same stone :
" Here lies the body of Thomas Shepard, who died October
14th 1713."
On an escucheon of red marble, three lions passant. Crest,
a demi-lion rampant. Mayor of Youghal in 1621.
In the chancel or choir at the right side of the altar, is a very
ancient tomb in a niche with a pointed arch, all sides of which
are richly ornamented with elaborately carved stone. It is very
probable that this recess contained an effigy, but at present no-
thino- indicates the person thus honoured, except a very brief
inscription :
" Hie jacet Thomas Fleming."
The Hayman, Giles, and Parker families have their places of
interment within this choir.
On a stone over the last is this inscription : " Here lies the
body of Lieut.-Colonel Richard Parker, who died Nov. 25th
1786, aged 62."
Immediately under the beautiful east window, on the outside,
is an erect tombstone fastened to the wall, with this inscription :
" Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth, youngest daughter of
Colonel Adrian Scrope, ofWarmsley, in the county of Ox-
ford, widow of Jonathan Blagrave, D.D. of Longworth, in the
county of Berks. Born in the year 1655, aged 83 years."
Colonel Adrian Scrope was one of the Regicides, and exe-
cuted, together with Colonel Thomas Scot, 17th of Oct. 1660.
Colonel Thomas Scot desired that it might be written on his
tomb-Stone, '' Here lies Thomas Scot, who adjudged to death
the late King." His daughter Mary was married to Quintin
Osborne, Esq. M.D. ; their son was Quintin Osborne, Esq. whose
daughter Ehzabeth married Charles Seward, Esq. One of the
daughters of this union, Martha Seward, married Thomas Oliver,
Esq., and their only daughter and heir married the Rev. Pierce
William Drew.
On an old stone in the churchyard the following words are
barely legible : " Here lie the bodies of my 2 grandmothers,
maiden names. Fox and Chubb."
The churciiyard is very extensive, occupying a considerable
portion of the hill immediately over the town. It is well planted,
judiciously intersected by walks, and nearly surrounded by the
ancient walls of the town : nothing of the kind can be more
picturesque and beautiful.
The next object worthy of attention in Youghal, is the house
commonly denominated the College, at present in possession of
the Duke of Devonshire.
This establishment was founded the 2Tth of December 1464
by Thomas Earl of Desmond. The community at first consisted
of a warden, eight fellows, and eight singing men, who lived in a
collegiate manner, having a common table, &,c. The whole
donation was originally worth 600/. per ann. and the house was
afterwards endowed with a number of parsonages and vicarao-es.
The last person who held the wardenship on the ancient terms
was Dr. Meredith Hanmer. It then became vested or merged
in the bishopric of Cork and Cloyne, in the person of Dr.
Richard Boyle. The house and grounds attached, which are very
beautiful, and peculiarly interesting from their past associations
and history, became the property of Sir Walter Raleio-h, then
of Mr. Jones, next of Sir George Carew, Lord President of Mun-
ster, who sold it to Sir Richard Boyle, afterwards Earl of Cork, who
alludes to this house in one of his papers, in the followino- terms,
viz. " My second son Richard was born at the College of Youg-
hal, the 20th of October 1612. The Earl of Thomond, Sir
Richard Aldworth, f and Mr. Thomas Ball, of London, were his
f Sir Richard Aldworth was lineal ancestor of the Rev. John Aldworth the pre-
sent Rector of the parish of Youghal, second son of the late Robert Rogers Aid-
worth, Esq. of Newmarket House, co. Cork.
godfathers, and Lady Anne Parsons godmother. God grant he
may serve and I'ear him religiously, and be a faithful subject and
servant to the King's Majesty and his heirs, and live many years
full of good works and of virtuous children, and be a worthy
pillar and patriot in this kingdom. He being Viscount Dun-
garvan, was knighted in my house at Youghal, 13th August 1624,
by the Lord Faulkland, Deputy General of Ireland. And my
said son departed Dublin, to begin his travels into foreign king-
doms, the 4th June 1632, I allowing him one thousand pounds
a year in his travels." The College, which is a fine house, flanked
by two handsome towers, is the property of his Grace the Duke
of Devonshire, having, with Lismore Castle and a large estate
in Ireland, passed with the heiress of the Boyles into the Caven-
dish family.
Another object worthy of antiquarian notice in Youghal, is
the warden's house, now called Myrtle Grove, from the number,
size, and luxuriance of the myrtle-trees, which have flourished
within its precincts for ages back, but which, alas ! have been
greatly injured by the late occupier. This house resembles
closely some of the ancient manor or parsonage houses in Eng-
land ; but is greatly disfigured by modern alterations. The
walls are four feet in width, and the chimnies very lofty ; the
oreater part of the house is paneled with black oak ; but in the
drawing-room particularly the oak is better preserved, and the
carving of the mantelpiece is extremely handsome. Sir Walter
Raleio-li owned this house also, and is said to have resided in it
while mayor of Youghal in the year 1588. In the gardens are
four yew-trees, said to have been planted by Sir Walter ; they
are very lofty, and form a square with a complete canopy at the
top. Here also potatoes, originally brought from Virginia, were
first planted in Ireland. It is said that the person who had first
carelessly put them into the ground, tried the apples which he
saw on the stock in the first instance, and finding their taste dis-
agreeable, he disregarded them for an entire year, after which
they were discovered greatly increased. It is moi*e probable that
Sir Walter Raleigh, who really had imported them from Vir-
o-inia, planted them in these gardens, and shewed the right use
of them. After which they circulated over Ireland, and we can-
not say to the advantage of that unfortunate country.
In the days of witchcraft, Youghal had its witch in the
person of Florence Newton. (Sec her trial in Glanvil, p. 313.)
Also the celebrated Valentine Greatrakes performed many of
his cures liere. (See Granger.) Valentine was ancestor of
the families of Drew and Power (as noticed in the next page.)
P. W. D.
TiiK Stivji of tills ancient family, as Prince in liis AVortliics of Devon
expresses himself, was Drogo or Dru, who, as Lysons in his Britannia
informs ns, was a noble Norman, son of Walter de Ponz, third son of
Richard Duke of Normandy, grandfather of tlie Conqueror, (see
Barony of Clifford in Debrett's Peerage,) and brother of Richard
ancestor of the Chftbrds, and had seventy-three manors in Devon
at tlie time of the Domesday Survey. See the Domesday Book. His
grandson Drogo de Tign was lord of Tignton Drew in Devon in the
reign of Henry II. and, as Sir William Pole states, "both gave name and
took name from that manor." " By time's continuance," Risdon says,
" this name was mollified into Drew." and it has flourished with oreat
reputation in the county of Devon from the Norman Conquest to tlje
present time. Camden derives it thus : " Dru, in Latine Druoo or
Drogo, subtile, as callidus in Latine, if it come from the Saxon or Ger-
man ; but if it come from the French, lively and lusty (Nicotius)." See
Camden's Remains. Prince gives a curious deed dated 4th year of Ed-
ward IV. by which it was provided that the rents of certain messuages
uearModbury be applied towards maintaining an honest chaplain to pray
for the souls of John Drew, Esq. and Joan his wife, Henry Drew, Esq. and
his three wives. Sir Richard Champernon, Sir Thomas Carew, and otliers.
The branch in Ireland derive descent through the Pomoroys from the
De Mules, De Camvilles, De Valletorts, De Vcrnons, De Veres, De Vi-
treis, up to a daughter of Henry I. King of England.
Francis Drew, Esq. second son of John Drew, Esq. of Drewscliff,
Hayne, and Sharpham, In Devon, the first who settled in Ireland, came
thither a young man, a Captain in Queen Elizabeth's army, and towards
the close of her reign. He purchased the estate of Meanus, in the
county of Kerry, in the year 1 633, having previously resided at Kil-
winny in the county of \^'aterford. " Together with all others of Eng-
lish blood," as the ancient Memorial says, " he was expelled from
Kerry by the Irish rebels in the bloody year lG-11, and his title deeds
seized by a notorious Irish insurgent, one Cahir Teige O'Connor."
Soon after this he died. His second wife was Susanna Knowle of
Youghal in the county of Cork, afterward married to Colonel John
Johnson ; her sister Margaret was married to Lieutenant Thomas Maun-
sell, who defended the Castle of Mocollup, in the county of Waterford,
in the most gallant manner against Cromwell's forces in 1650, and who
was afterwards interred within the old church immediately near, where
his tomb remained until the church was taken down about the beginning
of the present century. The inscription, however, had been previously
committed to a paper, still preserved, by Mrs. Drew of Mocollup castle.
The following is an accurate copy :
" Here lyeth the body of Livetenant Thom's Maunsell, who departed
this life the 13th day of March, an. Dom. 1686. Here lyeth also the
body of Mrs. Marg'tt Maunsell his wife, who departed this life the 2nd
day of February, anno Dom. 1679."
This Francis's eldest son, John, married Margaret eldest daughter of
the Very Rev, Robert Naylor, Dean of Limerick. An old original paper
still extant, states that John and Robert Naylor, the uncles of Richard
Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, followed him over to Ireland. They were
the brothers of Joan the Earl's mother. The Earl of Cork gave his
cousin Margaret Naylor in marriage to John Drew, Esq. with an addi-
tional fortune, and was a party to the settlement, as appears from the
deed still extant.
Francis's second son, Barry, the first of the Drewscourt family
in the county of Limerick, married first, a daughter of Sir Francis
Foulkes, Knt. of Camphire, county of Waterford ; and secondly, Ruth
Nettles, of Tourine, daughter of William Nettles, Esq. by Mary,
sister of the celebrated Valentine Greatrakes, Esq. of Affane Castle, in
the same county. Valentine Greatrakes was one of the most remark-
able men of his age. He possessed the extraordinary power of curing
diseases by simply stroking the parts affected, with his hand, Robert
Boyle, the great Christian philosopher, frequently bore witness to the
fact. His own Ufe, written by himself, and printed in 1G6G, is still
extant, and seems to have been written with truth and candour. His
memory is still (juite fresh in the county of Waterford. (See an account
of him in Granger.) Tlie Nettles family got possession of Tourine Castle
on the forfeiture of the Lord Roche after 1641.
The just mentioned Barry Drew, Esq. was receiver to the estates of
the second Earl of Cork, and, together with Sir Francis Foulkes, Knt.
and Richard Musgrave, Esq. was Commissioner for the restoration of
these estates after the Revolution. His house of Ballyduff, in county
of Waterford, still stands, a complete and beautiful specimen of the
strong castellated houses generally erected in Ireland towards the close
of Elizabeth's reign, and all through that of James and Charles follow-
ing. It has stone casemented windows, flanking towers loopholed from
top to bottom, a court-yard elaborately paved, and surrounded with a
parapet wall loopholed along its whole range.
Francis Drew, Esq. the second of that Christian name in the Irish
line, and the son of John and Margaret, suftered great losses during the
war previous to the Revolution. His place at Kilwinny, co. Waterford,
was completely laid waste by King James's army, and the house, with a
great deal of property, utterly burnt and destroyed. He served as volun-
teer in King William's army at the battle of Aughrim, and also at the
sieges of Athlone, Galway, and Limerick. He was a most devoted
Protestant, as several letters of his still extant prove : and his remains
were interred under his own seat in the church of Castle Island, co.
Kerry. His wife was Rebecca Pomeroy, a descendant of Joel de la
Pomerai, lord of Biry or Berry in Devon, who married a daughter of
King Henry the First, and sister of Reginald Earl of Cornwall. The
Pomeroys married into the knightly families of De Mules, De Camville,
De Vere, De Vernon, De Vallctort, &c. &c. (See Sir Wm. Pole.)
Rebecca Drew outlived her husband many years, and with wonderful
resolution protected herself at Mocollup Castle though surrounded by
Irish enemies. She could use guns and pistols as dexterously as any
person, and always kept them loaded in her bedroom. Her powder-
horn was extant a few years ago. She told James the Second's Lord
Chancellor in his own court, that " if she had him at Mocollup Castle she
would have him cased like a rabbit."
Francis and Rebecca had but one child, Margaret, who married her
cousin John Drew, Esq. second son of the before-mentioned Barry Drew,
of Ballyduff, co. Waterford, and of Drewscourt, co. Limerick, This
John Drew, Esq. was a gentleman of peculiar intelligence and activity
of character and disposition^ which enabled him to add considerably to
his estates and property. " Having disarmed his opponent of his sword
in a duel, he gave him his life."
He had several sons, all of whom died unmarried except the eldest^
Francis Drew, Esq. M.D.
P 2
This gentleman studied physic at Leyden in 1743, He was very
learned and talented, and ecjually distinguished for his amiability and
goodness. He lived in great hospitality at Mocollup Castle for a great
number of years, and died lamented and respected by all who knew him.
He had married Arabella, eldest daughter and coheir of Colonel William
Godfreys of Bushfield (now Kilcolemau Abbey),co.Kerry, by Elizabeth,
eldest daughter and coheir of the Ilev. Richard Downing, of Knock-
graffon, co. Tipperary.
This Lady's pedigree (in poetry) is still extant, a great curiosity,
and derives her from Fiachra, King of Munster, M'Carthymore, the
great houses of Thomond and Ormond, Sir Valentine Brown, of Ross,
CO, Kerry, ancestor of the Earls of Kenmare, and other distinguished
persons. Through Pierce, 8th Earl of Ormond, she has a direct descent
from King Edward the First,
John Drew, Esq, eldest son of the last mentioned Francis, was a gen-
tleman of wit and talent, and peculiar amiability. He married Alicia,
eldest daughter of Pierce Power, Esq, of Afiane, co, AVaterford, a de-
scendant of the very ancient baronial house of Power or De la Poer,
now represented by the Marquess of VVaterford. Alicia's sister, Catha-
rine, married Sir Christopher Musgrave, Bart.
A great collection of most rare and curious family papers and docu-
ments are in the possession of the Rev. Pierce William Drew, of the
Strand House, Youghal ; where also may be seen many portraits of
members of the Drev\', Naylor, Boyle, Godfrey, and Power, families,
one of Valentine Greatrakes, and of several other distinguished persons.
Also several fine suits of armour in the best preservation, and richly
ornamented weapons of almost every period in our history.
This family in general, by the heiress of Prideaux and through the
Mortimers Earls of March, derive descent from Henry H. Llevvelyn
Prince of Wales, the King of Leinster, Earl Strongbow, the Bigods, De
Lacles, Montacutes, &c. &c.
® Colonel Godfrey having left no male issue, was succeeded at Bushfield l)y his
brother John, who was father of Sir William Godfrey, 1st Bart, of that family.
The arms of Drew of Drewscliff, Hayne, and Sharpham, in Devon ; of Meanus in the
county of Kerry ; Mocollup Castle in the county of Waterford ; and of Drewscourt in
the county of Limerick, in Ireland.
Ermine, a lion passant gules, langued and armed sable. Crest, a bull's head sable,
with three wheatears in its mouth or.
Motto, " Drogo nomen et virtus arma dedit."
Quarterings: Orchartou, Treverbyn, Clifford, Adeston, De Goneton, Wynyard, French,
Prideaux, Bokeyt, Le Baron, Fokeray, Huckmore, Worsford, Pomeroy, Godfrey, Lowther,
Robertus French de Horneford,T=Matilda, filia et haeres Roberti Wynyard
in comitatu Devon. | de Harcomb, in com. Devon.
Johannes Prydeaux de Adeston,T=Agnes, filia et haeres Roberti French
in comitatu Devon. | de Horneford.
. ■— <
Willelmus Drew de Sharpham, in-pJoanna, filia et haeres Joannis Prideaux
com. Devon, Armiger. | de Adeston, Armiger.
, I .
Willelmus Drew, -
Armiger, de Sharp-
ham, et de Drews-
cliff et Hayne, filius
primogenitus et
Henricus Drew, -p. . . .
Ar. de DrewscUfl' |
et Hayne.
•Joanna, filia
et hceres Mat-
tha;i Wors-
ford, Armigeri.
Drew, Arm.
filius secun-
Drew, Arm.
de Kenn, in
com. Devon,
ter. filius.
Johannes, de Gray's Inn, com. IVIidd.
Ar. filius primogenitus.
^Agnes, fil. Watkin
Yorke, Ar.
Willelmus D.=F.
Ar. de Drews-
Maria, fil. Emmanuel Drew,-
de St. Leonard's
Ar. fil. primoge-
nitus et hteres.
-Anna, fil. Ro-
berti Dillon,
de Chimwell,
in com. Devon,
Drew, filius
— m
2. EUi-
3. An-
Thomas Drew,
Arm. de Drews-
cliff et Hayne.
•Eleonora, fil. et co-
hares Willelmi
Huckmore, fil. se-
cundaRogeri Huck-
more de Buchite,
Thomas Drew,-pSusanna, fil. et
de St, Leon-
ard's, filius
et haeres.
cohteres Joannis
Ganerick de
Forde, in com.
Devon, Ar.
Elizabetha D.
nupta Georgio
Drake de Lit-
tleham, Ar. in
com. Devon.
Ricardus Drew,^
Ar. de Drewscliff
et Hayne, in
Edwardus Drew,:
de Killerton, Ar.
ob. 16'23 et se-
pultus in Broad-
Bridgeta, fil.
liams de Lin-
de civitate Ex-
onia in com.
Devon fil. et
Joannes ■
clifF et
de Ive
Tliomas -
Drew, de
Miles, ob.
-Elizabetha, fil.
Edwardi Moofe,
Militis, de Odi-
ham, in com.
ob. lti3.S.
Henricus Drew,
fil. et haeres, aet.
8 annorum tem-
j)ore Visitationis
^Dorothea fil.
Petri Walcot
de civitate Ex-
onia in com.
Devon, Armi.
Thomas, filius
Georgius, ter-
Susanna, filia
Inde secjuuutur Drui de Grange.
Ricardus Drew, Ar. fil. i)ri- Filia
mogenitus, de DrewscliH", Hart, Ar. dc
mar. Matilda, fil. et liiures comitatu Li-
Johannis Farrdc Asliburton, merick, sine
in com. Devon. prole.
=2. Franciscus Drew, Ar.^^Susannn, filia Leo-
qui primus in Hiber-
niam vcnit. De Kilwin-
ny, in com. Corcaditc,
et de Moaiuis in com.
Kerry, ob. 1041.
nardi Knowle de
Ballygally, iu cC
Waterfoid, ob.
23 Mar. 1664.
Joannes Drew, ^Margarita, fil. pre- Filia Francisci=Barry Drew, de^Ruth, fil.Willel-
Ar. de Kihvinny
et de Meanus,
nupt. 21 Mar.
1659, ob. 30 Mai
revereudi Robert!
Naylor, fratris
Joannse matris Ri-
cardi primi comitis
Foulkes de
Campliire, in
com. Water-
ford, Militis.
Ballyduff, in co.
Waterford et de
Drewscourt, in
com. Limerick,
ob. 1G95.
mi Nettles dc
Touriue, Ar. et
Maritie sororis
rakes, Arm.
Franciscus Drew, Ar.=pRebecca, fil, Samu-
de Kilwinny, et de
Meanus et Mocollop
Castella, nupt. 20
Dec. 1695, ob. 2
Sept. 1734.
elis Pomeroy, de
Pallice in comi,
Corcadise, Arm.
Franciscus Drew,
de Drewscourt,
Arm. nupt. 8 Jan.
1716. Test, fecit
16 Oct. 1751.
-Margarita, fil. se-
cunda et cohferes
Johannis Ringrose,
de Moynoe, com.
Limerick, Ar.
Margarita, de^Joannes Drew, Ar, secundus
Kilwinny et
Meanus, sola
filia et hseres,
nupt. 8 Jan.
filius predicti Barry, et de
Ballyduff et de Castella
Mocollop, in com. Water-
ford. Testamen. fecit 24 die
Octo. 1747.
1. Franciscus Drew, de
Drewscourt, Arm. Ob,
1759, s. p. ; mar.
Susanna fil. pri. Joannis
Burke, de Drumsally,
com. Limerick, Arm.
2. Joannes Drew
de Drewscourt,
Arm. s. p. mar.
Filia God-
frey, Arm. com.
3. Barry Drew,:
de Drewscourt,
Ar. Test, fecit
18 Junii 1782.
:Maria, fil. Odell
Connyers, de Cas-
tletown Connyers,
com. Limerick.
4. Ringrose Drew,-f-Jane, sola fil.
de Skally, com.
Clare, Ar. Test. fe.
12 April 1785.
Franciscus Drew,:
Doctor Medicinte,
dc Ballyduff, de
Meanus, de Rock-
field et de Castella
Mocollup, nupt.
9 Jan. 1752, ob.
3 Sep. 1787, setat.
suEe 79.
-Arabella, fil. et
cohseres Willelmi
Godfrey, Arm.de
Kilcoleman, in
com. Kerry, ob.
Jan. 3, 1804, at.
suae 69.
Franciscus Drew, de
Drewscourt, Ar. s.
p. mar. Sarab, fil. et
cohser. Lloyd Laug-
ford de Tullaliagh,
com. Limerick.
Margarita, de Drews-
court, hseres fratris,
s. p. superstes, mar.
Johanni Cuff Kelly,
Franciscus -
Drew, de
rough, com.
Clare, Ar.
nupt. 1782,
de Kiltannau,
com, Clare.
^pFrances, fil.
Odell, de
com. Lime-
1. John D.=Alicia, eld.
Esq. of Me-
anus, Rock-
field & Frog-
more, in CO.
Cork, the
eldest son.
dau. of
Power, Esq.
of Affane,
CO. Water-
ford, died G
Dec. 1841.
2. Francis
Drew, Esq.
of Mocollup
Castle, mar.
Emilia, dau.
of — Boyd,
Esq. =p
^ r-r-T—r~r-r-Ti—r-T-
1. Francis D. 2. Tanker-
Esq. of Mo- ville.
coUup Castle, 3. Lucy,
marr. Olivia, 4. John,
dau.of— Ross, S.Barry.
Esq. relict of 6, Arabella.
— EvanSjEsq. 7. Emilia.
=T= 8. Henry,
9. Samuel.
10. James.
3. Barry D.
Esq. of
Flower hill,
CO. Water-
ford, marr.
JuUa, dau.of
Rev. James
Hewson. =p
Pascal Paoli Ringrose -pAlice,
D. ofRock- Drew, of
ville, CO. Drewsbo-
Cork, M.D. rough,
marr. Eliza- married
beth, dau. of Nov.
James Char- 1803; d.
ters, Esq.=p 1834,
dau. of
ton, Esq.
Barry Drew,
Esq. of Flower
hill, marr. 30
Aug. 1842,
Jane, dau. of
Arthur Baker,
Esq. of Bal-
lieary House,
CO. Dublin.
William, dead.
Francis, M.D.
Edward, M.D,
Pascal Paoli.
Francis D. =The Hon.
of Drews- Everina
CO. Clare,
married 17
July 1833,
has three
Massy, sis-
ter of the
late and
aunt of the
Francis, only son.
Officer in 2nd Dra-
goons, or Scots
Greys, died s. \k
Olivia, only daugh-=^Jamcs Barry, Esq.
ter and heir ; the of Hallydough, in
present proprietor co. Cork,
of Mocollop Castle.
1. Francis D.-pJane,dau. 2. John Drew,-pllele- 1st. Mary ,-p3. Rev. Samucl-
Esq. of Mea-
nus, and of
Frograore ;
eldest son.
Nupt. 10 Aug.
of Thos.
Esq. of
nis, CO.
Esi(. '2nd son
of JohnD. esq.
and Alicia his
wife, of Rock-
field, in CO.
na,dau. dau. of
of John Colonel
Elmore Foot, of
Esq. Millfort,
r I I II I
Browning D.
ofListry.in co.
Kerry, .'ird son
of John Drew
and Alicia his
-Anne, d.
of Ric'd.
end Her-
bert, Esq.
of Caher-
nane, co.
Drew, offi-
cer in the
14th regi-
ment of
4. The Rev. ^Elizabeth,
Fierce Wni.
Drew, of the
Strand House,
sole dau. of
Thos. Oliver,
Esq. of Cork.
Two daughters
surviving :
1. Arabella, and
2. Alicia.
Henry Brougham Drew.
Pierce William Drew.
Thomas Seward Drew,
Matilda Rouena D.
Mona BroughamD.
Alicia Power D.
ElizabethOliver D.
Catherine Henri-
etta Lawton D.
Christina Rebec-
ca Pomeroy D.
Agnes Marga-
ret NaylorD.
To the Editor of the Topographer.
By the kindness of Lord Strangford, I am enabled to fur-
nish you with a few additional particulars respecting the family
of Harlakenden. * From the deeds of the family, placed by
his lordship at my disposal, an abstract of all which I here send,
we are made acquainted with the fact that George Harlakenden,
last named of Woodchurch, married a second wife, whilst they
supply the name, residence, designation, and arms of his first
lady's father. They also give the army rank borne by himself
and his own father.
And well had it been could they tell of nothing more than
these several particulars, for, unhappilyj they furnish us with the
=» See vol. I. pp. 228—258, 395, 396.
means of tracing step by step the downfall of a very ancient
family. In 1700 the interest of Harlakenden seems wholly to
liavc ceased in Woodchurcli^ and we may reasonably conclude
that the last male possessor of the name ended his days in
straightened circumstances.
The two last descents of the pedigree may therefore be en-
larged, as under :
Thomas Harlakenden, esq. of Harlakenden,=^Hon. Pbilippa^2.Elizabeth,dau. of
a Colonel in the army, set. 15 in 1G40, tkc. \ Colepeper. ^ ....
r -^ -r -r 1
George Harlakenden, esq.=pAnne, dan. =^2.Mary,dau. Walter Elizabeth, Rebec-
of Harlakenden, a captain
in the army, son and heir,
passedhis estates in Wood-
churchlTJan. lb"99-1700,
to Samnel Atkinson, esq.
of Rotherhithe, Surrey,
being then of St, James's, |
"Westminster. j
of Gilbert of Harla- bapt. at
Jackson, marr. before ken- St. James' Rev.
gent, of the 22 April den, Clerken- Thos.
Vent, Cud- 1691, living living well, 2 Jan. Wright-
desden, 25 June 1G89. 1661-2, d. son.
Oxon. 1694. v, p.
The following is the abstract alluded to : —
Indent. Trip. 18 Oct. 1648.~-Betvveen Thomas Harlacken-
den, of Woodchurch, Esq. of the 1, Raufe Freke, of the Middle
Temple, Esq. of the 2, and Thomas Culpeper of the same, gent,
of the 3. Covenants to execute a bargain and sale, and suffers a
recovery of " Old Harlackenden," and all other lands, &c. in
Woodchurch, late of Walter, father of said Thomas. T. H.
signs his name " Harlackendan." Seals plain.
Indent. 20 Nov. 1619. — Between T. Herlackenden, of Bear-
sted, Kent, Esq. of the 1, and Robert Hope, of Hollingborne,
same county, gent, of the 2. Mortgage of " Old Herlackenden
house," and another messuage in W^oodchurch, for 500/. T. H.
signs as before. Seal gone.
Indent. 7 Sept. 1652. — Between T. Harlackenden, of Wood-
church, Esq. of the 1, and Sir George Strode, of St. James'
Clerkenwell, Knight, and William Strode, Esq. his son and heir
apparent, of the 2. Lease for a year of " Woodchurch house,"
" Old Harlackenden farme," and other lands, &.c. in Wood-
church. T. H. signs his name " Harlackenden." Seal, a bird
Indent. 1 May 29 Car. II. 1676.— Between T. Herlackenden,
of W. Esq. and George II. of the same, gent, his eldest son
and heir apparent, of the 1, and Sir Nicholas Strode, of Chep-
Stead, Kent, Knight, oF the 2. Mortgage of same property,
for 68]/. 10s. From this time the name of Harlakenden is in-
variably spelled " Herlackenden." Seals plain.
Indent. 28 Sept. 1678.— Between Mary Hope, widow and
executrix of Robert Hope, of Harrietsham, Kent, gent. T. H.
of W. Esq. and George his son and heir apparent of the 1,
and Thomas Turner, of St. Dunstan's in the West, gent, of the
2. Hope's mortgage transferred to Tui'ner. Seals plain.
Indent. 27 April 1680.— Between T. T., T. H. of W. Esq.
and G. his son and heir apparent, of the 1, and Thomasine
Osbaston, of Eastham House, spinster, of the 2. Turner's mort-
gage transferred to Osbaston. Seals plain.
Indent. Trip. 20 May 1681. — Between Ferdinando Clinton,
of St. Paul's Covent Garden, linen-draper, and Anne his wife,
one of the executrixes of T. O. deceased, and Barbara Holcroft,
of the same, widow, another executrix, of the 1 ; James Whet-
ham, of the Middle Temple, gent, of the 2; and T. H. of W.
Esq. of the 3. Osbaston's mortgage transferred to Whetham.
Seals plain.
Indent. Trip. 18 Nov. 1682.— Between J. W. of the 1 ;
T. FI. of W. Esq. and G. his son and heir apparent, of the 2 ;
and Philip Foster, of London, merchant, of the 3. Whetham's
mortgage transferred to Foster. Seals plain.
Indent. 15 May, 36 Car. II. 1684. — Between Dame Katha-
rine Strode, of Cheapstead, Chevening, Kent, widow, and sole
executrix of Sir Nicholas S., Knight, deceased, of the 1, and
T. H. of W. Esq. and G. his son and heir apparent, of the
2. Strode's mortgage transferred to George Herlackenden.
Seal plain. Indorsed, " My Lady Strould's assignment to Capt.
Indenture, lease and release, 9 and 10 June 1684. — Between
T. H. of W. Esq. and G. his son and heir apparent, and Anne,
wife of said G. Herlackenden, of the 1, and Gilbert Jackson of
the Vent, Cuddesden, Oxon, gent, and Robert Austen, of Ten-
terden, Kent, Esq. of the 2. Settlement of certain lands in
Woodchurch on marriage late had between G. H. and Anne,
daughter of said Gilbert. The wife's marriage portion was
1000/. Seals plain. Indorsed " Coll. Herlackenden and Capt.
Herlackenden's '^ lease and settlement.
Indent. Trip. 12 April 1686. — Between P. F. of the 1,
T. H. of W. Esq. and G. his son and heir apparent, of the 2,
and Wilham Cranmer, of St. Leonard's, Bromley, Middlesex,
Esq. of the 3. Foster's mortgage transferred to Cranmer. T.
H.'s seal gone. G. H.'s seal, arms of H. without crest, &c.
Indent. Trip. 26 May 1686. — Between G. H. gent, son and
heir apparent ofT. H. of W. Esq. of the 1, George Hudson,
of St. Dunstan'sin the West, gent, of the 2, and George Shawe,
of Bernard's Inn, gent, of the 3. Covenants to execute a bar-
gain and sale and suffer a recovery of certain lands in Wood-
church. Seal gone.
Indent. 17 June 1686. — Between G. H. gent, son and heir
apparent of T. H. of W. Esq. of the 1, and Philip Burton, of
Clifford's Inn, Esq. of the 2. Mortgage of same lands to Bur-
ton for 500/. Seal, on a bend three buck's heads cabossed.
Crest, on a wreath, a buck's head couped gorged
Helmet and mantling.
Agreement, 8 Nov. 2 Jac. II. 1686.— Between T. H. of W.
Esq. of the 1, and Rebecca, his only daughter, of the 2. De-
mise of 46 acres of woodland in Woodchurch to R. H. for life.
Seal, arms of Harlackenden.
Indent. Trip. 20 June 1688.— Between P. B. of the 1, G.
H. gent, son and heir apparent of T. H. of W. Esq. of the 2,
and John Wood, of London, merchant, and William Pott, citi-
zen and fishmonger of London, of the 3. Burton's mortgage,
having been increased^ by endorsement 200/. on 3 May 1687,
and again, by endorsement, 300/. on 7 Dec. following, trans-
ferred to Wood and Pott. Seal of P. B. [Sa.] a chevron between
three owls [ar.] crowned [or] ; of G. H., arms of Herlackenden
impaling, [Gu.] a fesse between three shovellers [arg.] (Jack-
son). Seals to endorsements the same as last.
Agreement, 9 Aug. 1689. — Between J. W. and W. P. of
the 1, and G. H. of St. Margaret's, Westminster. Esq., Alex-
ander Hilton, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, gent., and John
Reeves, of same, woollen-draper, of the 2. Wood and Pott,
being paid 1200/, the lands mortgaged to them are, by appoint-
ment of G. H. conveyed to Hilton and Reeves in trust for said
G. H. Seal of G. H. arms of Harlakenden and Jackson im-
paled : of W. P. Neptime seated with his trident : of J. W. gone.
Agreement, 11 Feb. 1GS9- 1690.— Between G. H. of W. Esq.
of the 1, and Rebecca 11. his sister, of the 2. In consideration
of 201. paid, and 2G0L assured to be paid R. H. will release all
title to certain woodlands in Woodchurch demised to her by her
late father. Seal, Party per fesse, a horse-barnacle.
Indent. Quadrip. 22 April 1691.— Between G. H. of W.
Esq. and Mary his wife, of the 1 ; Robert Waring, of London,
of the 2 ; Daniel Thornbury, of the Middle Temple, Esq. of the
3 ; and John Foche, of London, Esq. of the 4. Covenants to
levy a fine and suffer a recovery of lands, &c. at Woodchurch,
(Woodchurch house. Old Herlackenden forme, &c.) Seal of
G. H. Arms of Harlackenden, impaling . . . two bars . . ; of
M. H. the same; of D. T. [Ermine], a fret [gu.] a chief [of the
last] ; of J. Foche [Gu.] a fesse dancette between six lozenges
[or]. Crest, on a wreath, a head couped ...., with
helmet and mantling.
Indent. Trip. 16 Jan. 1692-3.— Between William Cage, of
Milgate, Bearstead, Kent, Esq. of the 1 ; G. H. of W. Esq. son
and heir of T. H. of W. Esq. deceased, of the 2 ; and John
Weston, of Okeham, Surrey, Esq. and James Durnford, of St.
Paul's, Covent Garden, grocer, of the 3. Cranmer's mortgage,
having been transferred by Indent. Trip. 12 Dec. 1691, he being
then Sir William C. of Stratford-le-Bow, Middlesex, Knight,
to Cage, is now by Cage transferred to Weston and Durnford.
Seal ofW. C. arms Per pale [gu. andarg.] a saltier [or]. Crest,
on a wreath, a stag passant [erm.] attired [or], charged on the
shoulder with an annulet [gu.], helmet and mantling: of G. H.
arms of H. impaling . . . two bars
Indent. Trip, same date. — Between G. H. of W. Esq. of the
1 ; D. T. and Sir John Foche, Knight, of the 2 ; and J, W. and
J. D. of the 3. Demise of the mortgaged lands to the same. Arms
of G. H., as last described, of D. T. and Sir J. F. as before.
Indent. 14 March 1694. — Between Jane Matthew, of Hod-
dington, widow, and executrix of John Matthew, Esq. deceased,
of the 1 ; G. H. of W. Esq. of the 2; and Samuel Atkinson, of
Rotherhithe, Surrey, Esq. of the 3. Assignment of a recogni-
zance, acknowledged in Chancery, by G. H. and Gilbert Jack-
son, 18 Feb. 36 Car. II. (1684), on the condition of payment of
406/. to her late husband, to S. A. on his paying 205/. then due
to her. Seal of J. M. a lion rampant ; of H. a monogram.
Indent. Trip. 20 March 1094.— Between G. II. of W. E.sq.
of the 1 ; 1). T. and Sir J. F. of the 2 ; and John Smith, of
London, Esq. of the 3. JNlortgage of Woodchurch house, &.c.
for 500/. Seals of G. H. arms of II. impahng . . . two bars
. . . ; of D. T. and Sir J. F. as before.
Indent. Quadrip. 25 June 1(594.— Between G. II. of W. Esq.
and Mary his wife, of the 1 ; D. T. and Sir J. F. of tlie 2 ; and
George Coldham, citizen and draper of London, of the 3 ; and
John Coldham, of Tooting Graveney, Surrey, Esq. and Edmond
Dethick, of London, merchant, of the 4. Mortgage of other
lands in Woodchurch for 500/., with covenant for a fine to the
use of mortgagee. Seal of G. H. arms of H. impaling, as last
described, ofM. H. the same, of D. T. and Sir J. F. as befoi'c.
Indent. 16 April 1095.— Between G. H. of W. Esq., D. T.
and Sir J. F. of the 1 ; and S. A. of the 2. Lease of Wood-
church house, &c. for a year. Seal of G. H. a monogram, of
D. T. and Sir J. F. as before.
Indent. Quadrip. 17 April 1G95.— Between G. H. of W.
Esq. of the 1 ; G. C. of the 2; S. A. of the 3; and Humphrey
Arden, of Rotherhithe, gent, of the 4. Coldham's mortgage, by
direction of G. H. and S. A. transferred to Arden for 524/. 66'.
Seal of G. H. a monogram, of G. C. an eagle displayed, of S. A.
[Gu.] an eagle with two heads displayed [or], on a chief [of the
last] three estoiles [of the first]. Crest, on a wreath, an eagle
rising, with helmet and mantling.
Indent. Quadrip. same date. — Between G. H. of W. Esq. of
ihe I; J. S. of the 2; S. A. of the 3; and H. A. of the 4.
Smith's mortgage, by direction of G. H. and S. A. transferred
to H. A. for 531/. 135. Seals, G. H. bird with olive branch,
of J. S. [Gu.] a pair of wings conjoined in lure, the tips down-
wards, [or]. Crest, out of a ducal coronet [or,] a phoenix [of the
last] issuing from flames [proper] (the arms and crest of Sey-
mour), helmet and mantling; of S. A. as before.
Indent. Quadrip. same date. — Between G. H. of W. Esq. of
the 1; John Loddington, of London, merchant, of the 2; S. A.
of the 3; and H. A. of the 4. Hilton and Reeves having by
Indent. Trip, on 18 March IG89, mortgaged to J. L. for 300/.
and by endorsement, on 29 Dec. 1690, borrov/ed of the same the
finlher sum of 300/. the said Loddinglon's mortgage is now, by
direction of G. li. and S. A. transferred to H. A. for 642/.
105. Seal of G. H. a monogram, of J. L, a man's head, of
S. A. as before.
Indent. Quadrip. same date. — Between G. H. of W. Esq. of
the 1 ; J. W. and Eh'zabeth, widow and administratrix of J.
Din-nford^ deceased, of the 2 ; S. A. of the 3 ; and WilHam Tw}'-
ford, of London, gent, of tiie 4. Weston and Durn ford's mort-
gage, by direction of G. H. and S. A. transferred to Twy-
ford. Seal of G. H. a monogram, of J. W. ... a chevron
. . . between three fox's heads ? erased . . . Crest, on a wreath,
a fox's head ? erased . . ., with helmet and mantling ; ^ of G. D.
a dexter hand from ont a coronet.
Inderit. same date. — Between G. H. of W. Esq., D. T. and Sir
J. F. of tlie 1, and S. A. of the 2. Release of lands, &c. in
Woodchurch to S. A. he having paid 3200/. Seal of G. H. a
monogram, of D. T. and Sir J. F. as before.
Indent. Trip. 18 April 1695.— Between G. H. of W. Esq. of
the 1 ; S. A. of die 2; and H. A., W. T. and Mathias Wall-
raven (to the last of whom the said S.A. had, by endorsement, 10
April 1G95, transferred his recognizance acquired from J. Mat-
thew.) Covenants by S. A. to reconvey same on repayment of
3200/. and interest; the several before mentioned mortgages
having been transferred to him by the several parties for tlie said
sum. Seal of G. H. a monogram, of H. A. a bird with olive
branch, of W. T. a cock, of M. W. a raven.
Indent. Trip, same date. — Between G. H. of W. esq. of the 1 ;
S. A. of the 2 ; H. A., W. T., and M. W. of die 3. Defeasance
from S. A., H. A., and W. T. concerning S. A's payment of
3200/. Seal of S. A. as before, of H. A. an eagle displayed, of
W. T. a cock.
Indenture (and counterpart), 2G Feb. 1697-8. — Between G.
H. of W. Esq. of the 1 ; and K. H. spinster, his sister, of the 2 ;
Mortgage of lands at Woodchurch for 250/. Seal of R. H.
seven stars.
Indenture, same date. — Between R. H. only daughter of T.
H. late of W. of Esq. deceased, of the 1, and G. H. son and
heir of said T. H. of the 2. Release of certain woodlands at
Woodchurch to G. H. in consideration of his ]xaying R. H.
» The arms of Weston of Ockham, co. Surrey, are, Sable, a clievroa or between
three leopai-d's heads erased argent, crowned or, langued gules. Crest, a wolf pas-
sant argent, ducally gorged or.
201. and assuring the payment of 250/. Seal of G. H. seven
Indent. Quadrip. 17 Jan. 1699-1700.— Between G. H. of St.
James, Westminster, Esq. son and heir of T. H. late of W. Esq.
deceased, and R. H. of St. Andrew, Holborn, spinster, his sister,
of the 1 ; S. A. of the 2 ; R. W. of the 3 ; and Lancelot Tolson,
of Staples Inn, gent, of the 4. In consideration of 273/. paid by
S. A. to R. H. conveyance is made of Woodchurch house
and odier lands at Woodchurch to H. W. to the intent that he
should suflFer a recovery (before the end of Hilary Term next in
Court of Common Pleas, in the name of L. T. against the said
R. W.) to the use of S. A. Seal of G. H. a bird rising ; of R.
H. arms of H.; of S. A. as before; of L. T three
roundles. Crest, out of a coronet five feathers . . ., helmet and
mantling; » R. H.'s receipt is witnessed by " Thomas Wrightson,
W. Colepeper, Lance. Tolson."
Indent, lease and release, 9 and 10 March 1699-1700. — Be-
tween G. H. of St. J. Esq. son and heir^ &c. and Ralph Buffkin,
of ... . Kent, Esq. (surviving trustee named in an Act of
Parliament made 22 and 23 Car. II. intituled, " An Act for
sale of part of the estate of J. H. for satisfaction of a debt due
to his Majesty") of the 1, and S. A. of the 2. Conveyance of
certain woodlands in Woodchurch (the same late demised to
R. H.) to S. A. Seal of G. H. [Gu.] three arrows paleways [or],
points in base, feathered and barbed [arg.] (the arms of Hales).
The few remaining notices of the name are furnished from other
sources : —
John Pashley, Esq. cousin and heir of Margaret Pashley, dau.
and heir of Thomas Normanville, concedes to Robert Home,
Esq. William Harlakenden, and others, all his marsh called
Elnemarsh, alias Estmarsh, lying in the parishes of Apledorc and
Kenarton, co. Kent, and formerly belonging to the said Mar-
garet. (Claus. 33 Hen. VI. m. 4.)
Epitaph formerly in Tunstall church, Kent : " In the quire,
Walter Harlekenden, of Ufton, Esq. who had 2 wife, ye one a
Roper, yc other an Ashley, of NorfF. . . . "— Philipot's Church
Notes, Harl. MS. 3917, f. 57.
■* The arms of Tolson are, Vert, on a chief azure three martlets or, all within a
bordure of the third, pellette. Crest : out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's face,
proper, lioldjpg two ostrich feathers, one vert, the other azure.
MS. Harl. 1912.
(Admittances to Gray's
,ib. 12.
Harlakenden, Geo.
Harlakenden, Rich.
Harlakenden, Mart.
Harlakenden, Will.
Harlakenden, Tho.
Harlakenden, Rich.
Harlakenden, Rog.
Harlakenden, Rich.
P. 11.3.
pa. I Names. I Towne. | County, j Date. I Month. I Yeare.
848 I Harlakendine, Rog." I Earles Colne I Essex | G | March 1G27.
Hen. 8.
Arms of Harlakenden, Ancient 1516
coloured. Reader Quadr. 1.525
P. \n^.
Tho. Harlakenden.'^
Yours, &c. 5cc.
G. Steinman Steinman.
Apuldrefield, Cudham, Kent,
January 13 th, 1847.
^ This entry proves that the eldest son of Thomas Harlakenden of Earl's Colne
and Dorothy Cheney was not buried at Earl's Colne as stated, and that he survived
Ills childhood.
'' Thomas Harlakenden, who married Elizabeth Watno ? His coat was evidently
that which Philipot saw in a window of Gray's Inn Hall. George and Martin above
were most probably his sons.
(Taken 27tli August 1844.)
The parish of Narburgh, which is situated in the county of
Norfolk, diocese of Norwich, and arclideaconry of Norfolk, lies
on the high road leading from Lynn to Norwich ; about nine
miles from the former place and thirty-two from the latter.
It derives its name from the river Nar, on whose banks it
stands. And Sir Henry Spelman, whose family were lords of
the town, relates in his Icenia, that John Brame, a monk of
Thetford, who lived in the reign of Henry IV., in a MS. history,
maintains Narburgh to have been a city in the time of Uter
Pendragon, King of Britain, about the year 500, governed by
Earl Okenard ; and that it was besieged seven months by Waldy,
a neighbouring king, who, on taking it, rased it to the ground.
It was undoubtedly a place of some eminence in Saxon times,
as is shown by its name, and by the remains of certain military
works which are foimd in and near the parish. But, whatever
was the importance it once possessed, at the time of the great
Survey of the kingdom by William I. it was returned as having
no more than thirty-three villeins, ten borders, and six carucates
of land. It was then the lordship of Roger Bigot, Earl of Nor-
folk, and at a very early period came into the hands of the
De Narburghs, some of whom were probably the builders of
the earliest parts of the parish church, where there is still re-
maining a very ancient monument of one of the family.
After the De Narburghs, the Shouldhams, and then the Spel-
mans, succeeded as lords, and continued so for many genera-
tions. This last family is of great antiquity, and many of its
members have been persons of high celebrity, but die chief
glory of the flxmily is " that great antiquary, and most learned
knioht. Sir Henry Spelman, an honour to the college whore he
was educated, as also to die town and county he was born in."
Sir Henry Spelman, however, was not born at Narburgh, but
at Congham, a village a few miles distant.
The principal lordship of the town is now in the family of
Tyssen ; the patronage of the vicarage in Mr. Marriott, and the
population is something above 300.
The Church, which is dedicated to All the Saints, is an inter-
esting specimen of village ecclesiastical architecture, consistino-
of a nave, with north and south aisles, and a chancel. The
nave is much the oldest part of the fabric, being early -English.
And Blomefield tells us that in his time (1736) it was " came-
rated and impaneled with wainscot, the mitres of these panels
ornamented with shields; " and he gives a list of forty-five which
were then to be distinguished, though the colours of many of
them were very obscure. They related to marriages in the Nar-
burgh, Shouldham, and Spelman families. These have now all
disappeared, the interior of the roof having been ceiled and plas-
tered. The arms which may still be seen in the church are as
follows : —
1. Narburgh, Gules, a chief ermine.
2. Frowick, Azure, a chevron between three leopard's faces or.
3. Sturgeon, Azure, three sturgeons naiant in pale or, over
all fretty of eight pieces gules.
4. Spelman, Sable, platee between two flaunches argent.
5. Townshend, Azure, a chevron ermine between three es-
callops argent.
6. Eyer, Argent, on a chevron sable three quatrefoils or.
T. Bleverhasset, Gules, a chevron ermine between three dol-
phins embowed argent.
8. Lowdham, Argent, three escucheons sable.
9. Kelweden, Gules, a pall reversed ermine.
10. Orton, Argent, a lion rampant guardant vert, crowned or.
11. Skelton, Azure, on a fess, between three fleurs-de-lis or,
a crescent sable.
12. Heigham, Sable, a fess checquey or and azure, three
horse's heads erased argent.
13. Francis, Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine between three
doves rising or.
14. Saunders, Sable, a chevron ermine between three bull's
heads caboshed argent.
15. Willoughby, Or, on two bars gules three water-bougets
16. Hawe, Sable, a fess humette ermine between three grif-
fin's heads erased argent.
17. Adrian, Argent, two bars wavy gules, a chief chccquey or
and azure.
18. Pouncy, Gules, two wings conjoined in a bordure ar-
19. Mansell, Azure, seme of cross-crosslets and three cres-
cents argent.
20. Cornwall, Argent, on a cross-fleury sable five bezants.
21. Patrick, Gules, two pales vairy argent and azure, on a
chief or a lion passant sable.
22. Heveningham, Quarterly or and gules, on a bordure en-
grailed sable nine escallops argent.
23. Le Gros, Quarterly argent and aziu-e, on a bend sable
three martlets or.
24. Turner, Sable, a chevron ermine between three fer-du-
molins or, on a chief argent a lion passant gules.
25. Branthwayt, Or, two bendlets engrailed sable.
26. Walpole, Or, on a fess between two chevron els sable three
cross-crosslets of the field.
27. Gary, Argent, on a bend sable three roses of the field.
28. Tyssen, Or, on a chevron vert two lions rampant of the
first, between three roses proper.
Weever must have been a very unobservant antiquary when
he could find no more than three inscriptions in this church
worthy to be copied into his book of " Ancient Funerall Monu-
ments : " nor has he copied even those three correctly.
Blomefield's account is much more full and correct ; but, from
a comparison with these notes, it will be seen that several in-
teresting memorials, particularly in stained glass, have disap-
peared since his time. The ugly square pews with which the
nave and aisles are now disfigured, being floored with deal
boards, may perhaps cover some of the missing inscriptions, but
most of the stained glass is entirely destroyed ; and the east
window is blocked up, and in its place is a heavy wooden frame,
on which are painted the Commandments, 8{c.
All that now remains of stained glass is inserted in the two
south windows of the chancel, and consists of five shields, con-
taining the quarterings of the Spelmans, and two subjects, one
in each of the small upper compartments. They appear to have
been taken from other windows when the lights were re-glazed.
The fontj which Blomefield says was large and antique, is now
replaced by a modern black marble basin, mounted on a pedestal
of freestone.
Inscriptions as they noio exist.
On the Pavement of the Nave —
" Hie requiescit Nehemias Ingram, Benjamini hujus paro-
ohiss Vicarii apprime fidelis frater ; Londini quondam mercaturae
navavit operam. Air vere pius, benignus omnibus, prsesertim
pressura laborantibus. Ob. An" Domini 1728, tet. 64."
^' M. S. Hoc sub marmore Juliana uxor Benjamini In-
GRAiM, hujus Ecclesiae Vicarii, Henrici Harcock deWorstead in
hoc comitatu generosi filia, cujus anima plusquam devotissima,
ergastuli hujus impaliens, necnon angelorum anhelans consor-
tium, cherubini armata pennis, in coelum avolavit, Feb. 14, An"
Salutis 1695, set. 32. Preedicti secunda hie requiescit uxor
charissima, priori nequaquam impar, Elizabetha Johannis
Davy de Walton Orientali generosi filia, Ano Dom. 1728, aet.
58. Novembris vicesimo tertio 1735, aetatis suae 75, sub hoc
marmore supradictus requiescit ille Benjamin."
On a brass plate, 1593: " Here lieth the body of Richarde
AwsTEN, gentleman, who was a good benefactor for the poor in
the town of Narburgh." This is now loose, and lies on one of
the altar-tombs.
At the east end of the north aisle is a marble altar-tomb raised
against the wall, with a wall-piece, on which is the portraiture
in brass of a man and his wife, each kneeling before a prie-dieu.
On the man's desk, which is covered with a fringed cloth, lie his
gauntlets beside his prayer book ; his dress is that of a cavalier
in armour : on the lady's desk, her mittens. The man has a
label, on which is, " With the Lord there is mercy;" and the
woman another, on which, " And with him is plenteous redemp-
tion." Beneath is this inscription :
'^ Here do lye John Eyer, Esquire, late Receyvor Generale
to Eiizabethe the Quenes Majestic in the counties of Norfolk,
Suffolk, and Cantabridge and Huntynton, and one of the
Maisters of her hygh Court of Chancerye, and Margaret his
wyfe, one of the daughters of Sir Thomas Bleverhasset, of
Frens, Knight, and late wyfe of John Spelman, Esquire, sone
and heyre apparent of Syr John Spelman, Knight ; which John
Eyre dy'd the xx^l* daye of May, the yere of our Lord Mv^lxi,
and in the thirde yere of the raing of Elizabeth, by the grace of
God Quene of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the
Faithe; and the said Margaret dy'd the xvth day of December,
in the yere of our Lord Mdlviii."
Over the figures are three shields :
1. Over the man: Quarterly 1 and 4, Eyre; 2 and 3,
Town send.
2. Between the man and woman : Quarterly, as before.
3. Over the woman : Quarterly, as before, impaling 1st. Ble-
verhasset; 2nd. Lowdham; 3rd. Kelweden ; 4th. Orton; 5th.
Skelton ; 6th. Bleverhasset.
Sir Henry Spelman, in his History of Sacrilege, informs us
(p. 247) that this John Eyre was a great purchaser of religious
houses on their dissolution by Henry VKI. and that he bought of
that King the Friars Carmelites, the Grey Friars, the Friars
Preachers or Black Friars, and the Augustine Friars at Lynn.
He was also possessed of Bury Abbey, and died without issue.
This monument has been engraved by Cotman.
On the Pavement in the Chancel.
Spelman impaling Branthwayte.
" Here lyeth the body of Mundeford Spelman, Esq. son
of John Spelman and Ann his wife, born Aug. 1, 1640. He was
a man of a most exemplary piety in prayers to, and in praising,
the Great God of heaven and earth ; and in relieving the neces-
sities of the poor widow and fatherless was his constant employ
and delight of his life. These are the actions which will turn
to account on that great day, when endless wealth, pompous
titles, and the noise of victories, the pride of learning, will at
best be but useless things. By Julian his wife, daughter of
William Branthwayte, of Hethell, Esq. he left issue three sons
and one daughter ; he dyed the 30th January, in the year of our
Lord 1723, in the 83 year of his age."
Spelman impaling Walpole.
" Anna uxor Mundefgrdii Spelman Armig', filia Domini
Edwardi Walpole de Houghton hujus comitatus Equitis Balnei,
et Susannse unius filiaram et cohseredum Domini Roberti Crane
de Clifton in Agro SufFolciensi Militis et Baronetti ; obiit 28
September, Ano Domini 1691."
Mottoes, " Homo Bulla." " Quand Dieu voldra."
Near to the above are two shields inserted in marble :
1. In the 1st. quarter, Spelman ; 2nd. Narburgh; 3rd. Fro-
wick;4th. Sturgeon; 5th. Frowick ; 6th. Sturgeon ; 7th. Spel-
man ; 8th. Narburgh ; over all a label of three points.
2. Spelman and Narburgh quarterly, with an impalement,
now obscure.
Beneath, the figure of a man, with the following inscription
in brass :
" Here lyeth John Spelman, Esq. (sonne and heyre of Syr
John Spelman, Knight, one of the Justices of the Plees before
the King to be holden, and dame Elizabeth his wife), which John
married Margaret, oon of the daughters of Sir Thomas Blever-
hasset. Knight, and dame Margaret his wife, and had issue by
the said Margaret too sonnes and too daughters lyving at the
daye of his deth, and decessed the 27 day of December, in the
year of our Lord GodMy^xLV and the xxxvii yere of the Raigne
of King Henry VIII. on whose sowle Jesu have mercy."
This monument is engraved by Cotman.
In brass :
" Here lyeth the body of John Spelman, Esq. who first had
to wyfe Judyth, one of the daughters of Syr Clement Higham,
Knt. and after, Katharine, the daughter of William Saunders,
Esq^. who had, at the day of his death four sons and one daugh-
ter lyving, viz. Clement and William of the dybo of the said
Judidi, and Robert, Francys, and Bryget, of the body of the said
Katheryne, which deceased the xxvii day of April, An" Domini
On this stone is the figure of a man in a praying posture, in
Crest, a wild man proper ; and these three shields :
1. Spelman and Narburgh quarterly.
2. The same, impaling quarterly, 1 and 4, Heigham, 2 and
3, Francis.
3. Spelman and Narburgh quarterly, impaling Saunders.
This is also engraved in Cotman's Brasses, and with it some
valuable remarks on the dress, See. of the period.
A man and his wife in brass, with this inscription, also in brass :
" Orate pro animab' Henrici Spelman Legis Periti ac Re-
cordatoris civitatis Norvici, ct Ele uxoris ejus, qui obiit xxiiu
die Seplemb. An. U'nl 1 IDG."
These two last mentioned niemoiials were originally placed in
the pavement of the chancel, but are now neatly inserted in free-
stone, and fixed to the north wall.
At the south-east corner of the chancel is a square pillar
about seven feet in height, within which, in an upright position,
are interred the remains of Clement Spelman, Esq. and upon
•which is his statue in alabaster, in his robes as counsellor and
Recorder, the size of life. On the pillar this inscription :
" In this place doth rest the body of Clement Spelman,
Esq. Recorder of Nottingham, and in commission of Oier and
Terminer for the Midland circuit, and in commission of the
peace for the counties of Nottingham and Norfolk ; he deceased
Jan. 30, 1679, aged 72."
The next monument is very curious, and is thus described by
Blomefield :
" At the east end of the north part of the chancel, is a small
arch in the wall about seven feet from the ground, and in it
lies a demi-stajtue of a lady carved out of stone, and couped at
the middle, in miniature, being but about a foot long; her head-
dress seems very antique, her hands are conjoined on her breast,
holding a heart, and she rests on her back ; within the arch,
against the wall, is this inscription in letters of gold:
On each side of this the arms of Narburgh.
'' This is a piece of great antiquity, and this lady is said to
have died in 1293, and probably the date was formerly inscribed
here, for in an old MS. of monuments, collected about the reign
of Queen Elizabeth, I find it mentioned in this manner, ' D^na
Agatha Narborough, obiit 1293.' "
The inscription and arms are now entirely obliterated.
Near the last, an altar-tomb of marble, with a marble wall-
piece, in which is inserted a brass, engraven with the efBgies of
a man and woman on their knees before a prie-dieu ; over the
man is a label, on which is " Jesu, fill Dei, miserere mei; " over
the woman, '' Salvator mundi, memento mei." On the woman's
robes are the arms of Frowick and Sturgeon quarterly, and above
the figures the representation of the Resurrection. Over the
man is a shield quarterly, Spelman and Narburgh, and over the
woman, quarterly, Frowick and Sturgeon. On a brass below,
" Here under lyeth the bodys of Syre John Spelman,
Knyght, and secondary Justice of the King's Bench, and dame
Elizabeth his wife, which had xiii sonnes and vii daughters
of their bodyes between them begitten, the which Syr John
decessyed the xxvi day of February, in the year of our Lord
God Mv'^xLv ; and the said dame Elizabeth decessyd the v. day of
November, in the year of our Lord Mv^lvi ; on whose sowles
Jesu have mercy. Amen."
The next is a very large monument of marble, with a high
wall-piece. On the tomb is the statue of a woman in a recum-
bent posture, with a singular head-dress something resembling
a shell. Behind her, and a little elevated, lies a man in armour ;
both these figures are painted alabaster. On the upper part of
the wall-piece are two arches ; that to the right is occupied by a
female child kneeling, and by her the arms of Spelman quarter-
ing Narburgh, Frowick, and Sturgeon. In the left hand arch is
a tent, in which lies an infant; in this arch are also the arms of
Spelman, and over it Spelman quartering, as before, and im-
paling, 1 and 4, Willoughby ; 2, Gules, a lion passant guardant
argent ; and 3, Hawe. Between the arches this,
" Clementi Spelman Equiti aurato, Norfolciae (anno Domini
1599) Vicecomiti, qui primo duxit Annam filiam unicam et heere-
dem Edmundi Carvill armig', eaque sine prole defunctei, se-
cundo duxit Ursulam filiam alteram Johan' Willoughby de
Kisley, in comitatu Derbiaj, militis, susceptisque Johanne et
Clementi filiis obiit 24 die Septem. 1607. Conjugi suo charis-
simo ipsa D'na Ursula, ob merita pietatis et concordige, raemoriee
et amoris symbolum, hoc moerens posuit monumentum."
Over this inscription may be seen, Spelman quartering in the
2nd quarter Narburgh, in the 3rd Frowick, in the 4th Adrian,
in the 5th Pouncy, in the 6th Mansell, in the 7th Cornwall, in
the 8th Patrick, and in the 9th, Azure, frette gules. Crest, a
On an altar-tomb : " M. S. Hie requiescit eximise pietatis
vir, clero benevolus, munificus egenis, Johannes Spelman
Armiger, qui patriae charus, Regni comitiis senator bis inter-
fuit; obdormivit in Christo, Jan. 31, an^ salutis 1662, set. 56;
unicam habuit conjugem vere generosam Annam, Johan' Ha-
veningham equitis aurati filiam, quae 4 filios et 8 filias enixa,
Jun. 12, 164.9, reliquias deposuit mortales dum veniente Domino
resurgant immortales. Muiifordius filius pie posuit."
Over this tomb the arms of Spelman, and upon it Spelman
impaling Haveningham. Crest, a woodman.
Mottoes, " Homo bulla." " Quand Dieu voldra."
" Jemima Spelman, youngest daughter of John Spelman,
Esq. and Anne his wife, obiit May 24, 1744, aged 7 years.
Mary, their fourth daughter, obiit 1 Nov. 1738, aged 6 years."
Spelman impaling Branthwayt.
" Julian, relict of Mundeford Spelman, Esq. obiit Oct. 30,
1734, set. 72 ; whose whole life was an exemplary pattern of piety
and prudence."
Le Gros impaling Turner. Crest, a demi-lion rampant ar-
gent, holding a battle-axe, over all a bend sable, on which three
martlets :
" Here lyeth the body of Charles Le Gros, late of Cros-
wight, Esq. which family for many generations flourished in that
place ; he left by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Turner,
Esq. two daughters, the eldest of which married John Spelman,
Esq. of this place, and the other Thomas Western, of Great
Abington, in the county of Cambridge, Esq. He died 14th day
of October 1736, in the 85th year of his age."
"Here lyeth the body of Amy Goodwin, who departed this
life the 10th day of April 1782, in the 83 year of her age. She
was the eldest daughter of John Goodwin, Esq. of King's Lynn,
who was four times mayor of that ancient corporation."
Arms : A fess between three griffin's heads erased, impaling
three griffin's heads erased.
" Here lieth the body of John Briggs Cary, youngest son
of John Cary, Esq. of Lynn, and Elizabeth his wife, sister of the
late Mrs. Anne Spelman. He died at Bristol Hot Wells the
28th of Dec. 1795, in the 23rd year of his age, to the unfeigned
regret of his surviving relatives."
Arms of Gary, as in p. 226. Crest, a swan rising.
*' Here lieth the body of Anne Spelman, wife of the Rev.
Henry Spelman; she departed this life January 13, 1793, aged
51. Here lieth the body of the Rev. Henry Spelman; he
departed this life Aug. 30, 1810, in the 82nd year of his age."
Arms : Spelman, quartering, on a bend three martlets ; on
an escucheon of pretence, a chevron between three talbots pas-
" Here lies the body of Elizabeth, late wife of Charles Le
Gros, Esq. who departed this life the 4di day of Feb. 1758,
aged 85."
Arms of Le Gros, as in p. 226.
" Here lieth the body of John Le Gros SpelmaNj Esq. who
died Sept. 10, 1751, aged 27."
" Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Spelman, who died
Sept. 12, 1804, aged 79 years.''
" Here lieth the body of Mary Spelman, fourth daughter
and much beloved child of John Spelman, of Narburgh, Esq.
and Ann his wife, who departed this life the 1st Nov. , in
the 6th year of her age.
" ' The Lord gave, and the Lord halh taken away, blessed be
the name of the Lord.' "
" Here lies the body of John Spelman, Esq. who departed
this life the 3rd day of Dec. 1768, aged 75. Also lieth the body
of Ann Spelman, relict of John Spelman, Esq. She died Nov.
19, 1781."
Arms : Spelman, impaling, on a bend three martlets.
" Here lieth the body of Mundeford Spelman, Clerk, who
died the 25th March 1751, aged 57."
The three following are neat mural tablets :
" Near this place are interred the remains of Samuel Tys-
sen, Esq. F.A.S. of Narborough Hall, who departed this life
Oct. 31, 1800, aged 44 years."
Arms: Tyssen, with an escucheon of pretence. Vert, on a
bend cotissed or, three griffin's heads erased gules.
Motto : " Post mortem virtus virescit.^'
" Under this tablet are deposited the remains of Sophia
Tyssen, of Narborough Hall, and youngest daughter of the
late John Barker, Esq. of Deal, in the county of Kent ; she de-
parted this life at Cromer, in this county, on the 1 9th day of July
1828, in the 41st year of her age."
" This tablet is erected to the memory of Henry, third son of
Samuel Tyssen, esq. and Sophia his wife, who died at Geelong,
near Melbourne, in Australia, March 6, 1842, aged 27 years."
East Winch, ' G. M.
COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, cofitinued,
Athelington. In the churchyard is a table monument, on
which is cut a pedigree of the family of Brooke, from the time of
Henry HI. The main branch of it obtained by marriage the
barony of Cobham, and a representative still remains of the
Aspal and Athelington branch.
Baddingham. Brass. No figure. " In obitu Catharinae
Cornwaleise Epitaph, (twelve Latin lines) ob. 23 Jan. 1584."
Arms and quarte rings of Cornwall is, and Blenerhassets, with
Monuments. 1 . Large, mural, of stone, painted in imitation
of various kinds of marble. On a table lies the full-length figure
of a woman, and a little higher, in a recess of the wall, a man in
a gown, their hands raised and conjoined over their breasts.
Above is an entablature, supported by three Ionic columns, and
in the two compartments are figures of a daughter and a son in
the attitude of prayer. On the top is an angel holding a mantle ;
on which a shield, with the arms of Cotton. Between the pillars
are two tablets with inscriptions ; one containing twelve Latin
verses, inscribed '^ Lapis ad Lectorem ; " the other has two Latin
Latin lines and an English inscription for " WiUiam Cotton,Esq.
Batchelour of the Civill Law, who died 22 May 1610, and Lucia
his wife, daughter to Reginald Rous, of Baddingham, Esq. who
died 7 Aug. 1621 ; leaving issue Edward and Katharine." The
sides, and other parts of the monument, are ornamented with
numerous coats of arms of Cotton, with impalements of the
families with which they inter-married ; and also the inter-
marriages of Rous. This monument is on the north wall of the
2. Mural, to the west of the last, consisting of a small altar-
tomb, about two feet high ; and over it a square-headed recess
in the wall, about four inches deep, and eight or nine feet high,
the upper corners rounded ; above this is a rich frieze, divided
into eight compartments of small Gothic arches, in each of which
is a shield, but all the arms are obliterated by white-wash except
one, which appears to have contained the arms of Carbonell,
impaling. Gules, a chevron argent ; above the frieze are two hel-
mets with crests. On the top is an angel holding a shield, arms
obliterated. Immediately above are seven arches of similar
workmanship, with shields, arms gone : on the face of the altar
are other defaced shields ; on each side of the niche is a small
clustered pilaster, supporting a pedestal surmounted by a cor-
nice, on which stood two crests, that on the left gone, that oil
the right a bunch of bay leaves, the crest of Rous.
3. Mural of white marble, surmounted by an urn between two
antique lamps : " Barrington Blomfield, S. T. B. hujus Ecclesiae
Rector et Patronus. Natus xix. Feb. 1689, ob. iv. die Oct.
1757, cet. 74." Arms, Blomfield impaling Wingfield.
4. In the nave, and partly in the north wall, is a Gothic arch
springing from shields, on which are, Azure, a cross gules ; and
on the frieze, two coats, one defaced, the other Carbonell ?
Brundish. Brasses. 1. In the chancel, a man kneeling at
a desk, on which lies an open book (eight lines, black letter).
Thomas Glemham, no date. Above him are three shields, Glem-
ham, Glemham impaling Brandon, and Glemham impaling Ba-
con of Baconsthorj). Below, two shields, Glemham impaling
Bacon, and Glemham impaling Wentworth of eight coats.
Height of the figure 10 inches.
2. A man in armour, his head uncovered. John Colby, died
29 Nov. 1559 (bl. letter). Arms on three shields, above, Colby,
twice, and Colby impaling in bend three roundels between two
cottises. Below, two shields, Colby, &c. impaling Brewes, and
Brewes. Height of the figure 15| inches.
3. A man in armour, and by his side his wife. Francis Colby,
Esquire, and Margery, his wife, daughter of Lord Wentworth.
Five shields of arms, Colby impaling Ince, Colby impaling
Brews, Colby impaling Wentworth, 8cc. Height of the figures
20| inches.
4. Ill a recess in the north wall of the nave, the figure of a
priest :
tiel (BqXiWat (tmtxt %iu ityu ^itvi'istmlxnt tit mtxti*'
(Instituted to Castre 1349.) Height r27|: inches.
5. A man in armour, with his wife. John Colby, Esq. and
Alice his wife; he deceased 1540; she 1560. They had four
sons and nine daughters, which are in two groups below. Five
shields of arms. Height of the figures 16 inches.
Monument. On the north wall, of black marble, with a white
cornice. Judith, wife of Turner Calvert, Esq. late of Brundish
Lodge, died 7 Nov. 1766, aged 41. Arms, Calvert.
Carlton. Brasses. 1. A figure of a civilian ; height 25| inc.
(See Cotman's SuflP. Brasses, 14.)
2. A man in a close gown, girt at the waist ; height 17 inc.
(See Cotman's SufF. Brasses, 20.)
Monunnent. On an altar-tomb against the south wall of the
chancel, a cross, with a circumscription :
'' Hanc qui fundavit Cantariam tibi Christe
I sub se stravit De Framlingham la(pis iste.)"
Characters uncial.
Denham. Brasses, 1. Two hearts united at their points:
below —
'' (©rate u* ai'a ©esirm ^tlitt
f^ftMtmx^m, txxV a*i^ ji'viciettir ^tw^:'
This inscription I find is now lost.
2. A man in a gown, "Anthonius Bedingfeld, tertius filius Ed-
mundi Bedingfeld, Militis, ob. lo die Feb^. 1574." Height 24| in.
Dennington. Brasses. 1. No figure. " Elizabetha uxor
secunda Edwardi Barker de Bedingfield, com. Suffolke, ac filia
secunda Roberti Wright, pastoris hujus Ecclesiee, ob. circiter
finem Jan^ 1613, ait. 27." This is in the chancel.
2. In the nave, no figure. " Hie jacet corpus Henrici Edgar
generosus {sic) ; ob. 7 Maij, 1619."
3. No fiffure. John Hersant, died 28 Oct. 1568. Elizabeth
his wife died 21 Nov. 1585.
Monuments. 1. Over the vestry-door, a small square tablet of
stone, let into the wall, "Anna filia Roberti Wright, hujus Ec-
clesiae pastoris, et Jana?, uxoris, ob. virgo 28 Oct. 1621."
2. On the same side, a square stone tablet fixed in the wall,
" Rev. Gulielmus Fulke, [S.T.D. Aulae Pembr. in Cantab.
Preefect. hujus Ecclesiee Dyningtonicsis Past. Sepr. 28 Aug.
3. In the chapel, south side. An altar, whereon lie the effigies
of Sir Wm. Phelip Lord Bardolf and his lady. (See Kirby's
Twelve Plates, and Stothard's Monumental Effigies, where they
are erroneously described as those of Sir Robert Grushill and
his lady in Hoveringham church : see this corrected in the Gen-
tleman's Magazine 1832, vol. cii. ii. p. 422.)
4. In the recess of the south window, an old altar-tomb, raised
about a foot and a half, the brasses and arms gone.
5. In the north-east corner, another altar-tomb, which appears
never to have had either arms or inscription.
G. In the south-east corner, another which had a brass figure
and inscription, now gone.
7. Against the south wall, a large monument of various mar-
bles, forming a circular-headed arch sunk in the wall about
four inches ; a flat cornice is supported by two Corinthian pillars,
the shafts of which are of black marble, the capitals and pedes-
tals of white. In the niche are two small figures of a man and
woman, kneeling at a table, covered with a green cloth, frino-ed
with gold ; on this lie two open books. On a black tablet :
" Here lyeth the bodys of Sir Thomas Rous, of Dinington and
of Henham Hall, SufF. Knt. who married Parnell, daughter of
Sir John Goodwine, of Winchington, co. Bucks, Knt. &c. Sir
Thos. died 9 July 1603. Parnell, 9 Feb. 1619." Arms of Rous,
and Rous impaling Goodwine.
Fressingfield. Brass. Within the communion rails, a man
in armour, his head bare, his feet on a greyhound. '^ Orate p
aiabus Will'i Brewes, Arm., et Elizabeth uxoris ejus; ob. ille
28 die Oct^. 1489." Arms, Brewes, &c. Height 27 1 inc.
Monuments. 1. In the south aisle, a plain neat mural monu-
ment of w'hite marble, on black. Rev. Edward Vaughan, B.D.
Vicar of this parish, died 17 March 1797, aged 68. Eleanor his
wife, died 1 June 1804, aged 62.
2. In the churchyard, on the north side of the church, a table
monument, the slab of which, of black marble, has the arms of
the see of Canterbury, impaling Sancroft ; above this slab, and
on the wall a white marble tablet : " Lector, Wilhelmi, nuper
Archi Praesulis (qui natus in vicinia), quod morti cecidit,
propter hunc murum jacet. Ob. 24 Nov. An". Dom. 1693 set.
77.'^ Below, an English inscription to the same effect. There
is an engraving of this by F. H. Van Hove.
3. Near the last, mural : " M. S. Sarae Holmes, filiee Johannis
Wogan de Redenhall, in com. Norf. Arm*, uxoris Gervasii
Holmes, S.T.B, hujus Parochise Vi^arii, ob, 17 Maij 1764, ^t.
55. Also, Gervasii Holmes, ob, 28 Junii 1776, get. 80." Arms,
Holmes impaling Wogan.
HoxNE. Brasses. 1. No figure. John Thurston, Esquyr,
deceased 1 April 1640, aged 36 yeares. Arms, Thurston im-
paling Wright.
2. No figure. " John Thurston, Esquire, deceased 28 Nov.
1606, aged 89 yeres, and 8 months, and 3 daies." Arms, Thurston.
3. No figure. " John Thursto, Esq. deceased 2 Dec. 1613."
Monuments. 1. Mural, plain and neat, for Rev. Wm. Gould,
A.M. Vicar, died 7 June 1772. Katharine, his relict, died at
Dedham, Essex, 29 Aug. 1799, aged 76.
2. In the chancel, south side of the east window, mural :
" Reliquias Nathanielis Thurstoni, Joannis Thurstoni et Eliza-
bethee filii, &c. Bapt. 6 Nov. 1616. Sep^. 3 Sept. 1658." Arms,
3. On the north wall, on a tablet of white marble : Sir Tho-
mas Maynard Hesilrige, Bart, of Hoxne Hall, deceased April
24, 1817, aged 77. Dame Mary, his wife, deceased 13 Feb.
1809, aged 69. Arms, Hesilrige and Maynard quartered, im-
paling Wodehouse.
4. A plain tablet of white marble, against the north wall of
the aisle. James Press, Esq. of this parish, died 24 Aug. 1824,
aged 82. Rebecca, his wife, died March 25, 1825, aged 56.
Kelsall. Brass. No figure. John Parker, gent, who
married Dorothy Bradlaugh, ats Jacob ; died 24 April 1605,
aged 66.
Monument. In the chancel, south side, an altar, supported by
two fluted pilasters, between which is a tablet ; for " Thos. Rus-
sell, Esq. born at Belturbet, co. of Cavan, and kingdom of
Ireland, 1 Oct. 1669. His younger years he spent in the memo-
rable defence of Eniskillen, and continued in the service untill
that kingdom was entirely subdued by King William. He died
9 Dec. 1730, aged 61. Also Mrs. Mary Russell, his wife, de-
ceased 25 Sept. 1754, aged 83." Arms of Russell.
Laxfield. Brasses. 1. No figure. Elizabeth, first the wyfe
of Mr. George Sone, and afterwards of Mr. John Jennor. She
died 4 June 1634, aged 73.
2. In the nave, no figure. John Smyth, of Parkefielde, died
19 Sept. 1597, aged 55. Margaret his wife, daughter of Wol-
feran Dowsing, deceased 11 March 1621, aged 77. They had
six sons and five daughters.
3. No figure. William Dowsing, died 2 Nov. 1614, aged 88,
By Elizabeth his wife, he had four sons and one daughter.
4. On a stone, which had the figure of a man and two women,
still remains a shield with the arms of Bradlaugh ats Jacob.
5. No figure. In Roman capitals. John Jener, who had to
wife Elizabeth. He died 16 Dec. 1606, aged 80.
Monuments. 1. A stone in the north wall of the vestry, for
Nicholas Bradley ats Jacob, buried 8 Aug. 1628.
2. An oblong tablet of white marble, in the wall on the east side
of the window : " Jacet hie Sarah North, uxor Henrici North,
Arm*, filia unica et heres Johannis Jennor, gent. ob. 9 Jan.
1635, £et. 37." Arms, North.
Mendham. Brasses. 1. An old man, in a gown and rufF,
and, below, an inscription : " Monumentum Ricardi Freston
(dum vixit in agro Norfolciensi Arm.) ob. 20° Dec. 1634."
Above, a large coat of arms, Freston, of four quarters impalino-
Mileson. Height 18;^ inc.
2. A woman, in a ruff and hood : " Cecilia, filia Thomas Fel-
ton, Arm. uxor die' Ric'i, ob, 6 Sept. 1615." Arms above, Fres-
ton impaling Felton. She was wife of the next mentioned
Richard. Height 18j- inc.
3. An old man, in a ruff and gown. '' Richardus Freston, Ar.
ob. 27° Nov. 1616." Arms, Freston impaling Felton. Height
19 inches.
4. No figure. William Hobart, sonne of James Hobart, of
Mendham, Esq. died 9 March 1641, aged 3 months. Arms,
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, large, of black and white
marble. For Sir Richard Freston, Knt. who died 1557, and
Dame Anne, his wife, who died before him ; with the names and
deaths of children and grandchildren, Arms, Freston impalino-
2. Mural, over the chancel door, for Edward Freston, gent,
youngest son of Anthony Freston, of Mendham, Suff. Esq. and
Bridget his wife, daughter of Henry Coke, of Thorington, co.
Suff. Esq. He died 28 Dec. 1708, aged 43. Elizabeth, wife
of Edward Freston, and daughter of John Sayer, of Pulham
St. Mary the Virgin in co. Norf. gent, died 25 Sept. 1797, a3t.
35. Crests of Freston and Sayer.
3, On the same wall, marble : " M. S. Richardi Freston,
Arm', ob. 22 Junii 1722, aet. 68. Maria, uxor ejus, filia D"i
Gul"^' Cooke, in agro Norfolciensi, Barr^i. posuit." Arms, Freston
impaling Cooke.
4. On the opposite Mall, white marble : " Frestonus Rant,
Armigeri, qui universum fere quinquennium apud Hospitium
Greyense studio prosecutus, &c. Ob. 23 Sept. 1728, aet. 27. Pater
ejus. Jacobus Rant, Arm. posuit." Arms of Rant.
5. In the nave, mural, of white marble : " Jacobus Rant,
Arm. filius Gulielmi Rant, Arm', de Yelverton, in com. Norf.
Ob. 27 Martii 1743, aet. 73. Uxorem duxit Theophilam filiam
Anthonii Freston, Arm. de Mendham, cui erat superstes." Arms,
Rant impaling Freston.
6. On the south wall, of white marble. " Cineres Guliehiii
Rant, Arm. quondam de Mendham in com. SuflP. filii minoris
Jacobi Rant, Arm. Ob. 25 April 1754, set. 50." Arms, Rant.
7. In the north aisle, mural, of white marble: " M. S. V.
doctissimi D. Gulielmi Godbold, Militis. Qui post septennem
peregrinationem, animi excolendi gratia, per Italiam, Grseciam,
Palsestinam, Arabiam, Persiam, in solo natali in bonarum lite-
rarmii studiis consenescens, ob. Londini mense Aprilis, A*^. J.
MDCXiiic. set. Lxix." Arms of Godbold, Azure, two bows strung,
in saltire, or.
8. A small mural tablet of white marble, south wall. In me-
mory of Rev. Thomas Whitaker, Vicar of this parish, died Aug.
29, 1771, aged 36. Mary, his wife, died March 3rd, 1812,
aged 76.
Metfield. Brasses. 1. No figure, (broken.) "... . Joh'is
Jermyetlsabelle ux'is sue uni filiarum Joh'is Hopton, Armig'. qui
quidem Joh'is obiit xiij. die Jan^'. A^. D. Mo.v''.iiijo." Arms,
Jermy impaling Hopton.
2. No figure. For Anne, wife of John Franklin, gent, one
of the daughters of Wm. Blobold, gent, and Elizabeth his wife.
She died 5 June 1636.
Monuments. 1. Small, mural, of white marble. Rev. John
Banks, LL.B., 35 years minister, died 25 Dec. 1798, aged 66.
Ann, his wife, died 5 Nov. 1827, aged 90.
2. Mural, a tablet of white marble in the north-east corner
of the chancel, for Wm. Hunter, gent, born 1732; died 1813.
And Mary and Lucy, his daughters. Arms of Pell.
3, On the north wall of the chancel, white marble, for the
Rev. Charles Eade, 26 yeai's Minister of this parish, who died
24th Jan. 1835, aged 58. Elizabeth Wood Eade, his wife, died
9 May 1818, aged 42.
SouTHOLT. Bi'ass. A woman, her husband is gone. For
Mr, Robert Armiger, who married Margaret Sturging. He died
7 Nov. 1585. Height 23^ inc.
Monument. A sarcophagus of artificial ? stone, on the north
wall of the chancel. In memory of Dame Ann Henniker, late
wife of Sir John Henniker, Bart, of Newton Hall, near Dun-
mow, Essex, and eldest daughter of Sir John Major, Bart. She
died at Bristol 18 July 1792. (She was buried at Worlingworth.)
Stradbrook. Brass. On a plate attached to a table monu-
ment in the churchyard, a memorial of Mr. Nathaniel Fox, and
his charity. Also of Simon Fox, and of Major John Fox. No
dates. Arms of Fox.
Monuments. 1. On the north wall of the chancel, a monu-
ment, consisting of a female figure standing, and resting her
right arm on a tomb ; in her left hand, she holds a palm branch ;
below a sarcophagus-shaped tablet ; the whole of white marble
on a black ground. In memory of Elizabeth, the wife of the
Rev. William W^hite, A.M. Vicar of this parish, and daughter
of Samuel Marshall, Esq. Serjeant-at-Law, and one of the
Judges of the Chester Circuit. She died 28 Aug. 1840. Also
of William Robert Duill, Esq. formerly Registrar of the Legacy
Duty Office, who died 21 May 1838.
2. A plain tablet of white marble, below No. 1. " M. S.
Gulielmi White, A.M. hujus Ecclesiae per xviij. fere annos Pas-
toris. Ob. 2° Junii A.S. 1841, fet. 47."
3. A table monument of white brick, covered with a black
marble slab, in the north aisle. For Nathaniel Cook, late of
Knapton, co. Norf. gent, and Lydia his wife, daughter of Giles
Borrett, gent. He died 6 Sept. and she the 5th of Sept. 1802,
both aged 25.
Syleham. Brasses. 1. No figure. " Corpora Will'i Fuller,
gen. et Annas, uxoris ejus. Will'us ob. 10 die Jan". A^ D^ni
1634, set. 74. Anna ob. 7 die O^ris 1619." In the chancel.
2. No figure. " Corpora Antonii Barr}^, gen. et Elizabethae
uxoi-is ejus unius filiarum Will'i Hearing, gen. Ant' ob*. 5 die
Sbris. A.D. 1641, ffit. 66. Elizabetha ob. 13 die 8bns. 1638,
cet. 52."
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of white marble, for
Anthony Barry, late of this parish, gent, died Feb. 27, 1741-2,
aged 73. Arms, Barry impaling Lambe.
2. Mural, of white marble, surmounted by a pyramid of mixed
marble. To the pious memory of Mr. Bridget Lambe, daugh-
ter, of John Lambe, late of Barham Hall, co. Suffolk, Esq. by
Susanna his wife, daughter of John Acton, Esq. She died 19
May 1735, aged 70. Mrs. Anne Lambe, her eldest sister, died
10 April 1741. Arms, Lambe.
3. Mural, of white marble, for Anne Barry, youngest daugh-
ter of Lambe Barry, Esq. and Susan his wife, who died 8 Nov.
1808, aged 58. Isabella, her sister, died 2 March 1825, aged 86.
Tannington. Bi'asses. 1. No figure. For Marie Dade, wife
of William Dade, Esq. and daughter of Henry Wingfield, of Cro-
field, Esq. who died 3rd of Feb. 1624. Arms, Dade impaling
Wingfield, &c.
2. A woman. Anne Dade, wife of Thos. Dade, of Tanning-
ton, Suff". Esq. and daugher of Richard Cornwallys, of Shotley,
Suff. She died of May 1612. Arms, Dade impaling Corn-
wallis of six coats. 20i inc.
3. No figure. For Thomas Dade, Esq. who dyed the 13
day of April 1619, aged 63. Arms of Dade.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of black and white
marble, two tablets separated by a pilaster : Thos. Dade died
13 Apr. 1619. William Dade. Thos. Dade, &c. and others of
the family, who lie buried in the chancel. Numerous arms of
their intermarriages.
Many stones in the floor for Dades.
2. On the south wall of the nave, of white marble, a female
weeping, and resting her head against a column, on the top of
which is an urn encircled with a branch of cypress, and sur-
mounted by gilt rays of light issuing therefrom. For Jane
wife of the Rev. Samuel Bai'ker, A.M. late of Yarmouth, died
19 Auff. 1820, afljed 27. Also four of their children. Arms of
Barker impaling Ray. Also the said Samuel Barker, who died
5th Feb. 1836, set. 58.
3. Mural, of marble, in the chancel. For Rebecca, the wife
of the Rev. Stanley Miller, Vicar, who died Aug. 19, 1841,
aged 26.
Weybkead. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, an altar-tomb,
covered with a very thick black slab, palisaded : " Depositum
Joannis Hobart, Arm. hujus duni vixit ecciesise patroni. Natus
3" die Juiij 1605; mortuus 1683. Filius fuit D»» Joannis Ho-
bart, Mils, gt 1)"^ Barbarse ux^ris ejus, quorum reliquiae in Can-
cellis Basilicae S*'. Butolfi extra Bishopt^ate, London, sepultaB
jacent. Ossa etiam hie humata Joannis Hobart, gens'. filii pri-
mogeniti Joannis predicti. Natus Aug. 1629; ob. Nov. 1, 1649."
Arms, Hobart impaling Felton.
2. A small mural tablet of white marble, " In memory of the
Rev. Thomas Whitaker, A.M. 45 years Vicar of Mendham, and
30 years Curate and Vicar of this parish. Born 14 Aug. 1763 ;
died 29 Dec. 1832."
3. Mural, of white marble, on a coloured ground. For John
Ayton, Esq. of Scole Lodge, co. Norf., High Sheriff for Bucks
IblO. Born Aug. 1, 1759; died Jan. 22, 1836. Arms, Aylon
impaling Esdaile.
WiLBY. Brasses. 1. No figure. Elizabeth, the wife of John
Bayles, gent, daughter of John More, of H addon, in Oxon,
Esq. died 26 Dec. 1588. Arms, Bayles impaling More. On
another plate, on the same stone : Joane, the wife of Thomas
Bayles, Esq. daughter and coh. of Wm. Walsh, Esq. died 22d
Sept. 1620. Arms, Bayles impaling Walsh, three lucies hau-
riant in pale.
2. No figure. "John Bayles, gent, died 21 Dec. 1588. Also
Thomas Bayles, Esq. his sonne, died 21 May 1639, aged 84."
Arms, Bayles, a lion passant between three crosses patee.
3. No figure. " Lucie Bayles, eldest daughter of Thomas
Bayles, Esq. died 12 Aug. 1638; a virgin of great piety and
modestie.^' Arms, Bayles.
4. On two plates : 1. In memory of Mr. Joseph Fletcher, late
Rector of this parish, died 28 Sept. 1637, aged 60. This alludes
also to another Rector, of the name of True, and on this plate
are four punning lines in Latin on the name of the latter. On
the second plate, six lines in English, quibbling also on the
names of the two parsons.
5. Four Latin verses. For Wm. James, Rector, ob. 14 April
5. In the nave, a priest, inscription and feet gone. Height
13 inches.
7. A figure in a long and wide gown, and on a small plate on
R 2
his right side' a sheep or lamb, inscription lost. T. Martin says,
this was for one Sheep, or Sheepy, a great archer inKing James's
time, as he was informed. Height 24 inc.
8. A small piece of brass fixed in a head-stone, in the church-
yard, for John Cook, who died 28 March 1737, aged 67. He
was clerk and sexton. This has since been removed.
Monuments. 1. At the west end of the aisle, inclosed in pali-
sades, a large altar-tomb, of white marble, covered by three black
slabs: 1. " Memoriae Sacrum Viri Rev'^i Georgii Green,
S.T.B. Coll. Eman. ap^ Cantab, olim Socii, parochialis Ecclesice
de Cliff juxta Hoo in agro Cantiano Rectoris. Ob. 15 Oct.
1739, set. 84." Arms, Green.
2. ^' Jane Green, wife of Thomas Green, citizen of London,
died 31st March 1744, aged 47."
3. " Thomas Green, of Wilby, gent, died 1 April 1730,aged
60. Also Rebecca his wife, died 29 Aug. 1728, aged.58."
2. Mural, on a mantle of white marble, two angels support a
medallion, on which is a bust of a young man. '^ George Green,
Esq. died 31 July 1743, aged 21.'' Arms, Green.
WiNGFiELD. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, within the
communion rails, an altar-tomb three feet and a half high, on
which lies the effigy of a knight in armour of plate, with a shirt
of mail ; on his left side lies his lady. No arms or inscrip-
tion. This is the monument of John de la Pole, Duke of
Suffolk, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Planta-
genet Duke of York, and sister of King Edward IV. He died
7 Hen. VII. 1491. (See Stothard's Monumental Effigies.)
2. In the arch on the opposite side, another table monument of
freestone, on which lie the effigies of a knight and his lady; at
the head and on the sides of the tomb were niches, which pro-
bably contained effigies of the children of the deceased ; and on
the cornice, or chamfered edge of the slab, are remains of an
inscription, which appears to have contained their names, for, in
spite of repeated white-washings, the following can still be made
out: ^n. Cfjoma. gjofjan^. ^lexantrer. Cl^oma^.
This is the monument of Michael de la Pole, second Earl of
Suffolk, who married Katharine, daughter of Hugh Earl of Staf-
ford, and died at the siege of Harfleur 1415. (See Stothard's
Monumental Effigies.)
3. In the north wall, an altar-tomb of freestone, the front
of which has blank shields in quatre foils ; upon this is a slab
or table of Purbeck marble, and over that a thin slab, of a
white, soft stone, on which lies the figure of a knight in plate
armour, with a pointed helmet, to which is attached a piece of
mail falling down to the shoulders. This is called the monu-
ment of William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, who was beheaded
at sea in 1449. It certainly, however, represents a Wingfield ;
and it is most probably the monument of Sir John Wingfield,
of Wingfield Castle, whose daughter and heir Katharine mar-
ried Michael de la Pole, first Earl of Suffolk. Sir John was
living in 1355, but the exact date of his death does not appear.
(See Stothard.)
4. In the south aisle, a table monument for Samuel Jessup,
who died Oct. 21, 1770, aged 58.
5. In the same, a mural tablet of white marble, for Lydia,
daughter of W^illiani and Sophia Sumpter, of Wingfield Castle,
died 27 May 1831, aged 21.
6. In the north aisle, mural, of white marble, for Mr. Benjamin
Hatcher, late of Cratfield, in this county, who died 12 July,
1778, aged 102. Also Mr. Thos. Pretyman, surgeon, youngest
son of Robert and Ann Pretyman, died 14 Jan. 1784, aged 22.
Also Jane-Hall, youngest daughter of Robert and Ann Prety-
man, died 1 1 Nov. 1789, aged 25.
7. On a pier in the nave, a small lozenge of white marble, for
Rachel Eloisa Smyth, wife of Rev. Charles Bohun Smyth, died
16 Sept. 1832, aged 49.
In the floor of this church are many stones which had brasses
on them, some very large and richly inlaid, probably for indi-
viduals of the De la Pole family.
8. In the north aisle, a small tablet of white marble, for John
Bicker, Perpetual Curate of this parish, who died March 18,
1836, aged 52 : he was buried within the walls of the school-
room built in the churchyard, which had been erected by his
exertions. Sarah, his first wife, died 29 Jan. 1823, aged 32,
buried at Bruisyard. Also Sarah, his second wife, died 31
March 1835, aged 23; buried by his side.
WoRLiNGWORTH. Bvasses. 1. No figure. '^ Jaspar Hussie,
citizen of London, borne in Exceter ; came here during sickness
for the benefit of this aire, and died 24 July 1624, aged 44.^'
2. Two groups of children, the parents' effigies gone.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, a large mural monument of
white marble, surmounted by a pyramid of black. To the me-
mory of Sir John Major, Bart, and ])ame Elizabeth his wife.
She died at Thornham Hall, Suffolk, 4 Sept. 1780, aged 76.
Sir John died in London 16 Feb. 1781, aged 82. Arms, Major
impaling Dale, of Brentwood, Essex.
2. Mural, small, of artificial stone, for Dame Ann Henniker,
late wife of Sir John Henniker, Bart, of Newton Hall, Dun-
mow, Essex, eldest daughter of Sir John Major, Bart. She died
at Bristol Hot Wells 18 July 1792. Arms, Henniker and
Major. (See Southolt, monument 1.)
8. In the nave, mural, of black and white marble : " Exuvise
Elizabethse uxoris Roberti Drury, Baronetti, unicaefiliae et here-
dis heeredum tam Patris Edwardi Dunstan de Worlingworth,
gen. quam Matris Elizabethse ex honesta Mayhewstirpe oriundee,
&c. Ob. 1667, set. 24." Arms, Drury impaling Dunstan, Gules,
a stages head cabossed argent.
4. On the south wall, a plain and neat monument of white
marble, in memory of John Cordy, late of Woodbridge, and
formerly of this parish, died 18 Jan. 1828, aged 66.
5. On the north wall, of white marble, for Elizabeth, only
child of John and Hester Cordy, died 6th Dec. 1824, aged 11.
Ufford. D. A. Y.
To the Editor of the Topographer and Genealogist.
Presuming that the investigated or elaborated pedigree of
any ge7itle family is acceptable to you, provided it be not else-
where in print, I venture to communicate that of the Marche
flimily of the Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, which recorded its arms
and contemporary generations at its county Visitations of 1574-5,
1619, and 1684.
But before entering upon this genealogy, it may be pertinent
to explain, that I was originally led to it when tracing in 1841-3
the representation of the Steward family of Ely, in which (with
Oliver Cromwell and some other persons) the Marches enjoyed
a coheirship; and, according to my general habit, I perfected
the Marche pedigree {i. e. as nearly as I could without any great
expense) having once touched upon it.
I have, however, a rather important reason for this preface to
the pedigree, and it is to rectify an error which I copied from
Vincent, and published in a periodical called "TheArchseologist,"
printed by Mr. John Russell Smith, in 1841-2. This article
I wrote for the express purpose of correcting Mark Noble's
groundless and unwarrantable presumption, " that of all the six
sister- coheiresses of the Steward family, whereof Oliver Crom-
well's mother was the fifth, all died young or unmarried, except
Mrs. Cromwell : " whereas it is clearly proved that all six mar-
ried; and that not less than two, besides Mrs. Cromwell, had
surviving issue ; all which I fully substantiated. But, upon
Vincent's authority, I there also stated, that Barbara Marche,
the daughter of Thomas Marche who married Anne Stev/ard,
was she, so named, who became the wife of Edmond Hodilow.
Now I wish to state that since then original investigation has
quite disproved Vincent's identification. I find that Barbara,
daughter of Thomas Marche and Anne Steward, was not baptized
till Barbara Marche, wife of Hodilow, was married ; while the
will of Agnes Marche, mother of the said Thomas, calls Bai'bara
Hodilow daughter to the testatrix ; so that it is quite clear she
was sister and not daughter to Thomas Marche who married
Anne Steward ; and thus Vincent's insinuation (evidently founded
in ignorance), that she descended from the Stewards falls to the
ground ; the true position of her pedigree diverting the stream
of Steward blood into another channel at its very fountain-head.
There was a time when I relied on Augustine Vincent's state-
ments, verbatim et literatim ; but I begin to suspect that (though
greatly in advance of his predecessors,) he was more industrious
than careful. However, I will now proceed to the pedigree I
propose committing to your pages.
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Qiiarterings of Marche of Ely :
1. Steward. Argent, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued
azure, debruised by a bend raguly or.
2. (Allowed at Canib. Visit, to the Stewards : sed qu.) Or,
a fesse chequy argent and azure, for Stuart of Scotland.
3. Boreley, of co. Norfolk. Vert, three boar's heads erased
argent, langued gules, 2 and 1.
4. Walkfare, of co. Norfolk. Argent, a lion rampant sable,
armed and langued gules.
5. Baskerville, of — — — . Argent, a chevron gules between
three hurts.
These quarterings were allowed to Steward at the Cambridge
Visit. 1619, and vested in the descendants of Thomas Marche,
Esq. of Ely, by his wife Anne Steward, on the death of her half-
brother, Sir Thomas Steward, of Ely, Knt. January 1635-6.
The other coheirs were the descendants of her (whole blood)
sisters, Mildred, wife of Henry Barker, of co. Norfolk, and Bar-
bara, wife of her kinsman, Thomas Steward, of Stradset, in
that county, (and her half-blood sisters,) Catharine, wife of Tho-
mas Chabnor, of Mousley, co. Hereford ; Elizabeth, wife of
Robert and mother of Oliver Cromwell ; and Eleanor, wife of
Sir John Pooley, of Wrongey, Knt. who also had issue.
Quarterings of Marche of Haddenham :
1. Humberstone. Argent, three bars sable, and in chief as
many pellets.
2. Skipwith. Argent, three bars gules, and in chief a grey-
hound courant sable.
3. Rowlands. Sable, from the chief a pile wavy ermine.
All which appear on the Marche memorials in Haddenham
I have had a twofold motive for communicating this pedigree.
First, there being so far no History of Cambridgeshire, while
the Marche pedigree would be thoroughly essential to the his-
tory of Haddenham parish, when such a work is undertaken,
this article may, perhaps, be useful to the future historian of that
county. Secondly, I was wishful for an illustration of my theory,
" that in mercenaiy marriages contrived by parents and guar-
dians, their very object is generally defeated by Providence.^*
By her first husband, the son of her guardian, the heiress of
Marche had no surviving issue; and, so compulsory was this
marriage on the former, that Cole records, " though she was a
very pretty woman, her husband was never fond of her," and died
at the early age of 32, s. p. s. before the eyes of his plotting fa-
ther ; who so seeing his dearest hopes blighted, one would have
thoufjht would have been ijlad to meddle no more in the matter.
But, as in Mrs. Trollope's Tale of "One Fault," the money
being the principal attraction, the parent clung to his child's
surviving spouse rather than forsake the property; and now
speculated upon being parent-iti-Iaw to a " ladyship." Ac-
cordingly this same old lawyer picked up the expectant
heir of a baronetcy for his daughter-in-law. But the second
project was scarcely more successful than the first. The
worthy heiress had extinguished the Gatward family ; and she
now did the same by the Wollaston baronetcy. She had no sur-
viving issue, but of her own sex, by her second husband ; and
thus, not only the Wollaston baronetcy, and the male line of
that family expired ; but her daughters got its estates. In both
cases, the " biter was bit ; " for both Gatward and Wollaston
owed their extinction to their mercenary matches with this
wealthy heiress ; and probably, had they respectively married
other wives, they would now have been prosperous flourishing
families. There is no pedigree without its moral.
W. D. B.
From a translation made by John StradlingC;, Esq. in 1597, now in the
possession of George Grant Francis, Esq. F.S.A. Hon. Secretary for
South Wales to the Archaeological Institute.
To all the children of our holie mother the church, unto whom
thes present letters shall come. And whom the matters ensuinge
doth touch, or may hereafter by any means conserne, John by
the permission of God bishop of LandafF sendeth greeting,
mercy and blessinge. Wheras lately certen variaunce and dis-
corde betwene one David Tew, farmer (as it is sayd) to the Prior
of the Priorie of Ewenny and Rector of the parish church or
cliappell of Langynor of th'one partye, And the parishioners,
dwellers or inhabitants of the parish of the said church or chap-
pell of Langynor, of the other parte, hath bene raysed and moved
before us sittinge judicially in the church of the co'vent of
Ewenny, namely, the eight day of the moneth of Maye in the
yeare of our Lorde one thousand fower hundred sixty and six.
We thei-fore wishinge and desiringe to extinguish, put out, and
quench the flames of strife betwene the partyes aforesayd, as we
are bound, by the counsell of learned lawiers assistinge us in
that behaulfe. And the sayd Prior beinge ther present, we de-
creed and commaunded that twelve men of the eldest and best of
credite within the sayd parish of Langynor should be called
before us the sayd daye and place, and in the presence of the
sayd Prior and of the sayd Rector of the parish church or chap-
pell aforesayd, To enquire of the maner, fourme, and custome
auntient approved and prescribed for tythinge or payinge of
tenthes within the foresaid pai'ish. Which person nes appearinge
before us personally, and beinge charged upon the holie Evan-
gelistes of God, we made diligent inquisiclon of and upon the
premisses and every parte therof, who upon their oath deposed
and sayd that this custome followinge of tithinge or payinge of
tenthes hath bene used in the sayd parish of Langynor by the
tyme wherof the memorie of man ys not to the contrarie, and
accordinge as they have learned and heard by reporte of their
auncestors, and as they have scene and payd in their own tyme,
Namely, that the parishioners and inhabitantes of the sayd parish
of Langynor were wont to pay unto the Prior of the foresayd
Priorie, or to his vicare or farmer, for every calfe one halfe-penny
and no more. Allso the tenth sheaflPe of corne. The tenth lambe,
The tenth fleece of wooll, The tenth cheese in five monethes of
the yeare onely. The third pigge allthough they had no more but
three, and yf they had twenty they afBrme that they ought to
pay one : And of their kiddes and geese in like maner, that ys to
saye one kydd and one goose albeit they have but three in the
worlde, and in twenty they ought to paye after the same maner :
And for an horse colt one penny, for a mare colt an halfepenny.
Also of their honey the tenth penny, Of a woman's dowire for
every keverie^ two pence : For hay accordinge to the quantity
of the tenement and acres of medowe. And the nowe Prior to
whom the sayd tithinges doe belonge and are knowen of right
to appertaine ther as before ys sayd, was personally present allow-
inge the foresayd maner of tythinge or payinge of tenthes, and
holdinge himselfe therwith contented, choosinge rather (as he
affirmed) to agree and stand unto the sayd auntient maner of
tythinge, than to contend and strive witli the parishioners afore-
sayd, and others that should come after, for a newe custome or
maner of tythinge : Because the end of lawe was doubtful], he
desired earnestly that the aforesayd maner of tythinge mighte
all way es be keptt. We, therfore, John the byshop aforesayd,
willinge to cutt off all contentions and dissentions in the sayd
matter of tythinge, and willinge to conclude, pacific, and end duly
the controversie betwene the foresayd partyes. The maner of
tythinge or payinge of tenthes within the sayd parish of Lan-
gynoi', do approve, ratify, decree, and confirme to bee of force
and to endure for ever by thes presentes. Forbyddinge upon
payne of excommunication that no man by rash attempte pre-
sume any wayes to weaken or infringe this our ordinaunce or
present decree. We do allso admonish the inhabitants of the
sayd parish of Langynor which nowe are and which hereafter
shalbe, to paye all and singuler such tenthes as are before recited,
in the same maner and forme, without any takinge awaye, dimin-
ishinge, or gainesayinge, unto the sayd Prior or to his vicare or
farmor at all tymes upon paine aforesayd. In witnes wherof we
have thought good to put our scale to thes presents. Ther
beinge present at that tyme Mr. David ap Rickerd bachelour of
the lawe, S^ John ap Howell publicke notarie, and our com-
missarie Thomas Brampston master of arte, and manie other
witnesses. Dated the day, place, and yere abovewritten. And
of our consecration the eight yere.
This ys a true copie of a Decree made by the byshop of Lan-
daph, touchinge the maner of payinge tithes within the
parish of Langynor, trulie englished out of the original!
latine, wherto the sayd byshoppes scale was affixed. In
* Recovery?
witnes wherof, 1, Edward Stradlinge, knight, have hereto put
my hand and seale of armes.'^ The \j^^ day of Novembre,
Ao. R. R'ne d'ne nostra Elisabethe, &;c. xxxix°. 1597.
{signed) Enw. Stradlynge.
Englished and written out by me,
{signed) Jo. Stradlynge.
Endorsed, Copie of the bishop of Landafs decree touchinge
paying of tenthes in Langynor.
The parish of Llangeinwr is situated in the manor or lordship of
Ogmore, and contains about 6,700 acres. At the time of the survey in
26 Hen. VIII. the tithes of Langynor were let to the parishioners and
inhabitants by the Priory of Ewenny at a farm of Al. 6s. 8d. (Valor
Ecclesiasticus.) They have now been commuted. There was no modus
claimed ; the impropriator, C. R. Mansel Talbot, Esq. of Margam, being
entitled to all tithes in kind. Exemption, however, was allowed for
about 72 acres, which had been recognised as exempt in 19 Jas, I.
The benefice is a perpetual curacy in the diocese and archdeaconry of
Llandaff, of the actual yearly value of 7 U. according to the return of
f Continued from p. 185. J
Folios 29, 31, of the MS. volume, are filled with abstracts of
Crown and Archiepiscopal leases of the manor and lands in
Charino- with copious extracts, evidently taken from the Records
of the Court of Augmentations. As the originals can be easily
referred to, it is not necessary to copy these abstracts in ex-
tenso. The following is a summary of them :
Indenture of lease, dated 8 Aug. 1528, 20 Hen. VIII. from
William, Archbishop of Canterbury, to John Brent of Charing,
gentleman, his executors or assigns, of the site and manor of
Charing, with the houses, edifices, lands, rights, and appur-
tenances, &c. and divers tenant services (excepting knight's fees,
advowsons, rents, services, copyholds, wardships, marriages,
woods, warrens, escheats, waifes, strays, and all other liberties
and franchises belonging thereto, and also the great stable,
'' The seal is not attached to this copy.
and one barn for the lord's hay, all which are reserved to
the aforesaid Archbishop and his successors,) to hold from
Michaelmas day next for the term of 24 years, at an annual
rent of 12/. to be paid quarterly. This lease is confirmed by
the Prior and Chapter [of Christ Church, Canterbury] 20 Aug.
20 Hen. VIII.
Indenture of lease, dated 15 Nov. 33 Hen. VIII. (1541), from
Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, to John Brent of Charing,
gent, and William Brent his son, their executors or assigns, of
all those houses, edifices, meadows, pastures. &c. in Charing, and
the service and labour of the tenents of the manor, which the
said John Brent enjoys by virtue of the foregoing lease of 8
Aug. 1528, to hold from Michaelmas last past for the term of
50 years at an annual rent of 12/. to be paid quarterly. This
lease is confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church
under seal 31 May 1542. " Et Irrotulatur coram me Thoma
Thomson, auditor."
By letters patent dated 5 Nov. 21 Eliz. (1579), reciting the
above lease of 15 Nov. 33 Hen. VIII. for 50 years, the Queen
grants to Thomas Perry, gentleman, one of the pensioners of
Berwick, in consideration of his laudable service, a lease in
i-eversion, after the expiration of the aforesaid term of 50 years,
of all the said houses, lands, &c. in Charing so held by the
Brents, for the term of 21 years, at an annual rent of 12/.
payable half yearly at the receipt of the Exchequer; with
other covenants and provisoes.
By letters patents, dated 10 May, 24 Elizabeth (1582), the
Queen demises Hookwood, Eastbrooke, Westbrooke, and Ray_
wood and Downwood, in the manor of Charing, to Richard
Bruer for 21 years from Lady day last past, at an annual rent
of 4/. 15*.
By letters patent, dated 7 January, 31 Elizabeth (1589), re-
citing the next above lease for 21 years to Richard Bruer, the
Queen demises the aforesaid separate portions of Westbrooke,
Eastbrooke, and Hookwood, and the Palace of Charing, to
Roger Parker, to hold the aforesaid woods of Hookwood, East-
brooke, and Westbrooke, from and after the expiration or for-
feiture of the above lease of 21 years to Richard Bruer, for the
term of 31 years, at an annual rent of 35s. and to hold the said
VOL. ir. s
Palaces &c, from Michaelmas day next ensuing for the term of
31 years, at an annual rent of 205.
Memdum. In y^ exchang between y^ K. and y^ Archbushop,
36 Hen. VIII. y^ scite w^Mn y^ stone wall 4 acr. 3 roods.
Redd as§ £A0 14s Qd ofc di. q.
Redd mobiliu sine venditione consuetud liberu ten scilicet de
pretio 183 gallifi 1483 ovoru 8 vomeru 2 qter vi modi ordei et
divse consuetud arandi, &c. 75^ Sd q.
Red nov tam p cartam in feodo quam p indenturam p termiil
annoru £4< 12^.
Firma 2 orreoru, unius stabuli, domus columbar, et granar 50
acr terr in Eastcourt feld, 140 acr terr ar in Westcourt feld, una
clausa pastur voc Westbrooke cont 12 acr, ac vi acr prati in
Flegmede, Sewenmede, Hedgrer et Hoggeselmede, ac etia pas-
tura soli in Bosco voc Eastbrooke, Westbrook, et Hookwood,
et divsa opera tenentiu, sic dimiss Johanni Brent p term annorij
Firma totius illius terr soli et fundi voc Rishmer dimisS Wil-
helmo Brent p term anno& £4.
Firma pfic pannagii in bosco de Downwood, eo quod rarissime
accidit, nil.
Pquisit Cur ibidem cu ten et secta relaxand. 26s gd. Dictu
man ultra repris £60 12s Qd ofe di. q.
Downwood p est 93 acr, Hookwood 23 acr di. Westbrook xvi
acr, Eastbrooke 13 acr, Horsellwood {sic) Reywood 90 acr
5 dayworcks.
Browghton Hoath (because y^ tenants clayme to have y"^ woods
ther and pastur of y^ soyle also as comon, therfor here not
Tenures by kt's service belonging to y" saied man. of Char.
Robrt at Waters p man de Pet a quarter of a kt. fee.
Hussey p Eastlenham di. k. fee.
John Deering y^ mannor of Pluckley a whole k. fee.
The parsonage of Charing and chapell of Egerton annext,
over and besydes y^ wages of a preist serving y^ cnre at Egerton,
worth clearly by y^ year £40 13s 4d. Xhe vicaredg of Charinge
>vorth ^ ann. £13 6s 8^. [FoL 30'\]
Mem. In seeking In y^ Chauncery Roiills for other matters,
I find that 30 Eliz. pars xvi. Samuel Hales doth bargaine and
sell unto Humphry Hales and unto Samuel sonn of ye saied
Humphry, all that his part and ppart of the manner of Down-
court in Lenham, and lands therunto belonoing-e. And also all
his right, revtion, and interest therin, and also all those ij tenem?
and lands therunto belonging, then in the occupation of
Frauncys Stransam or his assignees in the saied parish or neer
therabouts, Habendu to y^ saied Humphry and Samuell ther
sonns, and to ther heiers.
Mem. That I pchased Downcourt of Sir James Hales, wch he
had as heier to Robart Hales his brother, and the same is howl-
den by k. service, and is no gavelkind land, but y^^ tenemt in
Stransams possession semeth to be gavelkind land, and I receave
rent but for a fourth part therof; but I receave y^ whole of
Downcourt land, wherof I have made a lease unto Ralph
Mem. 20 acr therof is challe[n]dged by y^ wydow of Hum-
fry Hales to be gavelkynd, and is houlden of Mr. Parckhurst of
his Mor^ of Eastlenham ; mem. she must pve partita vel ptabilis
or otherwise to be gavelkind nature, for socage (ergo gavel-
kynd) is not enowghe, quia falsa position. Le case Sir Moyle
Finche. iFol. 33.]
A noat owt of a recorde y* was dd to y^ Jury at a court
holden at Charing 158*7 to enquier for y^ Queene.
One peece of land conteya in lenght 69 foot, and in bredth
A>2 foot, sometyme in y" tenure of Wiit Taylour, and lying be-
tweene y^ howse of y^ saied Taylour and ye howse of William
Elyot, p an. 4^.
* Itm one medow at Ringwood and y^ milpond sometyme in
ye tenure of William Fullar, p an. 3^ V.
Itm 4 acr di. pastur at Pillhill sometymes in ye tenure of Wil-
liam Colney and letten to Richard Tulley, p an. 4s.
Itm one peece of land late in 3 pcells, letten to John Laven-
der, and was houlden by Richard Barder, p an. xii<J.
s g
Itm one pcell of land conteyning 13 foot in y^ tenure of Ro-
bart Hatch, lying to y^ high way towards y^ south and to y^
tenement of y^ saied Robart, late Henry, at Mede, p an. v'l^.
* Itm one stone wall conteyn 14 foote in y^ tenure of Tho.
Blike, uppon y^ w^h ye same Thos. did build his kitchen p an. 1^.
Itm one pcell of land conteyn x pches in lenght and in bredth
3 foot, lying to y<= scite of y^ manor north and south and to ye
ten of John Lavender west, and in y^ tenure of ye saied John
p an. iijd.
Itm one pcell of land caulled Legers conteh 3 yeards of land
in ye tenure of Robart Mayhews p an. xvij<^.
Itm 4 acr of land caulled Horithorth in ye tenure of John
Reder p an. vi<^.
K ii dayworcks of land in a lane caulled Parsons lane, in ye
tenure of John Ive p an, I''.
* Itm one garden lying neere ye mannor ther in ye tenure of
dyvs psons, p an. vi^ viii'^.
To enquier who hath ye lands and other thinges above written.
Mem. To enquier who hath inclosed a peece of land caulled
Brooks forstall neere Reyvvood, and how long ye same hath byn
To all ye pmisses (except those pricked [asterisks] ) ye Jury
saied ignoram^. [FoL 33'>.]
Inter recorda turr London' sic reperitur de aldermanria de
Westgat in Cantuar et suburbiis, vtt.
4 Edw. I. n. 75. Per inquisitionem jur dicunt &c. qd dictus
Wilhelm^ Costed tenuit predictam aldermanriam de dno Rege
in capite ut p dimissionem antecessoru Reg Anglie et idem
Wilhelm^ qui dictam aldermanriam tenuit feoffavit magistru
Hamonem Doge redd inde annuatim eidem Wilhelmo x marcas,
et idem magister Hamo tenuit predictam aldermanriam p 15
annos, et postea feoffavit Nicholaiu Doge de dicta aldermanria
redd dicto Hamoni et heredib^ lOQs. et faciend dno feodi ser-
vitiu inde debitu. Et dictus Nicholaius fuit in pacifica posses-
sione quousq^ vie nunc ipsu evasit. Et idem vicecomes fecit
sesiri (sic) predictam alderm in manu dni Regis (salvo jure
omnib^) ea ratione quod predicta aldermanria tenetur de dno
Rege in capite quia dicta civitas Cantuarie fuit et adhuc est in
manu drii Regis.
9 Edvv. I. n. 8, Inquisitio post mortem Wilhel mi Costed. Jur
dicunt sup sacramentu suu quod dictus Wilhelm^ de Costed
tenuit certas terras in Shepey, &c. de dno Rege in cap que sunt
de tenura de gavelkinde. Et quod tenuit die quo obiit apud
Cantuar 100s. redd p an, de quadam aldermanria voc Westgat
quam aldermanriam predictus Wilhelm^ vendidit magistro
Hamoni Doge redd dictu redd lOQs. Et dictus magister Hamo
dedit dictam aldermanriam abbati Sancti Augustini Cant quam
aldermanriam dictus Wilhelm^ tenuit de dicto diio Rege et
de dno Archiep^o et nesciunt p quod servitiu. Dicunt etiam
quod dictus Wilhelm^ habuit 3 filios adhuc vivos, Wilhelmu 12
annoru, Adam 8 annoru, et Johannem vi. annoru, et quod sunt
pimi heredes dicti Wilhelmi.
11 Edw. I. n. 25. Itm p aliam inquisitionem post mortem
Johannis de Hawloe. Jur dicunt, &c. quod dictus Johannes
habuit die quo obiit in civitate Cantuar quandam aldermanriam
que voc aldermanry de Redgate et valet p an. xii^, &,c.
iFol. 32b.]
Anno 5 Regis Johannis in recor turr London. — Rex, &c.
Maiori et vicec London' &:c. Precepim^ vobis qd p visum prioi'is
Sancti Trinitatis et quatuor legaliu hominu de civitate London'
emi facialis blada de firma nra, et fieri facialis panem, ita quod
quatuor panes valeant denariu, et fieri facialis farinam ad pul*
mentu faciendu, et a die receptionis istaru literaru pascatis apud
London' trescentos pauperes usq, ad diem assumptionis beate
Marie (15 Augusti). Ita quod quilibet illoru habeat unu panem
et tantu pulmenti factu de farina et herbis du herbe inveniri
poterint et cum inveniri non poterint tantu pulmenti factu de
fabis vel pisis unde sustentari possunt, ne pereant, et computa-
bitur tibi ad scaccariu. Teste me ipso apud Clarendon secundo
die Maii anno regni nri quinto.
Sub eadem forma scribitur vie Wilteshire quod p visum abbatis
de Stanley et quatuor legaliu hominiide Marleburgh pascat centu
pauperes p termin superi^ scriptu.
Idem vie Southampton quod pascat trescentos p termin supra-
dictu, &c.
Idem, vie Devon quod pascat trescentos pauperes p termin
supradictii. [Fol, 33^.]
" Coppyes of irs as well w^l* I have written to others as thers
to me and ther awnswers, w^li may be needfull uppon occations
heerafter to be knowne. ^
(No. 1.) '* Sir, I shall have occation shortly to be in those parts
wher yo'* farmor Bayley dwelleth, w^^ whom I would gladly have
an even reckoning. And unless yt may appear unto him y* yow
allow of 2®. p an. I know 1 shall have no reason at his hands.
And therefore I pray yow let me have a noat from yow unto
him, to y<- effect. And for y^ odd money w^^^ yow deny, I will
acquaynt ye colledg w^h yt, and then y^ fault is ther owne if they
geve me not that p [r] oufFe y * may in reason satisfy yow. And
so wtl', &c. Hoxton, 6 May 1601. Yo, &c. R. Honywood.
" To ye right worshipp" Mr. William Tydley."
(No. 2.) The second letter dated 17 June 1601, and ad-
dressed to Michael Milward, is to caution Milward about a
threat which Edmund Fayres states Milward had made, that
he would deprive Mr. Honywood of certain lands purchased of
George Bury.
(No. 3.) " The coppy of my tr to Mr. Foderby, Archdecon
of Cant, uppon his deniyng to pay my pention of 4/. p an.
" Sir, I dyd p^pose to have seene yow at Cawnterbury at my
last being ther, but that my brother Manwood dyd tell me y*
yow wear not at home. And I did thinck to have satisfyed yow
for my right of 4/. p ann. w'^l' I have ev receaved of yo»' pdeces-
sors in y^ tythes of y^ lordshipp of Berham. My Lord of Nor-
wich at his first comyng to Buishoppesborne made y* stay of
paym* that yow doe. And I came to his howse at Cawnterbury
and did fully satisfye him and his cownsell therin, and was ever
after payed by him w^hout any mor question, for I dyd pve be-
fore his owne counsell the tythes of the lordship of Berham to be
geven by Lanfranck unto y^J prior of St. Gregory's and his
successors ; and did also pve unto him that y^ parson of Buis-
hoppesborne for y^ tyme, being farmor of y*' tythes, hath soni-
tyme payed mor, and somtyme lesse, for y^ farme thereof, and
" The intention only is here expressed, which was not subsequently fulfilled, inas-
aiucli as only four letters, and written by Robert Honywood, are copied.
somtynie y^ bayliffs of y^ prior did accompt for ye corne sowld ;
and this I pved by many roulls of accompts of y^ priors bayliffes,
and other officers, \\^^^ (for anything I yet know to y^ contrary)
doth playnly pve, that those tythes do yet belong to me (in
specie) and so to my Lord's grace of Cawnterbury, and that this
4/. is but a yearly farme receaved by y^ Prior at his wyll for
those tythes, and not by lawe, in nature of a pention ; w'^^ if yt
be, yt resteth in yo'" part to pve. And of y* opyneon was my coun-
sell at that tyme; yet, my L. of Norwiche being then my good
freend, I was contented to receave for them as before had byn
payed, and so wylbe now, if yow please. I pray, Sir, let my man
be payed assone as yow can, for that I have of that and other
rents appoynted him to pay y^ poor people of Harboldowne for
this q^ter. i\nd so wtl» my hartiest salutations unto yow, I leave
yow to God's mercy. Hoxton, this first of October 1602.
" Yor very loving freend, R. Honywood.^'
(No. 4.) " To y^ right worshipp" his very loving freend
Mr. Archeedecon of Canterbury.
" Sir, It is now mor then a year past synce yow purposed (as
yow wrot unto me) to acquaint my L. grace w*''^ my demand of
41. yearly for y^ pention of Buishoppesborne, synce w^^ tyme I
onderstand yow have byn w* my L. and yet I hear nothing from
yow. I pray yow once againe let me not be delayed in my right,
but that yow wyll pay unto this bearer my servant ye some of
vij/. due unto me at M's [Michaelmas] last, for 3 whole years. I
would be very loath to contend w^'i yow in lawe for myne owne,
and yet I showld wrong my selfe and my L. Grace more (to
whom yc inheritance therof belongeth), if I showld not indea-
vour to maintayne y^ right w^h my best dilygence ; and therfor
I hope yow will pay it wt^out any mor adoe. And such due
therof as yow ar to reteyne for subsedy, my man shall allow
uppon yo' acquitance. So I byd yow hartely farewell. Bech-
worth Castell in Surrey, this 20 Febr. 1603."
Folios 98 — 102 are occupied with notes of such leases as he (Robert
Honywood) had made, before January 1620, of lands in Flitton, of tithes
of the Rectory of Flitwicke and lands there, of the manor of Down-
court and lands there and in Godneston, of the manor and lands in
Milton, of Cockering house and lands at Wyll, of the farm of Hony-
wood, of lands in Saltwood and Hithe, of messuages and lands in Mer-
den and Stapleherst, of x messuages and lands in Smarden, of a mes-
snage and lands in Egeiton, subject to tlic payment of quit rents to the
lord of Cliillam, and of a messuage and land in Betherisdcn belonging
to his brother Fleet.
Folios 102 — 101 contain " cownterparts of my leases wch I have
made of St. Greg." [Gregory's], from which the following are ex-
tracted :
" 2 May 1606. Elmested Rectory lease. I did by indenture
of yt date demise y*^ same to my brother Anthony Honywood
from ye date therof for 28 yeares then followinge (if ye sayde
Anthony shall so longe lyve) and for yc yearly rent of 30/. at
M's and Lady day, by equal portions, at y^ howse at Hoxton
w'tl* my brother Heneage buylt; default by 40 dayes to re-enter,"
" 6 Apr. 34 Hen. VIII. Golstanton lease. Richard Nevyll,
by indenture of yt date, doth demise unto Christopher Nevinson
by these wordes following, vtt. ' His parsonage of Golstanton,
■wth all ye ty thes of corne and hay and all other tythes'
' belonging to y*^ same, being in the parishe of Ashe besydes
Sandwitch, whiche late weare in y^ occupylnge of Lawrence
Huner, and also y^ tythes of certayne landes caulled Hartslande
and Holnedane, lyinge and beinge in the parishes of Ickham and
Wingeham in ye cownty aforesayde [Kent], w^'^ now be in y^
occupying of Johe Gason, gent. ? hitherto worde for worde. Ha-
bendu (tiie sayde parsonage of Golstanton, w^h ye appteh and
tythes of Hartlande and Holnedane), &c. from M's then last
past for 92 yeares, and for ye yearly rent of 9/. at Ladyday and
M's by equal portions," &c.
" Pett, and lands ther. — A noate of leases wch I howld
and paym* dayes. I doe howld by indentur dat. 1 Dec. 41
Eliz. (1548), of the demise of my mother, the mannor of Pet
in Charinge, and all lands, tenem*s, and hereditamt^ in Charing,
Westwell, and Staliffeeld, habendu from the date therof for 40
years, if my mother lyve so long, the rent payable qterly at Pet
by equal portions, the same yerly rent beinge 53/. x^. " &c.
[FoL 121^.]
" AsHENDON Rectory. — I doe howld y^ same by indenture,
dat. 4 Nov. 5 Edw. 6. (1551), from y^ deane and chap of ye
Cathedrall Church of Christ in Oxon, of K. H, y^ viii. his
fowndation (from yc end or expiration of a lease therof made by
y^ abbot and covent of Notlcy in y^ cownty of Bucks, for 31
years from Midsom 28 Hen. VIII.) unto y<^ end of y*^ tearme of
Lx years, and for ye yearly rent of 221. payable at Xps [Christ-
mas] and Midsom or within u moneth next after any of y^ saied
feasts by even portions, default by 8 weeks after any of y^ saied
feast dayes in w^h yt owght to be payed, to forfeit xx^ noe pene,
default by x weeks y^ lease to be voyde. The rent payable in
Christes Church aforsayde. All tymber trees and y*^ guist of y^
service except. The lessee to doe all reparations, and the lessor
to fynd tyle and tymber uppon y*' premiss by assignm*, and to
pay yearly y*^ curat's wages 26 y. [yeai's] to come at Midsom
1601. Another lease in revtion therof [w'^^^ I also howld) by
indenture dat. 18 Febr. 12 Eliz. for the tearme of 40 years, and
for like rent and paym' as y^ other, to begin after end of y^ form
LX years, or other expiration, &c. A pviso and covenant that
if I shall dislike of this bargayne conteyned in an indentur from
John Crooke, Esq. Recorder of London, unto me, and shall
geve notice therof w^lun 5 years from y^ date of y^ saied inden-
tur [being 28 Dec. 1600), that then he shall pay me back 580/.
His obligation of 1,000/. to savey*' bargayne from incombr, and
to pay yc 580/. at y^ tyme and place ther expressed, if I shall
requier yt. I-pad yt away againe to Mr. Recorder 22 Ja 1602."
IFoL 121^.]
" WoTTON Rectory. — The same being a ^cell of y*^ posses-
sions of St. Gregory neere Cant, was let by Richard Nevill unto
Thomas Denton for 81 years, and for y^ yearly rent of 4/., and
I did by indentur dat. 20 Dec. 43 Eliz. (1600), purchase y^
same leas of William Leech, and did cause y^ same to be assured
by y*^ saied indenture unto my brothers Michael Heneag, Sir
Mathew Browne, and Oliph Leigh, comytting ye same estate
unto them in trust, to y^ end and of purpose not to drowne y^
same interest in my originall lease of Saynt Gregoryes, that
therby (if any incumber be of y^ saied originall leas by y^ saied
Richard Nevill, or any clayming by hym), yet this lease may
stand good for y^ residue of y^ years (being at my pchase xxxi)
and nothing subject to ther incumbers, but only ye 4/. by year
therby reserved, and also about 4 years in revtion. I have
also a bond of 1000/. from William Leech to secure ye same
leas from Richard Grinfeeld and all yt clayme under him.
Leech had incombred this lease, before my pchase, by making
of a leas therof for 21 years, and after longe and many suits I
had a decree in y^^ court of Requests, by vertue wherof 1 now
howld it voyde of y* incumber." IFol. 1211^.]
" HoxTON HowsE IN MiDDELSEx. — I havG at Ans [Annun-
ciation] 1600, vi. years to come therein (if y° lady Bond so long
shall lyve), if Mr. John Coles dye, then I have her covenant to
enjoye y<^ same tearme, if they bove [both] lyve at y^ 7 years
ende I must have another lease for other vii years at lyke rent
and lyke covenants; the rent is p an 32/. and no forfeture.''
[Fol. 123.]
Besides the four preceding extracts, there are sixteen other particu-
lars of leases which Robert Houywood holds, viz. of St. Gregory's in
Canterbury, manor of Lecton and Rectory of Nonington, from i\rch-
bishop Grindall ; Rectory of Milton juxta Siddingbourne, of the Dean
and Chapter of Christ's Church, Canterbury; manor of Downcourt, of St.
John's College, Cambridge ; marsh lands in Sarwall, in Thanet, of the
Archbishop ; the site and lordship of Waddenhall, the woods and other
lands of the same manor, of the Crown ; rents in Horton in the parish of
Chartham, and in Breches in the parish of VVestwell ; lands in Ashe^
Steeple, and Charing 3 and a messuage and lands at Fridesforstall ; and
land called Pondfallese, &c.
Fols. 123^) — 132 are occupied with particulars of about 85 leases
which Mr. Honywood made of his manors, farms, &c. &c. which he
describes by this prefatory notice : " A noate of such leases as I have
made of any of lands, tenem'ts, or hereditam'ts, and also of such leases
as any my tenants howld by demise of any other, except leases of St.
Gregoryes, w^h ar mentioned in a book p'per for the same." At fol.
ISSb, are particulars of " the lands assured to my sonn Henry Honiwood
by my brother Anthony, in manner followinge." Then follow, com-
mencing at fol. 138^, abstracts of settlements made upon the several
marriages of viz. " my sister Engham,'' *' my sister Heneage," " my
sister Hales," " my sister Henmarsh," " my sister Morton," " my sis-
ter Woodward," " my sister Bennet Crooke," " my sister Dorothe
Crooke," " my dowghter Thomson," and " my dowghter Moyle/'
They possess many interesting particulars, and may hereafter form an-
other article in the Topographer and Genealogist.
On the last leaf of this MS. volume is a verbatim copy from Mr.
Hare's office in the Court of Wards and Liveries of the schedule of the
extent and value of the manors, lands, &c. late of Michael Heneage
Esq. who deceased 30 December last (1600), and which descend to his
sou and heir Thomas Heneage, Esq. aged 19 years on 21 January
1600-1, as proved by inquest taken at Stratford Langthoru, co. EsseXj
16 Feb, 43 Eliz. 1601.
A noate of y*^ pedegre of S"^ Tho. Browne of Westbech worth,
as I took y t of myne uncle Walter Browne^ 1 585.
Robert Brown.=f:, . . .
. I
Thomas Brown, knight'
=Eleanor, dawghter and heier of S'' Tho. Arundell,
k't. the od brother of the Earl of Arundell.
'2. Anthony:
3. Robert-j-
1. George-j-Elizabeth, one y*^ dowgh-
Anthony Brown, kt. M'
of y'' horse, marled on
of y^ dowghters of Sir
Ed. Gage. =p
r -■ r
The L. Th. Kempe,
Mown- knight, now
tague lyving. =p
now is.
Eleanor, dowghter
and heier, first ma.
to Fogg, and then
Jo. Kempe. ^
ters and heiers of Paston,
of Northf. and wydowe
of Poninges.
^Friswide, on of
y'= dowghters of
Richarde Gilde-
forde, knight.
1. Katherin, one=p Henry — 2. Mary ^^Elianor, dowghter
of y'^ dowghters
of S-- WiUiam
Shelley, kt.
bert, s.
of Thos. Sherley,
of West Grensted,
Mabell, one of y'^=pThomas-
dowghters and
heiers of Sir
Will. Fitz-Wil-
liams, kt.
=Elianor Harding, y= wi-
dowe of Richard Knevet,
esq. by her had issue
Richard Browne.
(c) Richard,
(c) Roger,
(c) Alexander,
(c; Jasper.
Mathew Browne, knight, nnfortunately=y=Jane Vincent,
marled to Jane Vincent. j
r -■
Ambrose Browne.
Sons of Sir Mathew Brown.
(c) 2. Georg Browne, Ar. dead without
lawful issue,
(c) 3. Edward, dead without issue.
4. Richard, marled to Saunders, and
hath issue, Edward and Will, and 1
dowghter marled Sturley.
(c) 5. Edw. who by y*^ dowghter of
Piper had isse Phillip Brown.
(c) 6". Walter, maried to Mary Gray,
and hath isse Tho. and Richard, and
Walter, &c.
(c) 7. Leonard, morte sans issu.
(c) 8. Owyn, mort sawns issue.
T— —
Dovjghters of Sir Mathew Brown.
1. Jane, first maried to S'' Fr. Poyns,
knight, and after to S' Ed. Bray, kt.
and dead without issue.
(c) 2. Agnes, dead before maridge.
3. Elizabeth Browne, maried to Jo.
Poyns of Glocestershire, and [li]ad
issu Matthew Poyns, knight.
4. Mary Brown, maried to To-
mean, (a) and had issue a son and a
5. Emma Browne, maried to Stukley,
and he died without issue, and after
she maried Vawghan y^ grome-porter,
and by him had issue Dominus J.
Vawghan, and a dowghter maried to
6. Ann, married to Tho. Dannet,'and
had issue The, Awdley, John, Mary,
and Ann.
(a) The Heralds' Visitations of Surrey and Susse.\ call him Tame and Panne.
(c) None of these appear in the pedigrees of Browne recorded in Heralds' Coll.
or Surrey ivnd Susse-\.
Sir Richard Gildeford's dowghters wear thus maried, Winifrid to S' Math. Brown
as before, one other maried to S'' Henry Gage, knight, and hath issue, one other
named Eliz. maried to Isley of Kent, and had issue S' Henry Isley, and he hath
issue lyving, and after she was married to Stafford and had issue lyving, and after (b)
maried Sir Richard Shurley, knight, and he died without issue by her ; and then
y^ sonn and heier of y'= saied Si^ Richard Shurley took to wife Mary Isley sister of
y= saied S' Henry Isley and dowghter of y"^ saied Eliz. Gilforde, and by her had
issue S"' Thos. Shurley, knight, and Anthony Shurley, esq. and one dowghter. One
other of y^ saied S"^ Richard Gildeforde first maried Hawte and after Finch.
[FoL 34.]
In the Ledgar booke of Horton Priory thus is fownde :
Edwinus de Honiwood,=pAmabilia, daughter of Sir Nicholas Hadlowe.
tempore Hen. III. | [This Sir Nicholas was owner of Curthoppstreet.]
I '
Paganus de Honiwood.-|-.. ..
[This Paganus gave to y*^ saied Priory 9'. lande p' an. to be prayed for, and for
his parents.]
Next to Pagan' de Honiwood thus it is fownde, vtt.
Wilhelm' D'ns de Honiwood in Postling.=f-Katherina, f. et una h. de Casebornc.
Thomas de Honiwood Ar.^^Thomasina Lovelace de Kingesdon.
1. Agnes, dau.=
and cob. of
Judge Martin,
of Graveney.
John Honiwood, of Post-=
ling. My aunt Moyle said
he had also 15 children
by his first wife.
John H. of =pMildred, dau. of
Postling. I John Hales, Ba-
I ron of Excheq.
r -^—
1. Thom.=pMary
2. Alice, dau. and coh. of=pl. Richard
Will. Barnes, of Wye, | Woodward,
and widow of Woodward.^jx
=Mary at Waters, dau. and
coh. of Robert Atwaters,
of Royton.
Robert Honiwood,=
of Charing.
H. of
feld, of
Belle -
3. Chris-
H. =
I. Dorothy ,=^Robert=
only dau. of
Dr. John
Crooke, i
■Elizabeth, d. of
Sir Thomas
Browne, of
Castle, Surrey,
Elizabeth, dau. =Thos. son and heir ap-
and h. had no parent of Sir Thomas
issue. Scott, of Scott Hall.
Thos.=j=Jane, dau
H. I of Edward Honi
I Hales, of wood
I Tenterden.
John Honiwood.
[Fols. 3 and 4.]
(b) In the Stemmata Shirleiana, p. 188, it is stated that Elizabeth Guildford
married, 1. Isley. 2. Sherley. 3. Stafford.
1. William =pBennet Lewcknor, of ^2. [Thos.] Twisden, [of=3. Vincent Finch,
Sussex, [dau. of Rich-
ard, son of Sir Thomas
Lewkenor, knt.]
Chelmington, Kent,
ob. 3 Dec. 1500.]
of Sandherst,
Joan ^. ,
coh. I
. I
Alice Barnes.
=1. Richard
-[Jane] wid.of . . Sharpe,
of Chart, [dau. of ... .
Cowper, of Stone.]
mar. to
of Wye.
Agnes, coh.
mar. to
Crow. liam.
Catherine Twisden, mar.
1st .... Bringborne, and
had issue, Roger, Robert,
Edw., Jane, and Bennet.
She mar. 2nd .... Swan,
and had Thos. Swan.
=dau. of Sir Thos.
Robert, William^Martha Suliarde. Crowe. James,
s.p. I s. p.
— l~r-i r~\ I '
Robert. Elizabeth, m. to •• .. William=^Eliza, dau. of Sir
William. Catherine, mar. to Twisden. | Moyle Finch, knt.
Thos, Terey. J\^
The aforesaid Alice Barnes did afterwards marry John Honywood, and by him
had issue, as appeareth before, Robert Hon3rwood : and after her decease the afore-
said Robert Honywood and Richard Woodward her sonnes, and Thomas Searles
and Sybyl his wife, and Andrew Edwards and Agnes his wife, did by indenture
quadripartite, dated 7 October 31 Hen. VIII. make partition of the lands of y^ saied
Bennet Lewknor (which Bennet did also take to her thirde husband Vincent Finch
of Sandherst, but by hira had none issue), and the moyty of the saied lands was by
course of inheritance devyded betweene y'' 2 brothers Richard Woodward and Ro-
bert Honywood, and the other moyty betweene Agnes and Sybyl and their hus-
bands, y'^ dowghters of Joan Barnes, one of y'= dawghters of Bennet Lewkenor.
[Fol. 3b.]
Shirley, Southampton.
B. W. G.
From the original in the possession of George Grant Francis, Esq.
F.S.A. Corresponding Member of the Society of Antiquaries of
By the following charter Gilbert de Turberville, the lord of Landi-
more, confirmed to Sir Robert de Penres certain lands in that lordship,
which Sir Robert had acquired from the family of Braose, the chief
lords of Gower ; one of whom. Lord William de Braose, had formerly
disseised the ancestor of the grantor, a former Sir Gilbert de Turberville,
of the manor of Landymore, which he held in fee tail, conjointly with
his wife Matilda. An earlier charter, relative to the purchases of the
same Sir Robert de Penres in Gower, has been printed in the first
volume of the present work, p. 536.
Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad qiios presens scriptum perve-
nerit. Gilbertus de Turbirvilla dominns de Landymore filius et
heres domini Pagani de Turbirvilla, salutem in Domino sempi-
ternam. Cum dominus Willelmus de Brewousa filius et heres
domini Johannis de Brewousa olim disseisivit dominum Gilber-
tum de Turbirvilla proavum meum de manerio de Landimore
cum pertinentiis in dominio de Gouheria, qui illud tenuit in
feodo talliato conjunctim cum Matilde uxore ejus, et cujus quidem
manerii feodum et jus ad me tanquam heredem eorundem perti-
net. Et postmodum predictus dominus Willelmus de Brewousa
filius et heres domini Johannis de Brewousa, et dominus Willel-
mus de Brewousa dominus Gouherie filius ejusdem domini Wil-
lelmi, et dominus Willelmus de Brewousa filius ejusdem domini
Willelmi domini Gouherie, dominum Robertum de Penres mi-
litem heredes suos et assignatos ac alios tenentes de quibus dictus
dominus Robertus perquisivit, de aliquibus terris et tenementis
infra illud manerium ad exheredationem meam feofavisset sub
certa forma tenendis. Noverit universitas vestra me dicto do-
mino Roberto heredibus suis seu assignatis gratiam velle facere
specialem in hac parte, ac omnino pro me et heredibus meis quie-
tum clamare in perpetuum. Concessi eidem domino Roberto
pro mc et heredibus meis quod ipse dominus Robertus et heredes
sui imperpetuum habeant et teneant omnia predicta terras et
tenementa cum pertinentiis que habuit ex dono et concessione
dictorum domini Willelmi de Brewousa filii et heredis domini
Johannis de Brewousa, et domini Willelmi de Brewousa domini
Gouherie filii ejusdem domini Willelmi, et domini Willelmi de
Brewousa filii ejusdem domini Willelmi domini Gouherie, ac
aliorum tenendum de quibus dictus dominus Robertus perqui-
sivit, de me et heredibus meis per servicia et consuetudines que
eidem domino Willelmo domino Gouherie inde fecit, et per
sectam ad curiam raeam ibidem de tribus septimanis in tres
septimanas et per forinseca servicia que ad ilia tenementa perti-
nent. Salva tamen mihi et heredibus meis coo-nicione omnium
placitorum ad curiam meam de Landymore contingencium om-
niiim tenencium et residencium infra feodum meum de Landj-
more. Nolens quod idem dominus Robertus, heredes sui sen
assignati, per me heredes meos ve[l] assignatos aliquo alio titulo
occasionentur nee in aliquo molestentur seu graventur. In cujus
rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Hiis
testibus. Domino Johanne de Langetona milite. Johanne de
la Bere. Ricardo de Penres. Willelmo de Penres. Roberto
de la Mare. Et multis aliis. Datum apud Landjmore vicesimo
septimo die mensis Aprilis anno regni regis Edvvardi tercij post
Conquestum nono.
The Seal in red wax f inc. in diameter, is suspended by a parchment
label. Arms, on a shield, in the centre, an eagle displayed, debruised
by a fesse. Legend, " * s'. gilbebti tvrbervile."
It may be curious to note, that all the authorities combine in giving
the arms of Turberville, Chequy or and gules, a fesse ermine ; crest,
an eagle displayed or. The seal to this charter would seem to have
arms and crest combined in the coat armour j for in the Encaustic Tiles
given in my " Neath and its abbey," the arms are simply chequy with
the fesse, G. G. F.
Arms op Ufford. — Sable, a cross engrailed or. (Seal of Robert
Earl of Suffolk, orig. charters Brit. INIus. 84 B. 1 1 ; seal of William^
Earl of Suffolk, ibid. 57 C. 39 and 4l ; seal of Isabella Countess ofi
Suffolk, ibid. 55 H. I.) ^
Crest. — A man's head in profile erased, bearded and crowned.
(Orig. charters, 57 C. 39 and 41.) Beltz (Order of the Garter, ff. 101,
129) says, the head is affrontee proper, and the crown or.
Supporters. — Two lions sejant guardant, their tails cowed, and be-
hind each a tree eradicated. (Charters, 57 C. 39 and 41.)
Arms of Sir Thomas de Ufford and his issue : Ufford, debruised by a
bend azure. (Arms of Sir Thomas, 2 Edvv. II. 1308. Coll. Top. et Gen.
IV. 7& ; of Sir John, 7 Edw. III. 1333, ibid. 393 ; of Sir Robert, seal
of Alianor (Felton) his widow, orig. charters, 84 B, 10; ofLadyEla
Stapleton, arms of tomb in Ingham church, Blomefield, v. S73.) While
a younger brother Sir Edmund "^ le Cosyn " bore the bend gobonne ar-
gent and gules. (See arms in Frense church, Norfolk, Blomefield, i. 96.)
In this same chiirch are also the arms of Robert Earl of Suffolk ; of Ro-
bert his eldest son, charged with a label ; of Sir Ralph, charged with an
anmdet argent, and of Sir Edmund, charged with a fleur-de-Iys, — his
be ,
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=Thomas de
Vera, Ear]
of Oxford
1371. (Es(
n. 45.) Bui
at Colne
Priory, Es
sex. Will
Aug. 1371
1 pr-
, married 1360.=^
34 Edw. III.
:.) Lady of the
of the Garter.
:, 249.) Called
trescher niece
n" in will of
rt Earl of Suf.
Died 25 Jan.
14. (Esch. 14
IV. n. 17.) Will
n. 1412-13, pr.
S3 b
03 M
d' "««
■« ."^t^^cSOoj ..1 .ns
<u 0
n. 8
" m
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The existence, and consequently the marriage of Elizabeth, daughter
of Thomas Beauchainp Earl of Warwick, has been overlooked by genea-
logists. Dugdale, in his History of Warwickshire, has described, with
the aid of an engraving, the several windows on the south side of the
quire of the collegiate church of Warwick, in which are represented the
figures of this Earl's ten daughters, each of the married bearing on her
outer mantle the arms of her husband. Of these ladies two, Isabella
and Elizabeth, thus bore the arms of Ufford ; and this circumstance,
joined to the fact that the names of Isabella and Elizabeth have been
sometimes considered synonymous, induced Dugdale to conjecture, un-
fortunately enough, that Isabella and Elizabeth were one, and that the
repetition of the figure denoted only the first marriage of the former
with John Lord Strange of Blackmere.
Mr. Beltz, in his Memorials of the Order of the Garter, is wholly
silent with regard to the marriage of Sir Thomas Ufford, whom he, how-
ever, was the first to identify as the brother of William Earl of Suffolk.
As he was buried at the Greyfriars, Ipswich, we may believe that he did
not fall, as Mr. Beltz supposes, in the fight in the neighbourhood of
Navarete in 1369.
The father of Sir James de Audley was summoned to Parliament as
Hugh de Audley senior, 15 May 1321, according to Sir N. H. Nico-
las (Synopsis of the Peerage), who incorrectly makes his second son,
Hugh de Audley junior, his son and heir. (See Beltz* Memorials of the
Order of the Garter, p. 82, 83.) Sir James de Audley, his eldest son
and heir, was never summoned to Parliament. His eldest son was the
celebrated Sir James de Audley, K.G. whom Mr. Stapleton has con-
founded with his father in Archaeol. xxvi. f. 345.
Godwin, Catalogue of Bishops, p. 111, says that John de Ufford, ap-
pointed Lord Chancellor in 1346, and Archbishop of Canterbury 24
Apr. 1348, and who died 7 June 1349, was son of the Earl of Suffolk.
If of the family, he may have been brother of the first Earl. Andrew
de Ufford, brother of the Archbishop, appointed Archdeacon of Middle-
sex in \2)^7, Joint Keeper of the Great Seal in 1353, and confirmed,
according to Godwin, Bishopof St. David's, 6 Feb. 1349, died in 1358.
For particulars of him, see Newcourt, vol. i. p. 79.
The MS. Harl. 1393, f. 15, states that Cecilia de Ufford married also
Sir William Blount.
Beltz, Memorials of the Order of the Garter, p. 101, incorrectly says
that Maud de Ufford was abbess of Barking, confounding her with her
kinswoman Maud de Montacute. He also as incorrectly says (p. 212,)
that Isabell de Beauchamp married secondly John Lord Strange, and
that Sir Ralph de Ufford was elder brother of Robert first Earl of Suf-
folk, (f. 249.)
So says the Esc. \^ Hen. IV. m. 1/ ; but there can be no doubt that
the jury found the heirship incorrectly. The finding should have been
that Robert Lord Willoughby was cousin and heir of Maud Countess of
Oxford through Cecilia his great-grandmother, eldest sister and coheir
of William Earl of Suffolk, eldest son of Robert Earl of Suffolk, bro-
ther of Sir Ralph de Ufford father of the said Maud.
A Sir Robert de Ufford was buried at the Austin Friars, Norwich.
(Weever's Fun. Men. p. 720.)
Walter de Offord held lands, jointly with Geoffrey de Suthorp, in
Northamptonshire, in 1300, (Esc. 29 Edw. I. n. HO,) among which
were tenements in the parish of Offord, held by wardship of Rocking-
ham Castle.
John de Ufford held lands in Wedon Pinkeney, Northamptonshire, iu
1301, (Esc. 30 Edw. L n. 110,) and also as John de Dufford, in 1303,
with Cecilia his wife. (Esc. 32 Edw. L n. 90.) In 11 Edw. 11. (1317)
his name occurs as Sir John de Dufford, Knight, with Cecilia his wife
in a charter respecting t he manor of Bradecote . . . (orig. char-
ters Brit. Mus.V. 5 ; and a seal lately found near Wallingford, Berkshire,
having upon it the arras of Ufford charged in canton with a star
of six points, and the legend S" JOl^'IS DS DVPFORDG, may, with
some degree of confidence, be assigned to hina.a (Engraved in the
Archaeological Journal, iii. 75.)
In the Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, vol. V. pp. IS^, 155,
and VIII. 179, 180, are articles on the Ufford pedigree, of which that
now compiled is a correction.
11 February 1847. G. S. S.
* In the Archaeological Journal (iibi supra) this seal is ascribed to John Lord
UfFord, summoned to Parliament in 1360, mentioned in p. 274, but who is tliere de-
scribed as the son and heir of Ralph de Ufford, brother of Robert first Earl of Suf-
folk. The following remarks on the arms it exhibits are then added : " Mr. Davy,
of Ufford, who has obligingly supplied several instances of the name having been
written ' de Dufford,' selected from the Leiger Book of Blytbburgh Priory, ob-
serves that the Uffords derived their arms, Sable, across engrailed or, in the first
quarter a mullet argent, from the family of Peyton, settled at Ufford ; Glover, in his
Ordinary, assigning this coat to Peyton. On the other hand, in Bloomfield's His-
tory of Norfolk, it is stated that the Uffords bore this device by permission of the
family of Hovel." — Edit.
BRUCE, ESO. K.C.J. , F.S.A. L. & E . &C.
The remote antiquity of the family of Plomer, or Plumer, precludes
all accuracy of the developement of its origin. " Traditionally they de-
rive from a noble Saxon knight, who lived in the time of King Alfred."
(Burke's Comm. under Plumer Ward.) They have been long seated in
Hertfordshire, vi'here they ranked with the most distinguished of the gen-
try of that county ; and so far back as the year 1361, Peter le Plomer,
a person of considerable note and great opulence, was M.P. for St,
Alban's ; and Robert Plomer was Sheriflfof the county in 1495.
The Rev. Thos. Plomer, or Plumer, (said to be a son of Thos. Plumer,:
of Mitcham, and brother of Sir Walter Plomer, Bart.) Curate of Stone
from 1639 to 1648, when he was appointed Vicar, and so continued
till his death 1668. Buried at Stone 14 August. (Lipscombe's
Bucks, and Parish Registers of Stone.)
John Plumer,:
bapt. at Stone
2 June 1654.
^Dorothy, the wife
of John Plumer,
bur. May 4, 1671,
at Stone.
bapt. at
Stone 13
Feb. 1647.
bapt. at
Stone, 22
July 1649.
Jane, bapt.
at Stone 31
Aug. 1651.
=Ann ....
at Stone,
8 January
Sarah, ba,
at Stone
29 Nov.
John Plomer, gent, the son of John=
Plumer, bapt. at Stone, was born the
17th of March 1668, bapt, 22 April
1669 ; died and was buried at Stone,
11 May 1715.
Thomas, the son of
John Plumer, bapt.
May 4, 1671 ; died
and buried at Stone
Sept. 25, 1673,
Anne, dau. of
John Plomer,
buried 17 Sept.
Wm. Plomer, =pHannah
esq. of Stone,
entered at " Mrs.
Rugby School Plomer,
1698, died and buried
was buried at Dec. 13,
Stone, April 1733.
7th, 1729.
John Plomer, born 1688 ; entered at=f^Joanna, dau, of
Rugby School 1698 ; ent. atWadbam Wm. Adams,
Coll. Oxon June 1, 1704, set, 16, the esq. of Wel-
son of John Plomer, of Stone, Bucks, ton, North-
pleb. ; M.A. 15 June 1711 ; Inst, to amptonshire;
the Vicarage of Culworth, Northamp- bapt. at Wel-
tonshire 30 Oct. 1717, on the presen- ton 22 Oct.
tation of Sir John Danvers, Bart. 1691 ; bur. at
Head Master of Rugby School from Bilton 6 June
1731 to 1742, and Rector of Bilton, 1740.
Warwickshire; buried at Bilton, June
23, 1759.
1. John Plo-=pl. Frances, dau.-p2. Marga-
mer, esq, of
Stone, born
1721 ; died
at Welton
18 Dec.
buried at
Stone, Dec.
ofWm. Adams,
esq. ofWelton,
by Mary his w.
dau. of John
i Clarke, esq. of
Drayton; died
29 May 1745,
! and buried at
Stone 4 June ;
mar. 25 Nov.
1742. (See
ret, dau. of
John Amos,
of London,
gent, sister
of the Rev,
Wm. Amos.
Vicar of
vaur, CO. of
died Oct. 1,
Sir Wm.
knt. 2nd
son, (See
gree II.)
mar. Capt.
Sarah, mar.
love, of
Hannah, m.
Ed. Dun-
combe, esq.
of Dunton,
John Plo-
mer, ent*^.
Samuel, ent.
A dau. mar.
ebq. =p
John Plomer, esq. of Stone ;■
bapt. at Stone, Nov. 10th
1743. Ent. Rugby School
1751 ; took the name and
arms of Clarke only by Act
of Parliament, 15 Geo. 111.
1775, pursuant to the will of
his maternal great-uncle,
Richard Clarke, esq. He was
High Sheriff of Northamp-
tonshire in 1778, and died 9
Jan. 1805, set. 61.
-Maiy, daugh-
tar of Nicho-
las Child, of
London, esq.
by Mary his
wife, daughter
of James Lid-
derdall, M.D.
Plomer ;
bapt. at
Stone, 20
April 10,
Mary, married, 21
Dec. 1797, Chas.
Watkins, of Da-
ventry, esq.
Catherine, married
Thomas Daniel,
esq. of Bilton.
Sarah, marr. Thos.
Daniel, esq. of
John Plomer Clarke, esq. of=Anna Maria, Richard Plomer =
Welton, b. 26 August 1776. daughter of Clarke, esq. of
Lieut, -Col. of the North- Sir John Nel- the 3rd Drag,
amptonshire Militia and thorp, Bart, of Guards ; died
High Sheriff 1814; died s. Scawby, Lin- 16 Dec. 1829.
p. 23 March 1826. cohishire.
^Philippa, dau. &
h. of the Rev.
George Tymms,
M.A. Rector of
Harpole, & Vicar
of Darlington.
Richard Trevor Clarke,
of Welton, b. 29 Aug.
John-Alexander, M.A.
Trin. Coll. Oxford.
George-Henry, R.N.
Susanna, dau. of^2. Sir William Plomer, knt. of Snaresbrook, Essex ; bapt. at
Reeve, of
London, gent.
died Oct. 21,
1797, set. 60.
Stone, May 21, 1725. Ent. at Rugby School 1736. Sheriff of
London 1774, and an Alderman ; knighted 12 April 1782 ; Lord
Mayor 1781. Ob. Aug. 20, 1801, " leaving upwards of 100,000/.
with the exception of a few trifling legacies, to his only son Major
I Plomer." — Gent's. Magazine.
Sir William Plomer, knt. of Snaresbrook, and of Brazenose-pSarah, dau. of John
College, Oxford; an Alderman of London 1808; knighted
1 Nov. 1809 ; Sheriff of London 1810; Lieut.-Col. of the
East London Militia 4 May 1803; died April 12, 1812.
Walker, esq. of Lon-
don, died 8 Jan. 1845,
set. 70 ; remar. 2ndly,
12 Sept. 1818, Thos.
Pagan, esq.
William Plo- =
mer, esq. of
b. 1800, a J.
P. and Dep.
Lieut, for
dau. and
heiress of
Pagan, esq.
of Linn-
nah, marr.1816,
Alfred Thorp,
esq. of Camb.
Terrace, Hyde
Park, brother
of the late John
Thos. Thorp,
M.P. for Lon-
Laura, marr.
1823, George
Blair Hall,
esq. of Feet-
lands, Hants,
late of the
19th Lancers.
Eliza, mar.
Sir Donald
Bart, of
nage Cas-
tle, Argyle.
William Pagan Plomer,
esq.B.A. St.John'sCoU.
Cambridge, b. 1820.
■- rp
Catherine- Laura.
This pedigree of Plomer of Stone is compiled from the Stone parish
Register, very kindly communicated to me by the Vicar, the Rev. J. B.
Reade, F.R.S., F.S.A. The Registers of Bilton, communicated by the
Rev. George Powell. And I am also obliged to Sir Thomas Pliillipps,
Bart. F.R.S., F.S.A. ; the Rev. John Alexander Plomer Gierke ; the
Rev. Philip Bliss, D.D. of Oxford ; and James Pulman, Esq. F.S.A. of
the Heralds' College, who have furnished most valuable information.
W. D. B.
BURIALS (commencing in 1539).
1542. Mar. 10. John Manninge y^ elder.a
1554. Aug. 6. Rose, y^ daughf of Mr. George Manlng.
1554. June 20. John and John y^ sonnes of Mr. George
1557. Oct. 18. Nicholas, y'^sonne of Mr. George Maninge*.
1563. May 20. Henry, sonne of Mr. Henry Manige.
1582. May 8. Mr. George Maninge.
1582. June 5. Joan Maninge his w^yff.
1595. Sep. 1. Mr. Oliver Bagthwaite, minister of Downe.
1596. June 30. Katherine, y^ wife of Mr. Henry Maninge.
1597. Oct. 7. Doritie, y^ daughter of Mr. Peter Maninge.
1601. July 7. Henry, the sonne of Richard Maninge, wlio
by misfortune was killed w^h a hatchet.
1602. Oct. 5. Katherine, the daughter of Peter Maninge.
1606. Feb. 3. Mr. Jacob Verseline, Esquire, b
■ John Manning married Agnes, daughter and coheir of John Petle, lord of the
manor of Trowemer in Down: his epitaph, with the date M° ccccc" xliij", (see
Thorpe's Registrum Roffense, p. 948.) still remains in the church. The descent
of both families is given by Hasted, folio, i. 116. The old farm-house called Pet-
ley's Place is now the property of Sir John Lubbock, Bart. Some arms in glass,
mentioned by Hasted as existing in the windows of this house, were removed by
the Rev. James Drummond, a late Curate of Down, when tenant of the house,
which he modernized. The old mansion of Down Court is stUl standing ; it is
owned and occupied by Mr. John Smith, farmer.
*" See his epitaph in Thorpe, p. 948. He was a Venetian, and his wife a native
of Antwerp. Their brasses still remam, with figures of six sons and three daughters.
Of the sons, the first is represented as a youth, and must therefore have died young ;
the second has a sword ; the four others are in cloaks.
1607. Oct. 28. Mrs. Elisabeth Verseline, widow.
1609. Feb. 16. Emma, the wyffe of Richard Maninge.
1614. JuJy 9. Richarde Manninge.
1614. July 24. Mr. Edward Dier, gentlein.
1615. July 13. George, the sone of Mr. Barthillmewe Man-
1621. Dec. 15. Mr. Peter Manninge.
1622. June 10. Edward Manninge, his sonne. c
1622. Dec. 11. Joan Bagtwayt.
1623. Ap. 27. Mr. Bartholomewe Manninge.
1623. Oct. 29. Mr. Henry Newport.
1625. Aug. 17. Mrs. Frances Fynch.
1625. Sep. 6. Mrs. Elizabeth Fynch.
1626. Aug. 16. Mr. Peter Chamberlain, junior.
1629. June 8. Marie, the wyffe of Mr. Thomas Maning.
1630. Dec. 3. Phebe, the daughter of Henry Maning.
1633. Feb. 5. Elizabeth, d the wyffe of Mr. Peter Meaning.
1638. June 15. Elizabeth Newport, widow.
1678. Dec. 19. Thomas Wood, Rector of Heyes. e
1680. Timothy, son of Philip Jones, minister of Downe.
Buried on Good Friday, being the nynth day of Aprill,
and departed this life on the seaventh day of Aprill.
1694. Oct. 26. Henery Sandys, Esq.
1696. Aug. 22. Mistrice Sandys, widow, from Wrotham. '
1700. Aug. 6. The Right HonWe. Katherine Countess of
Eglingtown (late Lady Kay).g
' Youngest'son of Peter Mauning, Esq. by Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of
Jacob Verzelini. Edward had been in the household of Charles Prince of Wales^
Epitaph in Thorpe, p. 948.
^ Elizabeth Verzehni, before mentioned.
• Concerning this incumbent Hasted has only, " Wood 1665."
' Hester, daughter of Edwin Aucher, of Willesborough, Kent, gent, and widow
of Richard Sandys, Esq. third son of Sir Edwin Sandys, of Northbourne. Her
daughter was married to Mr. Sandford, Vicar of Wrotham. (See note", p. 282).
s This lady is memorable for the number of her husbands, and for her extraordi-
nary age on taking the last. She was Katharine, daughter of Sir William St. Quin-
tin, of Harpham, co. York, Bart, She was married, 1, to Michael Wentworth,
Esquire, son and heir apparent of Sir George Wentworth, of Wolley, co, York ; he
died without issue before his father in 1658 (Hunter's South Yorkshire, ii. 388);
2. to Sir John Kaye, the first Bart, of Woodsome in the same county, to whom
she was third wife, and without issue ; he died July 25, 1662 ; 3. to Henry Sandys,
Esquire, of Down ; and 4. to Alexander eighth Earl of Eglintoun. This last mar-
1713-14. Mar. 15. Mrs. Deborah Sandys, daughter of Cap-
tain Jordan Sandys.
1714. Apr. 30. Thomas Whitehead, Batchelour and cord-
wainer (who planted the wallnut tree in the middle of
the town ^^).
1714. July 3. Mr. Robert Sanders, ^ Batchelour, was buried
in the church.
1726. June 29. Mrs. Sandys, sen^.
1728. Feb. 7. Mr, Thomas Knowe.k
1734-5. Captain Jordain Sandys, • was buried Jannevary 9th
1734-5, and hee ws brought from Codham.
1735. June 1. Deborah Sandys, widow.
1735-6. Mar. 1. Mr. Roger Know.
1739. Oct. — Mrs. Mary Sandford. «»
Baptisms (commencing 1538.)
Children of Mr. George Maninge : —
1545. Oct. 22. Anne. 1546. Jan. 30. Joane. 1548. Ap. 3.
Katherine. 1549. Feb. 4. Humphry. 1553. Aug. 6. Peter.
1555. June 20. John and John. 1557. July 9. Nicholas.
riage took place at St. Bride's church, London, Dec. 8, 1698, when the lady was
ninety years of age. The Earl died in London in 1701, and was huried at Kilwin-
ning, CO. Ayr. Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, by Wood, i. 504.
'' This tree is still standing.
' Another entry has " Mr. Sandyes."
^ There is a handsome veined marble monument on the north waU of the church,
to the memory of this Thomas Knowe, who was lord of the manor of Apuldre-
field, in the neighbouring parish of Cudham, and who died 3 Feb. 1728-9, set. 70 ;
of Mary his wife, daughter of James Marsh, citizen and wine-cooper of London,
who died 9 April 1723, set. 62 ; and of Roger, his only child and successor in the
manor, who died 25 Feb. 1736-7, set. 40. The arms, which were painted only,
have lately been washed out. They were, Argent, on a bend engrailed gules
three trefoils of the field, impaling. Gules, a horse's head couped between three
cross-crosslets fitche argent. There are many births, marriages, and deaths of
this family recorded in the registers.
' Jordan Sandys, Capt. R.N. was son of Edwin, son of Colonel Richard Sandys.
By Deborah, daughter of George St. Quintin, merchant, of London, he had issue
Henry Saudys, Esq. who married his third-cousin, Priscilla, eldest surviving
daughter and coheir of Sir Richard Sandys, of Northborne Court, Bart, and was
ancestor of the present family of Sandys of Kent. (See Berry's Kentish Genealogies.)
"" Widow of Mr. Philip Sandford, Vicar of Wrotham, and one of the four
daughters of Richard and Hester Sandys above-mentioned. (See her epitaph in
Thorpe, p. 947.)
1558. Oct. 3. Doritie. 1560. June 8. John. 1561. Jan. 23.
Children of Mr. John Wallis :—
1549. Sep. 2. John. 1 551. May 2. Nicholas.
Children of Mr. Henry Maning: —
1556. May 28. Thomas. 1557. May 29. Henry. 1558. Nov.
3. Anne. 1559. Nov. 30. Margaret, n
Children of Richard Maning : —
1569. May 3. Katherine. 1571. Ap. 8. Anne. 1574. Dec. 2.
Children of Mr. Peter Maning : —
1586. Jan. 29. Nicholas. 1587. Jan. 30. Bartholomew. 1588.
Feb. 11. Henry. 1590. Oct. 15. Percivall. 1591. Feb. 6.
Peter. 1593. June 29. Elizabeth. 1594. July 14. Anne.
1595. Nov. 33. George. 1597. Sep. 15. Doritie. 1598. Jan.
14. Katherine. 1602. Dec. 28. Edward.
Children of Henry Ownsteede : « —
1590. July 26. Henry. 1593. Jan. 21. Anne. 1594. July 7.
Marie. 1599. Feb. 26. Alice.
Children of Mr. Doctor Maninge : —
1596. Oct. Henry. 1598. Mar. 26. Richard.
Children of Mr. Bartholemew Maning : —
1611. Ap. 6. Elizabeth. 1613. Sep. 5. James. 1614. Ap. 12.
Church Notes of Down have been printed in Weever's
" Funerall Monuments," p. 331, and in Thorpe's Registrum
RoflFense, p. 947. The following are from MS. Lansdowne, 874,
fol. 42.
" In the church of Downe, in Kent, belonging to the parish
of Orpington, taken the 8 day of July 1611, per me, Nich.
Charles, Lancaster."
" These 3 very ould in the windowes.^'
" " Afterwards Viscountess Bindon." Marginal note.
As the Countess of Eglintoun (before noticed) could boast of four husbands ;
so was Lord Thomas Howard, first Viscount Bindon, blest with four wives. This
was his last, namely, Margaret, daughter of Henry Manning, of Greenwich, by
whom he had no issue. Dugdale, Baronage, ii. 274.
" Son and heir of Henry Ounstead of Selsdon in Croydon, Surrey. Anne, his
sister, was married at Down, 30 Oct. 1591, to Benjamin Frithe.
The three following shields of arms are here depicted :
1. Quarterly or and gules. Say.
2. Sable, a cross engrailed or. UfFord.
3. Quarterly or and gules, a label of five points azure. Say.
" This is written in the south wyndow :
" Orate p aiab} Johis Petle et Christine vxoris eius et Johis
Petle et Alicie et Thome Phil pott ac parentu meo^.^'
Weever has also given this as " in a window ;" Thorpe erroneously
supposes it was on a stone, which in his time retained the effigies of a
man and woman, whose inscription was gone.
" On a stone : —
" Hie iacet Johes Beder[enden quojndm Civis pannari^ 7
Camerari^ London qui obijt xxiij° die Decembris Ao Dni
Mo cccco XLvo cui^ aie ppiciet""^ de^. Ame.^'
This brass still exists. N. Charles, and Weever P (probably from him)
have the date erroneously " 27 Septemb." instead of " xxiij" die Decem-
" Hie jacet Ricus Downe Armiger et Margeria consors eius
quo& aiabus ppicietur Deus."
" Hie iacent Thomas Petle," &c. (existing, as follows) : —
^' Hie iacent Thomas Petle et Isabella
uxor ejus quorJ aiab} ppiciet""^ de^. Ame."
The other ancient epitaphs which now exist have been noticed in
the notes to the Register.
• G. S. S.
f The frequent inaccuracy of Weever's work cannot escape the observation of
those who compare his statements with existing remains. Another occasion of re-
marking it has occurred in a recent article (p. 226). It appears probable that much
of his book, as in the present instance, was compiled from the collections of the
heralds, and not from personal visits ; and he was consequently subject to the care-
lessness of his predecessors, and to risks of mistranscription. — Edit.
(MS. Cotton. Appendix xxviii. f. 117.)
The intention of this paper seems to have been to show what advantages had been
taken by the Chancellor of the Augmentations, Sir Robert Riche, in granting
leases of several portions of church property, and how small a share of the proceeds
had found their way to the royal coifers. The case was a common one : but the
document contains some valuable particulars as to the estates it mentions.
Be it remembrid, that the xxij^'. daye of September a°. xxviij^°
H. viij™i. CristofFar Lasselles, gent, in the presentes of the Trea-
sorer and the Sol icy tor of the courte of Augmentations offerid
them vj<^. li, for a fyne of Saint Agathes,^ lettyn to the lord Scrope
for iij''. li. wherof paid in hand oon C. li. and the rest by dayes.
And the said Lasselles informyd them that the said lord Scrope
had inhaunsyd the rentis of Saint Agathes ij^. markes by yere.
Item, the said Lasselles offeryd xx. li. for the fyne of a ferme
in Northumberlande, called Felton, lettyn to Povey for v. li.
Item, Robert Riche toke of the same Lasselles for the sight
(site) anddemeanis of themonasterye of Coverham xl. li.^ wherof
the kinges hignes had but xx. li. that is to saye, x. li. in hande
and X. li. by dayes.
Item, the same Robert Riche toke of oon Cotton for the par-
sonage of Borne, <^ xl. li. ; wherof the kinges highnes had but x. li.
in hande and x. li. at dayes.
Item, Mordaunt, son in law to the Chaunsaillour, ^ received
of the said Lasselles 1. li. for the parsonage of Ovyngham, ^ and
the King's highnes had but xx. li. wherof x.li. paiable at dayes.
' Saint Agatha's nunnery at Easby near Richmond.
'' Nota. Riches acquitaunce is xjth August, and the Tresourers entry ij Septr.
— Marginal note.
■^ This word is not very clear in the MS.
"^ Agnes, daughter of Sir Robert Riche, was married to Edmond Mordaunt; Esq.
*= Ovingham in Northumberland.
Item, the said Lasselles ofFerid xlvi. li. xiijs. iiij^. for a fyne
for the parsonage of Coverham, and the kyng had but xx. li. ^
Item, Cuthberd Carnaby paid xxx. li. to oon of the Chaun-
sailloures servauntes S for the scite of the monastery e of Brynk-
born in Northumberlande, wherof the king had nothing.
Item, Lasselles ofFeryd for the parsonage of Drakes xx. li. •'
and for the parsonage of Wighill xx. li. and for another parson-
age XX. li. which iij parsonages were letton to Babthorpe of the
noi'the, for which iij the kyng had no fyne.
Lasselles i ofFeryd for the parsonage of Holtamprice'^ inYorke-
shire CC markes for a fyne, whiche is now lettyn to Sir RauiF
Elderkare knight, and the king hath nothing.
Item, Pygote, sonn in lawe to the Chaunsaillour, ^ had xxx. li.
for a fyne for the parsonage of ClefFe, wherof the king had no-
Item, Lascelles [and Grene ™] offerid for vj salt pannes,
wherein sake dothe gro, xxx. li. for a fyne, wheche the Chaun-
saillour gave to oon of his servauntes ; the king had nothing.
Item, ther was offerid C. markes for a fyne of the graunge of
Dyxley, whiche the Chaunsaillour had lettyn to Camswelle his
servaunt, and the kinges grace had nothing.
Item, ther was offeryd C. markes for the fyne of a ferme which
the Chaunsaillour gave to Mody his servaunt, and the kinges
crrace had nothing.
Item, Lasselles offeryd for a fyne for Sedber, n appropriate
to Coverham afforsaid, C. markes, whiche the Chaunsaillour
gave to oon of whome he purchasid landes, for xix. yeres pur-
chase, that after o wolde not selle the same lands for xxiiij. yeres
' Sold to Beckwythe for xl. li. — Marginal note.
B Wright is the mannys name. — Marginal note.
^ This is the yearly value of the rectory of Drax returned in the Valor Ecclesi-
' Inserted by the same hand as the marginal notes.
'' Haultemprise was a priory.
' Margery Riche was married to Henry Pigot of Abington, Esquire.
" Inserted by a second hand.
" The rectory of Sedbergh, belonging to the abbey of Coverham, was valued at
41/. 10s. in the 26 Hen. VIII. (Valor Eccles.) and at 50/. in 29 Hen. VIII.
" MS. ofFere.
The kynges highnes hath lost in ij thinges, for lack of good
husbandry and true servyse, in oon shyre in England, as apper-
ethe before in this boke, viij'^.xxj'i. xiijs. iiijd.
M^. that the Chaunsaillour denyed before the kinges hyghnes
to be prevy to the gayn that his son and brother toke of the bar-
gains of the said Lasselles, and the truthe is other, for the said
Chaunsaillour drofe the bargyns himselfe, and lykevvyse was
prevy to alle the gayns that his servauntes, and brother, and sons
Item, LascellesP ofFeryd for the parsonage of Ferybye, in
Yorkshyre, xx. li. and the kynges highnes had nothyng.
Item, ofFeryd by Lasselles, ^ xx. li. for the fyne of a ferme
called Renglyeburgh, belonging to the Nunrye of Keldone in
Yorkshyre, and the king hathe nothyng.
Item, ofFeryd by Lasselles for ij parsonages in Yorkshyre
xl. li., lettyn to sir Thomas Wharton, and the king had nothing.
(Signed) Thomas Pope.
Robert Southwell.
Crtstofore Lascelles.
Sir Thomas Pope and Sir Robert Southwell were the Treasurer and Solicitor of
the Court of Augmentations named at the commencement of the document. Chris-
topher Lascelles, gentleman, was the party making the complaint against the Chan-
J. G. N.
CIRCA 1200.
From the original in the possession of George Grant Francis, Esq.
F.S.A. Corresponding Member of the Society of Antiquaries of
By this charter Walter VValeran, having received sixty marks of
silver, and his wife Isabella two bezants, conveyed all his land which he
held of the fee of the Earl of Gloucester in Mersfield, to Payne de Tur-
berville, to be held by the yearly rent of one sparrow-hawk ; Payne also
P The name filled up by a second hand. t So again.
becoming liable for all services due to the King, and all services belong-
ing to the Earl of Gloucester.
Walter Waleran died in the second year of King John, a.d. 1200.
The present charter is, therefore, of very early date. It mentions, be-
sides his wife Isabella, his mother Cecilia, and Sibilla her daughter, who
head the witnesses. Various notices of the coheirs of Walter de Wale-
ran will be found in Hoare's Modern Wiltshire ; see particularly the
Hundred of Cawden, p. 73, and the Hundred of Alderbury, pp. 18, 21.
SciANT presentes et futuri quod ego Walterus Waleran dedi
et concessi Pagano de Turbervilla totam terram quam teneo de
feudo Comitis Glovernie in Mersfelda, in bosco, in piano, et in
omnibus pertinentiis ad eandem villam, sicut illam unquam me-
lius et liberius in dominio tenui, sibi et heredibus suis tenendum
de me et de heredibus meis in f'eodo et hereditate, reddendo
inde mihi et heredibus meis annuatim unum sprevarium sorum
in Nativitate sancti Johannis Baptiste. Jamdictus autem Paga-
nus debet acquietare predictam terram de Mersfelda de omnibus
servitiis regaUbus, et de omnibus servitiis que pertinent ad Co-
mitem Glovernie de eadem terra. In recognitione etiam hujus
donationis dedit mihi prefatus Paganus sexaginta marcas argenti,
et Isabelle uxori mee .ij. bisantos. Et ut donatio ista firma sit
et rata illam sigilli mei impressione signavi. Hiis testibus,
Cecilia matre Walteri Waleran. Et Sibilla filia sua. Willelmo
de Lond'. (?) Ricardo fratre suo. Thoma de Lond'. Et Wal-
tero fratre suo. Et Johanne de Lond'. Philippo Waleran.
Walerano fratre suo. Et Johanne de Kardenvilla. Willelmo
Sleman. Ade Waletis. Gileberto de Turbervilla. Walerano
filio Herberti Waleran. Reginaldo de Bettestorne. Hugo de
Luvere. Radulfo Fulchir. . . . do de Kardevilla. Et Simone
clerico. Et multis aliis.
The seal is of green wax, attached by twisted red and yellow silk
cord, li inc. in diameter. Within the legend, + . sigillvm . wal . . .
w . . E . AN. A male figure on horseback, the reins in his right hand,
bearing on his left a hawk.
Endorsed, in a later hand,
" La chartr' Walt' Waler' du maner' de Meresfeld."
St. Clement. Brasses. 1. A man in a gown, his wife gone,
William Cooke, who married Joane, dan. of Wm. Peare, died
xxvi. Dec. 1607, aet. 69. Height of the figure 23 inc. Two
groups of children below.
2. A man between his two wives. "John Tye, late merchant
and one of the Portmen of Ypswitche, died 13 July 1583, aged
58. Ales and Julyan, his two wives." Height of the figures 20
inches. Below, two groups of children, one of two sons and
three daughters, the other of three sons and six daughters;
with the arms of the corpoi-ation of Ipswich.
Monuments. 1. A sniall mural tablet, for Anne, wife of Capt.
Henry Yeo TaafFe, of his Majesty's Land Forces, died June 15,
1773, aged 68. Also the said Henry Yeo Taaffe, died 10 May
1774, aged 63.
2. Mural, of white marble, black tablet, for " John Wright,
Esq. senior Portman of this Corporation, five times BaylifFe,
and four times Burgesse in Parliament, died 29 Nov. 1683, aet.
68. Also Judith his wife, died 23 April 1677, aged 49." Arms,
Wright, Or, on a chevron between three greyhounds courant
sable, as many trefoils slipped arg. impaling Hill, Argent, on
a fess ffules three roses of the field seeded or.
3. Mural, of the like kind. " M. S. Conditur, in isto sacra-
rio, quod exuerat mortale, Johannis Ward ; ipso cognomine lau-
datus, &c. qui cum pastorali munere hoc loci supra vicennium
simul functus est fato April 18°. an^. 1661, set. 67. Conjux
etiam Lydia, &c." Arms of Ward, Sable (or Azure), a cross
flory or.
4. A mural tablet, for Thos. Ward, Esq. late Capt. R.N. died
19 Jan. 1773, aged 59. Rebecca, his wife, died 10 May 1797,
aged 85.
vol. II. u
5. In the chancel, mural, of black and white marble, for
George llouth, M.A. Rector of this parish, and of Holbrook,
Suffolk. Died, aged 81, Jan. 26, 1821. Arms, Roulh, A chev-
ron between three lion's heads erased ; impaling Cobbold, A
chevron between three oak (?) leaves, on a chief a lion passant
between two fleurs-de-lis. Mary, his relict, died 30 May 1832,
aged 81.
6. In the nordi aisle, mural, an oval tablet of wliite marble,
for Nicholas Hague, died 15 July 1762, aged 50, and Bridget
his wife, died 5 May 1771, aged 49. Wm. Strahan, son of
James and Bridget, died 19 July 1787, aged 2 months : also four
other children.
7. In the south aisle, mural, of white marble, plain : for John
Forsett, died 10 April 1790, aged 69. Elizabeth, his relict, died
25 May 1809, aged 74. Elizabeth, their dau. died 22 Nov.
1808, aged 36. Elizabeth Anne Forsett, died 13 April 1807,
aged 2. Mary Anne her mother, died 21 March 1809, aged 37.
St. Helen. Monuments. 1. Mural, small oval tablet, for
Elizabeth, second wife of Robert Parish, Esq. died 8 Nov. 1797,
aged 83. Elizabeth, their daughter, died 5 Feb. 1810, aged 55.
2. Mural, of marble, handsome, for Robert Parish, Esq.
died 4 Dec. 1774, aged 65. Mary, his first wife, died 22 Oct.
1753, aged 40. Arms of Parish, Gules, three unicorn's heads
erased argent, horned and maned or.
3. East end of the nave, mural, of marble, handsome, for
Richard Canning, M.A. minister of St. Lawrence in this
town. Born 30 Sept. 1708, died 8 June 1775. Arms of Can-
ning, Argent, three Moor's heads in profile, couped at the neck,
proper, wreathed about the temples or and azure, jewelled or.
N. B. He was editor of the second edition of Kirby's Suffolk
4. On the south wall, white marble, for Ricliard Canning,
Esq. Com. in the R.N. died 1726, aet. 57. Also Margaret, his
relict, died 1734, tet. 67. Alice, mother of Richard, died 1716,
aet. 88. Also Cordelia, wife of Richard Canning, clerk, died
1751, set. 36. He was the father of Rev. Richard Canning.
5. On the north wall, east end, a small tablet in the form of
a shield, for Richard Burton Phillipson, Esq. Lieut.-Gen. and
Colonel of the 3rd Regt. of Dragoon Guards, and Representative
in Parliament for Eye, who died 18 Aug. 1792, aged 68. Arms
of Phillipson, Sable, a chevron ermine between three bats ex-
panded or; impaling, Gules, a fesse between three dragon's heads
erased or.
The chiux'h having been latel}' repaired and enlarged, the
monuments of Robert Parish and Richard Canning, clerk, have
been removed into the transepts.
St. Lawrence. B7-asses. 1. Small, no figure. "Steven Cop-
ping, Sonne of George Copping, died last day of Aug. 1602.^'
Two shields with arms, 1. of the Drapers' Company : 2. of the
Fishmongers' Company.
2. No figure, part covered, for " . . . am Spar ro we, Port-
man, died ... March 1614."
3. No figure, for " George Sparrowe, late citizen and
grocer of London, second son of William Sparrowe, Portman
of Ipswich, died 11 Dec. 1599."
On a piece of black marble, let into this stone, is engraved,
" Nidus Passerum."
4. A shield of arms. Dandy impaling Gilbert.
5. Another shield, A fess between three mullets— John More,
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, a demi-urn, placed against an
oval of streaked marble, for Louisa, the wife of Charles Squire,
died 22 July 1780.
2. A small mural oval of marble, in a wreath, for "Elizabeth,
wife of Samuel Laxton, of London, sent. dau. of Henrv Whi-
ting, sometime bailiff here; died 14 Oct. 1685."
3. Mural, a handsome monument of white and streaked mar-
ble, for Edward Clark Parish, Esq. late of London, merchant;
died at Walthamstow, Essex, 3rd Jan. 1764, aged 60. Also
Elizabeth his wife, died 11 Jan. 1776, aged 68. Arms, Parish
impaling Parish,
4. Mural, small, of stone, with a tablet of black marble, for
William Clyatt, Portman, and John Clyatt, of Butley Abbey,
gent, which last married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Hon.
Walter Devereux, Esq.; he died 10 Oct. 1691. Arms, Clyatt,
Argent, a bend double-cotiscd sable, impaling Devereux.
5. Mural, of marble, large, for John Pemberton, gent, who
gave, 1718, the impropriate Rectories of Petistree, Wickham
Market, and Bing, for certain charitable uses. Arms, Pemberton,
u 2
Argent, a chevron between three buckets sable, bails and hoops
or. No date of death.
6. In the nave, large, mural, of marble, for John Sparrowe
Esq. many years a Magistrate for this town and county, died 24
Dec. 1762, aged 73. Also Elizabeth, his relict, died IG July
1781, aged 71. Also Mrs. Anne Sparrowe, aunt of John Spar-
rowe, Esq. who died 30 Dec. 1752, aged 99. Arms of Sparrow,
Argent, three roses purpure barbed and seeded proper, a chief
of the second.
7. Mural, of marble, for Francis Colman, gent, several times
Bailiff of this Corporation, died 8 May 1738, aged 71. Arms
of Colman, Per fess argent and sable, a cross patonce between
four mullets counterchanged ; impaling Philips, Sable, seme de
lis, a lion rampant crowned or, a canton ermine.
8. On the north wall, on a broad base, stands a pillar of the
Ionic order, on the top of which is a coat of arms, Colman im-
paling Philips, as on the preceding monument. On the base, an
inscription for Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Philips, Esq. and
wife of Francis Colman, gent, who left a charitable donation to
the poor of the parish. Also for Elizabeth, a former wife of the
said Francis, and their three children, Elizabeth, Francis, and
Christopher. No dates.
9. At the west, a small mural tablet of white marble, for
Elizabeth, late wife of Peter Fisher of this parish, mercer. She
died 19 Aug. 1653.
10. Mural, a plain rectangular tablet of white marble, for
" Battina Punchard, relict of Jeremiah Punchard, late of Lack-
ford, in this county, who died 15 Aug. 1783, aged 70. Also,
for Charles Punchard, their son, who died 14 Aug. 1789, aged46."
11. On the south wall, a small oval tablet of white marble,
" In memory of Mr. John Span-ow, who died 6 July 1821, aged
67. Alicia, his wife, only daughter of Rev. Wm. Wilson, Vicar
of Ashbourn, co. Derby, died 14 Feb. 1839, aged 85."
St. Margaret. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of
white marble, border dove-coloured, for the Rev. Wm. Fonne-
reau, of Christ Church in this parish; died February 28, 1817,
aged 85.
2. Mural, a small black marble slab, for Elizabedi Mary, wife
of Wm. Ivory; died 23 Feb. 1791, aged 44. Also, for said Wm.
Ivory, who died 24 June 1801, aged 65,
3. On the north wall, a wliite marble tablet, ibr Elizabeth
Katherine Edgar, youngest daughter of Mileson and Susanna
Edgar, died 20 Jan. 1837, aged 42.
i. In the nave, mural, small, of stone, oval. " Here rest
Tho. Reddrich, Preaeher, and Kath. his wife, who gave 100/. to
this parish, lO^, yearly for ever, and founded 2 Scholl. in Ox-
ford, &e. 1G28."
5. On the west wall, a tablet of light-eoloured dove marble,
with a yellowish raised border, and a circular pediment ; in the
middle a large urn of white marble, and on it an inscription for
Richard Philips, Esq. died 29 Feb. 1756, aged 77. Arms,
6. Small, mural, of white marble, erected at the expense of
St. Margaret's parish, in memory of Benjamin Palmer Green,
who died 26 March 1814, who left 500/. the interest to be dis-
tributed in bread to the poor.
7. Mural, of white marble, for Susanna, the wife of Mileson
Edgar, Esq. born 17 April 1763, died Dec. 26, 1829. Also for
the said Mileson Edgar, who died 16 June 1830, aged 69. Arms,
8. In the north aisle, white marble, on a dove-coloured ground,
for Joseph Pooley, Esq. Bail ill' of this borough, died 17 April
1828, aged 69. Also Mary his wife, died 18 Dec. 1825, aged 71.
Arms, Poley.
9. At the east end, mural, black and reddish marble, two pil-
lars of black marble, of the Corinthian order, supporting a com-
pass pediment; on a black tablet, "Joannes filius Joannis Lany
de Cratfield Sudovolgarum generosi, Juris Municipalis Consul-
lus, et huic municipio Gippovicensi, ad aliquot novem lustra, a
consiliis juridicis pacisque conservator. Ob. 4 Oct. 1633, set. 86.
Et Maria uxor, filia Joannis Poley de Badley arm*, ob. 18
Aug. 1633, tet. 81." Erected by his son, Benjamin Lany, Mas-
ter of Pembroke Hall, and afterwards Bishop of Peterborough.
Arms of Lany, quarterly, Cooke, Bohun, and Dalingho, impaling
Poly of nine coats.
10. An altar-tomb, raised on open arches, and covered with a
thick slab of black marble ; on the edge of the slab, " Posuit
Edmundus Withipoll, A". D'ni 1574, Sibi et Posteritati."
11. On the north wall, a frame of white marble, and on a
black tablet, " Nicholas Stanton, Minister of the Gospel 26 years;
died 12 Oct. 1649, aged 49. Buried in the churchyard."
12. Plain, mural, white, in a dove-colouretl border, tor Ed-
mund Sayer Poulter, deceased, son of the Rev. Edmund Poulter,
Prebendary of Winchester, Ensign in 1st Regt. of Foot Guards,
who died in this town Qct. 3, 1809, aged 22 years.
13. Mural, small, of white marble, for Jemima Green,
(niece of the late Mr. Benjan^in Palmer Green,) who died II
Feb. 1821, aged 27.
14. In the south aisle, mural tablet of white marble, for
Thos. Tarver Mulliner Neale, Esq. LL.B. formerly Col. of
the Ipswich Loyal Volunteers, Deputy Lieutenant and Justice
of the Peace lor the county and borough ; died Aug. 3, 1839.
15. Mural, a small oval tablet of stone, for Mrs. Ann Edwin,
daughter of Sir Humphrey Edwin, Knt. and Dame Elizabeth his
wife; died Oct. 22, 1761. Arms, Edwin, Arg. a cross sable be-
tween four Cornish choughs proper.
16. A low table monument, on the slab of which were brass
figures, &c. now gone.
17. Mural, marble, handsome : " In memoriam Elizabethae
Greenleafe, viduse, ex stirpe Leidesiorum de Croxton in com.
Cantab, oriundae," &c. " Migravit 4". die Aug. 1634." Arms,
Leeds, Argent, a fesse gules between three eagles displayed, armed
and legged of the second. And Greenleafe? Guleg, on a mount
vert a greyhound curx'ent argent.
St. Mary Elms. Monuments. 1. Over the door into the
vestry, a square monument of stone, in the centre of which are,
kneeling at a faldstool, a man and woman, facing each other ;
he is dressed in a black gown, with a rufF, and square beard ; be-
hind him kneels a son, in a black gown, and picked beard ; the
woman is also dressed in black, with a hood over her head, be-
hind her three daughters dressed in ruffs and hoods ; behind
the faldstool and facing the spectator stands Death, with a dart
in his left hand, as if about to strike the woman. On the top
the arms of Acton, Gules, a fesse in a bordure engrailed ermine.
" Memoriae Gulielmi Acton, viri justij &.c. qui obiit Nov. 29,
1616, aet. 76." Below this inscription lies, at full length, her
head resting on her right hand, another woman in a black gown,
with ruff" and long hood ; her elbow on a death's liead, an hour-
glass before her, in her left hand a book, and at her feet a pot
of flowers. " Alicise, filiae Gulielmi Bloyse, Arm. moestissimus
ipsius maritus Johannes Acton posuit. Obiit in fjore juyentae."
2. Mural, over the south door, oval, white marble, for Ed-
ward Lynch, Esq. died 29 April 1738, aged 46. Wni. Lynch,
Esq. his son, died 27 June 1797, aged 71. Marianne and John,
children of said Willianij died infants. Lucy Lynch, daughter
of said William, died 1 March 1800, aged 27. Harriet Lynch,
another daughter, died 17 Aug. 1805, aged 34. Nicholas Lynch,
Lieut, fifth Regt. of Native Infantry in the East Indies, (youngest
son of said William,) died 17 April 1804, at Nundrydroog, in the
Mysore, aged 18. Just below, Henry Lynch, Attorney in the
Supreme Court of Judicature, Bengal, and Coroner of Calcutta,
(another son of said William,) died at Calcutta 9 Nov. 1806,
aged 28. Marianne Lynch, youngest dan. of said W'illiam, died
7 Aug. 1807, aged 25. Elizabeth Lynch, eldest daughter of said
William, died 2 Dec. 1807, aged 40.
3. Mural, square, of stone, in a carved and gilt border ; on a
black marble tablet, " Danieli Burrill generoso, in eetatis flore
morienti, posuit relicta ejus Lydia Burrill.'" Arms, Burrill, Arg.
a saltire gules between four bur leaves vert, on a chief azure
a lion's head erased between two pickaxes or.
4. Mural, an oval tablet, of yellow and red marble, upon
which stands an urn, bearing an inscription, for Elizabeth
Mary Hamby, daughter of Wm. Roberts, Esq. by Mary his se-
cond wife, dau. and coh. of Sir Richard Sandys, Bart, and -wife
of Robert Hamby, Esq. She died 9 March 1758, aged 34. Eliza-
beth-Mary, their daughter, died 16 Dec. 1750, aged 7. Frances,
another daughter, died an infant 16 Sept. 1746. At the foot of
the urn : Robert Hamby, Esq. died 3 Oct. 1774, aged 64.
Arms of Hamby, Azure, three close lielmets or. On an ines-
cutcheon, Roberts quartering Sandys.
5. In the nave, mural, square, of black and white marble,
south wall, for Robert Hamby, gent, Attorney-at-law : he died
Oct. 3, 1735, aged 51. Frances, his relict, died June 1, 1740,
aged 59. Arms, Hamby, impaling. Azure, three cross-crosslets
fitche in bend between two cotises or.
6. Mural, small, square, of marble, for Elizabeth, late wife of
W^m. Fedderman, died 6 Jan. 1753, aged 60.
7. North side, mural, a small plain white marble tablet, for
Samuel Reeve, Esq. Vice-Admiral of the White, died 5 May
1803, aged 70.
St. Mary Key. Brasses.' 1. A large plate, whereon is en°
graved the figures, at full lengtli, of a man, in a gown, and his
wife, their hands clasped before them and erect ; a large rosary
hangs at her girdle ; at his feet kneel two sons, and at hers, six
daughters. At the back of his head, a shield with the arms of
Ipswich, and behind her the arms of the Merchant Adventurers.
Round the edge, an inscription for " Thomas Pownder, Mar-
chant, and sometime Bailie of Ipswiche, departed in the year
1525, and 7 day of Nov. And Emma Pownder his wife, departed
in the yeere 15 — ." Size of the plate 3 ft. 9 inc. by 28 inc. ; of
the figures, 251- inc. This is engraved in Shaw's Dresses and
Decorations of the Middle Ages, part 2.
2. A small slip, part covered : —
. . . . ♦ mitm Cimp'Ieg, nuprr ux. Soi)'i0 Cymp'Iey,
^nn» qui oli. xxiK , . a* Wni Mcctclxxxt). cxiim a'Vc
P'picietur S8ni0» ^mnt.
3. An oval plate, with a figured border, for Augustus Parker,
who died the 12 of March 1590, set. 63. Arms of the Mer-
chant Adventurers.
4. In the east end of the south aisle, a small plate, for Mr.
John "Wilson, master of the vessel Crow, of Scarborough, co.
York, who died Sept. 15, 1743, aged 55.
5. At the east end of the north aisle, a monument consisting
of an altar-tomb, the foot of which touches the east wall, on the
sides of which are shields of brass in quatrefoils inclosed in
lozenges, of which the following alone remain : the arms of Ips-
wich, and of the Merchant Adventurers . Resting on the foot of
this tomb, and affixed to the east wall, is a monument consisting
of two arches, in which are kneeling in prayer a man and his wife,
at faldstools, on each of which is an open book ; behind the man
is a boy kneeling, and behind his wife two girls : between the
two stools, on a small brass plate, "Henricus Toolye, obiit xxii.
August! a°. 1551." '^ Alicia Toolye, obiit viii. die Feb"'. a"<
1565." On a large plate below, thirteen English verses. Height
of the figures 12 inc. He was a great benefactor to the poor.
6. A female figure : the figures of her two husbands lost, as
is the inscription : height 19 inc.
Monument. In the south aisle, a small oval of black mar-
ble, mural, for Thomas Bret, gent, and Mary his wife, daughter
of Mr. Tho. Fuller. No date. Arms, Bret, Gyronny of eight
or and gules, on a chief" of the second a close helmet of the
first ; impaling Fuller, Argent, two bars and a canton gules.
St. Mary Stoke. Monuments. 1. Mural, a small black
tablet in the chancel, " M. S. Cuthberti Douthwaite, A.M. in
Coll. Mag. apud Cant, olim Socii et Tutoris, hujus Ecclesiae
Rectoris, ob. 29 Dec. A. D. 1781, a^t. 73."
2. Mural, a small tablet of white marble, for Baily Wallis,
D.D. 36 years Rector of this parish, died 30 May 1820, aged
63. Jane his wife, daughter of the Rev. Venn Eyre, Archdea-
con of Carlisle, died 24 Feb. 1818, aged 71. Frances Eyre,
widow, sister of Sir Benjamin Keene, K.B. and of Edmund
Bishop of Ely, died 15 March 1799, aged 90.
3. Mural, a small freestone tablet, for Mary, wife of Capt.
John Bourchier, R.N. died 26 Nov. 1789, aged 40. Also their
son George Pocock Bourchier, died 15 April 1788, aged 4.
4. Mural, a small oval tablet of white marble, for John
Bleadon, of Stoke Hall, Esq. who died Sept. 1, 1819, aged 75.
St. Mary Tower. Brasses. 1. A small plate, no figure.
" Sub hoc marmore sepultum est corpus Roberti Sparowe, nuper
unius Portmannorum hujus villae Gippi, qui obiit xxvi. die Julij
ao. Mdlxxxxiii. aet. lxxxiiii."
2. The figures of a man and his wife, he in a gown, inscrip-
tion gone ; this was on a fillet runnin'g round the edge of the
stone ; there were four shields, of which one only remains. On
a chevron engrailed three martlets. Height
3. A man standing under a canopy, a label on his breast with
this inscription : —
Kepo$tta r0t fjfc spre mra V mm meo.
^t« Crinita^ un' 23e' mi^txtxt mtu
Height of figure 44 inc.
On his left side, on a brass shield, the emblem of the Trinity
with the usual inscription. On the edge of the stone was a fillet
of brass, probably containing the notice of the person represented :
now lost.
4. The figure of a man between his two wives, below him his
merchant's mark, and two groups of children, two sons and three
daughters. The inscription is gone, but at the upper corner,
dexter side, a shield remains, having the arms of Ipswich. Height
of the man 28 inc.
5. In the south aisle, the figures of a wonuui between her two
husbands, witli this inscription : —
<©( Vfonvc cf)iititt jJiai) for tfjr eouir of ^li)0, IMt tfjr
Ujpfc of ^ijomae It^allrri), marcljant, ^omrtpme
ti)c \s)ii)fc of ifita^ter liolirrt miv^ntvlU BoUvVf tofjirfj
aip^ trrcr^^iu tfjr xxi» tray of ^uguet tfje yearr of our
3lortrtljou0an^crrcfl)t, on U)fjo0e 0oule f Iju IjaDe tnr rcy
aitti on all (STri^te n ^oulb* ^nun.
Height of fio;ures 27 inc.
Below are two groups of children, five girls and four boys,
and a shield, on which is a maiden's head crowned, impaling a
merchant's mark.
6. In the south aisle, on a large stone, for Mary Clarke, wife
of Robert Clarke, gent, who died 7 Nov. 1627; and on a brass
plate, " Blessed are the dead ! " Below, cut in the stone, " R.
Clarke, gent, qui ob. 26 Dec. 1645." On another large brass
plate below, " Hie quoque depositus est Robertus predict! filius,
Clericus Pacis annos xx, et in hoc municipio Clericus Commu-
nis plus minus quadraginta ; ob. 10 Nov. 1697, eet. 72. Et
Grisilla ux. ejus, filia Thomse Corbould de Holbrook generosi,
quae obiit Sep. 10 A. D. 1696, get. 68." Arms, Clarke, two bars,
in chief three escallops, a horse's head erased ; impaling Cor-
bould ? worn out.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of white marble, for
" Joseph Cutler, clerk. Minister of this parish almost 31 years,
died 17 Feb. A". D'ni 1707, ast. 71. Also Susan his wife, died
9 Aug* 1727, act. 85." Arms, Cutler, Argent, on a fess between
three dragon's heads erased gules, langued azure, three doves
volant or ; impaling, Argent, a greyhound statant sable.
2. A painting on a board fixed to the wall, a large tablet with
a very broad ornamented border; at the bottom corner are repre-
sented a man and his wife kneeling, he, on the right side, dressed
in his corporation gown ; in the back ground is a view of the
town of Ipswich ; an inscription in black letter, in English verse,
being an acrostic on the name of William Smart. By an in-
scription in the floor below, it appears he died 23 Sept. 1599i
Alice, his wife, \yidow of Ralph Scrivener, Esq. died 13 Oct.
1600. He was a great benefactor to the town.
3. Mural, of black and white marble, with gilding : " Subtus
Johannes Cliapman, Ann. jucet, Mag. Arlium, &c. Obiit #».
Oct. A.D. 1657, cGt. 77. Arms, Chapman, Or, a chevron be-
tween three crescents gules, on a chief azure three roses of the
4. A small tablet of stone, over the vestry door, containing the
names of the Ipsvviclj preachers froni the 2 Eliz. to 3 Jac.
5. Mural, of black and white niarble, consisting of a tablet,
and a frieze supported by two pillars; just below the tablet are
the figures of a man and his wife kneeling at a desk, apparently
in the act of addressing themselves to the spectators, he in a
gown, band, and wig. On the tablet, an inscription for John
Robinson, gent, late Portman of this town; died May 9, 1666,
aged 60: and Elizabeth his wife, died 3 P"eb. 1694, ao-ed 86.
He was a benefactor to the town. Arms, Robinson, Vert, on a
chevron between three bucks trippant or, three fleurs-de-lis gules;
impaling. Azure, a griffin segreant or.
6. A small oval tablet of marble in a frame of stone, mural,
for *' Mr. Math. Lawrence, Publike Preacher of this towne 9
yi-s and 9 mo^. Died March 19, 1653, aged 53."
7. A neat mural monument of white marble, " M. 8. Thomte
Bishop, S.T.P. Imjus Ecclesiee triginta fere annos Ministri, &;c.
Obiit 29 Junii, A". D. 1737, cet. 56. Elizabetha uxor obiit 3
Junii, Ao. D. 1749, set. 62." A long inscription. Arms, Bishop,
Argent, on a bend cottised gules three bezants.
8. In the north aisle, north wall, a small circular monument
of white marble, and on it an oblong tablet, for Miles Wallis,
Esq. Portman of this town, died 4 Jan. 1776, aged 45. Sarah,
his daughter, died 27 March 1784, aged 17.
9. In the south aisle, east end, mural, " M. S. Roberti Beau-
montj A*M. Ecclesiae S. Laurent, in hoc Vico Pastoris fidissimi,
&c. obiit 25 March 1737, ast. 55. Et Priscillee ux^ ejus; ob.
Jan. 12, 1749, set. 72." Arms of BeaumonJ, Azure, a lion ram-
pant between ten fleurs-de-lis or ; impaling Drury.
10. On a plain slab of marble fixed in the wall, for " Forth
Tonyn, fifth son of Lieuti-Col. Ch. Will. Tonyn and Jane Bel-
lingham his wife, ob. 26 Dec. 1748, ret. 12." Arms, Tonyn.
11. At the east end, mural, " M. S. Gul. Beaumont, A.M.
Ecclesiee de Hintlesham Rectoris, &c. ob. 18 Jan. 1708, get. 59i
Mariffi uxoris ejus, ob. 13 Jul. 1717, aet. 62." Arms, Beaumont,
impaling Clarke, Or, Ivvo bars, and in chief three escallops gules,
a griffin's head erased argent.
12. On a ])illar at the west end, a small tablet, for " John
Wright, gen. dyed 21 Nov. 1623, and gave 40^. yearly to the
parish for ever."
13. Against the south side of the steeple, a small tablet,
" Cast on y*^ waters thy bread, after many dayes thou shall find
it. y Marcij, A. D. 1618.^' A copy of English verses in praise
of Leonard Caston, a benefactor to the poor.
14. At the west end, a table monument of stone covered with
a black marble slab, William Edgar, of this parish, gent, born
1 Jan. 1637, died single, 3 Oct. 1716. Arms, Edgar.
15. In the nave, south wall, east end, mural, " M. S. Joannis
King, A.M. Collegii Divi Petri apud Cant. Socii, Ecclesiee de
Witnesham in hoc agro Rectoris et per annos xxiii. apud Gip-
povicenses Publici Concionatoris, qui per annos xxxi. Scholce
Regiae preefuit. Vixit annos Lxxxiir. Ob. Dec. viii. cal. Feb.
Mdcccxxii." Arms, King, Sable, a lion rampant argent
crowned or between three cross-crosslets of the second.
16. In the north aisle, a small mural tablet, for iSarah, re-
lict of Miles Wallis, Esq. and late wife of Emerson Cornwell,
Esq. died 7 Feb. 1819, aged about 78.
17. South side of the chancel, outside, mural. " Sarah Cob-
bold, youngest dau. of Rev. Thos. Cobbold ; died 15 Oct. 1841,
aged 62."
18. South wall of south aisle, outside. "John Denny, Esq.
Surgeon, died 7 Feb. 1835, aged 60."
19. On west end of south aisle, outside. " Eliza- Herbert, wife
of Vice-Adm. B. W. Page, died 3rd Nov. 1834."
St. Matthew. Monuments. 1. In the chancel, north wallj
mural, of coloured marbles; in the centre, two shallow niches,
in which are kneeling a man and a woman, each at a faldstool ;
he wears a scarlet cloak, with black under-dress, a beard, and
moderate-sized ruff"; the woman also in a black dress, vvith a veil
fixed on the top of her head, and falling down behind. Beneath
are two groups of children, also kneeling, under the man three
boys, and inider the woman five girls. " Richard Cock, Port-
man, Sonne of Robert Cock, gent, who had to wife Anne daugh-
ter of Richard Leader, and had by her six sonnes and seven
daughters, and died June 7, 1629, aged 60.'^ Arms of Cock,
Quarterly gules and argent, in the first quarter a cock or, a
crescent for difference.
2. On the same wall, a large monument, two arolied niches,
with an entablature supported by three Ionic pillars. In the
niches are two figures kneeling; on the dexter side, a man in a
gown, with pudding-sleeves, painted scarlet, beard and large
ruff ; on the sinister side, a woman, kneeling, dressed in a
scarlet gown, with full puffed sleeves, tied in the middle with a
ribbon ; a black veil, attached to the top of her head, falls down
behind. Below are two groups of children ; under the man nine
sons, kneeling, in different coloured cloaks, the two oldest of
whom have beards : in front of these are lying three children in
swaddling clothes, who probably died infants. Under the wo-
man are four daughters, kneeling, and dressed like their mother •
two of them hold skulls in their hands, probably to shew they
died young. Tablet below, for " Anthony Penning, Esq.
(sonne of Anthony Penning, of Ketelberge, SufF. Esq.) who had
issue by his wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Thos. Crofte, of Sax-
ham, in said count}, Esq. fourteen sonnes, and four daughters.
He died 11 Jan. 1630, aged 65." Arms of Penning, Gules, three
stag's heads cabossed argent, a chief indented ermine. Croft,
Or, three bull's heads couped sable.
3. Mural, small, of white marble, for Edward Hasell, Esq.
F.L.S.; born 21 Sept. 1745, died 29 April 1825.
4. In the south aisle, mural, of white marble, on a dove-
coloured ground, for Andrew Layton (descended from an an-
cient family at West Layton, Yorkshire), 28 years Rector of
this parisli, and 23 years Vicar of Chatteris in the Isle of Ely,
died 23 May 1772, aged 52. Wm. Layton, M.A. 56 years
Rector of this parish, and 56 years Rector of Helmley, in this
county, died Feb. 19, 1831, aged 80. Arms, Layton, a fess be-
tween six cross-crosslets.
5. Mural, of white marble, for Mary Gordon Heron, dau.
of Major Basil Hei-on, of the Royal Grey Dragoons, died 1 Feb.
1789, aged 3 years and 4 months. The said Basil Heron died
at Bath, Dec. 29, 1811, aged 73. P^lizabeth, his relict, daugh-
ter of James ^lounsey, Esq. died at Lyme, in Dorsetshire, 6
Feb. 1826, aged 70.
6. Mural, a plain slab of stone, for John Howe, Lord Ched-
worth, born 22 Aug. 1754, died Oct. 29, 1804.
T. In the chancel, a small mural tablet of white marble, for
Elizabeth Harriette, eldest dauohter of William and Elizabeth
Rodwell, born 22 April 1816, died 30 Sept. 1840.
St. Nicholas. Bi-asses. 1. No figure. " Hie jacet Susanna
Parker, uxor Augustini Parker, ob. 13 Aug*'. 1664, net. 24."
Arms of the Merchant Adventurers and Grocers' Company, and
a merchant's mark.
2. Two figures : a man in a loose gown, and his wife in a riiff
and coif, with very large petticoats. Inscription, &c. gone.
Height of figure of man, 32j- inc.
3. A man in a gown ; his wife, children, arms, &c. gone ;
height 31 inc. (Probably for Wm. Stiles and Margery his wife,
anno 1500.)
4. Figures of ^inari and his wife, with labels from their mouths.
With this inscription : —
?i?ir jam 5MilU'u0 ^ti)Ir ar H^aiieUa (juontram uxor
r|u0 aut auitram iHMiilVu^ otiit untrrrimo tiir mnt0i0
^uMif ^tttto B'ni MilVnxo tctclxxiy, rt tricta $!$aiifUa
of)iit xljjo, Hie ^eliruarii ^nno m'ni ifttiirmo ace itdti-
agf0» f'i0 a'i'f re^uic0cat in jjare.
Below, was a represention of the three persons of the Trinity,
and two groups of children. Height of the figures, 27^ inc.
Monuments. 1. Mural, plain, of white marble, in the chancel.
Rev. William Reeve, A.M., 30 years minister of this parish,
died 13 Sept. 1755, aged 56. Rev. Thos. Reeve, his youngest
son, Rector of Brockley, Suflf. died June 4, 1824, aged 79.
2. Mural, plain tablet of veined marble, for Rev. James
Coyte, 27 years minister of this parish and Rector of Cantley,
Norf. died 13 June 1812, aged 63. Ann, his wife, died 18 Feb.
1820, aged 60.
3. Mural, of white marble, in a dove-coloured border.
« Mary, wife of Thomas Cooper Colls, died 20 Sept. 1818."
4. Mural, small, Harriet Jermyn Brown, daughter of W'^m.
and Harriet Brown, died 3 Feb. 1835, aged 22.
5. In the nave, mural, small. " William Beeston Coyte, M.D.
and Sara his wife. He died 3 March 1810, aged 69. She died
21 Sept. 1776, aged 36. Also Hester, his second wife, died 31
July 1820, aged 81."
6. Mural, a white tablet, with a pyramid and base of dove-
coloured marble. "John Elsdale, gent, diet! 17 May 1T90,
aged 63."
7. In the south aisle, mural, of streaked marble. " P. S. Hie
juxta jacet Carolus Whitaker, Arm. hujus Burgi Recordator,
in Parliamento Anglise ter Socius, Regi Gul. 3° cum primis Ser-
viens ad legem, Anna regnante in Australi Walliae parte Capi-
talis Justitiarius. Ob. 19o die Junij An. Do. 1715, £Bt. 73.
Carolus Whitaker, filius ejus, Interioris Templi, Arm. Forins.
Oppositoris Scaccarii, intempestiva morte preereptus, ob. 7
Martis, A^. D'ni 1710, .-et. 35." Arms, Whitaker, Sable, a
fesse between three mascles argent, impaling, Vert, a chevron
engrailed or.
St. Petek. Brass. Figures of a man and his wife : below,
two groups of children, four sons, and eight daughters. '■' John
Knapp, Marchant and Portman of this towne of Ipswich, dyed
2d Maye, ao. 1604, and had issue by Martha his wife, four
sones and eight daughters." Arms of Knapp : In chief three
close helmets, in base a lion passant. Height 29 inc. (Engraved
in Cotman's Suff'. Brasses, PI. 38, p. 24.)
Monuments. 1. In the south aisle, a plain rectangular tablet
of white marble, mural. Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and
Elizabeth Trotman, died 29 Aug. 1778, aged 4. William
World, their son, died 13 April 1782, an infant. Robert, their
son, died 22 July 1 783, an infant.
3. Mural, of white marble, with a yellowish border. Robert
Trotman, Esq. died 31 Jan. 1813, aged 67. High Sheriff for
Suffolk 1783. Arms, Trotman, Argent, a cross between four "
roses gules. On an inescutcheon, World, Argent, a chevron be-
tween three boar's heads couped in fess sable, on a chief vert
three bezants.
3. At the west end of the nave, mural, of white marble. Eli-
zabeth Trotman, relict of Robert Trotman, late of Ipswich, Esq.
died 11 June 1821, aged 74,
St. Stephen. Brasses. 1. Figures of a man and woman ;
part of an inscription remaining:
irir tfje fioliyr of asHiUiam ^fjnmaii, gnu.
iSrocf t of Uontion, ioJjo trrrre^rti tfjr
Mtin ibt ^txt of our Uoitr (jUoti 1583.
Arms, Sherman, A lion rampant between three oak leaves ; and
Sherman impaling Lany.
2. Two shields of arms, Waller (?) Quarterly : 1 and 4, a
bend and a mullet for difference : 2 and 3, a chevron between
three cross-crosslets fitchee, Shardelow?; and Waller ? impaling
eight escallops.
Monuments. 1. In the chancel, mural, of white marble. " Amy
Clubbe, relict of John Clubbe, M.D. late of this town, died 8
Jan. 1824, aged 76."
2. In the south aisle, mural, of black and white marble.
'' John Reynolds of this parish, gent, and Elizabeth his wife,
who gave to this parish Cl. and to the Key parish C. &c. :
born in Aug. 1571, at Thoydon Garnon, in Essex, and dyed the
28 March 1648. Mary, late wife of Jacob Caley, and onl}'^
daughter of John Reynolds, gent, and Elizabeth his wife, died
10 Nov. 1638."
3. Mural, two figures, a man and his wife, kneeling under
separate arches, before a desk ; below him one son, and below
her four daughters kneeling; above an open pediment with the
arms and crest of Leman. Below : " A solemne (sic) to the me-
mory of Robert Leman (sonne of Wm. Leman) late of Beckles,
in Suffolk, and free of the Wor'. Company of Fishmongers, Lon-
don, of which city he was Slieriffe, and Mary his wife, eldest
dau. of William Coke, of Broome Hall, Norf. Esq. who expired
both in one day, 3d. Sept. 1637. They left one sonne, four
daughters." (Johan. and Math. Christmas fecerunt.) Arms,
Leman, impaling Coke.
4. Mural, oval, of white marble : " Robert Collins, Esq. late
of this parish, born at Bp. Wearmouth, co. Durham, and died
18 Sept. 1809, aged 51."
5. In the nave, mural, of white and coloured marble, on an
oval tablet : " John Clubbe, late an eminent pliysician in this
place; died 25 April 1811, aged 70."
6. Mural, a tablet of white marble, in a stone frame : '^ Rev.
Isaac Kitchin, late Rector of this parish, died 22 April 1838,
aged 47."
VJord. D. A. Y.
2 Edw. III. 1328.
From the original in the possession of George Grant Francis, Esq.
F.S.A. Honorary Librarian of the Royal Institution of South
Wales, and Corresponding Member of the Society of Antiquaries
of Scotland.
The " Marchelmaur" of this charter is believed to be the same
place as Merthyr Mawr, already mentioned in vol. I. p. 533. " Merthyr
Mawr is holden by knight's service under Lanbleithan — it was once the
land of the Sewards, and came to the Berkrolls by marrying an heiress
of Sewards ; and from Barkrolls to StradHng by the abovesaid mar-
riage. Thomas Lord Bishop of Landaffe is patron of the church there."
(Sir Thomas Phillipps's Glamorganshire Pedigrees, p. 48.) It is situated
near Bridgend, and the ruins of Ogmore castle are within the parish.
Of this castle an interesting survey, accompanied by a plan, will be found
in the Gentleman's Magazine for March 1835. Merthyr Mawr is now
the property of the Right Hon. John Nicholl,D.C.L., M.P. for CardiflF.
The land conveyed by this charter was situated partly at " le brode yate,"
that is, the broad way or road; and partly at " quinteynesmede," a re-
markable name, and probably the meadow in which the young chivalry of
the neighbouring castle were wont to exercise in the martial sport of the
quintain. Was Robert le Reymer, one of the witnesses, a Welsh bard,
or an English one ? John le Hayward was doubtless one of those offi-
cers still appointed at Courts Leet.
SciANT presentes et futuri quod nos Reginaldus de Somer-
tone et Loretta uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac present!
carta nostra confirmavimus Johanni le Hayward et Johanne
uxori ejus viginti acras terre arabilis apud le brode yate et alibi
in dominico de Marchelmaur, et unam acram prati in quin-
teynesmede. Habendum, ^c. Reddendo, §t. unam rosam ad f'es-
tum Nativitatis sancti Johannis baptiste pro omni secular! ser-
vicio et demanda. Hiis testibus, Willelmo Torbervile, Johanne
le Botiler, Henrico le Botiler, Rogero de Hodinet, Roberto le
Reymer, Johanne Baudewin, et multis aliis. Datum apud Mar-
chelmaur, die dominica in vigilia assumtionis beate Marie, 2
Edw. III. [August 14, 1328.]
To the Editor of the Topographer.
The accompanying rough notes relate to the monumental
records of" two churches in Hampshire. It is much to be re-
gretted that this, and other counties, which have, as yet, found
no historian, are daily exposed, by the neglect of the indifferent,
and the " repairs " of the ignorant (though by no means so in
the present case), to a fate from which nothing but the printing
press can save them.^
This church, which is very small, consists of a nave and chan-
cel. It has a bell turret at the west end, and a plain south
porch. The east window has three cinquefoiled lights with a
perpendicular heading, and the west window is somewhat similar.
The other windows are not remarkable. The roof is raftered,
and the whole church has been recently rebuilt.
. There are but few monumental inscriptions, and none of any
In the chancel are mural slabs commemorating,
1. The Rev. Henry White, 26 years Rector, who died
December 27, 1788, in his 55th year, leaving a widow and ten
children. Elizabeth, the widow, died Dec. 9th, 1815, in her
81st year.
2. The Rev. Philip Poore, Rector from 1829 to 1837;
born Oct. 13. 1803; died July 28, 1837.
3. Christian, wife of the Rev. Charles Henry White,
Rector of Shalden, daughter of Alexander St. Barbe; born
Aug. 21, 1784; died July 3, 1806.
On the floor is a slab covering the grave of Christian White.
* Church Notes of the following parishes in the same county, by the same Con-
tributor, will be found in the Vllth and Vlllth volumes of the Collectanea Topo-
graphica et Genealogica, viz. Aldershot, Basing, Bentley, Binsted, Cliddesden, Cron-
dall, Dogmersfield, Elvetham, Eversley, Farley Wallop, Froyle, Sherbourne St.
John, Long Sutton, South Warnborough, Winchfield, and Yately. — Edit.
The seats are open. The font, described as plain, has not
yet been replaced, and the pulpit and reading desk are, appa-
rently, unfinished.
Against the north wall of the nave is a marble monument to
John Haywaud, gent, and Anne his wife, daughter of John
Winckworth, of Fy field. He died May 1, 1709, aged 43. She
died Oct. 3, 1728, aged 63. They left issue John, Thomas,
James, and Anne.
This church consists of a nave and chancel. The tower,
which is at the west end, has been thrown open to the body of
the nave, apparently for the purpose of accommodating the
school children, and a sort of north chapel has been added to the
chancel as a substitute for a vestry.
The east window consists of three trefoiled lights ; that in the
centre being the longest. The stained glass is entirely new.
The centre light has a representation of the Crucifixion. That
on the right has the taking down from the Cross. That on the
left the bearing the Cross. Underneath is inscribed : —
" Per crucem et passionem tuam libera nos D'ne."
The communion table is of stone, and therefore not strictly in
accordance with law, but rendered less heterodox by a crimson
cloth covering. There is a gilt alms' dish with the figures of
Adam and Eve in Paradise. This again is flanked by a
couple of candlesticks duly provided with candles, and handsome
brazen-clasped books for the use of the officiating ministers. If
the candles are to give light, well and good ; if not, their
meaning must be superstitious, and ought not to be tolerated.
It is one thing to allow candlesticks, as in our cathedrals, to
stand where they have always stood, by prescription as it were,
and another to re-introduce an obsolete appendage. Upon the
same principle we might clothe our priests in vestments, cut off
the crown of their hair, and enjoin them to celibacy. We have
already, in other places, slid into sedilia, and begun to mumble
our prayers in plain chaunting. It may here be observed that
the door of the church was open, conveniently for the anti-
quary, though evidently to assimilate it, as far as is possible, to
the usages of the Roman Catholic churches.
In the south wall, near the communion table, is an ancient pis-
X 2
cina ; and near it, and under a canopied arch, with figures of angels
holding blank shields, is an altar-tomb with paneled sides, and
plain shields in the paneling. Part of the arch has been bricked up,
and a portion of the sculpture may still be seen on the outside.
A monumental slab, bearing an effigy in mail, and with a square
helmet, the whole much mutilated, and the legs gone, but with
the appearance of a shield on the left arm, and held in front of
the body, has been placed on this tomb. It is stated to have
been removed from the outside of the church near the south wall.
This effigy is obviously of a date anterior to the monument on
which it rests ; and the will of Sir Nicholas Lisle, dated 1496, and
proved in 1506, in which he desires to be buried on the south
side of the high altar, seems to establish the fact of its being the
place of his sepulture and monument.
On the north side of the chancel, and exactly opposite the
above-mentioned altar-tomb, is another altar-tomb with three
rich panelings on the south side, and in the centre of each of
which was originally a shield of arms in brass. The west side
also exhibits traces of a shield in brass. Round the ledge was a
brass band, with the inscription, now entirely gone. The north
side, no doubt, corresponded, but the whole appears to have been
altered, and the style is different.
On the north side are two panelings with shields. The left
bears. Quarterly, I and 4>, on a chief three lions rampant
(Lisle) ; 2 and 3, a fess between three choughs. The panel on
the right has a lozenge-shaped shield bearing the coat of
Courtenay, with a label charged with roundels. Under the
canopied arch, which is immediately over this monument, are
the effigies of a man and his wife, of stone, and lying on a
slab, now placed on the original tomb. The head of the
male rests on his shield. He is in plate armour, and his surcoat
bears the arms of Lisle, quarterly, with the coat above-men-
tioned. He has a collar of SS., and his feet rest on his gaunt-
lets. The hands of both are in the attitude of prayer. This
monument has been restored, and is in excellent preservation.
In the centre of the cornice on the south side, as also on the
north, is a shield surmounted by a helmet, and charged with
the two quarterly coats before-mentioned.
This must be the monument of Sir John Lisle, son of Sir
Nicholas before-mentioned, whose will is dated 1520, and was
proved in 1624. He desires an ambulator chapel to be erected
on the north side of the church, near vvhich he directs to be
bui'ied. The will of his wife, Mary Lady Lisle, proved also in
1524, contains a similar notice of this chapel.
At the west end of this monument is another and larger arch,
the paneling in the soffit of which is good, and in the spandrils
are shields, one of which bears the coat of Lisle. This arch now
incloses the pew of Sir John Pollen, Bart, the lord of the manor.*
On the floor of the chancel is a very fine brass, representing a
man in plate armour, under a rich triple-arched canopy, with
four shields at the angles of the stone, and a band, with the in-
scription. On the shields are the following arms: —
1. Lisle.
2. The brass gone ; but a chevron between three martlets.
3. Lisle, impaling three roundels.
4. Lisle, impaling, apparently (the brass being lost), a chevron
between three roundels.
The inscription is as follows ; —
" Sub lapide isto jacent pie memorie dominus Johannes
Lysle miles, dominus de Wodynton in Insula Vecta, et domina
Elisabeth Lysle uxor ejus. Idem dominus Johannes obiit ultimo
die mensis Januarii Anno Domini Millesimo cccco vii". Eorum
anime pace fruantur eterna. Amen."
Respecting this monument there can be no doubt. This Sir
John Lisle was the father of another Sir John, and the grand-
father of Sir Nicholas. His will is dated in 1407, and was
proved in 1409. He desires to be buried in the church at
Thruxton. The will of his son Sir John is dated 1468, and was
proved in the same year. He also desires to be buried in the
church at Thruxton. The e&igy in mail, now on the south monu-
ment, in all probability represents one of the earlier members of
the family then bearing the name of de Insula. They had large
possessions in the Isle of Wight; but Thruxton was their burial
place, and the manor of Chute, in that neighbourhood, was held
by them in the beginning of the 13th century. The estate of
Thruxton, where they had a residence, passed, on the extinction
of the issue of Sir Nicholas Lisle, to the heirs of his sister
* There was originally what was called a north aisle here, and it was, in all pro-
bability, the ambulator chapel beforementioned.
Elizabeth Phillpot, and remained in that family for many gene-
rations. It is stated, in Berry's Hampshire Genealogies, that
this (the Phillpot) line " has failed." Such, however, can by no
means be the fact, as an inspection of the pedigrees in the Visi-
tations at the College of Arms will prove.
A short notice of an ill-fated member of this family, Mrs.
Alice Lisle, who, by the tender mercies of James the Second
and Judge JefFeries, was permitted to exchange the faggot for
the axe, may not be irrelevant.
She was five years of age in 1622, and was the daughter of
Sir Thomas Beconsawe, her mother being one of the family of
Bond of Dorsetshire. Her husband was descended from an
imcle of Sir Nicholas Lisle. In Berry's Hampshire Genealo-
gies, they are stated to have left an only son John, who died in
1709, leaving a son Charles, who died in 1721, and with whom
the blood of Alice Lisle is said to have become extinct. This does
not appear to be the fact. The Petitioners for the reversal of the
attainder of Mrs. Lisle were her daughters Tryphena Lloyd and
Bridget Usher, and their petition was acceded to in the first of
William and Mary. Bridget Usher was, as I am informed, first
married to Hoare, President of Cambridge University in
New England. Their daughter, Bridget Hoare, married Thomas
Cotton, a non-conforming minister, who died in 1730 ; and the
lateBayes Cotton, Esq. of Kenilworth, in Warwickshire, was their
grandson. The grandson of Mrs. Lisle, Charles Crooke Lisle, of
Moyles Court, entailed his estates on his distant cousin Edward
Lisle, of Crux Easton, and his issue, and made no mention of his
aunts or their descendants, which may have given rise to the idea
that all issue of that line was extinct.
Against the north wall is a slab commemorative of the Rev.
Lancelot Greenthwaite Halton, 31 years Rector. He died
March 29, 1832, aged 69. Also Mrs. Frances Halton, who
died April 9, 1811, aged 85.
The north window has two cinquefoiled lights filled with mo-
dern stained glass. This is, in fact, the case with every window,
and the consequence is that the whole of the church is incon-
veniently darkened. The seats are open, and there is a carved
desk of oak for the reading of the lessons. The font is of stone,
octagonal, with a richly painted and gilt cover of wood. The
panels are also enriched with coloured and gilt shields, bearing
crosses, &c. and there is a drain for the water to be drawn
off, according to the practice of remote times.
The west window, which is in the tower, contains some very
inferior stained glass, representing the royal arms, and the arms
of the see of Winchester.
The small north chapel, or vestry, near the chancel, has a
modern altar-tomb, on which are carved, in bold relief, a pastoral
staff and an open Bible. On its leaves are " Nanny Baynes,
Dec. 5, 1842." " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
The ledse is inscribed, " I believe in the communion of saints."
On the floor is the grave-stone of Lady Baynes, who died
Dec. 5, 1842, aged 78, being the widow of Sir Christopher
Baynes, Bart, of Harefield Place, Middlesex, who died March
16, 1837, aged 82, and was buried in the Abbey Church, at
Bath. Their children are stated to have raised the adjoining
tomb as a memorial of their affection.
In the churchyard, on the north side, is a coffin-shaped stone
slab, ornamented with a cross, and which is said to have been
removed from the nave.
The tower of this church is embattled, and it has four small
turrets with pinnacles. Below is a cornice in an arabesque style,
and some shields with arms. One bearing the coat of Lisle ;
another that of the fess between three choughs. There is a
cross of stone on the east end of the chancel.
The graves in the churchyard are, here and there, orna-
mented with flowers, and the whole has an air of much neatness.
The only thing to be regretted is that the zealous and praise-
worthy desire of incumbents to improve and restore their churches
should be accompanied, as is now too often the case, by many
puerile and, I must add, reprehensible endeavours, to run in
as near to the Roman ritual, and Romish ceremonies, and Romish
paraphernalia, as can be done with due regard to the retention
of posts to which the parties have been preferred by a Protesting
Your obedient servant,
C. E. L.
For whom and by whose authority the following curious notices were
made does not appear ; but they contain internal evidence shewing that
they were compiled in the reign of Edward the Fourth, that is, after the
death of Sir Thomas Browne, of Beechworth Castle, in July 1460, and
before that of George Duke of Clarence in February 1478. They are
taken from a verbatim copy of the original made by Robert Honiwood
of Charing, and preserved in his MS. volume, from which copious ex-
tracts relating to the Honiwood family have been printed in two former
articles. Although they do not appertain directly to his own family,
nevertheless, the reasons for Mr. Honiwood's transcribing them are ob-
vious ; viz. his second wife's descent, through her father, from Sir
Thomas Arundel, Knt. of Beechworth Castle, brother of Sir Edward,
the personage whom they chiefly affect ; and their value as old and ori-
ginal evidence.
It is worthy of remark that their intrinsic value is greatly enhanced,
and the evidence rendered unique, in consequence of the non-existence
amongst the Public Records of any inquest upon the death of Sir Ed-
ward Arundel ; and, considering that the manor and lordship of Aynho,
the only real property he possessed, were held in socage, and not in
chief, it is probable that not even a writ of inquiry was issued by the
Crown on his death. To this absence of any particulars concerning
him in the public records, is attributable the total silence of the old
heralds as to his marriage and death. Baker, in his account of Aynho
(History of Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 546, et seq.) has gathered to-
gether every particular respecting him hitherto recorded and known ;
nevertheless he failed to discover the time of Sir Edward's death, and
that he left no issue. He, however, gives the Christian name of Sir
Edward's wife (as does also Bridges in his History of Northampton-
shire), upon the authority of the Cartwright evidences, but errs in coin-
ing for her a son, and marrying the fiction to Elizabeth Le Despencer,
who, had he ever existed, would have been his grandmother. In the
pedigree of Fitzalan, annexed to that account, no mention is made of
Sir Thomas Arundel of Beechworth Castle, brother of Sir Edward.
In like manner, Manning and Bray, in their accomit of Sir Thomas
Arundel, (History of Surrey, vol. i. p. 556,) are silent as to his brother
Sir Edward of Aynho. In Tierney's History of Arundel, although his
account is generally correct, Sir Edward is miscalled Edmund. And in
the well-laboured pedigree of the Mautravers branch of the Fitzalans
annexed to the notices of Sir Richard Arundel in the Collectanea Topo-
graphica, vol. VI. pp. 16, 17, Sir Edward and his brother Sir Thomas
are not mentioned. Dugdale (Bar. vol. i. p. 318, 321) omits all the
younger children and younger grandchildren, with their descendants, of
Sir John de Arundel Chevaler senior, the grandfather of Sir Edward
and Sir Thomas, and progenitor of that branch which inherited the
Barony and estates of Mautravers, and which, after the lapse of three
generations, came into possession of the castle and earldom of Arundel ;
restricting his account to the direct lineal descent of the heir male, who
in 1415 succeeded to the possession and inheritance of the castle and
earldom ; yet, in his Summary (p. 321) of the leading events in the
life of the new Earl's father, he commits a series of gross errors in mis-
appropriating to the father the history of the grandfather, and omitting
the father altogether ; whereby the pedigree is deprived of a generation,
his previous statements rendered contradictory and irreconcileable, and
the whole account confused. Relying on the accuracy of this narrative
of Dugdale, the historians of Surrey and Northamptonshire, and others,
in their accounts of this family, have committed the same errors ; even
so the Committees of Lords, in their Reports upon the Dignity of a
Peer of the Realm, when treating of the case of the Earldom of Arun-
del, (First Report, p. 426,) after having minutely investigated the pro-
ceedings in the Parliament of 1 1 Hen. VI. upon the claim and admission
of the possessor of the castle and honour of Arundel to the estate,
title, and dignity of Earl of Anindel by virtue of tenure, leave out a
generation in this branch of the family, notwithstanding the evidence
in those proceedings to the contrary. It is true that the lineal descent
of the heir male of this branch is correctly stated in the article in the
Collectanea referred to above, in Tierney's Arundel, and Milles's Cata-
logue of Honour (pp. 631, 652) ; which last account gives the issue
more fully and with fewer errors than any other. But, from what has
been already observed, there appears reason for appending to these no-
tices of Sir Edward Arundel, Knt. corroborative evidence of their accu-
racy, taken from the Public Records, and restating the history of the
manors of Aynho and Beechworth Castle, whilst in the possession of
members of this family.
" The coppy of noat (verbatim) w^^' I fownd amongest y^
evidence and papers of Sir Mathew Browne at Betch-
worth Castell. [Fo/. 36^ b.]
1. Ther is an owld lady dwellinge in a towne caul led ( Aynowe)
in Northamptonshire, betwixte Warwike » and Bambery [^Ban-
bury], and but 3 myles from Bambery and ii [2] myles from
Dodington [Deddington].
2. M^. That this ladyes name {sic) is Elizabeth, and she was
wife to one Sir Edward Arundell, w^^ was descended of y^ owld
Earles of Arundell, and kindesman to y^ Earle of Arundell that
now lyveth.
2. This lady saieth that this Sir Edward, her husbande, was
uncle to Sir Wylliam now Earle of Arundell, ^ and brother to
John Arundell father to y^ saied Earle.
3. Itm. inquier y^ Christien name of this lady Arundell's
husbande, whether it wear John, Robrt, William, or any other
3. This lady saieth his name was Edward, ut sup'a.
4. Itm. inquier wher this Sir Edward Arundell, that was this
ladyes husbande, lyeth buried, and in what place.
4. This lady saieth at y^ Awsten friars in London, besids
ye Earle of Arundell's ^ tombe of y^ lefte hand.
5. Inquier y^ obite of this Sir Edward Arundell, this ladys
5. This lady awnswereth that Sir Edward her husbande
was buried in y^ Awsten friars, at London, afores'd, y«^ mor-
rowe after Alhallow Day : that is to say, y^ 3 day of Nov. in
y« 13 yeare of Kinge Henry y^ 4, Anno D^ni 1412. d.
6. Inquier how nye of kin this Sir Edw. Arundell that was
husband to this lady was to y^ Earle of Arundell that now is,
* This is incorrect, and the error is a proof how limited in olden time was the
knowledge of places comparatively distant, and their relative position. Aynho is
distant from Banbury in a direct Imejrom Warwick about 6i miles south-east, and
from Deddington, in Oxfordshire, about 3J miles north-north-east.
*• WiUiam Earl of Arundel, who died 3 Hen, VII.
« Richard Earl of Arundel, who was beheaded 21 Sept. 1397.
^ Here are two errors : " the morrow after Allhallows day,'^ would be the second
of November; andi November k.J). 1412 was in 14 Hen. IV,, or November 13
Hen. IV, fell in A.D. 1411.
and know how they be of kin, and in what degree on eche
6. This lady awnswereth this article afor in y^ 2 article.
7. Inquier if this saied Sir Edw. Arundell, this ladyes hus-
band, had any mo brotheren, and if he had inquier ther names,
and who is come of them, andwher eche of them be buried.
7. This lady awnswereth, that Sir Edward had a brother
highe (Thomas) {sic) that died over sea, W^b Thomas had issue
(Eleanor) {sic) wedded to Sir Thomas Browne of Kent.
8. Itm, Inquier if this Sir Edward Arundell, this ladyes hus-
band, had any sisters, and inquier ther names, and to whome
they wear maried.
8. This lady awnswereth that he had no sisters.
9. Itm. If this Sir Edw. A., this ladyes husband, had any
uncles or any awnts, and how they wear maried, and who is
come of them, and how.
9. This lady awnswereth, that this Sir Edward her husband
had ii uncles, William and Richarde : William died w^^out
issue, and Richard had issue ii doughters, the one was cawlled
{sic), and y^ other was called {sic) ; and y^ one
dowghter whose name was {sic), was a noun of Sion.
10. Inquier y^ name of Sir John Arundell, that was y<^ father
of this Sir Edward Arundell, that was this ladyes husbande, and
wher he is buryed.
10. This lady awnswereth, that Sir John Arundell was
father to Sir Edw. Arundell her husband, and y« saied Sir
John is buried at y^ Abbey of Missenden.
11. Inquier y^ name of y^ mother of this Sir Edw. Arundell,
that was husband to this lady, and whose dowghter she was, and
her ai'mes, and wher she was buried.
11. This lady awnswereth, that y^ mother of Sir Edward
her husband highe Elizabeth, and that she was dowghter to
ye Lord Spencer that was beheaded at Bristowe by the
Comons. ^
« It was not the father of Sir Edward Anindell's mother, but her brother Thomas,
Earl of Gloucester, that was beheaded at Bristol 16 Jan. 1400. Her father Edward
Lord le Despencer, K.G. ob. 11 Nov. 13/5.
The author of the notices of Sir Richard Arundell, in the Collectanea Topogra-
phica, erroneously states that Sir Edward Arundell's mother remarried Hugh de la
12. Itm. Inquier whose dawghter ye same lady Arundell,
Elizabeth, y* now ly veth and dwelleth in Aynow ; who was her
father, and his name; and who was her mother; and inquier y^
armes of her father and mother.
12. This lady awnswereth, that her owne father's name
hight Sir John Scargill of y^ cownty of {sic) w^h wedded
Joan, her mother, dowghter to Sir John Warbelton, of Che-
shire ; and y^ saied Sir John, her father, lyeth buryed in y*^
White Friars, in London, betweene y^ quier and the chauncell.
13. Itm. Inquier of this lady Eliz. Arundell, of Aynowe, if
Sir William Willowbyes mother, (wcl» Sir William wedded
myne owld lady of Norfolck's dawghter by her second husband
Strangwishe, and now she is wedded to y^ Lord Barckley, if
she) was a kin to her husbande, and how they wear of kin.
13. This lady awnswereth, that one that was lady of North-
folck was sister to Sir Thomas Earl of Arundell y' died at
Arundell, and Sir John Arundell, y*^ died in ye sea, was grand-
father to Sir Edward. ^
Zouche, Knt. In 9 Hen. IV. two writs of diem clausit were issued on her obit.
and inquests thereon taken, in which she is respectively called " Elizabeth quefuit
twp' JohHs de Arundell CWr defuncti,^^ (no. 20), and ^'Elizabeth quefuit ux' Will'mi
la Zouch de Haringworth Militis defuncti,^' (no. 45) ; and the identity is corrobo-
rated by her will, (on the authority of Dugdale's abstract in Bar. vol. i. p. 691,)
dated on the feast of St. Ambrose 1408, (4th April, seven days before her death,)
wherein, as widow of the said William de la Zouch, she desires to be buried in the
abbey of Tewkesbury, where her brothers' corpses are interred, and gives to her
sons Edmund [Edward ?] and Thomas all her silver vessels to be equally divided
between them. The brothers were Edward le Despencer, who died at Cardiff
Castle, set. 12, Hugh le Despencer, who died soon after his birth, and Thomas Earl
of Gloucester, who was beheaded at Bristol, who were all interred in Tewkesbury
Abbey, the burial place of their race. (See Sir Robert Atkyns's Gloucestershire.)
The sons were doubtless this Sir Edward Arundell and his brother Sir Thomas of
Beechworth Castle. She was probably second wife of William Lord Zouch of
Haringworth, who ob. 13 May, 19 Ric. II. (1396), leaving William his son and
heir (by a former wife) then aet. 22 and more. Sir John Arundel her first husband
had died only five years before.
f Lady Arundell has here misunderstood the precise question, — her attention
being evidently caught by the parenthetical part of the inquiry. The answer to the
question should have been, that her husband Sir Edward and the mother of Sir
William Willoughby were cousins-german, viz. Sir Edward was son of Sir John
Arundel, elder brother of Sir Richard Arundel, father of Joan, mother of Sir Wil-
liam Willoughby.
The annexed scheme of descent will fully illustrate all the points involved in the
question, the parenthetical statement, and Lady Arundel's reply ; the parties men-
tioned being distinguished by Italics.
t» ^^
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14. Inquier if Thomas Anmdell, y^ father to Dame Elyanor,
y* was y^ wife of Sir Tliomas Browne of Kent, (after she was
wedded to Thomas Vawghan, and she was mother to Sir Georg
Browne that is now lyvinge, and in howshowld w*'^ my L. of
Clarenc,) how she {sic) was a kin to this ladye Arundell's hus-
band of Aynowe, and how they wear of kin.
14. This lady awnswereth, that Sir Edward, her husband,
was uncle to dame Elionor y*^ was wedded to Sir Tho. Browne,
and brother to Sir Thomas her father.
15. Itm. Inquier what lyvelyhode this Edward Arundel), that
was this ladyes husband, had, and evy manner's name, and y^
shires that it lay in.
15. This lady awnswereth, that Sir Edward Arundell, her
husband, had no more lyveloode but y*^ lordship of Aynowe,
and she saieth that Sir John Arundell that died on ye sea,
that was grandfather to her husband Edward Arundell, that
is to say, this John was father to [John] (see No. 10.) w^h
was father to y^ saied Edward ; this John, y^ grandsyre,
bowght this lordship of Aynow of y^ Lord Nevyll. And also
the lady saieth, that the lordshipp of Aynowe was sometyme
Dame Halveth Sclaveringe [Hawisia de Clavering].
I. Sir John de Arundel Chivaler Senior, second son of Richard
Fitzalan Earl of Arundel (who ob. 24 January 1375-6, the last day of
49 Edw. Ill ) independently of those lordships and fees which accrued
to him and his heirs in right of his wife AUanor Mautravers, inherited
on his father's obit certain manors and lands in Sussex and Surrey, of
which the manor of West Beechworth was one, by virtue of deeds of en-
tail, as appears from the following writ of " supplicavit" and pursuant
inquest [Escheats 50 Edw. III. (1 n'rs) 52b] ; —
" Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anghe, &c. dilecto sibi Thome Illeston
escaetori suo in comitatibus Suri'ie et Sussexie salutem. SuppHcavit
nobis Johannes de Arundell ut cum Ricardus nuper Comes Arundell
dofunctus tenuisset die quo obiit maneria de Codelowe, Chanigeton, [in
comitatu Sussexie,] Bokelond, Colieye, Wauton, et Westbecheworth, et
duas carucatas terre et sex libratas redditus cum pertinentiis in Reygate,
Estbecheworth, Horle, et Neudegate, [in comitatu Surrie,] ac alia di-
versa terras et tenementa cum pertinentiis in comitatibus predictis ad
terminum vite ipsius comitis, Ita quod post mortem predicti comitis ma-
neria, terre, et tenementa predicta prefato Johanni et heredibus suis rema-
neant imperpetuum. Quequidem maneria, terre, et tenementa post mor-
tem prefati comitis capta sunt in manum nostram. — Teste meipso, &c.
xxviii°. die Martii anno regni nostri Anglie quinquagesimo, regni vero
Francie tricesimo septimo (1376).
Inquisitio capta apud Dorking in comitatu Surrie coram Thoma de
lUeston escaetore domini Regis in comitatu predicto, die Jovis in festo
ascensionis Domini, anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii post Conquestura
Anglie quinquagesimo (22 May 1376) . . . Dicunt quod Edwardus
de Sancto Johanne Chivaler, magister Robertus de Guldeford persona
Ecclesie de Westbourne, magister Ricardus de Middleton persona Ec-
clesie de Bradwatere, Dominus Johannes Sprot persona Ecclesie de
Stratton, Johannes D'Alresford, et Johannes de Stopeham, anno regni
domini Regis nunc post Conquestum xxiiio (1349) fuerunt seisiti in
dominico suo ut de feodo de manerio de Bokelande cum advocatione ec-
clesie ejusdem manerii, et de manerio de Colleye et duabus carucatis
terre et sex libratis redditus cum pertinentiis in Re^'gate, Estbeches-
worthe, Horle, et Neudegate, et ilia per quamdam cartam suam dictis
juratoribus ostensam concesserunt et confirmaverunt Ricardo Comiti
Arundell in predicto brevi domini Regis contento, habendum et tenen-
dum eidem Comiti tota vita sua de capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum
per ser\dcia inde debita et consueta. Ita quod post decessum prefati
Comitis dicta maneria advocacio terra et redditus cum suis pertinentiis in-
tegre Johanni filio predicti Comitis et heredibus masculis de corpore suo
procreatis reraanerent, tenendum de capitalibus dominis per servicia
inde debita et consueta ; et si predictus Johannes obierit sine heredibus
masculis de corpore suo legitime procreatis tunc dicta maneria advocacio
terra et redditus cum suis pertinentiis ut dictum est Ricardo filio pre-
dicti Comitis et heredibus masculis de corpore suo procreatis remanerent,
tenendum de capitalibus dominis per servicia inde debita et consueta ;
et si obierit sine herede masculo de corpore suo legitime procreato tunc
. . rectis dicti Comitis (heredibus) remanerent imperpetuum. Et
dicunt etiam quod ilia concessio facta fuit diu antequam Castrum de
Reygate, de quo castro predictum manerium de Colleye cum pertinentiis
in Reygate, Estbechesworthe, Horle, et Neudegate, per servicium
militare tenebantur, predicto Comiti Arundell jure et hereditate descen-
debat & . . . .
K The castle and villa of Reygate were part of the hereditary possessions of John
de Warren Earl of Surrey. He ob. 21 Edw. III. 1347, s. p. leaving his wife Joan,
daughter of Henry Count of Barre, surviving, and his nephew Richard Earl of
Arundel (father of this Sir John de Arundel Ch'r Senior) his nearest of kin and
Etiam dicunt quod Rogerus Lestraunge, Guydo de Brian, Rogerus de
Beauchampe, Arnaldus Savage, Hugo de Segrave Chivaler, et Johannes
de Kyngesfolde, anno regni Regis nunc 49" (1375) fuerunt seisiti in
dominico suo ut de feodo de maneriis de Westbechesworth h et Wau-
ton ac quibusdam terris et tenementis vocatis Wiklond cum pertinentiis
. . et ilia per quamdam cartam suam dictis juratoribus ostensam
dederunt, concesserunt, et confirmaverunt Ricardo Comiti Arundell et
Surrie in predicto brevi domini Regis contento, habendum et tenendum
eidem Comiti tota vita sua de capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum per
servicia inde debita et consueta, Ita quod post decessum prefati Comitis
dicta maneria, terre, et tenementa cum suis pertinentiis, ut dictum est,
integre Johanno filii predicti Comitis et heredi et assignatis suis remane-
rent imperpetuum . . .
Besides these possessions, which he inherited from his father. Sir John
heir, then aged 30 years and upwards, viz. son of his sister Alice de Warren then
deceased. (Esc. 21 Edw. III. (1 n'rs) 58.) "Whereupon, the King being absent,
security was taken of the Earl of Arundel for his relief, and his homage and fealty
respited until the King's return to England. (Originalia, 21 Edw. III. m. 23.) In
23 Edw. III. (1349) the King grants to Joan Countess of Surrey for the term of
her life, with remainder to the Earl of Arundel, in fee, all the manors, &c. in Sur-
rey, Sussex, and Wales, which were the property of her husband John de War-
ren, Earl of Surrey, late deceased. (Pat. Rolls, 23 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 29, as quoted
in the Collectanea Topog. vol. VII. p. 135.) These manors, however, of CoUey
and Buckland, although they belonged to her deceased husband, must be ex-
cepted from this grant, in consequence of the entail thereof made in the same
year, and which is recited in the above inquest of 50 Edw. III. The Countess
of Surrey's death did not take place till 29 August 1361, (Esc. 35 Edw. III.
p. 2. no. 79,) which was doubtless the period referred to when Richard Earl of
Arundel came into possession of the castle and manor of Reygate and other pro-
perty of the Warrens. None of these particulars respecting the life estate in
her husband's property of the widow of John de Warren, last Earl of Surrey,
are given in Manning and Bray's History of Surrey.
•» The manor of Westbeechworth is in the parish of Dorking, and has been sepa-
rate and distinct from the parish and manor of Betchworth or Eastbetchworth
as far back as the reign of Henry III., although doubtless they were one at the
period of the General Survey. Temp. Henry III. Betchworth or Eastbetchworth
manor was in the possession of the Warrens, from whom it passed to the Fitz-
alans, and so to the Nevilles of Abergavenny, who sold it in 4 Car. 1. 1629. In
Henry the Third's time Westbeechworth manor was the property of the Wautons.
From them it passed to John de Berewick, and from him by heirship to Roger de
Hoese or Hussey 2 Edw. II. It remained in that family until 47 Edw. III. when
Isabel, widow of John de Hussey, (who ob. 44 Edw. III.) being seised for her life,
did jointly with Thomas de Revers, her then husband, levy a fine of her interest in
this manor to Richard Earl of Arundel. And in 49 Edw. Ill (not 47, as in Man-
ning and Bray) the conveyance recited in the above inquest of 50 Edw. III. was
made. (See Manning and Bray.)
de Arundel had a conveyance from John Lord Neville of Raby, by deed
dated 30 June, 50 Edw. III. 1376, of the manor of Aynho, co. North-
ampton,' in fee simple. (Esc. 3 Ric. II. no. I.) He was Marshall of
England, 1 Ric. II. ; was summoned as a Baron to Parliament in 1, 2,
and 3 Ric. II. as John de Arundell ; and suffering shipwreck off the
coast of Ireland was drowned 15 Dec. 3 Ric. II. 1379, (Walsingham)
leaving Alianor his wife surviving, who had, by his grant, the manor of
Postlyng, in Kent, for her life (Close Roll, 4 Hen. VI. m. 1. and Esch.
3 Ric. II. no. 1, 4 Hen. IV. no. 34, and 6 Hen. IV. no. 31);
and for her dower a third part of the manors of Aynho, county of
Northampton ; Codelowe and Changeton, Sussex ; Bocklond, CoUe,
Westbeechworth, and Wanton in Surrey, — as appears from the In-
quisitions taken on the obit of her second husband. Having con-
tracted marriage in her widowhood with Sir Reginald de Cobeham of
Sterborough Chivaler, a commission, dated 9 Sept. 1384, issued from
the Primate of all England, " ad dispensandum cum Reginaldo de Cobe-
ham Milite et nobili muliere Alianora relicta Johannis Arundell Militis
vidua, qui matrimonimn inter se publice contraxerunt non ignorantes se
tercio consanguinitatis gradufore conjunctos." k
Sir Reginald de Cobham, Knt. died 6 July, 4 Hen. IV. 1403, seised
in right of Alianor his wife of her dotation in the aforesaid third parts of
manors from her former husband Sir John de Arundell. The writs of
" diem clausit " to the King's escheators, wherein he is called " Regi-
naldus Cobeham Senior Chivaler," are dated 16 July, 4 Hen. IV. 1403 ;
pursuant to which an inquisition was taken at Brakele upon Saturday
next after the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 4 Hen. IV. 4 August 1403,
' Cartwright Evidences, as quoted in Baker's Hist, of co. Northampton, vol. i.
page 546.
" Lambeth Registers ; Courtekay, foL 58'', 59^ The third degree of consan-
guinity here mentioned of Sir Reginald Cobham and Alianor his second wife throws
some light upon the subject of the first marriage of John Baron Mautravers, of
which very little is known, and strengthens Vincent's statement that Lord Maltra-
vers's first wife was Ela, daughter of Maurice Lord Berkeley. Smyth and Dugdale
give him only one daughter, viz. Isabel de Berkeley, wife of Robert Lord Clifford.
The evidence, however, of this dispensation favours rather Vincent's match.
Maurice Lord Berkeley, nat. 1281 ;=rEva le Zouch, mar. 17 Edw. I. 1289 ;
ob. 1326. I ob. 8 Edw. 11. 1314.
Thomas Lord Berkeley .^Margaret Mortimer, Eva de Berke-=T=John Lord Mal-
nat.cir. 1295; ob. 1361. ob. 1337. ley. | travers,ob.l365.
L_, r '
Sir Reginald de Cob-^Joan de Berkeley, Sir John Maltravers, ob.=f=Wenliana.
ham, kt. ob. 35 Edw. l ob. 43 Edw. III. 1349, v. p. I
III. 1361. 1369. I
■ 1 I
1 . Elizabeth, da. of Ralph^Sir Reginald de Cob-=f: Alianor Mai- ^1 . Sir John Arun-
Earl Stafford, ob. 49 ham, kt. ob. 4 Hen. | travers, ob.lO 1 del, kt. ob. 3 Ric.
Edw. III. 1375. IV. 1403. ^Jan. 1405. ^.II. 1379.
before John Belton, King's escheator in the county of Northampton, in
which the substance of the finding of the jurors is, " quod tenuit ter-
ciam partem manerii de Aynho cum pertinentiis ut de jure Alianoi'e uxoris
ejus adhuc superstitis ut dotem ipsius Ahanore ex dotacione Johannis
D'Arundell, quondam viri sui, et quod dicta tercia pars tenetur de herede
Humfridi de Bohun nuper comitis Essex per servicium militare,
et valet per annum ultra reprisam in omnibus exitibus juxta verum va-
lorem decem libras. . . Et quod predictus Reginaldus obiit die Veneris
proximo ante festum translationis Sancti Thome Martiris ultimo prete-
rite (6 July 1403). Et quod Reginaldus filius predicti Reginaldi de-
functi est heres ejus propinquior, et fuit etatis in festo Sancti Martini
in Yeme ultimo preterite (II Nov. 1402) viginti unius annorum." By
another inquisition taken at Reygate, in Surrey, 20 Sept. 4 Hen. IV.
1403, before Richard at Sonde, King's escheator in the counties of Sur-
rey and Sussex, it was found that the said Sir Reginald " tenuit die quo
obiit in comitatu predicto, ut de jure Eleanore uxoris sue, eidem assig-
natam nomine dotis, post mortem Johannis de Arundel militis, nuper
viri sui, tertiam partem manerii de Westbechworth de domino le De-
spencer per servicium militare . . . et dicta tertia pars valet per annum
ultra reprisas 61. 13*. 4c?." And by another inquisition taken at Canter-
bury, on Thursday next before the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy
Cross, 4 Hen. IV. 13 Sept. 1403, it was found that Sir Reginald held
the manor of Postlynge, in Kent, " ut in jure Alianore uxoris sue, que
manerium illud tenet ad terminum vite sue ex concessione Johannis de
Arundell militis quondam viri sui, reversione inde Johanni filio et heredi
Johannis filii predictorum Johannis de Arundell et Alianore spectante."
[Esc. 4 Hen. IV. no. 34.] Alianor his widow survived till 10 Jan.
6 Hen. IV. 1405, and writs of diem clausit extremum, wherein she is
styled " Alianora que fuit uxor Reginaldi de Cobham de Sterburgh
Chevaler," were issued to the escheators on 14 February following. By
the inquisition taken thereupon in the county of Kent, it was found that,
" Alianora que fuit uxor Reginaldi Cobham, in brevi nominata, alias dicta
Alianora Mautravers, tenuit die quo obiit manerium de Postlyng cum
pertinentiis in comitatu predicto, sibi et heredibus de corpore suo et de
corpore Johannis de Arundell Senioris quondam viri sui defuncti ex-
euntibus ; quod quidem manerium tenetur de domino Rege in capite ut
de castro suo Dovorie, &c. Et quod predicta Alianora obiit die Lune
proximo post festum Epiphanie domini (12 Jan. 1405). Et quod Jo-
hannes de Arundell est consanguineus et heres propinquior tam predicti
Johannis de Arundell Senioris quam predicte Alianore ; viz. filius
Johannis de Arundell, filii et heredis supradictorum Johannis et Alia-
nore, et est etatis xx annorum et amplius." By a second inquisition
taken in the same county, at Mallyng on ] I March, 6 Hen. IV. 1405
it was found that, " Alianora que fuit uxor Reginaldi Cobeham militis
defuncta et in brevi nominata tenuit manerium de Orkesden cum per-
tinentiis in gavelskendes (sic), et tenetur de domino Archiepiscopo Can-
tuariensi," (Thomas de Arundell her brother in law,) " domina la Zouch,"
(her son's widow ?) " Willelmo filio Nicholai Keryel militis, et de aliis
personis, quorum nomina seu per quod servitium predicti juratores peni-
tus ignorant." Another set of writs, wherein she is styled " Alianora»
que fuit uxor Johannis D'arundell Senioris Chivaler defuncti," were
issued two days after the former, viz. on 16 Feb. 6 Hen. IV. 1405, to the
Crown escheators in the counties of Wilts, Gloucester, Dorset, and
Somerset ; and in the return made thereto at " Yevelchestre" (Ilchester)
in the county of Somerset, on the 17 March following, the jurors find,
" quod predicta Alianora obiit decimo die Januarii ultimo preterito "
(1405); " et quod Johannes D'arundell armiger, etatis ad festum
Sancti Petri quod dicitur ad vincula ultimum preteritum viginti anno-
rum et amplius, est consanguineus et heres tarn predicti Johannis
D'arundell Chivaler, Senioris, quam prefate Alianore, viz. filius et heres
Johannis D'arundell, Chivaler, Junioris, in vita ipsius Alianore defuncti,
nuper filii et heredis ipsorum Johannis D'arundell Chivaler Senioris et
Alianore de corporibus eorundem Johannis D'arundell Chivaler Senioris
et Alianore procreati." [Esc. 6 Hen. IV. no. 31.] Her will, in which she
styles herself " Alianore Arundell de Lytchett," is dated " apud Lyt-
chett, 26 Sept. 5 Hen. IV." 1404, and was proved at Maidstone six
days after her demise, viz. 16 January 1404-5. ^
But to return to Sir John de Arundel Chivaler Senior : His will,
which is abstracted in the Testamenta Vetusta, is dated 26 November
1379. Pursuant to a writ of *' diem elausit extremum," directed to the
King's escheator in the county of Northampton, and tested 8 April, 3
Ric. II. 1380, in which he is called " Johannes D' Arundell Chivaler,"
an inquisition was taken at Northampton on 2 May 3 Ric. II. 1380,
before John Camell, King's escheator in that county, in which there is
this finding, " Dicunt quod non tenuit aliqua terras seu tenementa in
comitatu Northampton de domino Rege in capite nee de aliquo alio die
quo obiit, set dicunt quod diu ante obitum suum tenuit manerium de
Aynho in comitatu predicto in feodo simplici, et de eodem manerio feof-
favit Willelmum de Clynton Chivaler ™ tenendum ad terminum vite sue,
reversione vero ejusdem manerii post mortem dicti Willelmi ad dominum
' Lambeth Registers : Arundell, vol. i. fol. 252'', 253,
" He was eldest son of John third Baron Clinton of Maxstoke, who, surviving
his son, was succeeded in his title by his grandson William, son of this Sir William.
The period of this Sir William's death is omitted by Dugdale, Collins, and the other
Thomam Episcopurn " Eliensem et alios spectante. Quodquidem mane-
rium tenetur de herede Humfridi de Boun nuper Comitis Essex per
servicium militare, et valet per annum, &c. sexaginta libras. Et dicunt
quod predictus Johannes obiit xv die Decembris ultimo preterite, et quod
Johannes de Arundell Chivaler filius ejusdem Johannis defuncti est
heres ejusdem Johannis propinquior, et est etatis xv annorum et amplius,
videlicet a festo Sancti Andree Apostoli ultimo elapso (Nov. 30) usque
ad presens." [Esc. 3 Ric.II. no. 1.] By virtue of which demise. Sir Wil-
liam de Clinton Ch'r, became tenant for life of the manor of Aynho, and
entered into possession, as appears from the following inquisition taken on
his death, pursuant to a writ of " diem clausit extremum " to the King's
escheator in the county of Northampton, tested 18 December, 7 Ric II.
1383, in which he is called " Willelmus de Clynton Chivaler." —
" Inquisitio capta apud Brakele v° die Januarii anno regni Regis Ri-
cardi Secundi septimo, coram Johanne de Tyndale escaetore domini
Regis in comitatu Northamptonie . . . Dicunt quod Willelmus de
Clynton Chivaler defunctus in brevi contentus nulla tenuit terras seu
tenementa de domino Rege in capite in dominico suo ut de feodo nee in
servicio in dicto comitatu Northamptonie die quo obiit ; set dicunt quod
tenuit die quo obiit manerium de Aynho cum pertinentiis in comitatu
predicto ad terminum vite sue ex concessione Johannis D'Arundell Chi-
valer defuncti, reversione inde spectante ad dominum Thomam episco-
pum Eliensem, Ricardum le Scrope Chivaler, W[illelmum] Beauchampe
Chivaler, Lodwycum de Clyfford Chivaler, Nicholaum Sharnesfeld Chi-
valer, Johannem Phylpot, Johannem Kyngesfold, Johannem Chelrey
Clericum, Willelmum Boul Clericum, et Willelmum Rener, et heredes
suos imperpetuum. Et quod predictus Johannes D'Arundell Chivaler
diu ante obitum suum concessit reversionem manerii predicti prefatis
Thome episcopo et aliis supra nominatis, tenendum post mortem pre-
dicti Willelmi de Clynton prefatis Thome episcopo et aliis supradictis et
heredibus suis imperpetuum. Virtute cujus concessionis predictus Wil-
lelmus de Clynton predictis Thome episcopo et aliis supranominatis at-
tornavit ; et quod predictum manerium de Aynho tenetur de Comite
Buckinghamie ut de parcella comitates sui Essexie per servicium mi-
litare, et valet per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas SO'J. Et
quod predictus Willelmus de Clynton Chivaler obiit 25" die Octobris
ultimo preterito (1383), et quod Willelmus filius predicti Willelmi de
Clynton defuncti est heres ejus propinquior et est etatis v. annorum et
amplius." [Esc. 7 Ric. II. no. 28.]
° Thomas de Arundell, younger brother of Sir John, afterwards Archbishop of
York, Lord Chancellor, and lastly Archbishop of Canterbury. The names of the
other reversioners are recorded in the inquisition on Sir John's obit taken at Aln-
It has been already shown that, notwithstanding this grant for life.
Sir John had reserved one third of the manor of Aynho, and assigned it
in dower to his widow ; and there can be no doubt, although the uses
are not declared, that the Bishop of Ely and others, and their heirs, to
whom he demised the reversion of the estate upon the death of Sir Wil-
liam de Clinton Ch'r in fee simple, were merely feoffees in trust, — pz'o-
bably to protect the widow in the enjoyment of her jointure, and for the
use of his heir. Baker, however, is manifestly wrong in the conjecture
(vol. i. p. 546) that they held in trust " for his younger son Sir Edward
de Arundel ; " for Sir Edward was not his son, but grandson, and was
not born at the period of Sir John's death. [See p. 335.] From the omis-
sion in the inquest taken upon Sir John's obit in Surrey of the manor
of Westbechworth, and from the fact that it descended to him, his heirs
and assigns, in remainder, upon the death of his father [Esc. 50 Edw,
III. (I nr's) 52], it may be rightly inferred that he did not retain his fee
simple estate in that manor at the time of his death, but had, by a pro-
cess similar to the one mentioned above respecting Aynho, conveyed it
to feoffees to the use of himself for life, with remainder (subject to
the assignment of one third therein in dower to his wife for her life)
to his son and heir ; who, as will be shown, held it in fee.
II. Sir John Arundel Chivaler, Junior, the son and heir,
was found in the inquisition on his father's obit to have been born on 3
Nov. 1364. In 7 Ric. II. 1383, he was in the Scotish war; and in 12
Ric. II. 1388, in the King's fleet at sea with Richard Earl of Arundel
his uncle, who was then Admiral of England. [Dugd. Bar.] Sir John
married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Lord le Despencer, K.G., and
sister of Thomas Earl of Gloucester, K.G. (who was beheaded at Bris-
tol, 16 January 1400, and buried at Tewkesbury.") She remarried
William Lord Zouch, of Haryngworth, who obit 13 May 19 Ric. II.
1396, whom she also survived, and by whom she appears to have had
no surviving issue. P Sir John having conveyed certain lands to
wick, CO. Northumberland, on Tuesday next after Easter Day, 3 Ric. II. (27
March 1380), wherein it is said that Sir John de Arundel Chivaler deceased held
neither lands nor tenements within that county in demesne or service of the King,
or any one else, " quia predictus Johannes diu ante obitum suum, viz, per duos
annos et plus feoffavit dominum Thomam Episcopum de Ely fratrem suum, Ricar-
dum de Scrope.Willelmum Beauchampe,Lodwycum de Clifford, Nicholaum Sharnes-
feld milites, Johannem Philpot, Johannem de Kyngesfold, Johannem Chelreye cle-
ricum, Willelmum Boull clericum, et Willelmum Ryner de maneriis, &c. tenendum
sibi et heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum." The identity of these feoffees is
proved by the inquisition on the obit of Sir William de Clinton.
° Dugdale, Milles, Glover, Philpot, Vincent, Tierney.
P Dug. Bar. vol. i. p. 396, under '^Despencer.''' Atkyns's Gloucestershire,
under " Tewkesbury." Escheats, 9 Hen. IV. no. 20. lb. no. 45. Will of Eliza-
feoffees to the use of himself and his wife for life by way of dower;
upon the attainder, in 21 Ric. II. 1397, of his uncle Thomas de Arun-
del, Archbishop of Canterbury, one of the feoffees, the manor of
Changeton, (being a portion of the lands so settled,) was seized into
the King's hands ; consequently the widow sued out a writ of de dote
unde nihil habet against the Archbishop, which led to the issuing out
of the Court of Chancery of the following writ of certiorari, tested 20
May, 21 Ric. II. 1398 :—
" Volentes certis de causis certiorari si tenementa in Changeton per
Ehzabetham, que fuit uxor Johannis de Arundell Chivaler, versus Tho-
mam Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem et alios per breve nostrum de dote
in curia nostra ut dicitur petita, in manum nostram ratione forisfac-
ture predicti Archiepiscopi capta fuerunt sen in manu nostra et [pro
hac causaj vel aliqua alia de causa jam existant necne ; et si sic, tunc
que et cujusmodi tenementa ilia fuerint et quantum valeant per annum."
. . . Pursuant to which the following return was made : " Inquisitio
capta apud Fyndon in comitatu Sussexie decimo nono die Junii anno
regni Regis Ricardi Secundi vicesimo primo (1398), coram Johanna
Brook escaetore domini Regis in comitatu predicto . . Qui dicunt,
&c. quod certa tenementa in Changeton, videlicet tertia pars duarum 1
partium manerii de Changeton, per Elizabetham que fuit uxor Johannis
de Arundell Chivaler, per breve dicti domini Regis de dote vei'sus Tho-
mam nuper Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem, JohannemFrome, Johannem
Stevenes, Johannem Tank, Andream Grene, et alios r quorum nomina
ignorant petita, simul cum residuo predictarum duarum partium dicti
manerii, die Veneris 29° Martii anno regni dicti domini Regis 21o, 1398,
Johannes Salerne Vicecomes ejusdem comitatus per Henricum Palmere
ballivum suum in manus ejusdem domini Regis seisivit et cepit, qua de
causa predicti juratores ignorant. Et predicte due partes continent duas
partes situs manerii predicti que nichil valent per annum ultra reprisas ;
et due partes unius columbarii ibidem que valent per annum iiiic?. ultra
reprisas ; et centum quater viginti et novem acras terre arabilis, et
valet acra per annum inid., imde summa 63^. ; et quatuor acras prati
et dimidium, que valent per annum 5s. Et predicte due partes conti-
nent 41. 5s. lOd." &c. . . [Esc. 22 Ric. II. no. 62]. In her will,
dated on the feast of St. Ambrose (4 April) 1408, wherein she is called
beth, widow of William Lord Zouch. Register Arundel, vol. i. p. 253, as quoted
ia Dug. Bar. vol. i. p. 691, under " Zouch.''
1 The remaining third part was then held in dower by Eleanor, widow of Sir
John Arundel Senior, as is already shown.
■■ See the inquest taken on her husband's obit, p. 329 ; where the rest of the
names are given. This passage throws some light upon the uses to which that
feofifment was to lead.
Elizabeth la Zouche, widow, she desired to be buried in the abbey of
Tewkesbury, where the corpses of her brothers lay interred ; and be-
queathed xx/. to that monastery, and to Edmund and Thom.as her sons
[Edward and Thomas de Arundel ?] all her silver vessels to be equally
divided betwixt them.P She obit 11 April 1408, John, son and heir
of Sir John de Arundel Chivaler, being her son and nearest heir,
then aged 22 years and more. Whereupon the following writ of
" diem clausit," tested 8 May, 9 Hen. IV. 1408, was issued to the
King's escheator in the county of Gloucester, " Quia Elizabetha que
fuit uxor Johannis de Arundell Chivaler defuncti, que quasdam terras, &c.
tenuit in dotem ad terminum vite de hereditate Johannis filii et heredis
prefati Johannis de Arundell, diem clausit extremum," &c. ; and by the
inquest consequently taken at Cirencester upon Tuesday next before the
feast of St. John Baptist, 9 Hen. IV. (19 June 1408), before Thomas
Gode, the King's escheator, it was found that " Johannes Chelrey Cleri-
cus dedit et concessit Johanni Arundell Chivaler et Alianore uxori ejus s
maneria de Wodechester et Kingestanley, cum pertinentiis in comitatu
predicto, habendum et tenendum eisdem Johanni D'arundell et Alianore
de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servitia que ad predicta maneria
pertinent tota vita ipsius Johannis D'arundell, et post decessum ipsius
Johannis predicta maneria cum pertinentiis integre remanerent Johanni,
filio ejus Johannis D'arundell, et EUzabethe uxori ejus et heredibus de
corporibus ipsorum Johannis et EUzabethe exeuntibus, tenendum de capi-
talibus dominis feodi illius per servitia que ad predicta maneria perti-
nent imperpetuum. Quequidem Elizabetha fuit eadem persona de qua in
brevi huic inquisitioni consuto fit mentio per nomen Elizabethe que
fuit uxor Johannis de Arundell Chivaler defuncti. Virtute quorum doni
et concessionis predicti Johannes D'arundell et Alianora uxor ejus fue-
runt seisiti de maneriis predictis cum pertinentiis. Et dicunt quod pre-
dictus Johannes D'arundell Chivaler mortuus est, et quod predicti
Johannes, filius ejusdem Johannis D'arundell, et Elizabetha uxor ejus
post mortem predicti Johannis D'arundell Chivaler intraverunt in ma-
neriis predictis cum pertinentiis virtute doni et concessionis predic-
torum. Et postea predictus Johannes filius predicti Johannis D'arundell
Chivaler, obiit, et predicta Elizabetha supervixit et statum suum in
maneriis predictis cum pertinentiis continuavit usque diem obitus sui.
Et sic dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha, de qua in brevi predicto fit
mentio jam defuncta, tenuit die quo obiit predictum manerium de Kinge-
stanley cum pertinentiis in forma predicta de domino Rege in capite per
' This was Sir John de Arundel Ch'r Senior, and Alianore Mautravers his wife,
from whom the property mentioned in this inqxiest was derived.
servitium militare, sed per quam quantitatem servitii ignorant. Et quod
predictum maneriura de Kingestanley valet per annum in omnibus exiti-
bus, &c. ultra reprisam xx marcas. Item dicunt quod predicta Elizabetha
tenuit die quo obiit predictum manerium de Wydechestre cum pertinentiis
in forma predicta de comite Salisburie, ut de manerio suo de Carsyngton
in comitatu Oxonie, per servitium militare, sed per quam quantitatem
servitii ignorant, et valet per annum xx marcas et sex denarios. Et dicunt
quod prefata Elizabetha obiit die Mercurii proximo post festum domi-
nice in Ramis Palmarum ultimo preterito (II April 1408). Et dicunt
quod prefata Elizabetha non tenuit aliqua alia terras seu tenementa de
domino Rege in dominico nee in servitio nee de aliquo alio in comitatu
predicto die quo obiit. Et dicunt quod Johannes D'arundell Armiger,
qui est etatis xxii annorum et amplius, est filius et heres propinquior pre-
dictorum Johannis, filii Johannis D'arundell, et Elizabethe de corporibus
eorum legitime procreatus. In cujus, &c. [Esc. 9 Hen. IV. no. 20.]
Other writs, tested at Westminster 16 April, 9 Hen. IV. 1408, were
issued upon her death, wherein she is called " Elizabetha que fuit uxor
Willelmi la Zouche militis defuncti ; " and by a pursuant inquisition
taken at Calne in the county of Wilts, on Saturday next before the feast
of the Ascension, 9 Hen. IV. (19 May 1408), before Philip Baynardy,
King's escheator in that county, it was found that " Elizabetha que fuit
uxor Willelmi la Zouch militis defuncti in dicto brevi nominata tenuit die
quo obiit in dotem ex assignatione domini Regis in cancellaria sua de
hereditate Willelmi la Zouche, fdii et heredis predicti Willelmi
nuper viri sui, manerium de Calston cum pertinentiis . . . de
domino Rege in capite per servitium quarte partis unius feodi militis.
Et quod predictum manerium valet per annum, &c. xii li
Et quod predicta Elizabetha diem suum clausit extremum die Martis
proximo ante (post ?) dominicam in Ramis Palmarum ultimo preterito
(3 April, or 10 ? 1408). Et quod predictus Willelmus la Zouche de
Haryngworth est filius et heres predicti Willelmi la Zouche militis de-
functi, nuper viri predicte Elizabethe, propinquior, ad quem revertio
predicti manerii pertinet, et est etatis xxx annorum et amplius." [Esc
9 Hen. IV. no. 45.]
Sir John de Arundel Ch'r, her first husband, died 14 August 1390,
and was buried in Missenden Abbey. A writ of diem clausit extremum,
tested 6 Oct. 14 Ric. II. 1390, was issued to the King's escheator in
the counties of Surrey and Sussex, the preamble to which is, " Quia
Johannes de Arundell Chevaler, qui de herede Edwardi le Despencer
Chevaler defuncti qui de domino Edwardo nuper Rege Anglie avo
nostro tenuit in capite infra etatem et in custodia nostra existente,
tenuit per servitium militare, ^ diem clausit extremum " . . . .
Pursuant to which, by an inquisition taken at Dorking in Surrey,
upon Wednesday the feast of All Souls, 14 Ric. II. 2 Nov.
1390, before Robert Sibthorp the King's escheator, it was returned,
that " Johannes de Arundell Chevaler, filius Johannis de Arun-
dell Chevaler, defunctus in brevi contentus non tenuit aliqua terras seu
tenementa in dominico suo ut de feodo de domino Rege in capite die
quo obiit in coniitatu predicto, sed dicunt quod tenuit die quo obiit raa-
nerium de Bokelond cum suis pertinentiis et cum advocatione ecclesie
ibidem," &c. " sibi et heredibus suis masculis de corpore suo exeun-
tibus de Edwardo domino le Despencer u infra etatem et in custodia
domini Regis existente per servicium militare; et quod dictum
manerium de Bokelond oneratum solvere cuidam Ricardo Cham-
berlayn custodienti w^arennam ibidem iirf. per annum ad terminum
vite sue de dono et concessione dicti Johannis qui ultimum obiit. Item
dicunt quod predictus Johannes tenuit die quo obiit in eodem comitatu
manerium de CoUe cum suis pertinentiis sibi et heredibus mascuUs de
corpore suo exeuntibus de Ricardo Comite Arundelie et Surrie per ser-
vitium militare ut de honore castri sui de Reygate, et valet per annum x
marcas. Item dicunt quod idem Johannes de Arundell filius dicti Johannis
de Arundell diu ante mortem suam feofifavit reverendum in Christo patrem
Thomam Archiepiscopum Eboracensem, Johannem Frome, Johannem
Estephans, Johannem Tanke, Willelmum Storton, Andream Grene, et
* It was owing to the circumstance of the chief lord of the fee, his brother in law
Thomas Lord le Despeucer (of whom the manors of Buckland and West Beech-
worth were held by military service), being a minor and in the King's wardship,
together with all his lands, that any return was made on Sir John's obit as to his
estate in those manors. In a former instance we see that an inquiry was made as
to his father's rights in these and other manors, in consequence of their having been
seised into the King's hands upon the death of his father, Richard Earl of Arundel.
For a like reason, the King being guardian of the lands and persons of the two in-
fant daughters and coheirs of Humphry de Bohun last Earl of Hereford, Essex,
and Northampton, who was chief lord of the fee of the manor of Aynho, that
manor is entered on the returns already noticed of the 3 and 7 Ric. II. Returns
were again made respecting the manors of Westbeech worth and Aynho in the inqui-
sition upon the death of Sir Reginald de Cobham Ch'r of Sterborough 4 Hen. IV. ;
because at that time they were in the King's hands, in consequence of the chief
lords of the fees being minors and King's wards : viz. Richard Lord le Despencer,
only son of Thomas above mentioned, and Humphry Earl of Stafford who was heir
of de Bohun. These manors not being held of the King in capite, it does not
appear that any writ or return respecting them was made at a subsequent period.
" As Edward Lord le Despencer died 11 Nov. 1375, leaving Thomas his sou and
heir, then aged two years, who lived to full age, it would be more correct to
have said " de herede Edwardi," &c.
Robertum Dongate, * de raanerio de Wesbecheworth cum suis pertinentiis
in comitatu predicto habendum et tenendum sibi et heredibus suis imper-
petuum. Virtute cujus feoifamenti iidem feoffati fuerunt et sunt seisiti de
manerio predicto. Et sic idem Johannes de Arundell Chevaler filius Jo-
hannis de Arundell Chevaler non obiit seisitus de manerio predicto.
Et dicunt quod dictum manerium de Westbeechworth non tenetur de
Domino Rege, set tenetur de domino Edwardo le Despencer per servi-
cium militare, et valet per annum 40 marcas. Et dicunt quod predictus
Johannes filius Johannis obiit die dominica in vigilia assumptionis beate
Marie ultima preterita (14 Aug. 1390), et quod Johannes filius ejus est
heres ejus propinquior, etfuit etatis quinque annorum in vigilia Sancti
Petri quod dicitur ad Vincula ultima preterita (31 July 1390). [Esc.
14 Ric. II. no. 1.] He left issue three sons only surviving, viz.
1. John ; 2. Edward ; and 3. Thomas.
III. Sir John Arundell de Arundell Chevaler, the eldest
son, was born at Ditton, in the parish of Stoke Poges, and baptized at
Datchet, CO. Bucks, 1 Aug. 1383. (See Prob. aetat. at the end.) In 6
Hen. IV. 1405, upon the obit of Alianore, Lady Mautravers, his grand-
mother, he was found her next of kin and heir, viz. son of Sir John de
Arundell Ch'r, Jun. deceased, son and heir of her the said Alianore, and
then 20 years of age. [Esc. 6 Hen. IV. no. 31.] Upon her death the
Barony of Mautravers devolved upon him by right. In 9 Hen. IV.
1408, upon his mother's obit, he was found her son and heir, and then
of full age. [Esc. 9 Hen. IV.no. 20.] In 3 Hen. V. 1415, he was in
the wars of France. [Dugd. Bar.] In 4 Hen. V. 1416, as "Johannes
de Arundell Miles ' ^ he had livery of the castle, manor, and ville of
Arundel, with other lordships thereunto belonging (his homage being
respited, in consequence of his absence in France), which he inherited
as cousin and next heir male of Thomas Earl of Arundel (who obit 13
Oct. 3 Hen. V. 1415, s. p.), in consequence of a fine and entail thereof
made in 21 Edward III. 1347, by Richard Earl of Arundel to himself
and the heirs male of himself and his wife Alianor of Lancaster, — Sir
^ In the extract from the return to the writ of certiorari, 22 Ric. II. it is shown
that these persons (excepting Storton and Dongate, but who were, doubtless,
the other feoffees referred to by the " alios ^') were feoffees of two parts of the
manor of Changeton. Sir John having demised to these parties in fee his manors
of "Westbeechworth and Changeton to certain uses, whereof one (as regards a por-
tion in Changeton) it has been shown was intended for his wife's benefit, by way
of jointure, may it not therefore be inferred, in the absence of other evidence, that
the manor of Aynho was included in this feoffment, with limitations, as regards
Aynho, to the use of his second son Edward, his heirs and assigns ; and as re-
gards Westbeechworth, to the use of his third son Thomas, his heirs and assigns ?
y Pat. RoUs, 4 Hen, V. m. 19.
John being son and heir of John, son and heir of John, second son of
the said Richard Earl of Arundel, father of Richard Earl of Arundel,
father of the said Earl Thomas. ^ Although he was never summoned
to Parliament, his right to the Earldom of Arundel, by virtue of his
tenure of the castle, honour, and lordship, were acknowledged, after
his death, by the Parliament of 11 Hen. VI. 1433-4 ; and he is so
styled in his wife's will. '^ In 6 Hen. V. 1418, he was again in the war
in France. [Dug. Bar.] In the inquisition on the obit of his grand-
son, Humphry Earl of Arundel, in 16 Hen. VI. he is called John, Lord
of Arundel and Mautravers, and he is here said to have married Alia
nore, daughter of Sir John Berkeley, Knt. of Beverston, ^ by his first
wife, Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Sir John Betteshorne, Knt. ^ at
which time the said Alianor was wife of Sir Walter Hungerford,^ who
was her third husband. She had taken to her second husband, circa
1 Hen. VI. 1423, Sir Richard Poynings, Knt. eldest son and heir
of Robert Lord Poynings, when she was styled Lady of Arundel and
Mautravers.'' Sir Richard obit circa HSO.*^ Walter Lord Hunger-
foi'd her third husband obit 1449 ; and she obit 1455, leaving issue by
her two first husbands. In her own will and in Lord Hungerford's
she is styled Countess of Arundell, and her first husband Earl of
Arundel. ^^ By her. Sir John Arundel Lord Mautravers had issue two
surviving sons, John and William, who both succeeded as Earls of
Arundel. Lord Mautravers obit 21 April, 9 Hen. V. 1421, and was
buried at Arundel, ^ when John his son and heir was aged 13 years.
[Esc. 9 Hen. V. no. 51.] In the writ and inquisition, taken on his
obiit, he is styled " Johannes Arundell de Arundell Chevaler."
IV. Sir John Arundell de Arundell Chevaler, Lord Mau-
travers, Earl of Arundel, Duke of Touraine in France, K.G. and
K.B., son and heir. In 1426, at which time he was about 18 years of
age, and called Lord Mautravers, he was created a K.B. by John Duke
of Bedford, at Leicester, s In 7 Hen. VI. 1429, he made proof of his
^ Compare Esc. 4 Hen. V. n. 54 ; Fines Rolls, 4 Hen. V. m. 19 ; Pat. Rolls,
4 Hen. V. m. 19 ; Esc. 9 Hen. V. no. 51 ; and Pari. RoUs, 11 Hen. VI. m. 9,
no. 32—35.
" Will of Alianor Countess of Arundel and Lady Mautravers, in Dug. Bar. vol. i.
p. 323, and Test. Vetusta, p. 277—9.
•> Escheats, 16 Hen. VI. no. 50. obit of Humphrey Earl of Arundel.
« Fosbrooke's Hist, of Gloucestersh. vol. i. p. 411. Fines Rolls 22 Ric. II. m. 11.
^ Power of Attorney of Sir Richard Poynings, dat. 30 June, 1 Hen. VI. 1423,
printed in the Collect. Topog. vol. III. p. 259.
« Will of Sir Ric. Poynings, knt. in Test. Vetusta, p. 217.
f Will of Walter Lord Hungerford, Test. Vetusta, p. 257.
6 Nicolas's Orders of British Knighthood, vol. iii.
age [Esc. 7 Hen. VI. no. 78.] ; and on 22 Feb. of the same year, being
styled " Johannes Arundell Chevaler filius et heres Johannis Arundell
de Arundell Chevaler," paid 5 marks for the respiting of his homage •»
In the same year, he received, by the style of " Johannes Arundell
de Arundell Chevaler," writs of summons, dated 12 July and 3 Aug.
7 Hen. VI. 1429, as a Peer, to the Parliament ordered to assemble at
Westminster in September following. ' In this Parliament he pre-
sented to the King a petition to be received in his place to sit in
Parliament as Earl of Arundel, by virtue of his tenure of the castle,
honour, and lordship of Arundel, in like manner as his ancestors, the
Earls of Arundel, had time out of mind,'' In 8 Hen. VI. 1430, he
was, by the title of John Earl of Arundel, retained to serve the King
in his wars in France, with 2 knights, 57 men at arms, and 180
archers ; ^ but before he set out, he made his will, which is dated 8
April 1430, and was proved 15 February 1435-6, wherein he men-
tions Maud his wife, and Humphry his son. ™ It is probable that he
accompanied the court, on the occasion of Henry VI. setting out, 24
April 1430, to go into France for the purpose of being crowned there,
as the Earl of Arundel assisted the Duke of Burgundy at the siege of
Compiegne in May the same year ; " nor does it appear that he again
returned to England. At the anniversary festival of the Knights of
the Garter in 10 Hen. VI. 1432, he was elected a companion of that
illustrious order, on St. George's eve, the 22 April [Nicolas]. His
petition (wherein he is styled " Emd of Arundel ") to sit in Parliament
and the councils of the King, as Earl of Arundel, was again presented
in the Parliament summoned to meet at Westminster, 8 July, 1 1 Hen.
VI. 1433. After the case had been duly heard and examined, the King,
with the advice and assent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal then
assembled in Parliament, admitted him to have and possess the place
and seat of Earl of Arundel in Parliament and the royal councils, which
his ancestors heretofore had. ^ In 12 Hen, VI. 1434, the King, by
charter, created him Duke of Touraine in France, with limitation to his
heirs male. « His military services are minutely described in Tierney's
History of Arundel. He died at Beauvais in France, 12 June, 13 Hen.
h Fines Rolls, 7 Hen. VI. m. 1.
' Close Rolls, 7 Hen. VI. dorse m. 2, 1. — See also the printed Summonses in the
Reports on the Dignity of a Peer, vol. iv.
>' Parliament Rolls, 11 Hen, VI. m, 9, no. 32—35.
' Autograph with the Clerk of the Pells, as quoted in Dug. Bar. vol. i. p. 322.
"n Lambeth Registers: Chicheley, vol. i. p. 457".
n Hume's History of England.
" Milles's Catalogue of Honour, p. 650.
VI. 1435, P in consequence of a wound received whilst attempting to
force the enemy to abandon the work of repairing the castle of Gerberoy
whereby he was taken prisoner and carried to Beauvais. His body was
interred in the church of the Friars Minors at Beauvais, where a hand-
some sepulchral effigy was placed over it. In Stothard's Monumental
Effigies there is a faithful representation of this costly figure. His
first wife is said to have been, Constance, daughter of Sir John de
Cornwall, K.G., Lord Fanhope, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John
of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and widow of John de Holand, Duke of
Exeter. i If it be so, she must have died, in or before 142S, at which
time Lord Mautravers was not more than 20 years of age. He married,
circa 1428-9, Maud, daughter and heir of Robert Lovell, armiger, and
his wife Elizabeth, daughter and at length sole heir of Sir Guy de
Briene, jun. Maud was first married, circa 1417, to Sir Richard
Stafford, knt. (eldest son of Sir Hum. Stafford, Knt. " of the silver
hand" of Hook, co. Dorset,) who died circa 1427, v. p. leaving, by
Maud his wife, a sole child and heir, Avice Stafford (nat. 4 Dec. 1423,
married circa July 1438, Sir James Butler, afterwards Earl of Wilts,
son and heir of the Earl of Ormond ; she died 3 June 1457, s. p.,
when the Briene property passed away to the Butlers, Percys, St.
Maurs, and Poyningses, and her paternal inheritance to her father's
nephew, Humphry Stafford, Ar.). Maud soon after married secondly
Lord Mautravers, and by him had issue an only son Humphry. She
obit 19 May 1436, and was buried, according to directions in her will,
(dated 11 May and proved 25 Oct. 1436) in the chapel of St. Anne,
erected by her father in law, Sir Hum. Stafford, in the abbey of Abbots-
bury, the burial place of her first husband and his family. Humphry
Earl of Arundel her son was born 30 Jan. 1429,'" and obit 24 April,
1438, under age and s. p., when the earldom and estates of Arundel
passed to his father's brother William Fitzalan, and his maternal inhe-
ritance, the Briene property, to his half-sister, Avice Stafford, s
P Esc. 13 Hen. VI, n. 37. Inq. P, M, of John Earl of Arundel.
1 Liber S'c'i Albani, fol. 159, as quoted in MS. Ashmole : 8467.
' Inq. apud Arundel, dat. 20 Oct. 13 Hen. VI. vide Tierney.
^ Compare Inq. P. M. of Sir Guy de Briene, J'. 9. Ric. II. n. 7 ; Inq. P. M, of
Sir Philip de Briene, 10 Ric. II. n. 7 ; Inq. P. M. of Sir Guy de Briene, S'. 14
Ric. II. n. 8 ; Inq. P. M. of Sir. Will, de Briene, 20 Ric. II. n. 8; Close Rolls,
21 Ric. II. p. 1, m. 5, for the heirs of Sir Will, de Briene ; Close Rolls, 2 Hen, IV.
p. 1. m. 16, for partition of the Briene estates between Philippa le Scrope and Eli-
zabeth Lovell ; Inq. P. M. of Philippa le Scrope, 8 Hen. IV. no. 54 ; Fines Rolls,
8 Hen. IV. m. 1, respite of Robert Lovell' s homage for his wife's lands accruing
on obit of Philippa le Scrope her sister ; Inq. P. M. of John Earl of Arundell, 13
Sir Edward Arundell, Knt. of Ayniio, second son of Sir
John de Arundell Chevaler Junior, was not born before 1386. It is
probable that his father entailed upon him the manor of Aynho, by
vesting it in feoffees to certain uses, as has been already observed in note''
p. 335, upon the Inq. P. M. 14 Ric. 11. n. 1. In 10 Hen. IV. 1408, he
was in possession of Aynho, and appointed Henry Haylesham bailiff and
warrener of his manor of Aynho : * consequently he must then have been
of age. His birth, therefore, may be rightly placed in the year 1387. In
13 Hen. IV. 1411 -2, he vested his manor of Aynho in feoffees to the use of
himself and Elizabeth his wife for their lives, with remainder to his own
heirs and assigns.* He died soon after, and was buried in the church
of the Augustine Friars in London, 3 Nov. 1412, s. p, leaving Elizabeth
his wife surviving. She was daughter of Sir John Scargill and his wife
Joan, daughter of Sir John Warburton of Cheshire. Being tenant for
life of the manor of Aynho, she resided there till her death. In 7 Hen.
VI. 1429, (the period when John Eord Mautravers, her husband's ne-
phew, attained full age,) she granted the reversion, contingent on her
life interest, of the manor of Aynho to Lord Mautravers ; conse-
quently, upon her death, the manor descended to his brother and heir,
William Earl of Arundel. She obit 30 April 1479, according to the
inscription upon her monumental brass in the chancel of Aynho church.
In that inscription her husband is erroneously called John.
Sir Thomas Arundell, Knt. of Beechworth Castle, third son
of Sir John de Arundell Chevaler Junior, had by the gift of his father
the usufruct, if not the possession, of the manor of Westbeechworth.
He married Joan," daughter of Henry Moyns, ^ and obit circa 1430,
as Joan was a widow in 9 Hen. VI. 1431." She remarried, before
1437, John Guerdon." By her, Sir Thomas left issue a son William
(who died beyond seay ante 15 Hen. VI. 1436-7," and a daughter
Eleanor, at length sole child and heir. Eleanor carried the manor and
castle of Beechworth in marriage, circa 1437, to Thomas Browne, Esq."
afterwards a Knight. Sir Thomas Browne obtained the King's licence
Hen. VI. n. 37 ; Inq. P. M. of Matilda Countess of Arundell, 15 Hen. VI. n. 39,
and her will in Prerog. Office, " Lvffnam," fol. 162'' ; Inq. P. M. of Eliz. Lovell,
16 Hen. VI. n.46; Inq. P.M. of Hump. Earl of Arundell, 16 Hen. VI. n. 50;
Prob. setatis of Avice, wife of Sir James de Ormond, Esc. 16 Hen. VI. n. 68 ;
Inq. P. M. of Sir Hum. Stafford, 20 Hen. VI. n. 9 ; Inq. P. M. of Avice Countess
of Wilts, 35 Hen. VI, n. 16 ; Deed of Partition of the Briene estates in the Collec-
tanea Topog. et Geneal. vol. III. p. 270 — 5.
' Cartwright Evidences, as quoted in Baker's History of Northamptonshire, vol.
i. p. 546.
" Manning and Bray's Surrey, vol.i. p. 555.
to empark the free warren and 1000 acres within his manors of Beech-
worth, Tonge, Egethorn, Tonford, and Kingesnoth, in Surrey and
Kent. ^ He obit in 1460 ; and Eleanor his widow remarried Thomas
Vawghan. y In the Honiwood MS. the following monumental inscrip-
tions of Sir Thomas Browne and his son Sir George are recorded, —
" Orate p animab} Tho. Brown Mil. quondam subthesanrarii
Anglie tempore regnom Xpianissimi pricipis Hen. VI. regis
Anglie, et Dne Alianore uxoris sue filie Tho. Arundell, Mit.
Quiquidem Tho. Browne obiit 20 die JuHi, Anno Dhi 1460,
quoru animabj ppitietur Deus."
" Orate p animafe} Georgii Browne Mit. p corpore excellen-
tissimi principis Edw. IV. nup regis Anglie, et Eliz. uxor ejus
antea uxor Roberti Poniges filii Roberti nup Dni de Poninges.
Quiquidem Georgius obiit 3 die Decembris Anno Dhi 1483, et
dicta Ehzabeth obiit "
p. 324, 1. II, after " death," add, By an inquisition taken at Dork-
ing, CO. Surrey, 9 Feb. 3 Rio. II. (1380), before Robert Loxle, the
King's escheator for Surrey and Sussex, pursuant to a writ dated 26
Jan, preceding, upon the obit of " Johannes D'arundell Chivaler," it was
found, " quod Johannes D'arundell Chivaler defunctus, in brevi con-
tentus, non tenuit aliqua terras sen tenementa in dominico suo at de
feodo, in comitatu predicto, de domino Rege, die quo obiit ; sed quod
predictus Johannes tenuit die quo obiit, in comitatu predicto, in dominico
suo ut de feodo, manerium de Boklond cum pertinentiis de herede domini
Dyspencer, qui infra etatem est et in custodia domini Regis, per servi-
tium unius feodi militis ; et quod predictum manerium valet per annum
in onmibus exitibus, &c. xxiii^. \'t. viii**. . . Item dicunt quod predictus
Johannes tenuit in dominico suo ut de feodo, in eodem comitatu, die quo
obiit, manerium de Colle cum pertinentiis de Ricardo Comite Arundelie
et Surrie, ut de honore castri de Reygate, per servitium dimidii feodi
militis ; et quod predictum manerium, &c. valet per annum in omnibus
exitibus, &c. x^^ Et quod predictus Johannes non tenuit ahqua alia terras
seu tenementa de domino Rege in dominico nee in servitio, nee de aliquo
alio in comitatu predicto die quo obiit," &c. [Esc. 3 Ric. II.no. I.]
" Charter Rolls, 27 to 39 Hen. VI. Printed Calendar,
y Honiwood MS. fol. 36, 37.
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The writ and inquisition respecting the probate of the age of John,
son and heir of Sir John de Arundel Ch'r Junr. and grandson and heir
of Alianore (Mautravers), wife of Sir John de Arundel Ch'r Senr. and
mother of Sir John, Jun. are records which have hitherto escaped the
researches of family historians and genealogists ; nor is the probate no-
ticed in the printed calendars of the escheat bundles, where it ought to
have been separately and distinctly described and classed with the es-
cheats of 7 Hen. IV. Both instruments have been, for a very long
period, mixed with the mass of inquisitions post mortem of his grand-
mother Alianor Arundel in the escheat bundle of 6 Hen. IV. no. 31,
where I accidentally found them. They contain comprehensive evidence
of three generations in that part of the Fitzalan pedigree which most
needed proof, and may be appropriately attached to the notices of his
brother Sir Edward Arundel of Aynho, as useful data in fixing the
period of Sir Edward's birth.
" Henricus, Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie,
Escaetori suo in comitatu Buckinghamie, salutem. Quia Johannes, filius
et heres Johannis de Arundell Chevaler Junioris defuncti, qui de domino
Ricardo nuper Rege Anglie secundo post Conquestum tenuit in capite,
et consanguineus et heres Alianore, que fuit uxor Johannis de Arundell
Chevaler Senioris, matris predicti Johannis de Arundell Junioris,
defuncte, que de nobis tenuit in capite, dicit se plene etatis esse, et
petit a nobis terras et tenementa que sunt de hereditate sua et in cus-
todia dilecti et fidelis nostri Thome de Nevyll domini de Furnyvall ut
dicitur, ex dimissione carissimi filii nostri Henrici Principis Wallie, cui
custodiam omnium terrarum et tenementorum que fuerunt tam predicti
Johannis de Arundell Junioris quam prefate Alianore commissimus, ha-
bendum usque ad legitimam etatem heredis predicti, sibi reddi ; per
quod volumus quod idem Johannes, qui apud Ditton in comitatu pro-
dicto natus, et in ecclesia ejusdem ville baptizatus fuit, ut dicitur, etatem
suam probet coram te. Et ideo tibi precipimus quod ad certos diem et
locum . . probacionem predictam . . capias," &c. &c. Teste
me ipso apud Westmonasterium viij die Augusti anno regni nostri sep-
timo." (1406.)
" Probatio etatis Johannis filii et heredis Johannis de Arundell Che-
valer Junioris defuncti, et consanguinei et heredis Alianore, que fuit uxor
Johannis de Arundell Chevaler Senioris, matris predicti Johannis de
Arundell Junioris, defuncte, qui de Rege tenuit in capite, capta apud
Colbrok [Colnbrook] coram Johanne Boys, escaetore domini Regis in
comitatu Buckinghamie, die Jovis proximo ante festum Assumptionis
beate Marie Virginis anno regni Regis Henrici quarti septimo (12 Aug.
1406), virtute cujusdam brevis domini Regis eidem escaetori directi per
sacramentum (names of 12 jurors), jurati super etatem predicti Johaunis
filii et heredis predicti Johannis de Arundell Chivaler Junioris, qui
dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus Johannes filius et
heres predicti Johannis de Arundell Chevaler Junioris, in dicto brevi
nominatus, apud manerium de Ditton in parochia Sancti Egidii de
Stoke-pogeys natus fuit, in die Sancti Petri quod dicitur ad Vincula,
anno regni Regis Ricardi nuper Regis Anglie secundi, post Conquestum
nono (1 Aug. 1385), et in ecclesia parochiali beate Marie Virginis de
Dachet predicto manerio de Ditton adjacente in comitatu Buckinghamie
eodem die baptizatus fuit," &c.
Johannes Spennan, quartus juratorum predictorum, etatis quin-
quaginta sex annorum et amplius, pro se requisitus et diligeuter exami-
natus super etatem predicti Johannis filii Johannis, dicit per sacramen-
tum suum quod eodem die quo idem Johannes filius Johannis nascebatur,
Margeria domina de Molyns, ^ commater ipsius Johannis filii Johannis,
misit ipsum Johannem Londonio ad querendum ubi Johannes, pater ip-
sius Johannis filii Johannis, inveniri potuisset, a quo quidem tempore
sunt XX annorum et amplius.
' Margery Lady Molyns was lady of the manor of Ditton, and was living there
at the time of Lady Arundel's confinement.
Extract from the Index to the Pedes Finium, indicating the period of
the marriage contract of John de Arundel, Senior, with Alianor Mau-
" 33 Edw. III. no. 35.— (See also 34 Edw. III. no. 69.)
" Hec est finalis concordia facta, &c. inter Johannem Mautravers de
Lychet et Agnetem uxorem ejus, Querentes, et Robertum Sambourne
capellanum, Henricum de Tyngewyk capellanum, Johannem de Coston
capellanum, Deforciatores, de, &c. . . Predictus Johannes et Agnes
recognoverunt, &c. esse jus ipsorum Roberti, Henrici, et Johannis ; et
iidem Robertus, Henricus, et Johannes concesserunt predictis Johanni
de Mautravers et Agneti uxori ejus et heredibus de corporibus suis, &c. —
(Wentheliana, que fuit uxor Johannis Mautravers, filii predicti Johannis
de Mautravers, tenet maneria de Hyneford, Wichampton, et Wolcombe ;
Johannes de Vere Comes Oxonie et Matilda uxor ejus" (tenent mane-
rium ?) " de Worthe) ; — remanentia Johanni filio Ricardi Comitis Arun-
delie, et Alianore filie Johannis filii predicti Johannis de Mautravers ;
remanentia Johanni de Boklond de Redlynch militi; remanentia Johanni
de Mautravers filio Johannis de Mautravers de Crowell." 1359.
B. W. Greenfield.
z 2
To the Editor of the Topographer and Genealogist.
The schedules of writings from which the following extracts
are taken, were prepared for Sir Cope D'Oyly, in 1624, from
the contents of his muniment closet at Chislehampton. I have
recently examined them ; and, as they do not appear to have
been known to the Bucks and Oxon historians, you may per-
liaps think such parts of them, as will not be printed in my Sup-
plement to the History of the D'Oylys, worthy of a place in
your pages.
In this trust, I send you what follows : viz. — the title to
the Oxon D'Oylys' estates prior to their own ownership
of them. And I cannot make this communication without
expressing, in the warmest manner I am able, every proper
acknowledgment for the courtesy and urbanity of that gen-
tleman who has lately afforded me the inspection of these sche-
dules, together with one of the best proved family pedigrees of
that day — a pedigree, the work of a Lawyer, viz. John
D'Oyly, of Gray's Inn, father of Colonel Edward D'Oyly,
Governor of Jamaica.
April ] 847. Yours, &c.
W. D'Oyly Bayley.
Sine dat. Henry Mimean grants his manor of Bosmer to
Elias de Whitfield. Witness, Jordan de Sackvile.
Sine dat. Nicholas de Bolehude sells to Simon Lewknor his
land at Bosmer ; both that which his uncle Nicholas held of
Jordan Sackvile and that which he held of Count Ewerios
(of Evreux) in Hambleden, paying 20*. rent for the land in
Fawley, and a noble for that in Hambleden.
Sine dat. Reginald tie Albo Monasterio and Alice his wife
confirm the grant of Nicholas de Bolehuth her father, made to
Simon Lewknor.
Sine dat. Jordan Sackvile confirms the reasonable gift of all
the land in Bosmer which Nich. de Bulhuth made to Simon
Lewknor, doing no service, but paying 205. rent.
29 Edw. 1. John Adam grants to Teye and Alice his wife
his half of the tenement in Fawlev. Veel grants the other half
to him.
6 Edw. II. John, son and heir of Sir Elias Whitfield, Knt.
grants to Vaal, his nephew, all his lands at Bosmer in Fawley
and Hambleden. Witness, Sir Thomas Sackvile.
21 Edw. III. Thomas D'Oyly of Pushull, in Oxfordshire,
releases to John de Whitfield his right in Whitfield, and in the
third part of Whitfield, and his right in Bosmer.
22 Edw. III. Vaal grants to John W^hitfield and Katherine
his wife all his land in Fawley which he had of John Adam.
Witness, Richard D'Oyly.
33 Hen. VI. William Lord Lovell and others grant to Hamb-
den, Butler, and others, Mulsoe in Fawley.
4 Hen. VIII. John Williams, Esq. recites the statute of 1st
Ric. HI. and makes over Bosmer from Streatley to Cheiny and
others, feoffees in trust.
24 Hen. VIII. Streatley of Whitfield mortgages Bosmer to
Jo. Williams of Ricot.
29 Hen. VIII. W^illiams sells Bosmer to John D'Oyly, of
Gray's Inn.
10 Eliz. Edw. Barrow grants to John D'Oyly the younger,
half of Bosmer and of Strawberry Grove, a and Greenmarsh,
in Turvile, co. Bucks. A recovery suffered to that effect
same year.
8 17 Hen. "VIII. Streatley grants to Keene the grounds called Strawberry Grove,
Greene-marsh, and Crossleys in Turvile, which Keene held of said Streatley. He
made also a feoffment and a release.
22 Hen. Vlll. Keene grants to Hales and Massam the said grounds by bargain
and sale, and by feoffment.
5 Eliz. Sir Francis Stonor, Knt. grants to Litle, Greenmarsh and all the grounds
that Litle held.
12 Eliz. Litle grants to Sir Robert D'Oyly his part of Greenmarsh and Straw-
berry Grove.
Sine dat. Greenland releases the fishing [ ? in the Thames]
to Hambleden Mill.
Sine dat. (French.) Hugh Peverell confirms the grant of
Hugh his father, of Jueden manor, to his sister Amy, in fee.
1 1 Edw. n. Sir Reginald Montfort, Knt. releases to Tho-
mas de Jueden lands in Jueden manor, paying 3s. \d. rent to-
wards merk silver ; and warrants them after the death of Dame
Amy Beauchamp his mother \i. e. Hugh Peverell's sister].
20 Edw. ni. Soundy grants in fee, to Thomas D'Oyly of
Pushull, CO. Oxford, lands in Hambleden.
24 Edw. HI. Reginald de Monteforti releases to Lord Bark-
ley his right in Jueden manor.
25 Edw. HI. Reginald de Reyny releases to Lord Barkley
his right in Jueden manor which Amy de Beauchamp sometime
26 Edw. HL (French.) Tibbetot sur de Langar makes a
letter of attorney to deliver seisin of Hambleden manor to Tho-
mas D'Oyly.
28 Edw. HL Thomas Lord Barkley sells Jueden manor to
Tliomas D'Oyly.
30 Edw. HL Lumbarden releases to Thomas D'Oilie his
right in Jueden.
39 Edw. HL Tipetout sur de Langar releases mark silver
to Thomas D'Oyly.
5 Ric. n. Washingler releases to Thomas D'Oyly his right
in Jueden ; as doth Lenham the next year.
8 Ric. H. Alice, widow of Thomas D'Oyly, lets Jueden to
her son William D'Oyly.
11 Ric. H. EHzabeth Bretwels, widow, releases to Alice and
William D'Oyly her right in Ewden manor.
15 Ric. H. Limbodesey releases to William D'Oyly, and
William Esenden and Alice his wife, his right in Jueden manor.b
The D'Oylys' title to Ewden then became perfect.
'' 8 Hen. VI. Malins grants to Wimbush all his lands in Hambledon of the fee
of Oliver.
11 Hen, VL Whiting grants lands in Hambleden to Wolton, who grants them to
Sine dat. Ferant grants to Louches two messuages and two
half yard-lands in Chiselhampton.
3 Edw. III. Louches grants to Le Veisin the same premises,
with other lands, and after releases to him and acquits him.
6 Edw. III. Veisin grants them to Cocks.
24 Edw. III. Payn grants to Clarke a yard-land in Chisel-
11 Hen. IV. Hamden sells Chislehampton manor to Beek.
1 Hen. VI. Beek grants Chislehampton manor to Cotismore,
Hewstar, Gilet, and Colin.
2 Hen. VI. Bruly gives a yard-land in Chislehampton to
2 Hen. VI. Gilet, and the other three, re-grant Chislehamp-
ton to Beek.
12 June, 6 Edw. IV. Quatremaine grants to Peter Fete-
place and Margaret his wife (one of Beek's daughters and co-
heirs) 40/. rent.
6 Edw. IV. Quatremaine grants to Robert Point} and Sibil
his wife (another daughter and coheir of Beek, and widow of
Moore) the manor of Chislehampton.
4 Hen. VII. Lenham and other feoffees entail Chislehamp-
ton on Sibil and her third husband Restwold, in default of issue
remainder to William Danvers.
15 Hen. VII. Rous, son of Joane (the third coheir of Beek)
releases to Mr. Justice Danvers the manor of Chislehampton.
19 Hen. VII. Ashwell has restitution of Chislehampton by
the Sheriff. Justice Rede and Justice Kingsmill arbitrate the
manor of Chislehampton to Dame Anne Danvers, and a rent of
9Z. for ever to Feteplace of Charney, 20 Hen. VII.
21 Hen. VII. Brooke executes this by recovery and by grant.
23 Hen. VII. Brooke grants it to Beamond and others in
Feteplace, and he to Wimbush. (All Wimbush's lands came to Elmes, and Elmes
passed them by indenture of fine to John D'Oyly in 2nd Edw. VI. ; the property
there called " The Frith.")
20 Edw. IV. Sir William Stonor, Knt. and others, grant to John D'Oyly their
land and water in Greenland (late Fisher's), within Eweden demesne.
(Here followed nine writings, of which there is no account.) ^
15 Hen. VIH. William Danvers covenants to estate T.
D'Oyly in Chislehampton manor, paying twenty years' purchase.
16 Hen. VHI. William Danvers grants Chislehampton
manor to Logginham and Frost.
27 Hen. VIH. William Danvers releases Chislehampton to
Thomas D'Oyly and his son John D'Oyly.
This estate was held of Sheen Priory, co. Surrey.
22 Ric. H. Baker and others, feoffees in trust, entail Chi-
benhurst on the Chibenhurst family.
24 Hen. VI. Radley and others grant Gilat's Grove to Dru
Barantine, Ed. Rede, and William Marmion.
2 Edw. IV. Joane Chibenhurst releases to John Chiben-
(? 5 Eliz.) A statute of Anth. Streatley to John D'Oyly of
The following document is curious, not so much with respect to its
immediate subject, the glebe of Crookhaven, as from its incidental no-
tices of the tenure and customs of Church lands in Ireland, and its allu-
sions to historical and political circumstances.
Its writer was the Rev. Paul Limerick, D.D. Rector of Kilmoe,
apparently about the time of Queen Anne. He mentions his prede-
cessors Dermisius Coghlan, who was driven to England by the wars of
Cromwell, and there died; Mr. Parr, who was drowned; and Mr.
Bridget, the daughter of Dr. Limerick, was married Jan. 3, 1742, to
« Qu. whether they did not concern the Barantine family, and form the basis
of a Chancery suit between the D'Oylys and Perrotts temp. Eliz. ?
•^ The great mass, however, of the Chibenhurst writings had not been delivered
over to the D'Oylys at the time when the above schedules were prepared.
Benjamin Sullivan of Cork, attorney-at-law, and clerk of the Crown for
the counties of Cork and Waterford, and was mother of Sir Benjamin
Sullivan, Knt. a Judge of the Supreme Court at Madras ; the Right
Hon. John Sullivan, of Richings Park, co. Bucks, a Privy Councillor,
and M.P. for Old Sarum ; Sir Richard Joseph Sullivan, Capt. R.N.
and M.P. for Seaford, created a Baronet of the United Kingdom in
1804 ; and other children.
The parish of Kilmoe is situated at the very southern point of Ireland,
a Httle to the west of Cape Clear. " In a peninsula, formerly called the
Aldern-head, stands Crook-haven, once a place of some note, but now a
small inconsiderable town, near an excellent harbour, and one of the best
outlets in Europe for vessels to sail to any place whatsoever. The lands
about it are exceeding rocky and barren, a great part of which belong
to the see of Cork. . . The extreme point of this tract is called
Bally- vogy head, between which and the opposite cape, called Missen-
head, anciently the Notium Promontorium of Ptolemy, is a great bay."
Smith's History of the County and City of Cork, 1774, vol. i. p. 276.
Mr. Limerick's Case with regard to the dispute with Mr. Dali-
court and the late Bishop about the Glebe of Crookhaven.
Mr. Limerick having produced several proofs to the late
Bishop, that a parcel of land lying about the church of Crook-
haven (which had been demised to Sir Richard Hull a by the
name Glebe, together with other lands by Bishop Boyle ^) was
an ancient glebe, so far convinced him, that on the spot, be-
fore several witnesses (one of which lives on it now), he ordered
Mr. Limerick to possess himself of it, assuring him that he would
never disturb him, and that, if he did not, none of his successors
ever would ; on which, Mr. Hull's lease then expiring, Mr.
Limerick took possession, and set the land as glebe for two
years and received rent out of it, as appears by minutes he gave
of it; during which time the Bishop had the other lands of Crook-
haven sui'veyed, and in that survey the glebe distinguished from
the other lands as glebe, as appears by the plan now in Mr.
" Sir Richard Hull was of Lymcon, in the adjoining parish of Scull ; but the
pedigree of Boyle does not show how he was the Bishop's nephew, as is stated in
p. 351.
^ There were three Bishops of Cork of this name. The Bishop here meant is the
last, who was afterwards Ardibishop of Dublin (see p. 351). Michael Boyle, son
of Richard Archbishop of Tuam, was made Bishop of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross, in
1660 ; translated to Dublin in 1G63 ; and in 1678 to Armagh.
Limerick's hands, a duplicate of which the Bishop had, and Mr.
DaHcourt now has. Two years after Mr. Limerick was in posses-
sion of said glebe, the Bishop let the lands (formerly in lease to
Mr. Hull) to Mr. Dalicourt and Mr. Traverse, and expressly ex-
cepted the glebe of Crookhaven, as might appear by the lease, if
that could be had, but it is cancelled and never registered ; but
it appears by the Bishop's letter to Mr. Limerick, delivered to
him by Mr. Dalicourt and Travers on their first coming to take
possession of those Bishop's lands; and they then declared to
Mr. Limerick, that, whether that piece of ground had been
Bishop's lands or not, it was from them excepted, and on that
desired the favour of Mr. Limerick to set it to them, because (as
it lay in the middle of their farm,) they would not well set theirs
to a good rent without it, and Mr. Limerick was prevailed on to
set to them at 3/. for that year. After this they tampered with
the Bishop to take the said glebe from Mr. Limerick ; and, be-
cause he could not do it with a good grace after he had heard
Mr. Limerick's proofs and answers to the several objections
made, would have Mr. Limerick to leave his proofs before law-
yers and let them be arbitrators of his right to said glebe;
which offer Mr. Limerick would not comply with, but would
leave it to the determination of the Bishop himself, who had
heard his proofs and given him the land. On this Mr. Dalicourt
refused to pay Mr. Limerick the 31. rent contracted for. Mr.
Limerick, on his refusal, processed him to the following Assizes,
and obtained a decree. The Bishop then expressed his resent-
ment against Mr. Limerick, as if he struck at him through Mr.
Dalicourt's sides. On this Mr. Dalicourt enters an appeal, and
the Bishop sends for Mr. Limerick, and desires that he would
let things remain in suspense ; which Mr. Limerick for peace'
sake agreed to at the time rather than quarrel with his Bishop,
but on this consideration, that Mr. Dalicourt should not prose-
cute the appeal at next assizes, and that that concession of Mr.
Limerick's should no way prejudice his or his successors' right to
said glebe. After this, notwithstanding this agreement, Mr.
Dalicourt (Mr. Limerick being in the country) got the decree
nilled next assizes, and continues in possession of said glebe ever
since, without paying any rent to Mr. Limerick, though Mr.
Limerick was never by any act of law dispossessed of that glebe,
either since the Bishop gave it to him and excepted it from
them, and though they have not in any lease of those lands since
taken had that glebe (which was once excepted) ever expressly
demised to them, that land of Ci'ookhaven being now demised
to them thus, " the one plowland of Crookhaven, the glebe of
Hull ^ being hereby excepted," whereas said Mr. Dalicourt and
Mr. Travers, desirous to have said glebe annexed to the other
Bishop's lands, endeavour to suggest to his lordship that that
piece of ground is no glebe but the Bishop's land, and conse-
quently ought to be inserted in their lease as such, the said
Mr. Limerick in defence of the rights of his Church here offers
the several proofs which have been already produced by him for
said spot of land being a glebe, and therefore his in right of his
Church there.
The proofs produced to my Lord Bishop of Cork : —
First. An unanimous agreement amongst all the inhabitants
of that place and parish both in giving the name of Glebe to
that spot of ground and in showing the bounds of it, and the
like agreement amongst the oldest persons now living there, in
reporting the same from their fathers ; from whence it may be
reasoned, If this was not glebe, but Bishop's land, how came all
to agree in calling it glebe time immemorial ? Why is this dis-
tinguished from the other land by a different title, especially that
of glebe ? Why was not that very name of glebe extinguished,
if for no other reason, yet to prevent disputes that might
arise between the incumbent and Bishop's tenant about it, it
being notorious that Bishops, as such, can have no right to
glebes ? How came this at first to get the name of glebe, if it
was not such ? Why should the great stone in the street be
shown as the bounds by all ? if yet there was no distinction, but
all was Bishop's lands, this was a distinction without a difference,
which would be absurd. Why should the memory of this glebe
be preserved when it was the interest of the Bishop, or his
tenant, to have it destroyed ? To these questions there can be
no good answer given but that it was what it was and is called
— a glebe.
Second. This spot lies situate about the church of Crook-
haven, as glebes usually do, and there are several reasons as well
as tradition to prove that this was the mother or parish church,
'' This important word is obscure in the MS. both here and where it again oc-
curs, p. 353. — Edit.
for this was a much larger church than that at Kilmoe and bet-
ter built; the chancel part was of hewed freestone, well cemented
with shell lime, and though the stone was much mouldered and
eaten by age and weather, yet it was with great difficulty pulled
down ; whereas Kilmoe church is built mostly of round field-
stones with clay mortar, materials which could not stand long
affainst time and weather; this of Kilmoe was roofed and slated
very lately, as appears by Mahony's affidavit, and the roof car-
ried in Cromwell's wars to the fort of Crookhaven, whereas that
of Crookhaven has been out of repair time immemorial ; add to
this, that it is most probable the parish church should be built in
the town where there were most inhabitants and on a harbour,
as all the other churches thereabout are, and that when the town
was destroyed the other little church was hastily run up in the
centre of the parish for the convenience of the scattered inhabit-
ants ; from hence I infer, that Crookhaven was the mother or
parish church, and, if so, why not endowed with a glebe, as all
other churches originally were? and what so likely to be a glebe
as that land about it? especially since all after ages have agreed
in calling it one, and in fixing the very bounds of it. And this
answers the objection of its not being capable of being endowed
as a chapel, when the mother church was before endowed, — if
there was any thing in the objection, as I presume there is not,
for there is nothing so common as more glebes than one in a
1 find a terrier of two glebes lying at a great distance from
each other in the prebend of KillnamuUy and in Carogaline.
There are four in the parish I was born in : there is a mother
church endowed with a glebe let at 50/. per annum and a chapel
now in repair, which Bishop Hickman ^ would not consecrate
because he could not get a sufficient glebe to it ; and 1 am told
your lordship would not consent to remove the church of Tullah
to Baltimore because Sir Ralph Freke ^ would not endow it
with a glebe, though there is a glebe in the parish already ; and
<= Charles Hickman, Bishop of Derry 1702, died 1713.
"* Sir Ralph Freke, of West Bilney, co. Norfolk, and Castle Freke, co. Cork,
Bart, married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir John Meade, Bart, ancestor of the
Earls of Clanwilliam, and his only daughter (and heir to her brother Sir John Red-
mond Freke, Bart.) was married in 1741 to John Evans, Esq. whose son John as-
sumed the name of Freke, and was father of the present Lord Carbery.
I see no reason why other Bishops might not insist on the same
heretofore, and obtain it, especially at a time when people were
so liber.il in granting lands to pious lises that such grants were
at last forbid by law.
Third. It appears by some of the annexed affidavits that
Colonel Henry Beecher, ^ grandfather to present Henry, built
a fishing palace^ to the east of Crookhaven church on that
spot called the glebe, in opposition to William Hull, who was
possessed of the rest of Crookhaven not the Bishop's land. This
was done in Cromwell's wars, when said Beecher, being a Crom-
wellian, was in power, and when Dermisius Coghlan, who was
incumbent, removed to England ; from hence I infer, that if Hull
had any right to that spot, as he had to the rest, he would never
have permitted him to build there, being alway at strife with the
other about the fishing ; and his building there shews that that
spot was not then enjoyed by Hull. If it be asked what right
Beecher had to the glebe, the answer is easie ; he being a Crom-
wellian, in the times of confusion, in the absence of the incum-
bent, finding the glebe waste, possessed himself of it, as the
Cromwellians did of all church lands ; and after the Restoration,
Hull, who was a King's man, turned him out and possessed him-
self of it, there being noincumbent for many years after; and
then the other built a palace on the other side of the harbour,
which is still standing, and Hull had it put by his uncle Bishop
Boyle in his lease, though called the glebe in the very lease.
Fourth. Down Survey mentions three acres as part of the
island of Crookhaven distinct from the rest, which contains
131 acres; now this must be the glebe, because, first, there is
not any other denomination of land distinct from the rest but
the glebe, and secondly, because the glebe surveyed according to
the bounds shewed by the unanimous agreement of all the in-
habitants, answers exactly to the number of acres in Down Sur-
vey ; and if these three acres be the glebe, it is then evident
e Colonel Henry Becher, of Creagh, co. Cork. His descendant Mary married
William Wrixon, of Cecils town in the same county, Esq. who took the name
of Becher, and was father of Sir William Wrixon Becher, created a Baronet of the
United Kingdom in 1831.
f The house in which pilchards are salted " they call a palace." Smith's Cork,
vol. ii. p. 315. See in the Gentleman's Magazine, New Ser. xxviii. 1847, an ab-
stract of the deposition of Sir Richard Hull detailing his losses at Crookhaven, &c.
in the rebellion in 1641.
there was a glebe there at the time of Down Survey containing
three acres, and consequently that now enjoyed must be the very
These proofs carry with them at least violent presumptions
(to put them at lowest) that that spot lying about Crookhaven
church is really what it is called — a glebe.
Written Proofs: —
I have examined the office where I ought to expect evidence
of this kind, but (either through the neglect of former Bishops
in not enjoining their clergy to bring in terriers, or the fault of
registers in preserving them) there is no terrier of any glebe of
six years' standing; but, as this doth nothing for me, it doth as
litde against me, inasmuch as if this sort of proof was necessary
no clergyman in the two dioceses could prove his glebe.
The only proof of this kind I produce at present is Mr. Hull's
lease, in which in a parenthesis the glebe land of Crookhaven is
demised with the other lands, thus, " the three half plowlands of
Crookhaven (of which the glebe land is part) ;" here it is evident
that there is a glebe in Crookhaven, otherwise it had never been
called so, but the whole of Bishop's land would be demised with-
out any such parenthesis, and there can no other reason be given
for expressly mentioning the glebe but this, viz. ; that that being
so well known to be glebe the next incumbent would certainly
claim it, and thereupon, to prevent that, it is expressly named in
the lease, that under the umbrage of the Bishop's grant it
might be secured from the poor vicars, who either were too
poor or very unwilling to dispute with the Bishop ; and yet, not-
withstanding this expedient to cheat the vicar, it was claimed by
Mr. Parr, would have sued for it if he lived. Mr. Gibson, his
successor, lived some time on it as his own, till by Sir